-------~--- ----------- - ---------·------------------------------------- ~-~---------- SMC Judicial Board- page 3 VOL XIX, NO. 17 1ill' indl'pl'ndt·nt ~tudt·nt Ill'\\ ~papl'r ~tT\ ing nc 11n dalllt' and ~ainl man ~ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1984 College reveals . ·- '"'\ ' science hall plans By JOANIE GIBLIN the renovation. .-. Sluff Reporler "In the four-year period following the opening of the present science - 'Ibe S6. 5 million Saint Mary's Sci· facility, there were 160 science ence Hall renovation is slated to majors. During the period from hcgin by March, 198S according to 1980 to 1983 we expect to see ap· Vice President and Dean of Faculty proximately 445 science majors in Dr. William Hickey. our biology, chemistry and medical "We hope to go to our Board of technology programs," noted Regents in October with the final Hickey. " These students are now cost estimate, as wdl as all of the taught by a staff of 16 full-time, 2 - final details, for approval," said part-time faculty, and 3 full-time lab­ Hickt•y. "Subsequent to that, we oratory assistants. In addition, the ""'~·,? hope to start accepting bids for a nursing program, which enrolls ~f- ' ... contractor in January 1985, begin about 60 students per year, has had a construction in March of that year, significant impact on the science ~ and see the project complt:ted in the facility." r . ( fall of I 986." Hickey said the conditions which Plans for the renovation and addi· exist in the present facility are not ~. tion have been in the works since only inadequate, but unsafe. "The 4 7 crowded conditions and the use of a pA¢ II ~ 1979. The College hired ·a consul· -- tant in 1981, and sdected the Min· variety of chemicals, instruments, nesota architectural firm of Sovik, etc., make safety a very real concern Mathrc, Sathrum and Quanbeck in for all of us. Addressing these prob· 1982 from a large group of inter· Iems, however, is only the minimum viewees. for an institution that would like to Clinton Sathrum, a senior mem· suggest that it continues to offer a her of the firm, was named building first-rate education in the sciences." consultant, due to his work on sci· The need for research space and ence buildings at other schools. equipment is great, especially for "It goes without saying that the the senior science majors. Hickey case for a science facility was made commented, "Science has to be The ObKrvcor/ChaJtanya PanchaJ done, not just studied." impressively years ago, long before Student Body Vice President Cathy David confers night's meeting. See Mike Millen's story below. the formal planning began," said The new facility will include: con· with other members of the Student Senate at last Hickey. "'Ibc present science facility trolled environmental spaces, in· was built in 1955 for an institution strument rooms, computer facilities, with an enrollment of 700 students. as well as highly sophisticated At that time, there were five full· pieces of equipment essential for a Senate debates election procedures time members of the science faculty, variety of scientific experiments. and the only requirement in this This project will provide 75,000 By MIKE MILLEN amendment, which failed 10·3, status after the event was held two area for the non-science major was a , square feet ( 32,000 existing and Sluff Reporler would have penalized candidates for years ago. He said total cost was year of science or mathematics. 4 3,000 new) at a proposed total cost Observer endorsements. Henry 545,000 and a net loss of J4, 500 was Presently, all students must take a of $ 6, 500,000. This expenditure in· An animated discussion regarding Sienkiewicz, Ombudsman director, sustained. The event would prob­ year of laboratory science and the dudes not only new construction the merits of election endorsements pointed out the inconsistent rela· ably break even "if we kept out the enrollment stands at 1,800." and remodeling, but also numerous by The Observer took place at last tionship between election victories t-shirts ... and had a non-refundable The increased number of science furnishings and pieces of equip· night's Student Senate meeting. and Observer endorsements. deposit," Novas said, noting that "we majors during the past 28 years, the ment. There will be additions in the The discussion centered around Alison Yurko, executive coordina­ kept a lot of the records." Final ap· re-establishment of the nursing pro­ area of electron microscopy, as well the Ombudsman election rules and a tor, agreed, adding "let's give the proval will be sought at the upcom­ gram, and the growth offull-time sci· see SCIENCE, page 3 a proposed addition to them. The students a little more credit (than ing Campus Life Council meeting. cnce faculty are other reasons for simply follwing Observer opinion)." Sophomore Class President Jim Student Senator Pat Browne Domalgowski was completely proposed a resolution to allocate a Mondale blasts Reagan policies against the amendment, noting the social activities budget for senators. A.'isoclated Press importance of communication be· "I think it would help the social life level of steel imports for five years to Louisville and Oct. 21 in Kansas City, tween politicians and media. "Don't around the campus," Browne said. WASHINGTON · Walter Mondale give industry a chance to raise capi· Mo., as annnounced yesterday by let personal experience with The Judicial Board Chairman Joe Zahn tal. the League of Women Voters in said Sunday that President Reagan Observer slant your view," he said. pointed out "senators were strictly Mondale recalled that four years Washington. The league will also has hccn "essentially absent" from legislative," when their positions ago when Reagan was running for sponsor a vice presidential debate the search for peace in the Middle Some senate members were con· were created but Senator Tom president he visited a steel mill in between George Bush and East and that four more years under cerned with the ambiguity of the Abood countered "we can expand Geraldine Ferraro Oct. I 1 in the president's leadership "will take Youngstown, Ohio, and told proposed rules. Section Four of the on that." us closer to the brink" of war. workers, "I won't forget you." Philadelphia. amendment states campaigning in "No wonder the world has the jit· Mondale said, "He forgot you and Reagan planned two campaign Observer offices is forbidden. "With Kevin McGovern, student ac- ters," the Democratic presidential it's now your turn to forget him." trips this week· to Connecticut and the exception being the interviews tivites board manager, noted "the candidate said as he assaulted In his foreign policy speech, New Jersey on Wednesday and Iowa for Observer endorsement, these entertainment commissioner talked Reagan's record in U.S.-Soviet rela­ Mondale displayed the newly ag· and Michigan on Thursday. meetings will be held within the twice with the dorm reps," adding tions, Central America, human rights gressivc style he first unveiled late His running mate, Vice President time allowed for campaigning." Rule "things can be done district wide." and Middle Eastt:rn polk-y. last week. George Bush, was out on the hus­ II, however, states "no one may St. Edward's Hall President Duane In an address to a group of Jewish "We want jobs, we don't want tings, however, observing the na· receive or solicit public endorse­ Lawrence added, "I think it's the supporters, Mondale said Reagan has jingles ... We do not want policy by tion's largest naturalization ments ... from any organization with senator's job to contact dorm presi· been "essentially absent" from the evasion, economics by rabbit foot, ceremony. normal working hours." dents if something is lacking." 'Inc st·arch for peace in the Middle East government by a smile button and "All Americans are immigrants, or resolution failed to pass. and "has squandered the promise of leadership by isolation," he said. the descendants of immigrants. Our Rule II also states "no one may the Camp David accords between Mondale made his remarks as he common experience of immigration receive or solicit public endorse· A motion to perform two cvalua· Egypt and Israel." set out on a cross-country campaign develops an unseen but insoluble ments from any official organization tions on the president, vice presi­ Mondalc said he would "scrap the day, the first leg of a long week of bond of partnership among us," the ur its members." This directly con· dent, and senators passed 7-6. failed Reagan plan" for peace in the campaigning in which he is seeking vice president told the 9,706 new flicts with Rule I2 which says "no Student Body President Rob Ber­ rt·gion and give the new Israeli gov­ to narrow the gap in public-opinion Americans who had taken the oath one may receive endorsement... un­ tino, who cast the deciding vote, t·rnmt·nt time to develop its own polls. of citizenship at the Orange Bowl in til the actual campaigning period said "the students have a right to policies toward the Arabs. He also Asked about a new NBC poll that Miami. begins." know" what their represt•ntatives said he would move the U.S. em· showed him trailing Reagan by 30 "Welcome to your country," Bush After 35 minutes of what one sen· are doing. Ray Wise, executive co­ hassy in lsrad to Jerusalem. points, Mondalc said, "Recent polls told the pa<:kcd stadium. "'Ibis land ate member later termed "fruitless" ordinator, thought the measure to 'lht· presidential candidate arc all over the map." His own aides, is now your land. But America is debate, the original set of rules was be ineffectual, stating "the only way charged that Reagan has pursued a meanwhile, said Mondalc's most more than a land.
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