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Government of India Archaeological Survey of India Janpath, New DeIhi-11 Dated: ZS*"* April, 2011 Sub:- Holding of meeting of Central Advisory Board of Archaeology (CABA)20 to be held on 20"* May,2011 in Hall No.4, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi -regarding Sir, In continuation of this office letter No.F.9/5/2008-EE dated 17.3.2011, I am directed to inform you that meeting of Central Advisory Board of Archaeology will _be held on 20^'' May,2011 at 10.30 a.m. in Hall No.4, Vigyan Bhawan,New Delhi under the chairpersohship of the Hon'ble Minister foKCuIttire Md HoUsing~& Urban Poverty Alleviation, GOI. The agenda, detailed programme of the meeting will be communicated to you later. You are requested to please attend the above meeting on 20*^ May, 2011 in Hall No.4, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. (Shubhra Pramanik) Director EE 1. Joint Secretary, Government of India, Department of Culture, Shastri Bhawan, NewDelhi-11 (dealing with ASI) 2. Director General, Archaeological Survey of India, Janpath, New Delhi-110011. 3. Addl. Director General, Archaeological Survey ofIndia, Janpath, New Delhi. 4. • Shri G.V. Subrahmanyim, Advisor, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Department of Environment, C.G.O. complex, New Delhi. 5. Chairman, University Grants Commission,Near ITO,New Delhi. 6. Director General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Indraprasth, New Delhi. 7. Director General, National Museum, Janpath, New Delhi-11. 8. Dr. V.R. Rao, Director-in-Charge, Anthropological Survey ofIndia, 27 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Calcu'tta-16- 9. The Secretary (Tourism), Government ofIndia, Transport Bhawan,New Delhi. 10. Maj. Gen. Umesh Chander, Surveyor General, Survey ofIndia, Cant Road, Dehradun (Uttarakfaand). 11. Chief Engineer, Central Public Works Department, Nirm^ Bhawan, New Delhi-11. 12. Chief Pianner,Town and Country Planning Organisation, Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation, E-Block, Delhi Vikas Bhawan,I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002. 13. Prof. Ranjit Mitra, Director, School ofPlanning and Architecture, 4, Block B, I.P. Estate, New DeIhi-110002. 14. Director, National Remote Sensing Agency, Data Centre, Balanagar, Hyderabad- 37. A 13. ^0 ^ cjifd^bdi 4, ®eff^ anf. 41". srf o ** fe#-110002. .14. 1^]^, tt;^, 5TCT cjldM^K, gd;<Nlc\-37 15. 71, d'1'3 ^ I^*c>-rti-11C003. 16. - ^. (:n3=3Rrm), 95-96, ^fTT59T TJ^, srf .110001. 17. 17, ^fe ^-110001. 18. " ^ WTcf (ctemr), 1,^ TJTfe, fe?r-110003. 19. rTsTOff, .H^IdRlcj, xrflunf^ 1,^ '^iM«^iidi-700016. 20. ^ Mildcci dkl^c^l ^-17, ^FkM 3TTf 3TTf o o o ^ 21. 3n:2reT, 3TRc1Ur,^WTW ar^RTtTM 35, o 22.-.^- ;ft. amr-mTJ#, w ?tt?^ I^mpt, d-u^id-ii O k . > ■ oiaiH^r,■ 23. wrf?r 3TR^ W M'ildH f^^-3TR^, ' ?llPdl^4id«H-731235, ^?Tlor. 24. tft. ^. 'STFT, M^ldrci W ^rr4W ff^fPfT f^§TPT, OT.T?^. tToRIHI o 25. ■ .^. TRT. f^, M^ldrcl EfTT^. O O 26. ^fr. TT^. §Tct5fr, ai^-JTST w ^ aw y^ciid ItarFt, ar^lvr^ cHR^d-H 3T??PT^-202002 (5.^.) - ,27. yt. f^qr^, weJW ff^^RT, d-HfRI atk ddud - ^RFRfr-221005 C3M.)\ 28. f^Tqr, t^oii^d ^fkaiRr, w^^, arF^r^fRT^- 380007. 29. ^. T7^. 3TR. ?W. t^rqr, 1%^ ^fkaiRT, ^ qt3efT, ?fkT-403004. o 30. qt. fT■.^^t. aRmnr, ^ ^ aR^Tt?r-26360l (ard<i^u^)i 31. ^. ^ SrtlMr ^k^IR, 37^^, 3|kTTl 32. ^. ^. ^. Fkr, ST^TT^ d^y^d sT^ri^iqr (q«iic^^f^ci)( "3 an^^s;^ ^.71, ;RT^r ?[Ff^ ■0$, "FIT, ^TTT, «tiolVc.«t>. O ^ fS 33. ^. arr^. ^. §ITfr, 204, ddi aiqii^.J^c-d, l^^r^kr dd, ^cRT^T^r-44. 34. ^. ^. Tm. 'Hldlciiul, 1/6, cj^r^Nd qrfe, qT5TT3Tit qt:^ qi^. kr qW, ^^1^-390007, JloRld. o 35. ^. ^ ^f([1ddd airqi RCikr, 11, ^q-Fft^ ttT^, 31^-302004 (^03R=2TM)| 36. ^. %. Hssdi, arqqq^r. qiRT q-ndrd qt^Rrr, q^idd d^did qrf^ ^-411006 (HFRT^I 37. qr. %." :u3id-, w art-^rer, qiH^ f^dRd-^id^, qrfl^-oosou. 38. ^ anqmrr <h^i^c|<h, ^0 fr 1, d-t-^dqil arqr^TfeF, cj^^idd ^fr qqqr^M, arrcRr- o o qqqRT, "^^-600088, di^lddis O 39. -eJt TTH. aTR. Tiq, 1233,34 ^T qTRT, 26 q 3^7, iv fl" 3RRFR, qRdk-560041, chdlcqi I -2- . ; 15. The Director, INTACH,71, Lothi Estate, New Delhi-l 10003. 16. Dr. V. Maritreyan, Member of Parliament(Rajya Sabha),95-96, south Avenue, New Delhi-l 10 001. 17. Dr. Nirmal Khatri, Member of Parliament(Lok Sabha), 17, Canning Lane, New Delhi-no 001. 18. Shri Shripad Yesso Naik, Member of Parliament(Lok Sabha), I, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi-l 10 003. 19. Prof. Ramakanta Chakrabarty, General Secretary, Asiatic Society, 1, Park Street, Calcutta-700 016. 20. Sh. K.N- Dikshit, General Secretary, Indian Archaeological Society, B-17, Qutab institutional Area, South of HT,New Delhi. 21. Chairman, Indian Council of Historical Research, 35, Ferozshah Road,New Delhi- 22. Prof. Anupa Pande, Head of the Department, Department of History of Art & Muscology, National Museum Institute, Janpath, New Delhi. 23. Prof. Ganapathy Subbiah, Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology, Visva-Bharti, Santiniketan-731.235, West Bengal. , 24. Prof. K.K. Bhan, Department of Archaeology & Ancient History, Faculty of Arts, M.S. University ofBaroda, Vadodara, Gujarat. 25. Prof. V. S. Shinde, Prof, of Asian Archaeology, Deccan College, Pune, Maharashtra. 26. Prof. B.L. Bhadani, Chairman & Coordinator, Centre of Advance Study, Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202 002(U.P-). 27. Prof. Vibha Tripathi, Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005 (U.P.). 28. Director, Graphic Design, National Institute of Design, Paldi, Ahmedabad- 380007 29. Dr. S.R. Shetye, Director, National Institute of Oceanography,Dona Poula, Goa- 403004. 30. Prof. D.P. Agarwal, Lok Vigyan Kendra, East Pokharkhali, Almora-263 601 (Uttarakhand). 31. Dr. Rajni Kant Choudhury, Director, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. 32. Dr. K.V. Ramesh, Former Joint Director General (Epigraphist)', Abhyudaya No.71, J Block,Raman Maharshi Road, Kuvempu Nagar, Mysore, Kamataka. 33. Dr.I.K. Sarma,204,LataApartments,2"''floor, VidyaNagar,Hyderabad^4. 34. Prof. V.H. Sonawane, 1/6, Vrindavan Estate, Pashabhai Patel Park, Race Course, Vadodara-390 007, Gujarat. 35. Dr. RimaHooja, Institute of Rajasthan Studies, 11, Uniyara Garden, Jaipur-302 004 (Rajasthan). 36. Prof. K.Paddayya, Emeritus Professor of Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Deccan College(Deemed University), Pune-411 006," Maharashtra. 37. Prof. K. Rajan, Prof. & Head,Department of History, University ofPondicherry, PondicheiTy-605 014. 38. Shri Iravaatham Mahadevan,No.Bl,Narumukai Apartments, BrindavanNagar Extension, Adambakkam, Chermai-600 088, Tamil Nadu. 39. Shri S.R. Rao, 1233, 34*^ cross, 26 A Main,IV T Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore- 560041, Kamataka. 40. Prof. M.K.Pal, Former Director, Saha Institute ofNuclear Physics, Kolkata, 41: Prof. R. Subbarayalu, Historical Atlas of South India & Head of Indology Department, French Institute of Pondicherry, 11 St. Louis Street, Pondicherry- 605001. (J) uv o o o CK O O in- K) dH TO O t: '5 IC/ T 5 lO ^5: uv F (5 ^ (1 (1 fly in •T UV '7 IDO O' TO lO Co O) lO fly r dH ^ 3 — CN^ O cy UV O V. o '1 ia o fly IC/ (± CO (S (1 (R fly r^-. (2 ss (H ay o = ^ dH '6^ - . CD XD o UV O ii? O fly in O UV o UV o o CD L CD TO ^ (\k CN 'E TO t UV eg -?■ 4i= •} i& 10' o S£ TO (i? (i? 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