US 2013 009 1418A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0091418 A1 Gonzalez (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 11, 2013 (54) CROSS-BROWSER TOOLBAR AND METHOD Publication Classification THEREOF (51) Int. Cl. (71) Applicant: Visicom Media Inc., Brossard (CA) G06F 7/2 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (72) Inventor: Miguel Enrique Cepero Gonzalez, CPC .................................... G06F 17/218 (2013.01) Brossard (CA) USPC .......................................................... 71.5/234 (57) ABSTRACT (73) Assignee: VISICOMMEDIA INC., Brossard A tool configured to build a cross-browser toolbar is pro (CA) vided. The tool comprises a processor; and a memory coupled to the processor and configured to store at least instructions for execution of a wizard program by the processor, wherein (21) Appl. No.: 13/690,236 the wizard program causes to: receive an input identifying at least user interface elements and event handlers respective of the user interface elements, wherein the input further identi (22) Filed: Nov.30, 2012 fies at least two different types of a web browser on which the toolbar can be executed; generate respective of the received O O input a toolbar render object, a script file, and at least one Related U.S. Application Data toolbar library for each type of web browser; and compile the (63) Continuation of application No. 12/270,421, filed on toolbar render object, the script file, and the least one toolbar Nov. 13, 2008, now Pat. No. 8,341,608. library into an installer file. 120-1 Installer Web File BrOWSer TOOlbar Builder installer File TOOlbar BrOWSer Libraries Patent Application Publication Apr. 11, 2013 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2013/009 1418 A1 Installer File Toolbar Builder Installer A File Web TOOlbar BrOWSer Libraries FIG. 1 Hard drive Web BrOWSer Instance Toolbar Libraries FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Apr. 11, 2013 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2013/009 1418 A1 / 300 TranSform TDO elements to DOM Specific elements Map events from TDO to DOM Specific elements DiscOnnect event handlers FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Apr. 11, 2013 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2013/009 1418 A1 HardDrive IE Instance Web BrOWSer Control TOOlbar Libraries A rendered TOOlbar Mytoolbar.dll FIG. 4 US 2013/009 1418 A1 Apr. 11, 2013 CROSS-BROWSER TOOL BAR AND METHOD 0009 Certain embodiments also include a method forgen THEREOF erating a cross-browser toolbar. The method comprises gen erating a toolbar render object defining at least user interface CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED elements of the cross-browser toolbar; generating a scriptfile APPLICATIONS defining at least event handlers associated with the user inter face elements; generating toolbar libraries including at least 0001. This patent application is a continuation of patent application programming interfaces (APIs) and Script files application No. 12/270.421, now allowed, filed on Nov. 13, Supporting a specific web browser type; assigning a unique 2008, which is hereby incorporated by reference for all that it dynamic-link library (DLL) file with the toolbar libraries and contains. the script file; and compiling the toolbar render object, the script file, the toolbar libraries, and the DLL file into an TECHNICAL FIELD installer file adapted to enable the installation of the cross 0002 This invention generally relates to browser exten browser toolbar in the specific web browser type. sions. 0010 Certain embodiments further include a cross-plat form toolbar. The cross-platform toolbar comprises a toolbar BACKGROUND render object defining at least user interface elements of the cross-browser toolbar; a script file defining at least event 0003 Web browsers are software applications that enable handlers associated with the user interface elements; toolbar the viewing of information accessible on the WorldWideWeb libraries including at least application programming inter (or Web). At its most basic, the Web is a collection of docu ments written using programming languages that web brows faces (APIs) and Script files Supporting a specific web ers can interpret. Such languages include, for example, a browser type; and a unique dynamic-link library (DLL) file hypertext markup language (HTML), an eXtensible markup assigned with the toolbar libraries and the script file. language (XML), and the like. Microsoft Internet Explorer(R), BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Mozilla Firefox R, Safari(R), and Opera R are just to name a few examples of web browsers. 0011. The subject matter that is regarded as the invention 0004 Browser extensions are applications such as plug is particularly pointed out and distinctly claimed in the claims ins or add-ons that are downloaded and installed on an indi at the conclusion of the specification. The foregoing and other vidual computing device on which a web browser is operat objects, features and advantages of the invention will be ing. The browser extensions are compiled separately for each apparent from the following detailed description taken in type of web browser. A prime example for a browser exten conjunction with the accompanying drawings. sion is a downloadable toolbar. When installed, a toolbar 0012 FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating the process of creat allows users to customize their browsing experience. ing a cross-browser toolbar utilized in accordance with the 0005. The process of creating a downloadable toolbar principles of the invention. includes developing a Software application compatible with a 0013 FIG. 2 illustrates the files used for executing a cross specific browser type and storing an executable application in browser toolbar over a web browser instance. a web server. The software application embodying the toolbar 0014 FIG.3 is a flowchart describing the process of trans typically includes functional buttons, search windows, and lating a TDO to a browser-specific DOM at runtime as imple application programming interfaces (APIs) for other plug-ins mented in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. and interfaces. A user may download the executable applica 0015 FIG. 4 is a diagram useful for describing the process tion from a web server to a local computing device and run the of executing a toolbar over an Internet Explorer R. (IE) application thereon, causing the toolbar to be integrated in the browser as implemented in accordance with an embodiment web browser. of the invention. 0006. There are some disadvantages with the current pro cess of developing toolbars. Sucha process requires program DETAILED DESCRIPTION ming and compiling Software code for each type of web browser. Thus, a new version of the same toolbar should be 0016. It is important to note that the embodiments dis developed for each web browser's type. This is typically closed by the invention are only examples of the many advan performed by software developers who specialized in devel tageous uses of the innovative teachings herein. In general, oping toolbars. Thus, existing toolbars are proprietary and in statements made in the specification of the present applica most cases not extensible. tion do not necessarily limit any of the various claimed inven tions. Moreover, some statements may apply to some inven 0007. Therefore, it would be advantageous to provide an tive features but not to others. In general, unless otherwise automated solution for generating toolbars. It would be fur indicated, singular elements may be in plural and Vice versa ther advantageous to provide a solution for generating cross with no loss of generality. In the drawings, like numerals refer browser toolbars. to like parts through several views. 0017 FIG. 1 shows an exemplary diagram illustrating the SUMMARY process of creating a cross-browser toolbar implemented 0008 Certain embodiments include a method for render according to the principles of the invention. The process ing a cross-platform toolbar. The method comprises provid includes generating a toolbar which can be executed on any of ing a toolbar document object (TDO), wherein the TDO web browsers 120-1 through 120-N. The toolbar functional includes elements enabling cross-browser interoperability; ity and appearance are defined by one or more source files and translating, at runtime, the TDO to a specific-browser 110. In one embodiment, the source files 110 include one or document object model (DOM) of a web browser type on more XML files that characterize user interface elements which the toolbar is being rendered. (e.g., buttons, menus, etc.) Script files that set the functionality US 2013/009 1418 A1 Apr. 11, 2013 of the user interface elements using event handlers. The web Generally, most types of browsers supporta DOM which is an browsers 120 are of different types and include, but are not API for HTML and XML documents. The DOM provides a limited to, Microsoft Internet Explorer R, Mozilla Firefox R, structural representation of the document, enabling modifi OperaR), Safari(R), and the like. cation its content and visual presentation. That is, a DOM 0018. Other files required for generating the cross connects web pages to Scripts or applications. browser toolbarare stored in toolbar libraries 130. The librar ies 130 contain at least files that provide low level APIs as well 0022. In an embodiment of the invention, the TDO has a as XML and script files to support the different types of tree representation where each node in the tree is a user browsers 120. A toolbar builder 140 generates toolbar interface element. These elements Support standard tags (e.g., installer files 150-1 though 150-N, each of which is targeted XUL tags) and special tags. The special tags are a set of tags to a different type of a web browser 120. For example, an designed to provide enhanced toolbar functions, referred to as installer file 150-1 may be installed and executed over an special functions. Examples for Such tags include, but are not Internet Explorer R browser while an installer file 150-N may limited to, a search-bar for providing a search engine input perform the same over a Firefox(R) browser.
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