West Virginia Radio WMOV(AM) -1953: 1360 Khz; 1 Kw-D

West Virginia Radio WMOV(AM) -1953: 1360 Khz; 1 Kw-D

Strange, news dir; James Martin, chief engt Rates: Ravenswood $10; 9.60; 10; 8.50. West Virginia Radio WMOV(AM) -1953: 1360 khz; 1 kw-D. Box 647 1948: 94.1 WOAY -FM -Co -owned with WOAY(AM). (26164). (304) 273 -2544. Good Neighbor Bcstrs Inc. Dups AM 100 %. mhz; 25.5 kw. Ant 650 ft. Stereo. Net: UPI, APR. Format: C &W. Rex Osborne, pres & -TV WOAY affil. gen mgr; Rob Ely, mus dir; Ruth Brooks, coml mgr; Dave Lee, prog dir; Jenny Elkins, prom mgr; Drew Hun - WTNJ(FM) -See Mount Hope. w -N. 106 Radio St. (25276). (304) 927 -3760. Roane nell, news dir; R. Osborne, chief engr. Rates: $8; B; Communications Inc. (acq 9- 22 -82). Rep: Keystone. 8; 8. Parkersburg Format: Div. James E. Damron, VP & gen mgr; W. Ellis, prog dir; Scot Epling, mus dir; Sam Hall, news Richwood Koenig, Rates: WADC(AM) -April 9, 1954: 1050 khz; 5 kw -D. 703 dir; Larry chief engr. $3.50; 3.50; 3.50; 2. Market St. (26101). (304) 485 -7354. CD! WADC/ WPAR(AM)- January 1958: 600 khz; 1 kw -D. Box WIBZ Partnership (acq 12- 21 -79). Net: ABC /C. Rep: 349 (26261). (304) 846 -2514. R -S Bcstg Co. (acq Regional Reps. Format: C &W. Gerald Mikitka, pres; 1- 1 -65). Format: Variety. Spec prog: Gospel 5 hrs, farm Summerville John J. Demeter, gen mgr; William O'Brien, prog dir; 1 hr wkly. C. Farrell Johnson, pres & chief engr; Jane WCWV(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 92.9 Susan Tyler, mus dir; John Corcoran, chief engr. W. Mundy, coml mgr; Des Thomas, prop dir & prom mhz; 30.9 kw. Ant 656 ft. Box 349 Richwood (26261). Rates: $13: 11: 13; 11. mgr. R &S Bsctg Inc. Format: C &W, gospel, easy listening. WIBZ(FM) -Co -owned with WADC(AM). Sept 1, Ripley 1965: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 210 ft. Stereo. Net: ABC /FM. Sutton Rep: Regional. Format AOR. Spec prog: Jazz 3 hrs WCEF(FM) -Feb 24, 1981: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 1140 -Jan 22, 1964: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 wkly. Cathy Evan, mus dir. Rates: S13; 11; 13; 11. ft. Stereo. Box 798 (25271). (304) 372 -6665. Randy WSGB(AM) w -N. 189A Main St. (26601). (304) 765 -7373. Milliken Jay Communications. Net: UPI. Format: Top -40. 1 kw -D. Investment Corp. (acq 6- 1 -80). Net: APR. Rep: Dome WKYG(AM)- September 1947: 1230 khz; Calvin Dailey, Jr., pres & gen mgr; Donn West, coml & Assocs. Format: MOR. Jim Milliken, Ares & 250 w -N. Box 368 (26101). (304) 485 -4565. Com- mgr; Bob Edwards, prog & mus dir; Mark Mayhugh, gen mgr; Jim Milliken, coml mgr & chief engr; Steve munity Bcstg Service (acq 10 -72). Net: ABC /I. Rep: chief engr. Rates: $6.50; 6.50; 6.50; 6.50. Savalli /Gates. Format: Modern country. H. Smoot Douglas, prog & mus dir; Teresa Milliken, news dir. Fahlgren, pres; Robert B. Mitchell, gen mgr; Sean Romney Rates: $3.50; 3; 3.50; 3. Marshall, prog dir; Jack See, news dir; Tyrone Hemry, chief engr. Rates: $13; 10; 11; 9. 'WJGF(FM) -March 30, 1973: 91.5 mhz; 10 w. Ant Weirton 42 ft. East Main St. (26757). (304) 822 -3521, ext. 241. WQAW(FM) -Co -owned with WKYG(AM). March WEIR(AM) -Sept 15, 1950: 1430 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -2. West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind. Net: 1967: 103.1 mhz; 730 w. Ant 550 ft. Stereo. Format: 3578 Penn. Ave. (26062). (304) 723 -1430. Gilcom ABC, MBS. Format: Variety. George E. Keady, gen Btf I mus. Robert B. Mitchell, gen mgr. Rates: Corp. (acq 8 -76). Net: CBS. Rep: Masla, Dome. For- mgr. $9.50; 12; 10.50; 8. mat: MOR. Spec prog: Ital 1 hr, Greek 1 hr wkly. Ed- ward T. Gilley, pres; John Rambo, stn mgr; Gary WPAR(AM) -July 12, 1935: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Ronceverte Wickham, sls mgr; Roger Corey, prog dir; Colleen w -N. Box 449 (26101). (304) 485 -4491. Burka Bcstg Marshall, news dir. Rates: $20; 17.50; 20; 12. WRON(AM) -1947: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. 276 Co. Inc. (acq 9- 1 -74). Net: NBC. Rep: Jack Masla, Trail N. Dome & Assoc. Format: MOR. Bernard (Bud) Burka, Seneca (24970). (304) 645 -3425. Radio Inc. (acq 1969). Net: MBS. Rep: Keystone, Welch pres; Richard Glaser, gen & coml mgr; Steve McCoy, Greenbriar Dome. Format: Contemp, C &W. Spec prog: Farm 20 prog dir; Tim Nichols, mus dir; Randy Kinsolving, chief WELC(AM) -Aug 19, 1950: 1150 khz; 5 kw-D. Box hrs wkly Roy D. Wooster Jr., pres; Mike Kidd, prog engr. Rates: $7.50; 7.50; 7.50; 7.50. 949 (24801) (304) 436 -2131. Pocahontas Bcstg Co. dir; David Moore, chief engr. Rates: $6.95; 6.95; Net: UPI Audio. Rep: Keystone. Format: MOR, Oldies, 1, 95.1 mhz; kw. Ant 6.95; 5.90. WXIL(FM) -Sept 1975: 50 500 religious, C &W. Sam Sidote, pres, gen & coml mgr; ft. Stereo. Box 1228 (26101). (304) 485 -7425. PBBC WRON -FM -Jan 1, 1983: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 270 ft. Mary Sidote, Sam Sidote, pres, gen & coml mgr; Inc. (acq 9- 1 -80). Group owner: Burbach Bcstg Corp. Mary Sidote, prog dir; & prom mgr; John Sidote, mus pres; Stereo. Format: MOR. Danny Hutchens, mus dir. Net: NBC. Format: MOR. Jack Laubach, Larry dir & news dir; Marvin Smallwood, chief engr. O. Garrett, gen mgr; Larry Lewis, stn mgr; Paul Rupert DeMille, prog & mus dir; Tim Brust, news dir; Chuck WXEE(AM) -Dec 1, 1955: 1340 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- Leavens, chief engr. Rates: $15; 14; 15; 14. N. Box 1340 (24801). (304) 436 -4191. Mountaineer WYKM(AM) -Dec 9, 1981: 1250 khz. Box 627 Bcstg (acq 6- 1 -78). Net: ABC /C. Format: Top 40. Spec (25984). (304) 392 -6003. Mountain State Bcstg Co. progs: Relig 10 hrs, C &W 1 hr, Black 3 hrs wkly. Tom- Philippi B. Glenn Barker, pres. my L. Kuhn, pres; W. Dale Ellis, VP & gen mgr; James WOAB(FM)- October 1975: 91.3 mhz; 10 w. Ant 46 St. Albans A. Sassak, prop & news dir; Jesse Foust, chief engr. ft. Alderson -Broaddus College (26416). Alderson - Rates: $3.50; 3.50; 3.50; 3.50. - Broaddus College. Format: Diversified. Mike Dig WGKV(AM) -Jan 14, 1956: 1300 khz; 1 kw-D. Box man, gen mgr; Richard Hudson, media specialist. 556 (25177). (304) 722 -3308. WKLC Inc. (acq Weston 12 -79). Net: APR, MBS. Rep: Dome. Format: C &W, WHAW(AM) 14, 1948: 980 khz; 1 kw -D. Box religious. William B. Harrison, pres; Skeeter Dodd, -Feb Central W. Va. Service Pineville gen mgr; Bob Able, prog dir; Dave Newhouse, chief 980 (26542). (304) 269 -5555. Corp. (acq 6- 11 -54). Rep: Dome & Associates, engr; Tom Nester, mus dir. Rates: $5.60; 4.90; 5.60; WWYO(AM) -1949: 970 khz; 1 kw-D. Box 549 Regional. Format: C &W. Richard H. Ralston, pres; (24874). (304) 732 -7970. Wyoming Bcstg Co. Net: Mrs. Ruth Brown, sec -treas; Terry B. White, gen mgr; UPI. Rep: Regional Reps. Format: Top -40. Robert D. WKLC -FM -Jan 1, 1966: 105.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 Arkie Posey, prog dir; Stanley Brown, chief engr. Jr., Ares; R.D. Ill, exec VP news dir; L.R. Bailey Bailey & ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: C &W. Scott Rates: $3.65; 3.65; 3.65; -. Parks, opns mgr; Ken Edwards, sls mgr; Rex Carleton, Berg, mus dir. Rates: $5.90; 4.90; 5.90; 4.90. mus dir; Brian Scott, sports dir; Cheryl Cook, traffic & WSSN(FM) -Co -owned with WHAW(AM). Aug 29, office mgr; R. Kerbawy, chief engr. Rates: $4.15; 1972: 102.3 mhz; 940 w. Ant 490 ft. W. Va. Net. For- 4.15; 4.15; 4.15. Salem mat: MOR. Rates: $3.65; 3.65; 3.65; 3.65. *WITS-FM -July 29, 1976: 91.1 mhz; 10 w. Ant 180 Princeton ft. Salem College (26426). (304) 782 -5230. Salem Westover College. (acq 7- 29 -76). Net: ABC /C. Format: Progrsv, WJCF(FM) -Nov 1, 1982: 101 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 198 ft. WAEY(AM)- December 1947: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, top -40. James E. Gano, gen mgr; Mike Urban, prog Stereo. 124 Holland Ave. (26505). (304) 292 -1101. 250 w -N. Box 1011 (24740). (304) 425 -2151. Betap dir; Rick Feura, news dir. Falkenstine Bcstg Inc. Format: Btfl mus. Craig L. Corp. (acq 4- 1 -73). Format: C &W. Henry G. Beam, Falkenstine, pres & gen mgr; David A. Smith, prog dir; pres, gen & comi mgr; Jack Sheridan, prog & mus dir, Shepherdstown Jack Maciejewski, chief engr. Rates: $8; 8; 8; 8. prom mgr; Brian Baxter, news dir. Rates: $9.05; 9.05; 9.05; 6.05. 'WSHC(FM) -1974: 88.7 mhz; 10 w. Ant 80 ft. (CP: 93.7 mhz, 8.5 w, Ant -19 ft.). Box 277, Shepherd Col- Wheeling WAEY -FM- September 1971: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant lege (25443). Shepherd College. Format: Progsv, Top WANJ(FM)- October 1966: 107.5 mhz; 12.5 kw 285 ft. Stereo. Net: APR. Prog dups AM 100 %. 40. Prince B. Woodward, chancellor; George horiz; 11 kw vert. Ant ft horiz, 910 ft. vert. Wilson, fac adv; Joe Griffin, mgr. 870 Stereo. WKMY(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 100.9 98 16th St. Box 6273 (26003). (304) 233 -7560. W. Va mhz. Fincastle Communications Inc. Bsctg Co., Inc. (group owner; acq 4- 8 -69). Net: NBC. South Charleston Rep: McGavren- Guiid.

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