prepress/full press EKPCKSR* PR£l* When it comes to mechanical extraction of Expeller Press — the answer to both PrePress vegetable oilseeds, PrePress or Full Press — and Full Press applications. Rely on our 80 years Expeller Press is the best of both worlds. experience in manufacturing mechanical extrac­ tio n W rite fo r lite ra tu re on pressing, In PrePress operations, the 11-66 Expe/ler Press equipm ent. will process over 150 metric tons per day with cooking/drying and screening of vegetable oil a residual oil content in the range of 15-20%. materials. Anderson, 19699 Progress Drive, Strongsville, Ohio 44136 U.S.A. In Europe: Full Press models process up to 35 metric tons C hem in du M oulin 5, 1110 M orges, Switzerland. per day with residual oils at 31/2-6%. ANDERSON DISTRIBUTORS REGIONAL OFFICES GEORGIA: Atlanta 30339 CALIFORNIA; Los Angeles 90013 CALIFORNIA: El Segundo 90245 Gerald Horton— 6520 Powers Ferry Rd. Proin Inc.— 450 Seaton St. Don Eastman— 999 N. Sepulveda Blvd. TENNESSEE: Knoxville 37921 TEXAS: Ft. Worth 76109 TEXAS: Hurst 76053 D&R Supply (Parts Warehouse) W. C. Cantrell Co.— 3245 May St. Earl Easley— 1050 W. Pipeline Dr. 6131 Industrial Hts. Dr. MINNESOTA Minneapolis 55420 MISSOURI: Weston 64098 EUROPE: 1110 M orges, S w itzerland Alloy Hardtacing & Eng. Co. Inc. David Boone— Box 245, 16 Pleasantview Dr. Peter von Daniken— Chemin du Moulin 5 1209 Clover Dr. South 0H!0: Strongsville 44136 LATIN AMERICA: TEXAS. Hurst 76053 PENNSYLVANIA: Glen Riddle 19037 Larry Wagner— 19699 Progress Dr. Fred Samudio— 1050 W. Pipeline Dr. Pittock and Assoc.— Parkmount Rd corn peanuts cottonseed safflower soybeans rapeseed sunflower T nd. |eaut^ °^- Clean. Clear, For a complete oil extraction profitable. C r o w n E x t r a c t i o n plant, think first of the Crown Nants make it that w ay. P ro ce ss Extractor, Desolventizer-Toaster, cottonseed, s o y b e a n s , p e a n u t s , Desolventizer-T oaster-Dryer- power, rapeseed, safflower, Cooler, Crown Solvent Recovery J°pra corn germ , w heat germ ; System and Crown Mineral Oil — " !ne °f them, or all o f th em . G et System. Whatever your needs, vmitiMWamtkl neversatility of a relia b le Crown process engineers can rown Extraction Plant. F a ctory PROCESS EQUIPMENT DIVISION help you get the oil out. All the ]Ped and preassem bled 7 oil. Profitable. Call on Crown f factor for ease of installation Grown iron Works eo. 1223 Tyler St HE., P.O. 80* 1364, Mwrwapofa, MH 55443 the extraction specialists. w control of costs. Phone (612) 781-3101 IO.MSA Officers O il M ill G a ze tte e r: Vol. 84; No. 8 PPRESIDENT BOBBY JONES EBRUAR1 Anderson, Clayton P. O . B o x 191 Lubbock, Texas 79408 Published monihiv by OIL MILL GAZETTEER ADVERTISER 6633 Hilcroft FIRST VICE PRESIDENT INDEX EDUARDO DE LA P. O. Box 35423, Houston, Texas 77035 PENA 0 . r Ph: 713-772-5982 Industrias De La Pena S.A. Official organ of A BC O 2! Apartado 1-1009 All Valley Industrial Supply ..... 18 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico International Oil Mill Superintendents Alloy Specialists of Marshall, Inc. 29 a n d A nderson ............................................. 2 Tri-States Oil Mill Superintendents Association Bearings Supply ...............................18 Second Class Postage Paid at Houston, Texas SEC. TREASURER Brandon and Clark ..... ............ 16 BENTLEY PAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS C ontrol E lectric ...............................11 3414 54th St. Domestic subscription, $6.50 per year in advance Lubbock, Texas 79413 Crown Iron Vvrorks ................... 3 Foreign subscription $10.00 per year, air mails (806) 799-6571 o n re q u e st DICKEY-john .................................35 Missing copy claims must be made within 30 DREAMCO, Inc............................... 7 SHORT COURSE DuMond Co., Inc..............................33 days domestic, 90 days foreign. CO-CHAIRMAN W m . C. E llis & Sons ..................... 28 s. P. CLARK Per copy price: 754. current; $1.50 within one year; all other, $3.00. Extraction De Smet ..................... 6 Food Protein R & D A&M University K R IS S M IT H French Oil Mill Machinery .......15 FE B o x 6 3 E d ito r/ P u b lish e r College Station, Texas Industrial M etal Products ............. 5 (7131 845-7033 Insulation & Refractories Services 27 Ralph L. Jackson Inc. .................30 CONVENTION — 1980 Message K in g B earing, Inc. ..........................19 From The President E gon K eller/C a rl A ug. Picard 20 Law and Company 26 This writing finds us looking just Lewelyn Welding and Fabricating 32 down the road to the forty-eighth Lubbock E lectric ..........................13 annual Short Course for Oil Mill Luttrell Belting & Supply 28 TECHNICAL CHAIRMAN Operators, April 14-15. MARTIN HORSMAN Manufacturers Maintenance 25 Co-chairmen Ronnie Luttman and Anderson, Clayton & Co. M asiero Industrial ..................34 Stan Clark have done an excellent job Phoenix, Arizona Moorhead Machinery & Boiler 23 in selecting needed topics and getting Murray-Carver, Inc. .....................36 speakers who can do this job. M uskogee Iron W orks .................^ We, the superintendents, managers, CO-CHAIRMEN—SOCIAL Phelps M achinery ................... engineers, supervisors, need to realize Plant Maintenance Service Corp. 26 DICK CAGLIA that this effort, time, and expense is Electric Motor Shop expended for us with the purpose of Screw Conveyor Corp. ... ^ B o x 4 4 6 helping us do a better job. We should Sikes Machine Shop Fresno, Calif. 93709 all be there to take advantage of this Southern B oiler & Tank Works aid and show the appreciation we Southwestern Supply & Mach. -J all have for this dedication to our in­ Siinnes Oil & Chem ical Co., Inc. 2i dustry. Through the years I have Sullivan Systems/Alfa-Laval found the short couse to be of tre­ 17 Tool Engineering mendous help to me. Wally Thomson West Texas Millwright Service 1- We have just returned from our Bearings Supply Kenneth Whitlock, Inc. board meeting and planning session B o x 4 0 8 Witt Corrugating & Tool Co..... -1 Fresno, Calif. 93708 in San Diego and would like to report the IOMSA is in solid condition, the D IRE CTO R S facilities for ouv convention excellent Bill Lester (1 year) Phoenix, Arizona and program, both technical and YOU KNO W THE FIRM IS ACTIVE Prank Brunnemann (2 years) Fresno, social, of the highest caliber. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Bob Clay (3 years) Fresco California IF YOU SEE IT ADVERTISING Wilson Florey (4 years) Ft. Worth, — Bobby Jones, IOMSA President IN THE OIL MILL GAZETTEER Texas Lubbock, Texas. A O IL M IL L GAZETTEER — February,!980 Our New Decorticator Is The Most Revolutionary Development Since Eli Built The Gin We don’t use the term “ revolutionary” lightly. When we take over ten years to produce adecorticatorthat will hull undelin ted or delinted cottonseed, that will handle the oil seeds such as — safflower, sunflower and soybean, that will do the work of any two competitive hullers— more than 220 tons in 24 hours with no runaround — that reduces your use of energy and, except for minor maintenance after 25,000 tons, is shutdown free for 50,000 tons — well, we call that revolutionary. If you’re interested in revolutionizing yourdehulling profits call the innovators at IMPCO today. IM PCO/lndustrial Metal Products Co., Inc., 2326 East Buck­ eye Road, P.O. Box 21212, Phoenix, AZ 85036 (602) 275-7581 Cable IMPCO Telex 165-030 m , M i From the Innovators at Oil, MILL. GAZETTEER — February, 1980 Questions about efficient processin of vegetable and animal products? We have the answers. Ask for our technical literature: ” 1 The Modern Oil Mill Continuous Solvent Extraction Extraction of Animal Products Rendering Equipment iscella Refining Continuous Bleaching Oil and Fat Deodorizing Continuous Winterizing and Fractionation Leaflets on subjects marked to be sent to : IRS Name:............................................................................ Title:............................................................................. Company:.................. .................................................. Address:.................................................................... Mail coupon to : EXTRACTION DE SMET S.A. Prins Boudewijnlaan 265 B-2520 Edegem (A n tw erp) Belgium H/40 ]R AN UNMATCHED EXPERIENCE OIL MILL GAZETTEER — February, on USED EQUIPMENT Complete Systems, As Is, Or Reconditioned FRENCH 500 to 800 T /D SOLVENT PLANT STILL IN OPERATION FOR YOUR INSPECTION S O L V t N T HEAT It R ROOP REFINERIES ACKING ROLLS M E Z Z A N tK lt FLAKING ROLLS Disc « DONUT STRiprsn. vtfmc/u- EXTRACTO*. 2 1 ° F L O O R TELEX 478 416 1REAMCQ, INC. BOX 3028 DES MOINES, IOWA 50316 TELEPHONE (515) 243-1500 ________________ 4529 N. E. 7TH DES MOINES, IOW A 50313 D,res Moines ReIVeconditioning mgmeermg anufacturing COmpany OH MILL GAZETTEER — February, 1980 Interested In IV. R. Bickley, TCCA President, Short Course Keynote Speaker W. R. (Bob) Bickley, executive vice president and Cost Cutting? general manager, W est Texas Cooperative Oil Mill Pecos, Texas and president of Texas Cottonseed Crushers’ Association, will deliver the Short Course Short Course Offers keynote address. Mr. Bickley attended Merkel High School and graduated from McMurray College in 1910 with a Some ‘How Tos’ B. S. Degree. After college he joined the oil milling industry as an HE SHORT COURSE for Oil Mill Operators, April employee of Anderson, Clayton & Co., becoming man­ 14-15, will be dedicated to helping find means of ager of the Pecos mill in 1951 and, later, district coping with inflationary trends of today by looking at manager until the mill was sold in 1968. methods of controlling costs and continue producing a He s-erved on the board of Texas Cottonseed Crush­ Quality product. The short course is devoted to keeping ers’ Association and as vice president before becoming the nation's oil mills operating efficiently, protecting president.
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