TECHNICAL FILE SETTING OUT THE SPECIFICATIONS WITH WHICH IRISH CREAM MUST COMPLY Food Industry Development Division Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (As registered by the EU Commission Services on 27th March 2019) Number of Pages: 10 Language: English TABLE OF CONTENTS TECHNICAL FILE SETTING OUT THE SPECIFICATIONS WITH WHICH IRISH CREAM MUST COMPLY............................................................................................................................ 1 1. N AME AND CATEGORY OF SP IR IT DRINK INCLUDING THE GEOGRAPHICAL INDICAT ION: ..... 1 1.1. N AME: ................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2. CATEGORY OF SPIRIT DR INK: ....................................................................................................... 1 1.2. DESCRIPTION OF IR IS H CREAM: ................................................................................................... 1 1.2. GEOGR AP HIC AL INDIC AT ION T YPE: ............................................................................................ 1 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE S P IR IT DRINK INCLUDING P R INC IP AL P HYSICAL, CHEMICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TH E PRODUCT ............................................................................ 1 2.1. P RODUC T S PECIFICATION : ............................................................................................................. 1 2.2. APPEARANCE : .................................................................................................................................... 1 2.3. COMPOSITIONAL S TANDARDS: ..................................................................................................... 1 2.3.1 D AIRY CONTENT: .................................................................................................................. 1 2.3.2 ALCOHOLIC CONTENT: ........................................................................................................ 2 2.3.3 IR IS H WH IS KEY CONTENT: ................................................................................................ 2 2.3.4 S WEE TEN ING / SUGAR U SE: ............................................................................................... 2 2.3.5 O THER I NGREDIENTS: .......................................................................................................... 2 2.3.6 F INAL COMPOSITION : .......................................................................................................... 2 3. DEFINITION OF THE GEO GRAPHICAL AREA CONCERNED : .............................................................. 3 4. T HE METHOD FOR OBTAIN ING THE SPIRIT DRINK : ........................................................................... 3 4.1. ME THOD 1 – ‘SINGLE S TAGE ’: ..................................................................................................... 3 4.2. ME THOD 2 – ‘TWO S TAGE P ROCESS ’: ........................................................................................ 4 4.3. D IFFERENCES BETWEEN T HE TWO METHODS : .......................................................................... 4 4.4. BOTTLING: ......................................................................................................................................... 4 5. DETAILS BEARING OUT T HE LINK WITH THE GEO GRAPHICAL ENVIRONMEN T OR THE GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN : .................................................................................................................................. 5 5.1 IRISH D AIRY CREAM: ............................................................................................................................ 5 5.2 IR IS H WHISKEY: ..................................................................................................................................... 6 5.3 P RODUC T ION T ECHNIQUES : ................................................................................................................ 6 5.4 SUPPLEMENTARY I NFORMATION: ...................................................................................................... 7 5.4.1 H ISTORY: ................................................................................................................................. 7 5.4.2 ECONOMICS AND EXPORTS: ................................................................................................ 7 6. ANY REQUIREMENTS LAID DOWN BY COMMUNITY AND /OR NATIONAL PROVISIO NS AND/ OR REGIONAL: ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 7. N AME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: .................................................................................................. 9 8. O FF IC IAL CONTROLS : .............................................................................................................................. 9 8.1 COMPETE NT AUTHORITIES: ................................................................................................................. 9 9. LABELLING ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Technical File setting out the Specifications with which Irish Cream must comply 1. NAME AND CATEGORY OF SPIRIT DRINK INCLUDI NG THE GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION: 1.1. NAME: Irish Cream 1.2. CATEGORY OF SPIRIT DRINK: Liqueur (category 32 in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 110/2008) 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF IRISH CREAM: Blend of fresh Irish dairy cream in a flavoured/sweetened alcohol base containing Irish Whiskey and other permitted ingredients. 1.4 GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION TYPE: Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPIRIT DRINK INCLUDING PRINCIPAL PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TH E PRODUCT 2.1. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION: Irish Cream is a spirit drink with a minimum alcohol by volume of 15% v/v. They are only produced on the island of Ireland including Northern Ireland and consist of stable emulsions of fresh Irish dairy cream in a flavoured and sweetened alcohol base, and which contain Irish whiskey as defined by the Irish Whiskey Act, 1980 and its amendments and the technical file under Regulation (EC) No 110/2008. 2.2. APPEARANCE: The spirit drink is cream coloured and its hue can vary depending on specific flavours and ingredients. The product has a homogenous and smooth consistency providing a stable emulsion without appearances of physical instability during its commercial shelf-life. The dairy cream in addition to the process of homogenisation of the cream liqueur, which occurs during production, confers a smooth texture and perceptibly pleasant mouth-feel whilst, on imbibing, the gradual melting of the butter-fat over time delivers a progressive release of the flavour compounds present and improves sensory perceptions during consumption. 2.3. COMPOSITIONAL STANDARDS: 2.3.1. DAIRY CONTENT: Irish Cream liqueur shall contain a minimum of 10% milk fat when measured on a weight/volume basis in the final product. The milk fat content in Irish Cream liqueur shall consist of fresh Irish dairy cream produced on the island of Ireland including 1 Technical File setting out the Specifications with which Irish Cream must comply Northern Ireland from Irish milk obtained on the island of Ireland including Northern Ireland and which complies with Council Regulation 2597/97 as amended. Cream means that part of the cow's milk which is rich in fat, and which has been separated by skimming or otherwise and obtained from milk. It shall be pasteurised but shall not be sterilised, UHT treated or frozen. 2.3.2. ALCOHOL CONTENT: The minimum alcoholic strength of Irish Cream is 15% v/v which is obtained by the use of ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin or from distillates of agricultural origin. A portion of the final alcohol content will arise by reason of the presence of Irish whiskey and additionally any alcohol of agricultural origin present in the flavours used in the production of Irish Cream. 2.3.3. IRISH WHISKEY CONTENT: The alcohol content of Irish Cream shall contain a minimum of 1% of Irish Whiskey. Such whiskey must comply with the requirements specified in the Irish Whiskey Act, 1980 and any subsequent amendments and the technical file under Regulation No 110/2008. 2.3.4. SWEETENING / SUGAR USE: Irish Cream has a minimum sugar content, expressed as invert sugar, of 100 grams per litre. This sugar can be in the form of any one or any combination of more than one sweetener as permitted in Annex I of Regulation 110/2008. 2.3.5. OTHER INGREDIENTS: The flavours, emulsifiers, stabilisers, chelating agents and colours contained in the product shall be those permitted for use in food or alcoholic beverages by legislation. 2.3.6. FINAL COMPOSITION: The final product shall embrace the characteristics, taste and properties of Irish Cream Liqueur. Irish Cream Liqueur cannot be produced in concentrated form for future reconstitution in a secondary location off the island of Ireland. 2 Technical File setting out the Specifications with which Irish Cream must comply 3. DEFINITION OF THE GEO GRAPHICAL AREA CONCE RNED: Production of Irish Cream must take place in the geographical area of the island of Ireland. 4. THE METHOD FOR OBTAIN ING THE SPIRIT DRINK: Irish cream consists of a mixture of fresh Irish dairy cream, alcohol, together with sugar and/or honey or other carbohydrates
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