CENTRA L Foundedin1936 'Published Monthly by the Syracuse PeaceCouncil, May 1979 SPC 55 Special Section: Harrisburg Response pp. 11-25 2 PNL 5/79 Contents Peace Newsletter The Contents Credits The PEACE NEWSLETTER (PNL) is publish- Regular Features Special Section: Harrisburg APRIL MAILING PARTY ed monthly through the collective effort s 4 Letter s Respons e Greg Lester, Ron Morse, Linda Wal - of SPC workers & staff . The PNL uniquely 28 Book Review lace, Jack Stevens, Vince Sgambat , serves 2 functions : that of a paper offering „ 30 PEACE S 12 - 2 5 Cindy Putnam, Maurie Heins, Elain e news, analysis & services ; and that of th e 31 Classifieds , Ingulli, Glenda Neff, Mike Hunger - internal organ of SPC, the traditiona l ford, Saira Friedma n newsletter role . The page top descriptions SPC Reports ; Dik Cool,Enid are intended to help readers distinguish ' MAY PRODUCTION 26 Birthday Dinner 7 Middle East r these 2 separate but complementary func- ; Edwards,Steve Costello,Jim Ellis a 8 Iran David Goldman, Ed Kinane,Deborah , tions . We welcome suggestions, articles, ' 27 Domed Stadium g Rizzo, Barb Dunn,Linda Wallace cultural work & production assistance . Upcomin 29 IQ . Mark Solomon, Sue Lord Movement groups are encouraged to re - 2 Garage Sale print ; please give credit . The PNL is a 32 Calendar member of the Alternative Press Syndicat e Next Month (APS), and subscribes to Liberation New s Editor: Dik Coo l Service (LNS) . The PNL is available on With a sweet but determined air, 9-year old Copy Deadline : Sunday, May 20th microfilm from APS . Subscriptions : $5 or Alicia Mikles displays the poster she de - Production : Monday 5/21 'til 11pm ; more/year; free or donation to prisoners signed and made for the occasion : SPC' s Tues . 5/22 very late - and low income people ; institutions, $10/ 'til done . "Shut 'em All Down" March & Rally, held on :Mailing Party : Thursday,5/24 ; year . PNL circulation is 5,000 : 2,000 by , April 5 . Tiny Lee, who-filmed the event, con - , mindless fun and i Schmidts ! ! direct mail & 3,000 thru 95 outlets in templates his next shot in the background . CNY . We have very reasonable ad rates . Photo by Mima Cataldo Syracuse Peace Counci l We feel that education, agitation and organization lead to The Syracuse Peace Council (SPC) is a non profit, communit y .social change . based, autonomous antiwar/social justice organization . We have SPC membership involves being on the mailing list and feeling an affiliation with Clergy & Laity Concerned (CALC) . We have a that you're a member . Simple as that . SPC is supported primarily vision of a world where war, violence & exploitation of all kind s through members contributions & monthly pledges and fund raisin g (economic ,racial, sexual ,age,etc .) do not exist . Primary function s events . It's an unending struggle to raise our $25,000 annual bud- of SPC (which has a basic commitment to nonviolence) are to hel p get . SPC's major work is done through committees and the three people work for progressive social change and to overcome ou r collectives that work out of the SPC office : the program staff, th e sense of powerlessness thru mutual support . , SPC Press, arid The Front Room Bookstore. Moving? Spring Cleaning ? De-clutter your life and support SPC I SPC GARAGE SALE Saturday May 79th 1979 ECOH 10-4 pm WORKSHOP #1 CLASSROOM CONFLIC T MANAGEMENT AND PEACE EDUCATION . SUMMER 79 EDU 300 . Sec . 1 ; PAF 400 Sec 2 EDU 700 . Sec . 1 . ♦ SOS 600 . Sec . 1 WORKSHOP #2 DECISION-MAKING SKILL S - . May 29-June 15 . 4 :00-6 :30 . AND SOCIAL CHANGE STRATEGIES . MTWThF . PAF 400 . Sec . 1 PROGRAM IN SOS 600 . Sec . 2 . The course will explore the man y NONVIOLENT dimensions of creative conflic June 4-June 15 . 12 :00-3 :50 . t MTWThF . management, especially those mos t CONFLICT & relevant to classroom teachinw, and This workshop will help participant s peacemaking skills . It will be understand the processes and dynamic s CHANGE conducted in a workshop format of humanized social change and crea - 249 Physics Bldg . and will examine resources on tive decision making . Students will Syracuse University York 1321 0 peace education, role playing , examine a variety of ways by which Syracuse, New 423 .3870 discipline problems, puppetry , individual, institutional, and so- listening and cooperation builders , cietal change has come about . This and simulations . Participants are information will be applied t o encouraged to juse their own class - current social issues and ex- Education for o Bgtter Future room conflicts as the primary pro - periences which the participant s blem areas in need of resolution . bring to the course . causal & training workshops Help Support SPC 5/79 PNL 3 Keep Those Cards and Letters Coming, Folks ! i4 Dear Sisters & Brothers at SPC: P.S . I don't want to miss a single is - Here's a small check - I only wish I have written to Hershey Foods , sue of the Newsletter or your specia l it could be more, for, I am as broke Hershey, Pa ., informing them I will publications . as the SPC, but anyway - I gave u p no longer purchase the ldxuries of Keep up the outstanding journal - smoking, so you get what I would their products until all nuclear plant s ism and commitment to our earth have given to the tobacco industry . are closed. I am recommending w e and our lives . Please keep up the good work . notify industries (such as G .E .) of Love, Louis Towsley our boycott of non-essentials, until Mary Lamb Schenectady, NY this war on nuclear fallout and waste Albany, NY Dear Syracuse Peace Council , is over. 'voice in the wilderness' i s Sorry for having had to wait until a n Dear folks at SPC , Your 'accident' before I've awakened t o Glad to see you're taking a break . being heard. action . I didn't even mind the skinny news - Long has the SPC Newsletter spok- letter this month, as it was good t o en put on the dangers of nuclear en- Dear Staff, read about you setting priorities -- ergy dependence. Three Mile Island This bit of money remained in the the main one for you right now being accident should have proven what w e checkbook at the end of the week. been told by NRC couldn' t rest and reorganization . all have Most unusual . I felt it was yours . Enclosed is a check to cover news - happen. Bob and I both wish that we had letter costs . Sorry there ' s not more The accident in Pennsylvania re - more time and energy for sharing right now minded me of Pearl Harbor, the fea r with you all . Sincerely, of war, disaster, except this tim e We hope this April allows you a Diane Cas s there was no 'enemy' to strike bac k bit of space and time to collect your - at. Even our government official s to side in with the nuclear selves . My Dearest Friends , seemed I continue to be amazed by the en- From here in "Lotus Land" where industry, trying to calm our wors t ergy, courage and commitment yo u often the idea of survival :is all fears, as we sat downwind, knowin g folks give evidence to m mixed up with making it on the free - there is no escape from this fallout . And I a President Carter claims we need thankful to know you . ways, finding the necessary fuel for Warmly, the omnipresent automobile, and nuclear energy, without exploring the "looking good", it is a refreshing other possibilities such as solar col - KC Russell lectors, wood-fired steam generators , Dear Friends - Newsletter that brings things back garbage conversion to methane o r . The Newsletter is one of the to reality . The Newsletter is no gasohol. few publications I get through th e substitute for dropping in and having Thanks to the news media, such a s mail which has consistently outstand- lunch, or working on an SPC dinner , SPC, we learn the real dangers o f ing articles and information . or working on one of the myriad pro- The Energy Primer showed such ob- jectslikely to be spawned out of th e Three Mile Island. Keep up the goo d minds of SPC people, but it does work . Please accept this smal l vious commitment to factual, care - help contribution as appreciation of your fully researched articles . I have . continued service wished I had a lot more money to Love, Peace Enthusiasm, Arividerci send you to financially support your Pasquale [Pat] Vitacolonna . Jim Moulton ! ! _ a wood-burner work . Tujunga, Californi a Harrisburg happened and the Syracuse Peace Council's (SPC) cry o f Here's $6 for the PNL for 197 9 "Shut 'em All Down" -r following years of solid community educa- tion around the nuclear power issue -- resounded as a logical and _ Add me to your mailing lis t responsible demand . And here's an extra contribution Harrisburg happened and within hours SPC was mobilizing a mas s protest action . I can give time; please contact me Harrisburg happened and people from all over the area called SPC , _ I want to pledge $_ monthly; seeking honest information they knew they were not getting from th e please send me a pledge card government or the 'straight' media . Harrisburg happened and the importance of a community-based organ- ization like SPC became vividly real . Nam With clear beautiful voices, you're telling us -- each other -- through letters like those above, through phone calls, through increased acti- e I Address I vism, through your voices 'at the Rally just how much the Peace Coun- cil is needed .
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