STE TRADES DIRECTORY, 1915. STE 1903 Annstrong (Sir W. G.), Whitworth & Eagle & Globe Steel Co. LimittJd, McSkimming John, buying & selling agent, Turton Bros & Matthews Ltd. steel, file & Co. Ltd. I!Ole manufacturers of the 2 East India avenue E C & home & export; iron, steel & coal, railway spring works, Sheffield ; London office, 34 Wbitworth fluid pre!!8ed steel, manufac­ Dannemora steel works, Sheffield­ plant, engineering supplies, machinery &c. Gracechnrch street E C tnren~ of steel ordnance & projectiles of all T A " Dannemora, Sheffield " 4!) Hope street, Glasgow Turton John & Sons, Ellin street, Sheffield natures, steel crank & other axles, steel cy. EASTERBROOK, ALLeARD a: eo. LTD. IIIAKIN WILLIAIII a SONS (Sheffield), Turton Thomas & Sons Limited, 90 Cannon linder linings, air chambers for torpedoes, Albert works, Sheffield & 11 Fenchurch 83 Upper Thames st E C. See advertisement street E C & Sheaf works,Sheffield. See advt hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic presses avenue E C lii.ARSH BROTHERS &: eo. LTD. Ponds Tyzaok W. A. & Co. & crucible cast steel for tools, special Fairley Ja!!. & Sons, Sharlwell st.Birmingham Corporate Mark. steel works, Sheffield. Stella works, Hereford street, Sheffield nickel, nickel chrome & titanium steels &c.; FIRTH THOS. &: SONS LIIIIITED, _ . f . Established 1654. & 3 Cross lane, Eo.stcheap E C high speed steel "A. W." "T. Y. R." & Norfolk works, Sheffield; ~ Merchants & manufrs. Tyzack W., Sons & Turner Ltd. Little London " A. W. Premier" brands, propeller shafts London ofiice, 8 The sanctuary SW ; .J"~ of steel, files, edge works, Sheffield. arlvertisement & steel forgings of every description, 8 manufacturers of high-grade Y "J;;" tools, saws, hammers, Union Steel Corporation (of South Africa) Gt. George st SW; Elswick works, New­ steel tyres, axles, Granted 1716. razors, twist drills &c. Ltd. 34 Bishopsgate E C - castle-on-Tyne & Openshaw, Mllollche;;ter wheel centres, ramps: Stoker & Hell, agents, 165 Fenchurch st E C United States Steel Products Co. (London :Barrow Hrematite Steel Co. Ltd. 5 Laurence steel forgings for all engines ; Martino Steel & Metal Co. Ltd. (The), office), 36 to 38 New Broad st E C-T A Pountney hill E C propeller & line shafting, 37 & 38 Princip street, Birmingham "Steelmaker" ; T N 8186 ):.ondon Wall Beardmore William & Co. Ltd. 36 Victoria ordnance forgings & projectiles, Meadows C. & Co. Ltd. 30 St. Mary Axe E C Vickers Ltd. Vickers house, Broadway, West­ street, Westminster SW shoes & dies for mine batteries, Metallurgical & General Industries Ltd. 28 minster SW & River Don works, Sheffield Beet;ley W. T. & Co. Limited, Univen!Slsteel steel castings for shipbuilding & Victoria street SW WALL G. P. Magneto works, Shefiield works, Attercliffe road, Sheffield general engineering purposes; Millvale Steel Co. of Philarlelphia & London (T A " Magnetic, Sheffield" ; T N 2625 Bessemer Henry & Co T.imited, Bessemer ".Norfolk" manganese & other Ltd. 26 Victoria street SW Central); manufacturers of all steel works, Sheffitlr1 alloy steels for grinding, crushing & Miris Steel Co. Ltd. 17 St. Swithin's lane E C high grades of steel & steel strips; Bethlehem Steel Co;Ltri. JS Victoria st SW dredging machinery; Mott Frank, Billiter square buildings E C ; specialities, nickel & special alloy steels Bohler Bros. & Co. (Styriau Steel Works, "Speedicnt" high speed steel & drills, every description of sectional steel Wigan Coal& Iron Co.Ltd. 29 Gt. St.Helen's E C Sheffield), ovel1!ea export department, tool steel, spring steel, Osborn Samuel & Co.Ltd.32 Qn.VictoriastE C Wild James & F. 0. Borussia steel & file London office, 31 Lombard street E C Jagging sheets, saw plates, Ougree-Marihaye Steel Co. Ltd. (Belgium) works, Sheffield Bolckow, V aughan & Co. Limited1 15 Philpot nickel, nickel-chrome steel J (A.W.Nye,reprsntatve.),62NewBroadst EC Wingfield,Rowbotham & Co.56Hlbrn.vdct E C lane EC for motors & aircraft ; Oxley Wm. & Co. Limited, Parkgate works, Workington Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. 14 Sber· Boswell (A.), Sou & Naylor Ltd. (Sheffield) files, BBWS, !!dge tools; Rotherham, nr. Sheffield; borne lane E C (John Dickson, representative), Billiter Telegrams: " Firth, Sheffield" & manufacturers of high Young T. W. Ltd. 4 & 5 Oowper street, City house Billiter street E C "Mesmeric, Vie, London" ; grade high speed steels, road E C & 84 & 86 City road E C Bra.mall. Henfy & Sons, Birtin' works, Codes-all the usual codes cast steels for engineers' Henry street, Sheffield Flather W. T. Ltd. 14 Mortimer street W & mining purposes. Brooksbank Abrnm & Co. Sheffield; crucible FLOCKTON, TOMPKIN & CO. LIIIIITED, "Parkgo.te." Railway & STEEL MERCHANTS. cast steel, single & double shear &c. &c manufacturers of the celebrated " Cat coach spring steel, car- &e Iron .t Steel Ml'7'chllnll. BROWN, BAYLEY'S STEEL WORKS Brand" mining & tool steel, spring, shear TRADE MARK. bon. & mild steels in all LTD. Sheffield ; London office, Suffolk & blister steels, files, hammers, tools &c. sectiOns ; E. 0. Brown house, li Laurence Pountney hill E C Suffolk house, 5 Laurence Pountney hill E C & Co. London agents, 4 St. Mary Axe E C STEEL BALL MANUFACTURERS. Brown John & Co. Limited (Atlas works, & Newhall steel workl:l. Sheffield Peace Samuel & Sons Ltd. Well Meadow CARR JAMES W. a CO. LIIIIITED, 3& Sheffield) ; London office ,8The Sanctuary SW Fox Samuel & Co. Ltd. 38 Victoria street SW steel works, Sheffield Queen Victoria street E C Brymbo Steel Co. Limited, Brymbo, near Frodingham Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. 85 Grace­ Peace W. K. & 0. Ltd. (with which is incor- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co. Ltd. li9A, New Wrexham church street E C porated Norman K. Peace), Eagle & Pioneer Oxforrl. street WC Oammell Laird & Co. Ltd.· Fullbrook ~o. & Co. 49 Qn. Victoria st E C · steel work.'l, Sheffield Mott Frank, Billiter square buildings E C 3 Oentral,buildings, Matthew Parker street, Glasgow Iron & Steel Co.Ltd.(The) (Wishaw); Rogerson John & Oo. Ltd. 22 Billiter st E C Westminster SW agent, James Eadie, 41 Devonshire cham­ Rossell Henry & Co. Ltd. 35 Qn. Victoria stE C STEEL BAR MANUFACTURERS. Oanton Steel & Tool Co. 3 New Oxford st WC bers, Bishopsgate E C Sanderson Bros. & Newbould Ltd. <Jaxton Oarbrook Steel Works Ltd. (Sheffield), Guest, Keen & N ettlefolds Ltd. 2 Fen et E C house, Tothill street SW Bint & Oo. (agents), 143 Cannon street E C {Oampbell, MacMaster&Co.agtl;.)5 Laurence Hadfields Ltd. East Hecla works, Tinsley, Saville J.J .& Oo.Ltd.(Shetfield), 34 Victoria st British Steel Bar Oo. Ltd. 17 Victoria st SW Pountney hill E C ; tool steel, forgings &o Sheffield & Norfolk house, 1 Laurence SW: London representative, H.J. Heagerty Carbrook Steel Works Ltd. (Sheffield) (Camp- <Jargo Fleet Iron Co. Ltd. Pountney hill E C SchofiPld John William & Sons, Monument bell, Macmaster & Co. agents), 5 Laurence 35 Lime street E C ; Halbron & Oo. 36 Mark lane E C station buildings E C Pountney hill E C Telegrams, " Oarfleoo, Grace" ; Hardy Patent Pick Co. Limited (The), 22 SEEBOHIII &. DIECKSTAHL LIMITED, Oargo Fleet Iron Co. Ltd. 35 Lime street E C Telephone Number 1987 Avenue; Queen Victoria st E C; works, Sheffield. Dannemora Steel Works,Sheffielri (TA" See­ Colville David & Sons Ltd. 54 Old Broad st E C manYl'acturers of steel angles, channels, tees, See advertisement inside Front Cover bohm, Sheffield"; T N's 76, 176 & Darlington Rolling Mills Co. Ltd. (for ferro- joists, broad flange beams, rails, piling &c Hatch George Ltd. 20 & 21 Queenhithe E C · 1024) & 2 East India avenue E C ooncretework a speciality),6&8Eastcheo.p E C CARR JA~ES W. &. CO. LTD. Hobson, Houghton & Co. Ltd. 63 Queen Vic­ (T A " Seeblume, Led, London ") ; District Iron & Steel Oo. Ltd. (The), 53 llOle proprietors of the celebrated toria street E C manufacturers of crucible cast steel Victoria street SW . "Banket" brand drill steel; carbon & high Huntsman B. Timley pk. rd.Attercliffe,Sheffid for tools &c. "Capital" high speed Donnan, Long & Co. Ltd. 4 Central buildings. speed tool, shear, blister & spring steel ; Ibbotson Brothers & Oo. Ltd. 7 Victoria steel ; " D S W " water or oil Matthew Parker street, Westminster SW & bright drawn steel, Bessemer & Siemens street, Westminster SW; works, Sheffield hardening steel ; miners' drill steel, Nine Elms lane SW steel & special steel for shafting ; battery .JACKIIIAN JOSEPH &. eo. LTD. speciali­ special " Magnet" steel, best war­ Hill Richard & Co. (1899) Ltd. Middlesbro' stems, Ahoes & dies, crusher jaws, forged ties :-•• Jackmanized" steel for dredger ranted double-shear steel, blister !nee Forge Co. Ltd.(hammered),8 Eastchp E C steel cru~her balls &c. pins, bushes etc ; " Big J. " & " Jacks­ steel, sheet steel, files, saws, Kiinster & Co. (Belgian), 70 Gracechurch st E C 35 Queen Victoria street E C ; works, berg" brands high-speed tool steel-Persberg picks &c Lanarkshire Steel Oo.Ltd.3New London stE C Speedwell Steel works, Soho street, Sheffield steel & file wrks.Attercliffe oommn. Sheffield Senier T. W. & Co. 115, 117, 119 & 121 Pather Iron & Steel Co.Ltd.25&26Lime st E C Cocker Bros. Ltd. 3 Fenchurch buildings E C James W. G. (agent), 14 Mortimer street W St. John street E C Scottish Iron & Steel Oo. Ltd. (The), 105 Bt. Oolville David & SoiiB Ltd. Dalzell steel JESSOP WILLIAM a: SONS LIMITED, Senior George & Sons Ltd. Sheaf st. Sheffield Vincent st. Gl~~o-«gow (T A " Scotoiron "); & iron works, Motherwell manufacturers of "JCS!iOp's" cn1eible oast Sbipman Geo. A. & Oo. Ltd. 20 Westminster steel bars, angles, tees, hoops &o (T A " Colville "). steel. Steel for tools of every description palace gardens, Artillery row SW Smith &McLeanLtd.Finsbury pavemnt.hoE C Siemens' mild steel plates a. speciality ; sheet steel hot & cold rolled ; Shipman J. & Oo. Ltd. Atterclifi'e steel works Tyzack Samuel & Co. Ltd. 30 St.MaryAxeE C for boilerR, ships, bridgCM; high speed steel, "Ark" & & wire mills, Sheffield Whitehead Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. 110 Cannon alw angles, bars, reeled & Smith & McLean Ltu.. ~insbury pavement street EC double reeled bars for boilers house, E C. " Iron & Steel Manufrs " Young T.
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