PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY . No 1 Vol. XXII!, Naharlacun, Monday, January 16, 2012 Pausa 26, 1933 (Sal<a) Separate paging is given to eecti part In order that it may be filed as a seperet» cOrTJpijation. .- CONTEf\JTS PAGE i 6 PART -I Appointment, promotions, powers and personal notices Issued by the Governor GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH PART -I Appointment, promotions, powers and personal notices issued by the Governor. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (8) BRANCH ARUNACHAL PRADESH CIVIL SECRETARIAT ITANAGAR ORDER The 19th October, 2011 No PO(ES)-17/98(Pt-il), In pursuance of the recommendation ottheArunachal Pradesh Public Service Comlilission vide their letter No. PSC-R(B)f2010 dated 7th October, 2011 and in compliance with order of Horr'ble High Court of GLJwahati dated 7th September, 2011 in WP(C) No. 398/2010, the Covemor of Arunachal Pradesh is pleased to appoint the follOWing persons to the post of Veterinary Officer Group '8' (Gazetted) under Veterinary Department in the pay band 3 of ~ 15,600-39,1 OO+Grade pay ~ 5,400 pm with 25% NPAplu5 other allowances admissible under rules from time to time with effect from the date of their Joining to the posting place(s) shown below against each. Place of posting Name of the candidate(s) , . ,; _ Lb. '" , SI No • • • .. ", .- As Veterinary Officer at Veterinary Dispensary Dr (MiSS) Omem Padung Lumburdung under DVO, Tawang As Veterinary Officer at Veterinary Dispensary, Dr Lige Basar 2 Anini under ova, Anini. 1. The apPointment will be on a probation period of 2 (two) years from the date(s) of Joining to the post after Nhir:::hthe apPointment will be confirmed on satisfactory completion of the probation period 2 Tn>:' candidates so appointed shall have to report for dlJty within 1 (one) month from the receipt of 1hls order faIling //hlcn the appointrllent shall stand cancelled. '; ff'l ~"1 f;0111 1rnent carries with it liability to serve in any part of Arunachal Pradesh. 1 4 '.I -rt.!GI t'l'l!! ()€ alio:Ne(j for JOIning at place of posting I ii',on .~(tprrn) 3[1(1(,OflrJttlOn'i. of $efV(CeS which are not speclfi~d ~rlIhis order S\l lIlt) Q0V{:'lneo by ttl€) reI c.;: /";( t r 11,:.. 811ft f()']'JI;:'!IJ()rlS Irll'(jIC(~trorn til-riG to time ~ [tIe ~ ~() ~(lcjtt(~,teJtrlrlll1rm in rjUf!llcRtf'ldllly Gc}nlpIAtl!ci In illl rt·~p 'ct rnu It btl Sllt)lnltted ~1tt,e ltmf;o! re (lr!i 19 .rjr (.1 ]1/ HlrJ'" ~ {/ittl trlf; M€'rltf ~l f ,tn.; ,6 C(Jrtlfl( "ltp • i If 8,-; iec aretllJfl gl,[en/lntr)rr(IlI'jil(Jn furru YI1~(jIII(tIl (,~)!lf!ld~lt(~f1\OV.t; to IJ(' fCl,lse or If tt~e candidate IS , trj,1 lflrj T0 rla;e wlllf'Jlijl StJPprl'!s~e:l ar'l r-(Ialort<ll, If1t{)( m;:lltOn flU/gil€! Will be I,able to removal (rom tl1e •• :::.E:" '/j(:;@ Tajom T~t!oh Co -nrr.lss.idner (AHV). GO\lemrr el1t of Aftl!'ldChaJ p[~r:les.n ltanagar , , NOflFICATION I 1 The 9th November, 20 '11 j , j Society limited" Hotel Uptown Building, Neal DC BLlnga1ow, f. O,/P, S Bomdlla , '? {:);S,t Kanl~lngDllitrlcl, . d i ff' d "Ull1b"f"'''' CISCoop (Org)1 011_002 Of1 th'" (llh d I Arunachal Pradesh has been reglstere In tl1Y 0 Ice an I' '", ....1..', " ,', " '" ,~ ay 01 November, of the year two thousand siever, Anno DOIl'lir,i The valldlfy of the! Registration IS upto 8th NQ\l0h1b@r 2014 The area of the operation will be confined to West Karl'leng District In Arunachal Pradesh , The Bye-laws adopted by tile society have also been registered H.K Sh~lla" lAS , Regisirar, (Cooperative SocietlElS), Government of Arun6ilchal PradeSh Naharlagun. ' OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES NAHARLAGUN NOTIFICATION Sl The 11th November, 2011 No.COOP (Org)-231/2011/4329-34 Under secnon 9 of the ArLlnachal Pradesh Cooperative SOcieties Act 1978 (Act 3 of 1979) a Cooperative Society under the name and style "Kurung Kumey Labour Contract Cooperative Society Ltd" Kolorianq, P.O. Koloriang, KuruIlg Kumey District, Arunachal Pradesh has been registered in my office and numbered as Coop (Org)231/2011 on the 11th day of November of the year two Oc thousand eleven Anno Domini, The validity of the Registration is upto iOth November, 2014. The area of tl1e tilE operation will be confined to entire Kurunq Kumey District in Arunachal Pradesh .an, , Of1 The Bye-laws adopted by the society have also been registered, by H K, Shalla, lAS, the Registrar, ant (Cooperative Societies), Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Naharlagun, OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES NAHARLAGUN NOTIFICATION The 15th November, 2011 No COOP (Org)-249/20i1/4344-53 . Under Section 9 of the Arunachal Pradesh Cooperative1 SoCieties Act 1978 (Act 3 of 1979) a Cooperative Society under the name and style "Jagrity Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd", A-Sector, Naharlagun, P.O, Naharlaqun, Papurn Pare District, Arunachal Pradssh has been registered in my office and numbered ~s Coop (Org) 249/2,011 on the 15th day of November of the year two lnousand eleven Anno Domini The validity of the Registration IS upto 14th Novem ber, 2014. The area of the operation will be confined to Papurn Pare District InArunachal Pradesh, The Bye-laws adopted by the society have also been registered H,K, Shalla, lAS, Regi5tf!llr (Cooperative Societies), Goverrlment of Arunachal f'r€ltlesl1, Nat16rl€lgllr1. N() AR-157/2011/Sf'J7,lOO 1(j7~ or f'A~{lMfN r 01 A!1MINISTRl\lIV[ R[f-OfiMs Coo (;II () ncs OFf-ICF, C 8te-1 or~ '- offlCf I fANA(1Af~ I)r'l'll Ku! II or f let Ml MfJt<ANfJUM The l1tt-l Novemh .if, ~O11 SJoject, Observatlon.of f"i()n'I)I,,::"",uprerrlf' (~(lLlrlon ~~Igrltto Irff'CffTlatif)11 .' rl' " ". 4~4 of 2a 11 aflSlng ou: of c;LF'oc) !10 '52fi/')('OI:'> , 'h (' ~ Art, ..005 In CIVil AIJPoilit No !5 , ' '- "J 41 IF1 t f;J JaB£!. of Centr- lB· -d calion and Anr \/s Adlilla 8andopadt'1ya and Ors e ,o<-lrd of Secondary ~ LJ . 1ar-rl dl'ecte' to f'lrI ,I &eher~WJtha copy of Office MenloranrJul'r1 0 ' . _' ",r, If) and Ponsloll, OB~,artnlerltor ~'er$orlnfl (,31'1 Palt - I I The Arunachal ~rade$h Gazette, January 16,2012 l'ralnlng, Governmellt of India on the subject mentioned above. The Hon'bJe Supreme Court has elaborated the section ~3and the definition of 'information' and 'right' under clause (1) and (J) of section 2 of the Right to tntorrnation Act, 2005. The only Information carl be supplied under the Act which already exists and is held by the public Authorlty or held Linder the control of the Public authority. The Public Information Officer is not supposed to create ioformanon ; or to illterpret information; or to solve the problems raised by the applicants, Of to furnish replies to hypothetical question Therefore, YOLl are requested to disseminate among the Public Information Officers under your department for necessary guidance Huzar Loten, Secretary to the Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Ila nagar No. 1/18/2011~IR GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS DEPARTMENT- - OF- PERSONNEL- AND TRAINING ***** . d North Block, Neq Delhi Date --~. -~-":'--'-:--' . the 16th September, 2011 SubJect. Observation of Hon'ble Supreme Court on Right to Information Act, 2005 in Civil Appeal No 6454 of 2011, arising out of SLP[C] No. 7526/2009 in the Case of Central Board of Secondary Education and Anr Vs. Aditya Bandopadhyay and Ors. **** The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department's O.M. No. 1/4/2009-IR dated 5th October, 2009 whereby a Guide on the Right to Information Act, 2005 was circulated, Para 10 of Part I of the Guide, inter alia, stated that 'only such information can be supplied under the Act which already exists and is held by the public authority or held under the control of the public authority The Public Information Officer is not supposed to create information; or to interpret information; or to solve the problems raised by the applicants; or to furnish replies to hypothetical questions' The same issue has been elaborated by the Supreme Court in the matter of Central Board of Secondary Education and Anr Vs, Aditya Bandopadhyay and Ors. (Civil Appeal No . 6454 of 2011) as follows: " At this juncture, it is necessary to clear some misconceptions about the RTI Act. The RTI Act provides access to all information that is available and existing. This is clear from a combined reading of section 3 and the definitions of 'information' and. 'right to information' under clauses (f) and U) of section 2 of the Act. If a public authority has any information in the form of data or analysed data, or abstracts, or statistics, an applicant may access such information, subject to the exemptions in section 8 of the Act. But where the information sought is not a part of the record of a public authority, and where such information is not required to be maintained under any law or the rules or regulations of the public authority, the Act does not cast an obligation upon the public authority; to collect or collate such non available information and then furnish it to an applicant. A public authority is also not required to furnish information which require drawing of inferences and/or making of assumptions. It is also not required to provide 'advice' or 'opinion' to an applicant, nor required to obtain and furnish any 'opinion' or 'advice' to an applicant The reference to 'opinion' or 'advice' in the definition of 'information' in section 2 (f) of the Act only refers to such material available in the records of the public authority Many public authorities have, as a public relation exercise, provide advice, g.uid~nce and opinion to the citizens.
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