Of Celebrating Art Years

Of Celebrating Art Years

YEARS OF CELEBRATING ART XXXSDJUZDPJO 5)&$*5:0'*/%6-(&/$& 3$*5: -#4."3( ()"5,01"3 8&45 .6.#"* CWT:P[P6W^SP0ac3XbcaXRcXbPRaTbRT]c Bd__^acX]UaPbcadRcdaT[XZT[TRcdaTWP[[b bWP_TS_aTRX]RcfXcWXcbR^]RT]caPcX^]^U R^]e^RPcX^]WP[[bP]SR^]UTaT]RTUPRX[XcXTbX] \dbTd\bPacVP[[TaXTbTSdRPcX^]P[X]bcXcd <d\QPXD]XeTabXch4[_WX]bc^]T2^[[TVTP]S cX^]bQ^dcX`dTbP]SaTbcPdaP]cbWPbcWTUX]Tbc ^cWTaX]bcXcdcX^]bVXeTbcWT_aTRX]RcPd]X`dT PaaPh^UWTaXcPVTQdX[SX]VbX]cWTRXchP]SWPb _[PRTX]cWTf^a[S^UPacP]SRd[cdaT T\TaVTSPbP]X\_^acP]cPacP]SRd[cdaP[ :P[P6W^SPXbP\PV]TcU^aRaTPcXeTcP[T]c RT]caTcWa^]VTSQheXbXc^abP]Sc^daXbcbUa^\ 0acXbcbU^^SR^]]^XbbTdabUPbWX^]STbXV]Tab PRa^bbcWTV[^QT PaRWXcTRcdaTQdUUb*cWThU[^RZWTaT :P[P6W^SP³bQdX[SX]VbVXeTcWTPaTPPSXbcX]Rc FXcWcWTUd]SbUa^\CWT:P[P6W^SP0acb eXbdP[XST]cXchCWTaTPaT^eTa b`dPaT 5TbcXeP[P]Sbd__^acUa^\VT]Ta^db UTTc^UTgXbcX]VX]S^^aVP[[Tahb_PRT\Pbb b_^]b^abCWT:P[P6W^SP0bb^RXPcX^]WPb ^dcS^^a_PeT\T]cVP[[TaXTbP]STgWXQXcX^] WT[_TS_WhbXRP[[hX\_a^eTcWTPaTPaTbc^aX]V b_PRTbfXcWX]cWTR^eTaTSPaRPSTb\PZX]V QdX[SX]VbP]SUPRPSTbX]bcP[[X]V_T^_[TUaXT]S[h cWTPaTPP[XeX]VQaTPcWX]VDaQP]<dbTd\ bcaTTcUda]XcdaTP]SX\_a^eX]VcWTP\T]XcXTb Organised by www.kalaghodaassociation.com COLLABORATORS ƫƫ ƫƫ KALA GHODA ASSOCIATION <P]TRZ3PePa7^]2WPXa\P]1aX]SP<X[[TaBPahd3^bWX6TTcP2PbcT[X]^ BPa^YBPcXYPBPQhPbPRWX<dZWTaYTTCPaP]P:WdQRWP]SP]X0]dY1WPVfPcX KALA GHODA FESTIVAL COMMITTEE <P]TRZ3PePa1aX]SP<X[[Ta6TTcP2PbcT[X]^CPaP]P:WdQRWP]SP]X KALA GHODA ASSOCIATION AND FESTIVAL OFFICE =PaX\P]:WP\QPcP6T]TaP[<P]PVTaEXYT]SaP2WP]SP[XP0S\X]XbcaPcX^]<P]PVTa<PhP]ZEP[[TbWPWP]SAP\6Pcch KALA GHODA FESTIVAL TEAM =XR^[T<^Sh5TbcXeP[2^^aSX]Pc^a 1WPeXZPCWPZZPa0bbc5TbcXeP[2^^aSX]Pc^aHP\X]XBWPW<TTaPFPaaXTaHPbW2WPeP]APYXeETa\P 7^b_XcP[Xch)3TehP]X1PX]S^^a0ZPbW<^aT EVENT MANAGEMENT BTeT]ch4eT]c<P]PVT\T]c6a^d_ SECTION CURATORS 278;3A4= =daXhPAP^CPb]TT\APYZ^cfP[P 278;3A4=B;8C4A0CDA4 HPbWPbeXEPRRWP]X 28=4<0 <PhP]ZBWTZWPa:PaP]0VPafP[1WPeXZPCWPZZPa 30=24 0]^]]P6dWP 5>>3 A^gP]]T1P\Q^Pc=XR^[T<^Sh 74A8C064F0;:B 1WPaPc6^cW^bZPa ;8C4A0CDA4 8]SXaP2WP]SaPbTZWPa <DB82 =PeTT]3TbW_P]ST6TTcWP1P[bPaP=TeX[CX\QPSXP BC0=3D?2><43H 9TThPBTcWX BCA44C EPabWP:PaP[T BC0;;B EXSd[PFPaPfSTZPa C740CA4 9ddWX1PQQPaB^]XX DA10=34B86=0A278C42CDA4 :PXfP]<TWcP E8BD0;0ACB CPaP]P:WdQRWP]SP]X7TTaP[0ZWPdah F>A:B7>?B 0\X?PcT[CaX_cX0hhPa A SPECIAL THANKS TO 6^ec^U<PWPaPbWcaPCWT2^[[TRc^a^U<d\QPXCWT1aXWP]\d\QPX<d]XRX_P[2^a_^aPcX^]CWT<d\QPX?^[XRTCaPUUXR?^[XRT BPWPQWPVB^RXP[ATb_^]bXQX[Xch2T[[2WXTU<X]XbcTab>UUXRT6^ec^U<PWPaPbWcaPCWT5XaT1aXVPST<C32FI22BFI22285 B_T]cP<d[cX\TSXP3XVXcP[XiT<^Tb0ac<d\QPXBRW^^[^U?W^c^VaP_Wh4Pbc@fTbcCWT2WdaRW^UBc0]SaTfbP]S :T]TbTcW4[XhPW^^Bh]PV^VdT FOLLOW US ON www.kalaghodaassociation.com| www.facebook.com/kalaghodaartsfestival | www.twitter.com/kgafest | www.instagram.com/kgafest CHILDREN DREAM STEAM 2ND FEB SATURDAY Dream Catchers CSMVS 11:00 am - Join us on a sacred journey as you weave your very by Chaahat Advani Lawns 12:00 noon own dreamcatcher and let your inner boho shine! (Age: 6 to 12yrs) Khatron Ke Khiladi CSMVS 12:00 noon Get ready to be amazed by the power of fire in this by Science Utsav Lawns - 1:00 pm enchanting science show. (Age: All) Our Playground CSMVS 1:30 pm - Enjoy a fun-filled collaborative session through play by Madhulika Dhindaw Lawns 2:30 pm to create a vision for a better tomorrow. (Age: 6 to 12yrs) Math with Origami CSMVS 3:00 pm - Unravel the fun of Math with Origami. by Bob Lawns 4:00 pm (Age: 10yrs +) Tribal Beats by Saevus CSMVS 4:00 pm - Introducing the tribal natives of the Indian wild Lawns 5:00 pm through music and dance. (Age: 8 to 12yrs) Mo-Glitter by Shruti Narayan CSMVS 5:00 pm - Do a creative mosaic, add some glitter and you get a Lawns 6:00 pm Mo-Glitter! Experience using mixed medium. (Age: 6 to 12yrs) 3RD FEB SUNDAY Foiled! CSMVS 11:00 am - Create your own sculpture with scraps and foil with by artist Arzan Khambatta Lawns 12:00 noon artist Arzan Khambatta . (Age: 8 to 14yrs) Everyday Math through CSMVS 12:00 noon An interactive storytelling session using the language Stories, Fun and Dance Lawns - 1:00 pm of Bharatanatyam with everyday math presented by Neha Khaitan from A Flower Child. (Age: 7 to 12yrs) Clever, Cleverer, Cleverest CSMVS 1:30 pm - Hear the award-winning story of the clever tailor by Maulshree Kalothia Lawns 2:30 pm Ruparam and see how a little can go a long way, especially in these times of excess. (Age: 5yrs +) Build a Rocket Launcher CSMVS 2:30 pm - Explore, play, discover and build your own rocket by Science Utsav Lawns 3:30 pm launcher. (Age: 5yrs +) CHILDREN DREAM STEAM 3RD FEB SUNDAY Think with your Hands CSMVS 4:00 pm - Get creative and let your imagination run wild. Join by Sticky Bits Lawns 5:00 pm us in a fun filled session. (Age: 5 to 10yrs) Rhythmic Art Strokes and CSMVS 5:00 pm - Be a tree, a wolf, water or wind and join Allison Spirit Dance Expression of the Lawns 6:00 pm Moreu as she takes you on a journey with a spirit Elements of Nature dance of the elements of nature which culminates by Allison John into an expressive Mural painting. (Age: 6 to 12yrs) 4TH FEB MONDAY Little Van Goghs CSMVS 4:00 pm - Understand the value of patience through the Starry by Saturday Art Class Lawns 5:00 pm Night painting. (Age: 6 to 12yrs) 3D Doodling CSMVS 5:00 pm - Open your wings of creativity by making 3D models Lawns 6:00 pm of things around us with a special 3D pen and let your imagination take shape. (Age: 6 to 14yrs) 5TH FEB TUESDAY Plastic Not in my Ocean CSMVS 11:00 am - Let the magic in your hands convert plastic waste by Natasha D'Costa Lawns 12:00 noon into a beautiful bench. Bring your plastic bags, wrappers, etc. to help build a strong sturdy bench presented by the NGO, Start Upcycling Now. Of Dreams that Glow and CSMVS 4:00 pm - A fun-filled poetry writing workshop, that gets kids Words that Flow! Lawns 5:00 pm to give words to their wishes and come up with their by Richa Gupta own original poem. (Age: 7 to 15yrs) Birds 'R Us CSMVS 5:00 pm - An interactive session for kids of all ages, where by Monica Jhaveri Lawns 6:00 pm we will learn about identifying local bird species in Mumbai. (Age: All) 6TH FEB WEDNESDAY Our Playground CSMVS 4:00 pm - A playful, collaborative session of individuals Lawns 5:00 pm to create a vision for a better tomorrow. (Age: 6 to 12yrs) CHILDREN DREAM STEAM Our Planet Blue! CSMVS 5:00 pm - Join us on an exciting musical story about our by Katie Bagli Lawns 6:00 pm planet’s environment, sung to rap beat by a group of children. (Age: 6 to 14yrs) 7TH FEB THURSDAY The Six Traits of Creative CSMVS 4:00 pm - An introduction to the basic traits of creative writing Writing Lawns 5:00 pm and the use of graphic organisers which help in by Reshma Krishnan Barshikar building a discipline of writing. (Age: 10 to 15yrs) Wear Your Art CSMVS 5:00 pm - As Kala Ghoda turns 20, let your imagination spruce by Changeover Lawns 6:00 pm up a plain cotton canvas tote bag into an unusual piece of art using 20 shades and tints! (Age: 6yrs+) 8TH FEB FRIDAY Reviving Indian Art CSMVS 11:00 am - Learn the nuances of the Indian art of mandala to the by Students of ABWA Lawns 12:45 pm children of the NGO Toy Bank. The mandala design Grade 11 IB will be created on a board that you can take home. Workshop with CSMVS 1:30 pm - Students of the Dhirubhai Ambani International Drawing Words Lawns 5:00 pm School Primary Art Core Group will view the Drawing by Yasmeen Ismail Words exhibit and attend a session presented by British Council Mumbai. Puppet Workshop CSMVS 4:00 pm - Make children discover that you can make your own by Frédéric Simon Lawns 5:00 pm games with everyday objects and stimulate your imagination. Presented by Alliance Francaise De Bombay. (Age: 5 to 10yrs) STEAM Stories with Puppets CSMVS 5:00 pm - Physics and chemistry are made easy in this by Usha Venkataraman Lawns 6:00 pm immersive storytelling of The Moon and his two wives as Alexander T Wolf teaches about materials and their uses. (Age: 8 to 12yrs) 9TH FEB SATURDAY Magical Mandalas CSMVS 11:00 am - Unleash your mind to create a dreamscape through by Anita Yewele Lawns 12:00 noon circular patterns. (Age: 6yrs +) CHILDREN DREAM STEAM 9TH FEB SATURDAY Experience STEAM CSMVS 12:00 noon - Spark your curiosity with hands-on science activities by Agastya Foundation Lawns 1:00 pm and share the Ah! Aha! Ha Ha! experience! Know Your Rhythm CSMVS 1:30 pm - Go on a joyous journey to explore, be imaginative by iexpress Lawns 2:30 pm and harmonize with the inner self through a sensory process. (Age: 5yrs +) Interactive Storytelling and CSMVS 2:30 pm - Enjoy stories of the Father of the Nation - a fun-filled Dance Lawns 3:30 pm interactive session with a drama on making a by Nidhi Bagharia difference. (Age: 2 to 10yrs) Puppet Stories to understand CSMVS 4:00 pm - Interactive math and biology stories of King Math and Biology Concepts Lawns 5:00 pm Vikram who solves an improbable task by Usha Venkataraman and Jack on his mission to grow a plant.

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