PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 13, 2020 LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA THIS MEETING WILL BE HELD VIA ZOOM HOSTED FROM THE MONA LISA DREXLER ASSEMBLY CHAMBERS AT THE JUANITA HELMS ADMINISTRATION CENTER 907 TERMINAL STREET, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA October 13, 2020 at 6:00 PM Please use the link below to join the webinar: https://fnsb.zoom.us/j/92480490891 Or Dial 888 475 4499 Webinar ID: 924 8049 0891 Work Session A brief presentation and update by FNSB Parks and Recreation staff and Community Planning staff regarding the FNSB Comprehensive Recreational Trail Plan. (Page 5) The regular meeting immediately following the work session. A. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL B. MESSAGES 1. Communications to the Planning Commission 2. Citizen’s Comments – limited to three (3) minutes a. Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing b. Items other than those appearing on the agenda 3. Disclosure & Statement of Conflict of Interest C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Approval of consent agenda passes all routine items indicated by asterisk (*) on agenda. Consent agenda items are not considered separately unless any Commission member or citizen so requests. In the event of such request, the item is returned to the general agenda. D. *MINUTES 1. *Minutes from September 22, 2020. (Page 51) Page 3 of 145 E. APPEAL Appeal request is continued from the September 22, 2020 Planning Commission meeting. 1. Appeal of AM2021-001: An appeal by Jessica and Jonathan Sanborn of the denial of a request for amnesty relief for a zone lot of 114,650 square feet in size instead of the required 200,000 square feet in the Rural & Agricultural-5 (RA-5) zoning district for Tax lots 338 and 308, Sec. 3, T1N R1E, located at 1944 Gilmore Trail. Staff Contact: Melissa Kellner (Page 53) F. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING 1. CU2021-002: A request by Christopher Jensen for conditional use approval for a Business Office in the Multiple-Family Residential/Professional Office with Special Limitations (MFO/SL) zoning district on Lot A-6A1 Phillips 3rd Addition, located at 2485 Chief William Drive. Staff Contact: Kristina Heredia (Page 107) G. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion of election of Planning Commission Officers H. EXCUSE FUTURE ABSENCES I. COMMISSIONER’S COMMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS 1. FAST Update J. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be held in a digital format, through teleconference and/or web-based technology. More specific information will be posted on the Planning Commission webpage at http://co.fairbanks.ak.us/Boards/Pages/Planning-Commission.aspx prior to the meeting so participants can attend by telephone or other electronic means. Due to the current public health emergency, participants may testify either by telephone or other electronic means. Testimony can be provided under the procedures established by the Planning Commission and the Mayor. Deadline for submitting a request for written testimony on quasi-judicial items is 5:00 P.M. on Monday, October 5, 2020. For more information about how you can provide verbal or written testimony, contact the Department of Community Planning by calling 459-1260 or emailing [email protected]. Page 4 of 145 WORK SESSION A brief presentation and update by FNSB Parks and Recreation staff and Community Planning staff regarding the FNSB Comprehensive Recreational Trail Plan. Page 5 of 145 LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 6 of 145 COMPREHENSIVE RECREATIONAL TRAIL PLAN Fairbanks North Star Borough Last updated 5/30/06 Page 7 of 145 COMPREHENSIVE RECREATIONAL TRAIL PLAN Adopted June 13, 1985 Ordinance 85-053 Revised March 26, 1987 Ordinance 87-021 Revised March 24, 1988 Ordinance 88-017 Revised March 12, 1992 Ordinance 92-007 Revised August 11, 1995 Ordinance 95-025 Revised January 28, 1999 Ordinance 99-002 Revised April 13, 2000 Ordinance 2000-22 Revised October 23, 2003 Ordinance 2004-02 Revised April 13, 2006 Ordinance 2006-24 Page 8 of 145 FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH Comprehensive Recreational Trail Plan I. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………… Page 1 II. Introduction………………………………………………………………… Page 2 A. Background………………………………………………………… Page 2 B. Process Used in Plan Development Page 2 C. Organizational Structure of the Trail Plan Page 6 III. The Proposed Trail Program……………………………………………….. Page 8 A. Major components of the Trail Program……………....................... Page 8 1. Three Category System of Trails…………………………… Page 8 2. Adopt-a-Trail Program……………………………………... Page 11 3. Trail Dedication Authority………………………………….. Page 12 B. Issues, Goals, Policies and Objectives…………………………….. Page 13 C. Program Implementation…………………………………………... Page 22 D. Specific Trail Recommendations………………………………...... Page 25 Page 9 of 145 II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Fairbanks North Star Borough Comprehensive Recreational Trail Plan is intended to be a tool to assist the Borough and other public agencies in identifying and preserving important recreational trail corridors. Through identification of priority trail corridors and delineation of Borough policies, the trail plan will help facilitate the coordination of trails with other land development. When adopted by the Borough Assembly, the trail plan will become an element of the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan. Trail related outdoor recreation activities are particularly important to residents of interior Alaska. Since the time of the initial hunting, trapping and gold rush trails which led through the wilderness to the new townsite of Fairbanks, trails have been an important aspect of interior Alaska life. More recently some of these historic trail corridors have become used primarily for recreation. Although the purposes and uses of some of these routes have changed somewhat, the basic concept of traveling from one point to another in relatively natural setting remains much the same. Trail recreation provides Alaskans the opportunity to experience the outdoors while also reliving a part of our frontier history. The recreational trail program has the potential to be one of the most cost-effective recreation investments the Borough can pursue. By working with both public and private land developers to reserve existing trails and establishing an active volunteer program, costs of the program can be kept to a minimum. As the trail program becomes more soundly established and trails are dedicated and identified for public use, the Borough will experience additional benefits which include a promotion of year round tourism and establishing a more attractive climate for the location of new business. The Comprehensive Trail Plan proposes a trail program with three key elements. The first element of the program in a three category system of trails includes: 1) federal and state recreational trails, 2) the Fairbanks North Star Borough recreational trail system, and 3) neighborhood recreational trails. The second major component of the trail plan is the “Adopt-a-Trail Program”. This program involves establishing agreements with trail user groups, service organizations, neighborhood associations or other interested parties to provide maintenance or other specified work on individual trails. The third key element is establishing trail dedication authority for trails identified in the Comprehensive Recreational Trail Plan which cross land undergoing the subdivision process. The Comprehensive Recreational Trail Plan identifies the priority trail corridors which the Borough and other public agencies should pursue for public dedication. The plan also provides a process by which additional trails can be added to the plan at the request of citizen groups. At the same time, because Eminent Domain powers (or forced taking of land for a public need) will not be used and circumstances may change with time, there is no guarantee that all trails included in the plan will become dedicated to the public in their entirety. For this reason the trail plan should be considered a dynamic document which may change due to changing circumstances. The Comprehensive Recreational Trail Plan deals primarily with trails not yet dedicated for public use. Trails systems such as the Birch Hill Ski Trails which lie on dedicated public park land are included primarily to document presently available public trails. For any trails within the Plan that are currently listed in the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities RS 2477 inventory, agreements should be worked out to establish recreation and access needs as a co-use. 1 Page 10 of 145 II. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND Trail oriented recreation has evolved in interior Alaska as an activity which embodies the history and spirit of the “Alaskan Lifestyle” and which is well suited to the arctic environment. Trails which were originally established for mining access, logging roads, trap lines, and other purposes have become natural corridors for trail recreation. Many of these routes have remained cleared and useable up to the present time because of their continued recreational use. In recent land use planning efforts within the Borough, trail recreation has continually been identified as a major concern in public meetings. The public involvement processes of the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan, the Borough draft Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan and the State’s draft Tanana Basin Area Plan have all indicated very strong support for preservation of existing trails. The Fairbanks North Star Borough Recreational Trail Program was formally initiated in February 1980 with the adoption of Resolution 80-9. This resolution established the policy “for creation
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