Dock and Crop Images

Dock and Crop Images

orders: [email protected] (un)subscribe: [email protected] Current Availability for October 2, 2021 Dock and Crop images Click any thumbnail below for the slideshow of what we shipped this past week: CYCS ARE ASSTD HOT GIANT GLOSSY LEAVES BLUE LEAFSCAPE BLUE MOONSCAPE CYCS ARE RED & PINK HOT! SPECKLED THIN LEAVES ORANGE LEAFSCAPE ORANGE SUNSCAPE Jeff's updates - 9/29 dedicated hot this week! Chimi's favorite climbing structure 4FL = 4" pot, 15 per flat 10H = 10" hanging basket n = new to the list ys = young stock 6FL = 6" pot, 6 per flat 10DP = 10" Deco Pot, round b&b = bud and bloom few = grab 'em! QT= quart pot, 12 or 16 per flat nb = no bloom * = nice ** = very nice Quarts - 12 per flat, Four Inch - 15 per flat, no split flats, all prices NET code size name comments comments 19406 4FL Acalypha wilkesiana 'Bronze Pink' ** Copper Plant-colorful lvs 12210 QT Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' ** lvs striped creamy yellow 19069 4FL Actiniopteris australis ** Eyelash Fern, Ray Fern 17002 4FL Adiantum raddianum 'Microphyllum' ** extremely tiny leaflets 21496 4FL Adromischus filicaulis (cristatus?) ** Crinkle Leaf 20839 4FL Adromischus maculatus ** Crinkle Leaf 16514 4FL Aeonium 'Kiwi' ** tricolor leaves 13632 QT Ajuga 'Catlin's Giant' ** huge lvs, purple fls 13279 QT Ajuga pyramidalis 'Metallica Crispa' ** crinkled leaf 17560 4FL Aloe vera ** Healing Aloe, a must-have 13232 QT Anthericum sanderii 'Variegated' *b&b grassy perennial 12261 QT Artichoke Imperial Star n**few much improved strain 13701 QT Asclepias tuberosa n*n/c Monarch Butterfly Plant 13227 QT Asparagus densiflorus 'Meyer's' ** Foxtail Fern 19161 4FL Asplenium 'Austral Gem' ** stiff shiny fronds 19555 4FL Asplenium australasicum 'Aves' ** Wavy Bird's Nest 20667 4FL Asplenium ebenoides ** Hardy Dragon Tail Fern 20151 4FL Asplenium trichomanes few Maidenhair Spleenwort, dw 22077 4FL Athyrium nipponicum 'Silver Falls' ** *NEW* Silver Painted Fern 12491 QT Baccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks #2' ** Dwarf Coyote Brush 15986 QT Bacopa (Sutera) 'Scopia Gulliver Blue' **b&b Xtra large flowers! 22043 QT Bacopa (Sutera) 'Scopia Gulliver Pink' **b&b Xtra large pink flowers 17047 QT Begonia 'Nonstop Mix' **b&b green leaves,mixed flower 12411 QT Begonia 'Nonstop Mocca Mix' **b&b dark leaf series 20995 4FL Bromeliad, Neoregelia 'Fireball' ** burgundy leaves 21828 4FL Bromeliad, Tillandsia 'Spirit' ** *NEW* terrestrial tilly 21079 4FL Bromeliad, Tillandsia dyriana **supafly *NEW* terrestrial tilly 16526 4FL Calandrinia spectabilis ** blue lvs, magenta fls 12107 QT Campanula poscharskyana 'Dickson's Gold' **nb gold foliage, blue fls 15840 QT Cardamine trifolia ** woodland treasure! 18116 QT Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' * Blue Sedge, 4-10" tall 22058 4FL Coleus Party Time 'Fancy Feathers Copper' ** *NEW* fluffy texture shad 19557 4FL Cotyledon orbiculata * variable lvs, orange fls 21956 4FL Cotyledon papillaris 'Choco Line' * *NEW* 21745 4FL Cotyledon tomentosa n** *NEW* Bear's Paw 16830 4FL Crassula 'Little Missy' ** variegated spreader 20836 4FL Crassula arborescens 'Blue Hale' ** *NEW* big, round, silvery 16952 4FL Crassula capitella 'Campfire' ** orange-red leaves 19024 4FL Crassula cephalophora ** compact silver leaves 18974 4FL Crassula corymbulosa ** like a compact 'Campfire' 17629 4FL Crassula falcata ** Propeller Plant, red fls. 21827 4FL Crassula ovata 'Coral' ** Organ Pipe Jade - mini 16513 4FL Crassula ovata 'Dwarf' ** Baby Jade Plant 16819 4FL Crassula sarcocaulis ** Bonsai Crassula 19362 4FL Crassula tetragona ** compact "pine tree" 21982 QT Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Allyson Deep Rose' **b&b flowering shrublet 02573 4FL Cyclamen intermediate asstd. **b&b compact, mixed colors 15138 4FL Cyclamen intermediate red **b&b large flowers 15136 4FL Cyclamen intermediate white **b&b large flowers 21150 4FL Cyclamen mini Goblet Shine purple **b&b *NEW* inverted & frosted 21152 4FL Cyclamen mini Super Serie Djix Red **b&b mini,unique downward face 00923 4FL Cyclamen mini hybrids asstd. **b&b miniature cyclamen 16296 4FL Cyclamen standard asstd. **b&b 12"-16"plants,mixed color 16089 4FL Cyclamen standard red **b&b Solid color flats 16295 4FL Cyclamen standard white **b&b large flowers 22109 QT Duranta repens 'Gold Mound' ** *NEW* Golden Sky Flower 16350 4FL Echeveria 'Afterglow' ** huge lavender pink 22140 4FL Echeveria 'Amistar' ** silvery blue green 16349 4FL Echeveria 'Black Prince' "black" lvs, red fls. 16611 4FL Echeveria 'Dondo' green rosette 21088 4FL Echeveria 'Giant Blue' ** *NEW* wavy edges, blue 18211 4FL Echeveria 'Holy Gate' ** paddle shaped blue 18108 4FL Echeveria 'Melaco' ** chocolate colored lvs 22141 4FL Echeveria 'Morning Dew' ** silvery blue green 16355 4FL Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg' ** broad pink/amethyst 21981 4FL Echeveria 'Tippy' ** silvery blue green 17886 4FL Echeveria agavoides ** darker tips on green lvs 21093 4FL Echeveria agavoides 'Miranda' ** *NEW* bright red tips 16558 4FL Echeveria asstd. ** mixed assortment 16365 4FL Echeveria elegans ** Mexican Snowball 16367 4FL Echeveria glauca blue n** blue green clumper 16394 4FL Echeveria lilacina n** powdery white 16395 4FL Echeveria minima n** bluish, red tips 16369 4FL Echeveria parva n** sea green 20834 4FL Echeveria purpusorum ** *NEW* chunky grey/red spo 16375 4FL Echeveria secunda ** compact rosettes 20835 4FL Echeveria setorum 'Victor' n** *NEW* coral red flowers 12119 QT Euphorbia 'Blue Haze' PP14868 ** blue grey lvs, green fls 13554 QT Euphorbia martinii 'Ascot Rainbow' PP21104 ** yellow, green, coral lvs 12120 QT Euryops gamolepis 'Sunshine' **sb&b green leaf/gold flower 21550 QT Evolvulus glomeratus 'Blue Daze' *nb *NEW* true blue flowers 03472 4FL Ferns asstd. mixed ** houseplant & garden types 21983 QT Fuchsia arborescens **n/c *NEW* Tree Fuchsia 12108 QT Galium odoratum * Sweet Woodruff, groundcvr 21300 4FL Gasteraloe 'Royal Highness' ** Haworthia-like hybrid 16867 4FL Gasteria 'Little Warty' n*ys small clumper 21624 4FL Gasteria 'Solana' n** tiny orange lantern fls 17373 4FL Gasteria maculata n* long, dark green 21299 4FL Graptoveria 'Opalina' ** thick waxy blue green lvs 16861 4FL Haworthia coarctata * stem forming species 19952 4FL Haworthia cooperi v. obtusa * windowed species 19953 4FL Haworthia emelyae n** spiral rosette, window-lv 18036 4FL Haworthia marumiana var. batesiana * dense clumper, window lvs 12421 QT Hebe andersonii 'Variegata' ** ivory edges 07380 4FL Hedera Fancy Leaf asstd. ** fancy-leaved English ivie 19088 4FL Hedera helix 'Mint Kolibri' ** mottled leaves 19089 4FL Hedera helix 'Shamrock' ** green, bird's foot leaf 19887 4FL Hedera helix 'White Ripple' ** mottled green & white lvs 19074 4FL Hemionitis arifolia ** Heart Leaf Fern 07678 4FL Houseplant foliage asstd. ** mixed flats, indoor/porch 18412 4FL Jovibarba heuffelii 'Bugharis' ** green, purple-black later 16913 4FL Kalanchoe orgyalis bronzy orange fuzz 17978 QT Lantana 'Little Lucky Orange' n**sb&b 10-12" tall 17980 QT Lantana 'Little Lucky Pot of Gold' PP14634 **sb&b brightest gold 12414 QT Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' ** dwarf, deep blue fls 12418 QT Lavandula intermedia 'Grosso' ** very fragrant flowers 19479 QT Lemon Grass, Western (Cymbopogon citratus) ** Western Asia Lemon Grass 18408 4FL Mammillaria gracilis fragilis ** Thimble Cactus-soft spine 12124 QT Nepeta 'Walker's Low' ** grey lvs, purple fls, 2' 16934 4FL Nephrolepis biserrata ("Macho") * tender, luxuriant fronds 18087 4FL Nephrolepis cordifolia ** Southern Sword Fern 17061 4FL Nephrolepis cordifolia 'Duffii' ** Lemon Button Fern 19141 4FL Nephrolepis exaltata 'Emina' ** Boston Fern - twisted lvs 19136 4FL Nephrolepis falcata 'Furcans' ** Fishtail Sword Fern 00995 4FL Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' ** Black Mondo Grass 12401 QT Oregano, Italian **b&b *NEW* must-have basic her 12489 QT Origanum 'Monterey Bay' ** bluish lvs, mauve flowers 19775 QT Origanum Kirigami ** improved Kent Beauty type 21332 4FL Pellaea falcata 'Star Glow' ** Dwarf Brake Fern 21038 4FL Pepero-Pilea assortment ** *NEW* 3 or more varieties 21053 4FL Peperomia 'Rosso' PPAF ** *NEW* green 'n glossy 21052 4FL Peperomia albovittata 'Rana Verde' PP29418 ** *NEW* mounding green lvs 21037 4FL Peperomia assortment ** *NEW* 3 or more varieties 21051 4FL Peperomia caperata 'Frost' ** *NEW* shiny silver leaves 21106 4FL Peperomia clusifolia 'Ginny' ** *NEW* Rainbow Peperomia 20299 4FL Peperomia ferreyrae ** *NEW* Happy Bean Plant 21107 4FL Peperomia obtipan 'Bicolor' ** green, wide cream edges 21204 4FL Peperomia obtusifolia 'Golden Gate' ** *NEW* multiple variegatio 21108 4FL Peperomia obtusifolia 'Lemon Lime' ** Lemon-Lime Baby Rubber P. 19873 QT Petunia Headliner Pink Sky n**buds white stars on pink faces 19275 4FL Phlebodium aureum 'Mandaianum' ** Bear's Paw Fern 21394 4FL Phlebosia 'Nicolas Diamond' PP30873 ** *NEW* large green ruffles 20721 4FL Pilea 'Ellen' ** Aluminum plant 19096 4FL Pilea depressa 'Tiny Tears' ** tiny green leaves 21984 4FL Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine' ** *NEW* Silver Sparkle Pile 19897 4FL Pilea microphylla 'Variegata' ** Tricolor Artillery Plant 20539 4FL Pilea peperomioides ** Lucky Jade Money Plant 21166 4FL Pilea spruceana 'Norfolk' ** *NEW* silver and bronze 21519 4FL Pilea spruceana 'Silver Tree' ** *NEW* dark w/silver cente 16503 4FL Platycerium bifurcatum 'Netherlands' ** compact Staghorn 20020 QT Plectranthus neochilus 'Mike's Fuzzy Wuzzy' ** *NEW* Lobster Flower 22143 4FL Polystichum makinoi ** Makinoi Holly fern, 2' 16554 4FL Portulaca molokiniensis ** succulent, yellow fls. 19568 4FL Pteris cretica 'Mayii' *big variegated, crested tips

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