Volume 55(12):175‑204, 2015 TYPE SPECIMENS OF THE TRADITIONAL MYRMICINAE (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) ANT TRIBES DEPOSITED IN THE MUSEU DE ZOOLOGIA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL: ADELOMYRMECINI, BASICEROTINI, BLEPHARIDATTINI, CREMATOGASTRINI, FORMICOXENINI, LENOMYRMECINI, MYRMICINI, PHALACROMYRMECINI, PHEIDOLINI, STEGOMYRMECINI, STENAMMINI AND TETRAMORIINI MÔNICA ANTUNES ULYSSÉA1,2,3 LÍVIA P. PRADO1,2,4 CARLOS ROBERTO F. BRANDÃO2,5 ABSTRACT The present catalogue lists ant types of 12 traditional Myrmicinae ant tribes (Adelomyrmecini, Basicerotini, Blepharidattini, Crematogastrini, Formicoxenini, Lenomyrmecini, Myrmicini, Phalacromyrmecini, Pheidolini, Stegomyrmecini, Stenammini and Tetramoriini) housed in the Formicidae Collection of the Hymenoptera Laboratory, Museu de Zoologia da Universi- dade de São Paulo (MZSP), Brazil, completing the publication of Myrmicinae types deposited in this institution. We adopted the traditional classification for Myrmicinae tribes to follow the already published catalogues regarding the Attini, Cephalotini, Dacetini and Solenopsi- dini and published catalogues in this series. In total, the present catalogue includes types of 213 nominal species, of which 169 are still valid. Twelve species listed here are represented by holotypes only, 28 by holotypes and paratypes, 102 species by paratypes only, 65 species by syntypes, and five species by lectotypes and paralectotypes. We record the label information, morphological condition of the specimens, nomenclatural changes, and type status, following the recommendations of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Key-Words: Catalogue; Myrmicinae; Ants; Types; MZSP. INTRODUCTION logical collections of Latin America, summing approx- imately 10 million liquid or dry preserved specimens The Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São (Landim, 2011). There are about seven thousand pri- Paulo (MZSP) houses today one of the leading zoo- mary types deposited in the MZSP collections. 1. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sistemática, Taxonomia e Diversidade Animal/MZSP - USP. 2. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Caixa Postal 42.494, CEP 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. 3. E-mail: [email protected] 4. E-mail: [email protected] 5. E-mail: [email protected] http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0031-1049.2015.55.12 176 Ulysséa, M.A. ET AL.: Types of twelve traditional Myrmicinae tribes housed in MZSP The MZSP Formicidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) of the MZSP Attini (Klingenberg & Brandão, 2005), collection holds one of the most important collec- Cephalotini (Prado & Brandão, 2013), Dacetini and tions worldwide for the Neotropical region, regard- Solenopsidini (Ulysséa & Brandão, 2013), and also ing to the number of types, species and specimens, because the published ant taxonomic catalogues have as well geographic coverage, due to the acquisition of not incorporated this proposal still. Myrmicinae is the the Kempf-Borgmeier collection in 1977 (Brandão, largest, most diverse and successful Formicidae sub- 1991; Klingenberg & Brandão, 2005) and material family, including 143 valid genera, 6.444 valid spe- more recently added by several collaborators, includ- cies and 824 valid subspecies (Bolton, 2014). The 12 ing C.R.F. Brandão (curator since 1981), his students tribes considered here comprise 85 valid genera (one and associates, especially from localities not repre- incertae sedis), 4.422 valid species and 662 valid sub- sented before (Esteves et al., 2011). In addition, the species (Bolton, 2014). collection also houses specimens collected by Nicolas The purpose of this catalogue is to list the ant Kusnezov, William Mowry Mann, Carlos Bruch and type specimens of these 12 Myrmicinae tribes, pro- Hermann von Lüderwaldt. viding label information, conservation status of the As proposed by the International Code of Zoo- specimens and current taxonomic situation, following logical Nomenclature (ICZN, 1999) when treating the recommendations of the ICZN (1999). institutional responsibilities – “every institution in which name-bearing types are deposited should make them accessible for studies, publish lists of name- MATERIAL AND METHODS bearing types in its possession or custody, and so far as possible, communicate information concerning For preparation of the catalogue, information name-bearing types” – we are publishing a series of from the ant type labels was compared to the original catalogues listing the ant type specimens deposited descriptions – which can be easily found on the Glob- in MZSP collection. The catalogues published thus al Ant Project website (gap.entclub.org/taxonomists/ far include fungus-growing ants (Myrmicinae: At- index.html), the Ant Cat website (www.antcat.org) tini) (Klingenberg & Brandão, 2005), Poneromorphs (Bolton, 2014), the catalogues of identifier numbers (Amblyoponinae, Ectatomminae, Heteroponerinae, of Thomaz Borgmeier, Walter Wolfgang Kempf and Ponerinae and Proceratiinae) (Scott-Santos et al., MZSP collection. The nomenclature of type speci- 2008), Pseudomyrmecinae (Brandão et al., 2010), Do- mens was updated following the ICZN (1999). rylomorphs (Aenictinae, Ecitoninae, Cerapachyinae The combination of type names is quoted in al- and Leptanilloidinae) (Esteves et al., 2011), Dacetini phabetical order by species name, according the genus and Solenopsidini (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) (Ulys- they are presently organized. We used the following séa & Brandão, 2013) and Cephalotini (Formicidae: abbreviations: Coll. = collection, Coll. Borgm. = T. Myrmicinae) (Prado & Brandão, 2013). Our aim is to Borgmeier Collection, Coll. Bruch = Carlos Bruch encourage further studies on ant taxonomy and also Collection, Coll. Kempf = W.W. Kempf Collection, to avoid unnecessary movement of precious, some- Coll. Mann = W.M. Mann Collection, Coll. Kusn. = times unique, specimens. N. Kusnezov Collection; W = worker, S = soldier (ma- The present catalogue is the seventh in a series jor worker), G = gyne (Feitosa & Brandão, 2008), E = of MZSP ant types and the fourth on Myrmicinae ant ergatoid, M = male; col(s). = collector(s) and leg. = types, dealing this time with 12 tribes: Adelomyrme- legit. Furthermore, to indicate the conservation status cini, Basicerotini, Blepharidattini, Crematogastrini, of the type specimens recorded in the present cata- Formicoxenini, Lenomyrmecini, Myrmicini, Phala- logue, we used: A = antenna, A1 = left antenna, A2 = cromyrmecini, Pheidolini, Stegomyrmecini, Stenam- right antenna; W = wing, W1 = anterior left wing, mini and Tetramoriini – out of the 25 tribes tradi- W2 = posterior left wing, W3 = anterior right wing, tionally recognized to this subfamily (Bolton, 1995, W4 = posterior right wing; L = leg, L1, L2 and L3 2003, 2013, 2014; Ward, 2007). Recently, Ward represent the left legs and L4, L5 and L6 the right et al. (2014) redefined the Myrmicinae tribe bound- legs. MP is an abbreviation for Museu Paulista, of aries and proposed a six wider concept tribe scheme which the old Zoological section became the present – Attini, Crematogastrini, Myrmicini, Pogonomyr- MZSP in 1939. mecini, Stenammini and Solenopsidini (Appendix, In order to record information related to the Table 1). As this catalogue completes the series on this MZSP Myrmicinae ant types, the following order subfamily, we are using the traditional tribe classifi- is adopted in the present catalogue (although we do cation because we already published type catalogues not have complete information for all entries): spe- Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 55(12), 2015 177 cies name in the original combination (in alphabetical of] Catacamas, 14.95307 -85.91669 ± 20 m, order by species within genera), author, publication 13May2010[13.v.2010], R.S. Anderson [leg.], year, page number, posterior taxonomic assignments, #2010-028, 2190 m, Wet Cloud Forest, ex sift- type category, number of type specimens of each sex ed leaf litter. or caste, place of collection, date, collector, original Adelomyrmex betoi Fernández, 2003b: 13. Holotype: collection name, collection number or collection code 1W, MEX[ICO], Ver[acruz], Córdoba, Paraje and other information. All this information is taken Nuevo, Nacimiento, 07.viii.1969, S. [Peck] & from labels and listed as completely as they appear on J. Peck [leg.], #176, Trop[pical] Everg[reen] the labels, compared with information in the original For[est], Ber[lese-Tullgren funnels]. Paratypes: publication. We also comment on the conservation 3W, MEX[ICO], Veracruz, 4.4 mi[les] N[orth status of specimens. When appropriate, we indicate of] Huatusco, 02.viii.[19]73, A. Newton [leg.], broken body parts glued to the paper triangle that 4200’[feet], Berl[ese-Tullgren funnels], log & holds the type specimen, or the lost ones. leaf litter esp. hollow logs & fungi. Comment: Additional information, present in publications The MZSP collection has two workers labeled but not recorded on labels, is presented in brackets; for as paratypes [MEXICO, LBS, 21.v.1971, S. the sake of clarity, we also added further information Peck leg., #B-204, leaf litter], but as the original that we were able to recover from different sources. At publication did not mention these specimens we the end of each species entry we present, when neces- do not consider them as types. sary, the present valid name of the taxon corresponding Adelomyrmex bispeculum Longino, 2012: 13. Para- to the type specimen listed. Finally, we present an in- type: 1W, COSTA RICA, Alajuela, 4 km dex of all the valid names listed in the present catalogue ENE[East-northeast of] Monteverde,
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