Taylor'slegislativehistoryandsouvenirofConnecticut,190- WilliamHarrisonTaylor LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR'S R OOM. .F. H Mayberry, Jas. E. McGann, Arthur L. Clark, Finton 4th D istrict, loth District. J I st District. I Ml Wm.. J Brennan, Wm.. P Bailey, D. Newton Barney, Eli W hitney, i 8 th District. 24th D istrict. (th District. 8th D istrict. Wm..H. H Wooster, Geo.. E Bicknell, John. W Atwood, M. E. Chatfield, Jeremiah Donovan, Wilbur i 7 th District. IJth D istrict. 2ith D istrict. 1th District. 2bth District. J4thl Wm.. E Attwood, Stiles J udson, Allan. W Paige, Alex. T. Pattison, Thos. D. Bradstn 6th D istrict. 2Slh D istrict. 2lst D istrict. 7th District. J2d District. SENATEF O THE STATE O THE F IRST SENATE OF THIRTY-FIVE MEMBERS. )F C ONNECTICUT, 1905. SENATEFOTHESTATECONNECTICUT,OFJ903. THELASTSENATEFTWENTY-FOUROMEMBERS United S tates Senator, JOSEPH R. HAWLEY, Of Hartford. Governor o f Connecticut, 1866-1867; Representative in Congress, 1873-1875, 1879-1881; United States Senator, 1881-1905; Major General, United States Army. Bornn i Stewartsville, N. C., October 31, 1826. Died in Washington, D. C., March 18, 1905. United S tates Senator, ORVILLE H. PLATT, Of Meriden. Secretary o f State, 1857-1858; Speaker House of Representatives, 1869; United States Senator, 1879-1905. Bornn i Washington, Conn., July 19, 1827 Died in Washington, Conn., April 21, 1905. United S tates Senator, MORGAN G. BULKELEY, Of Hartford. Governor o f Connecticut, 1889-1893; elected United States Senator, January 18, 1905, to succeed General Joseph R. Hawley. Bornn i East Haddam, December 26. 1837. United S tates Senator, FRANK B. BRANDEGEE, Of New London. Speaker H ouse of Representatives, 1899; Representative in Congress, 1902-1905; elected United States Senator, May 10, 1905 to succeed Senator O. H, Platt, deceased. nBorn i New London. July 8, 1864. Honorable E DWIN W. HIGGINS, Op Norwich. Congressman f rom the Third District, elected October 2, 1905 to succeed Honorable Frank B. Brandegee, resigned. Bornn i Clinton, July 2, 1874. Taylor's C onnecticut * Legislative H istory AND Souvenir. ,Vol. V 1905-1906. PORTRAITSND A SKETCHES OF STATE OFFICERS, SENATORS, REPRESENTATIVES, COMMISSIONERS, ETC. GROUP CUTS OF COMMITTEES. LIST OF COMMITTEES PUTNAM. C ONN. WILLIAM HARRISON TAYLOR, 1905. PUBLISHER'S N OTE. In 1 848, William's Goodwin of New Haven began the publication of his Annual Legislative Statistics of State Officers, Senate and House of Repre sentatives of Connecticut. Through lack of patronage its publication was omitted in 1849, but was resumed in 1850, since which time it was continued by Mr. Goodwin, William A. Goodwin, Henry C. Goodwin, Palmer Bill and the Comptroller each in turn to 1886 inclusive. In 1887, it was superseded by the Connecticut Register and Manual, the publication of which was then assumed by the State. In 1876, however, the Hartford Evening Post had issued its first Evening Post Annual in newspaper form which was changed to book form in 1881 and thus continued until 1895, when its publication ceased. Apprecia ting the value of "Father" Goodwin's publications and the Evening Post series which contained information of value not to be found elsewhere, I undertook the continuation of the publication of these legislative statistics and accordingly published Volume 1 of Taylor's Legislative History and Souvenir, covering the General Assembly of 1897. The present volume is the fifth in the series, the appreciation of which is shown by the fact that all the copies of Volumes 1 to 4 have been exhausted. The Senate of 1903 had twenty-four members. This session, 1905, was the first Senate of thirty-five members; twenty-nine Repub licans and six Democrats. The House of Representatives was composed of two hundred and nineteen Republicans and thirty-six Democrats, total number two hundred and fifty-five. Two United States Senators from Connecticut, Joseph R. Hawley, of Hartford and Orville H. Platt, of Meriden, died during the session, an unusual occurrence. Hoping this volume will be a valuable contribution towards the history of our State, I send it forth on its mission. THE P UBLISHER. Printing a nd Binding by R. S. Peck & Co., 26-28 High Street, Hartford. Composition Monotyped by Thos. S. Pratt & Son, 308 Pearl Street, Hartford. Half-tone Engravings from The A. Pindar Corporation, 730 Main Street, Hartford. yPortraits b the Johnstone Studio, 45 Pratt Street, Hartford. INDEX AND N AMES OF STATE OFFICIALS AND CLERKS MEMBERS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND OFFICIALS. Town Name Page rown Name Page GOVERNOR. ADJUTANT-GENERAL. H artford, Henry R oberts, 1 4, 16 Hartford, G eorge M. Cole, EXECUTIVE S ECRETARY. ASSISTANT A DJUTANT-GENERAL. Hartford, E dward M. Day, Meriden, W m. E. F. Landers, CHIEF C LERK. ASSISTANT Q UARTERMASTER-GENERAL. Hartford, Frank. D Rood, Colchester, H enry C. Morgan, LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. CLERKS. New H aven, Rollin S. Woodruff, 17, 18 Hartford, Walter P earce, H artford, Theron C. Swan, SECRETARY. Windsor, Lorenzo D. Converse, New L ondon, Theodore Bodenwein,19, 20 Hartford, M. J. Wise, DEPUTY S ECRETARY. STATE L IBRARIAN. Rockville, J ohn G. Mitchell, Hartford, George S . Godard, 278 CHIEF C LERK. LIBRARIAN'S A SSISTANT. Hartford, Richard J . Dwyer, Hartford, C harles R. Green, ASSISTANT C LERK. COMMISSIONER O F SCHOOL FUND. Hartford, A lbert R. Parsons Hartford, C arnot O. Spencer, 284 TREASURER. CLERKS. Greenwich, J ames F. Walsh, 21 Milford, William H . Pond, DEPUTY T REASURER. H artford, Charles W. Skinner, Winsted, B . Frank Marsh, INSURANCE C OMMISSIONER. CHIEF C LERK. Berlin, T heron Upson, 285 Bolton, C has. F. Sumner, Jr., ACTUARYND A CLERKS. ASSISTANT C LERK. Berlin, B ryan H. Atwater, Hartford, L orenzo Moses, Hartford, C harles Hughes, Hartford, G eorge H. Bromfield, COMPTROLLER. Meriden, F rank L. Hamilton, Woodbury, A sahel W. Mitchell, 22 Hartford, C harles H. Cooley, Jr., DEPUTY C OMPTROLLER. RAILROAD C OMMISSIONERS. Willimantic, F . Clarence Bissell, Ridgefield, W illiam O. Seymour, Torrington, Orsamus R. Fyler, CHIEF C LERK. Hartford, Andrew F. Gates, 277 Canaan, John. H Belden, CLERK. SUPERINTENDENT O F STATE CAPITOL. Hartford, H enry F. Billings, Andover, W illiam B. Sprague, 273 ASSISTANT S UPERINTENDENT OF STATE BANK C OMMISSIONERS. CAPITOL. New M ilford, Charles H. Noble, Suffield, J ohn L. Wilson, 274 Suffield, George F. Kendall, ATTORNEY-GENERAL. TAX C OMMISSIONER. Windham, W illiam A. King, 23 W indsor Locks, Frank E. Healy, 272 9 Town Name Page Town Name Page CLERK. INSPECTOR O F FACTORIES. Hartford, .Claude C Maxfield, Ellington, G eorge L. McLean, 2 81 i' S ECRETARY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. HIGHWAY C OMMISSIONER. Hartford, C harles D. Hine, 279 New H aven, James H. Macdonald, 280 CLERK. CLERK. Hartford, Asahel. J Wright, Clinton, Eugene. H Kelsey, COMMISSIONER O F BUREAU OF DRAFTSMAN. LABOR STATISTICS. Hartford, .Frank N Hoyt, East H addam, Wm. H. Scoville, 283 DAIRY C OMMISSIONER. CLERKS. East W indsor, John B. Noble, 282 Meriden, .William D Parker, H artford, George A. Parsons, DEPUTY. North H aven, Robert O. Eaton, 276 COMMISSIONER O N BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. COMMISSIONER O N DOMESTIC ANIMALS. New B ritain, Morris C. Webster, 286 Washington, H eman O. Averill, 275 SENATORSND A OFFICERS. President, Lieut.-Governor ROLLIN S. WOODRUFF, of New Havbn. President pro tempore, The Hon. Samuel Fessenden of the Twenty-Seventh District. Town N ame Page Town Name Page Hartford, Everett J . Lake, 24 Norwich, Reuben S . Bartlett, 39 Hartford, Patrick McGovern, 25 East L yme, Austin I . Bush, 40 Hartford, Matthew Hogan, 26 Bridgeport, .Allan W Paige, 41 East H artford Franklin H. Mayberry ,7 2 Bridgeport, Alfred. A Doty, 42 Farmington, D. Newton Barney, 54 Bridgeport, .William R Brown, 43 New B ritain, William E. Attwood, 28 Bethel, William P . Bailey, 44 Simsbury, Alex. T. Pattison, 29 Stratford, Stiles J udson, 45 New H aven, Eli Whitney, 30 Norwalk, Jeremiah D onovan, 54 New H aven, Minotte E. Chatfield, 31 Stamford, Samuel F essenden, 46 New H aven, .james E McGann, 32 Ashford, Henry. R Woodward, 47 New H aven, ohn F. Shanley, 33 Wauregan, .John W Atwood, 48 Branford, Alfred E. Hammer, 34 Torrington, Edward T . Coe, 49 Meriden, George E. Bicknell, 35 Winsted, Arthur. L Clark. 50 Milford, Omar W. Platt, 36 Thomaston, Thos.. D Bradstreet, 51 Waterbury, Henry H. Peck, 37 Middlefield, .Otis A Smith, 52 Waterbury, Finton J. Phelan, 38 Durham, Wilbur. L Davis, 54 Seymour, Wm. H. H. Wooster, 54 Stafford, Frank. H Baker, 53 New L ondon, William J. Brennan, 54 OFFICERSF O THE S ENATE. Town Name Page Town N ame Page CLERK. messenger o f senate cloak room. Huntington, A lfred C. Baldwin, 268 Sharon, Robert Harris, reporters. chaplain. D ennis T. Lamb, Publishers Press, Hartford, R ev. Edwin P. Parker, Ira E. Forbes, Journal and Courier, New H aven, messengers. Selden C. Waldo, Bridgeport Standard, E ast Windsor, Charles J. Parsons, S. W. Challenger, Bridgeport Post, Bridgeport, David Grossarth, Edward R. Doyle, Hartford Telegram, George D. Curtis, Hartford Times, doorkeepers. Horace B. Clark, Hartford Courant, New H aven, J esse W. Rice, Thomas T- Kelley.Hartford Post, East L yme, Turner C. Haynes, Thomas L. Reilly, Meriden Journal, Ashford, John A. Brown, James L. McGovern, Bridgeport Farmer, Middlefield, Pascall A. Skinner, J. E. Beale, Berlin News, Vernon, Herbert D. Noble, Charles. W Pickett, New Haven Leader, Roxbury, Sheldon B. Smith, Alex Troup, Jr., New Haven Union. 10 MEMBERSND A OFFICERS OF THE HOUSEF O REPRESENTATIVES. Speaker,— THE HON. MARCUS H. HOLCOMB, Southington. Town N ame Page Town Name P age Hartford C ounty. C heshire, Frederick A. Ives, 181 Hartford, W alter H. Clark, 92 Derby, George F. Clark, 263 Hartford, E mor A. Smith, 6 4 Derby, Edwin Hallock, 159 Avon, C has.
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