SKS ZZaa BBohaoha a nnárodárod FForor GodGod andand NNationation SSlovaklovak CCatholicatholic FFalconalcon SSLOVENSKÝLOVENSKÝ KKATOLÍCKYATOLÍCKY SSOKOLOKOL OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL • MEMBERSHIP 30,000 • HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON ST., PASSAIC, NJ 07055 Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, NJ 07055 and additional mailing offices VOLUME CIX PASSAIC, NJ, FEBRUARY 1, 2020 NUMBER 5136 INTRODUCING THE MEMBERS OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL SUPREME ASSEMBLY – 2020-2023 Rt. Rev. Gary A. Hoover, O.S.B. Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic Michael J. Horvath Edward D. Moeller Abbot of St. Andrew Abbey Supreme Chaplain Supreme President Supreme Vice-President Protector Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C. James F. Knis John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Esq. James G. Jerek Supreme Secretary Supreme Treasurer General Counsel Chairperson of Supreme Auditros SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 1, 2020 MMessageessage fromfrom oourur SupremeSupreme PresidentPresident Slovak Catholic Falcon MMichaelichael J.J. HorvathHorvath Slovenský Katolícky Sokol This being the fi rst article of the New Cotton Bowl in Dallas, Texas. The home Year I would like to wish all members team, the Dallas Stars, won so everyone ISSN:0897-8107 and friends a Happy New Year, 2020, was happy. Since we were going to be Established April 15, 1911 and hope all of you had a wonderful gone for a week the need to assure the 2019 Christmas and tree had enough water everyday was our Official Publication holiday. concern, so an artifi cial tree made sense of the Slovak Catholic Sokol This year our just for this year. For all of you who think Christmas was a I made the most Grinchious sin, I ask for Issued Monthly little different than your forgiveness. For the artifi cial believ- the many Christmas’ ers, I did not go over to the plastic side, Editor: Daniel F. Tanzone of the past. My fam- yet. As of today, the tree is still up and not Editorial Office: 973-777-4010 ily held our traditional a single artifi cial plastic needle has fallen. Christmas Eve dinner What a pleasant feeling! Annual Subscription Rates: as it was always done, 2020, a new decade has begun and United States $40.00 with the Christmas everyone who has the ability of using All others countries $45.00 Eve prayer and toast, then the break- their crystal ball, read cards, tea leaves ing and sharing of the oplatky, servings or any future fortune telling abilities what POSTMASTER: Send address changes to of fi sh, potatoes, peas, pirohy, pagach, are you seeing or predicting before it Slovak Catholic Falcon stewed fruits and to fi nish the meal the happens. Yes we know the obvious and P.O.Box 899, 205 Madison Street mushroom soup. Then on Christmas the general predictions, but what we re- Passaic, NJ 07055 Day the family came to visit from the af- ally need to know are the unusual who’s, ternoon to the evening to share the spe- what’s, when’s and where’s. Member of the Catholic Press Association cial day, to watch the children open their As we all know, 2020 is the standard and the Christmas gifts, receive their crazy uncle for perfect eyesight and most of us need Slovak Newspapermen’s Mike gift and to see our new and untra- help achieving a 2020 vision. So here is Association of America ditional Christmas tree. No fresh- cut this what I see, 2020 means opportunities for year! everyone who has a positive attitude, is Proprietor and Publisher Yes, an artifi cial Christmas tree! focused on seeing the opportunities and SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL This was done out of necessity since we making them happen and realizing the P.O.Box 899 were leaving on Saturday, December 28 good the opportunities will bring to all. 205 Madison Street to visit my wife’s sister and her family in Now you are asking, how will this hap- Passaic, NJ 07055 Fort Worth, Texas for New Years and to pen? attend the “2020 Winter Classic” the ice Our Society has entered its 115th HOME OFFICE HOURS: hockey game on New Year’s Day at the MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY (Continued on page 20) 8:00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. FRIDAY SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL BOWLING TOURNAMENT 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The 74th Annual Slovak Catholic So- ity food and refreshments will be served at kol International Bowling Tournament will PHONE NUMBERS: 6:45 p.m at Brookgate Lanes, allowing time TOLL FREE NUMBER: 1-800-886-7656 be held on Friday and Saturday, May 15th to relax and socialize before or after team and 16th at the Brookgate Lanes, 14950 bowling. Doubles and Singles events will be HOME OFFICE: (973) 777-2605 or 777-2606 Snow Road in Brook Park, Ohio. The GCU bowled on Saturday, May 16th at 9:00 a.m. DIRECTOR OF SALES: 1-855-874-9179 Fraternal Society will be joining us again or 12:30 p.m. or (412) 381-5431 for the 6th straight year along with the First The cost for the 74th International Bowl- Catholic Slovak Union and National Slovak ing Tournament will be the same as last UNDERWRITING: (973) 777-4704 Society. The bowling application is posted year: $22.00 per event, $5 for all-events FAX NUMBER: (973) 779-8245 on our web site. The application deadline and $29.00 for the banquet on Saturday E-MAIL: [email protected] is April 13th, 2020. May 16th. The total for each bowler partici- The tournament lodging for bowlers pating in team, doubles, singles, all-events WEB SITE: www.slovakcatholicsokol.org and guests will be at the Cleveland Airport and the banquet is $100.00. Marriott, 4277 West 150th Street Cleveland, If you have any questions, please send FOLLOW US ON: OH 44135, tel.: 216-252-5333. The guaran- me at email at jmatlon@slovakcatholicso- TWITTER: www.twitter.com teed rate is $99.00 for single or double oc- kol.org, call or text me at my cell phone: INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com cupancy Friday and Saturday night. 973-647-8551. Team events will be bowled on Friday th FIND US ON FACEBOOK: evening, May 15 . The fi rst squad will com- Fraternally yours, Slovak Catholic Sokol mence at 5:30 p.m. and the second squad James C. Matlon at 8:00 p.m. On Friday evening hospital- Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics – 2 – SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, FEBRUARY 1, 2020 From the desk of the Supreme Secretary sokol calendar THE SOKOL SEASON SAATURDAY,TURDAY, FFEBRUARYEBRUARY 1155 by Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C. ASSEMBLY 11 ANNUAL MEET- ING at the home of the Financial Secre- tary Therese M. Buc,9024 Del Prado Dr., “The heart of man plans his way, but the will be at the Cleveland Airport Marriott, Palos Hills, IL beginning at 2 p.m., those Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 the site of our most recent Quadrennial planning to attend should call Therese at Convention. In true fraternal spirit, we will tel. 708 598-1468. Greetings from the Home Offi ce and be joined by a handful of other Fraternals Happy New Year to all our members! I and we should easily exceed participation FFRIDAY,RIDAY, FFEBRUARYEBRUARY 2288 hope the holiday season was fi lled with levels from the prior year. I hope both our GROUP 14 “LEAP INTO FUN” NIGHT plenty of joy and time devout regulars and many new faces will in honor of Leap Year at the Sokol Club, with your family. With join us as we celebrate this great annual 2912 E Carson Str., Pittsburgh, PA. There the cold weather upon tradition. For more information, check our will be activities, appetizers, Chinese Auc- us and a lot of outdoor website, or email our Director of Sports tion, etc. for both adults and children. activities on hold, Feb- and Athletics, James C. Matlon, james- SSUNDAY,UNDAY, MMARCHARCH 1 ruary allows us to look [email protected]. GROUP 1 YOUTH BOWLINGFEST ahead into the year From July 16th-19th, our Supreme at the Palace Bowling Lanes, Clifton, N.J. and get our sched- Physical Fitness Board and our Group from 2-4 p.m. ules prepared for the Physical Directors/Directresses will be SSUNUNDDAYAY, MMARCHARCH 1155 upcoming spring and meeting at Kutztown University in Kutz- PATRONAL FEAST OF ASSEMBLY summer months. We hope that you plan town, PA for our biennial International 182, beginning with Slovak Mass at 10:15 on joining us at one of our outstanding fra- Clinic. This is a time for our leaders to get a.m., Church of St. John Nepomucene, ternal activities. together to learn our drills, the rules and 66th Street and First Ave., New York, N.Y. In preparation for our 2020 fraternal regulations and to get the layout of the program and luncheon to follow at 1 p.m. activities, I had the pleasure of joining our 50th International Slet to be held at Kutz- in the parish social hall. Supreme Physical Fitness Board in Pitts- town University in 2021. I know the goal of MMARCHARCH 220-210-21 burgh, PA on January 17th-18th for their the Supreme Physical Fitness Board is to QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE annual meeting. Our Supreme President, make the 50th International Slet the most S.C.S. BOARD OF DIRECTORS in Wil- Michael J. Horvath, and I were honored to memorable to date and we look forward to kes-Barre, PA. join in the planning of our fraternal season. seeing what they come up with! SSUNDAY,UNDAY, MMARCHARCH 2222 Many thoughts and ideas were shared, The month of August will give our avid 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH and I commend our Supreme Director of golfers a chance to polish off their clubs OF MSGR.
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