TH& :· .. : ·tJ CATHOLIC 8ubacription1 Vol. XXXIII No. 3 DECEMBER, 1966 2ao Per Vear Price lo Albert Camus Jim Wilson Gets 3 Years And the Church B7 JACK COOK By THOMAS MERTON Only partially awake, yet fully enraged at the events which were "Why do you call m• 'Sir'?" to take place this day (December said the prison chapla.1.n, "why 9), I descended the stairs of the don't you call me Father?" "You are not my Father," said building on Kenmare Street, where most of the Workers live, t he condemned prisoner, "you are with the others'." and knocked at the door of one At the end of Albert Camus' of the women's apartments in or­ novel The Stranger, there is a der to assure myself that I had a long dialogue between priest and Tide to Newark, New Jersey, where condemned prisoner. The chap­ Jim Wilson, my friend and fellow lain, an average, sincere, zealous and not overbright pclest ls trying On November 30th, Thomas to grapple with the stolid unpellef C. Cornell, co-chairman of the of a man whom he considers the Catholic Peace Fellowship, worst possible type af hardened Marc Edelman and Roy Lisker criminal. He finally drives !he were given 6-month sentences man to complete desperation for having burned their draft which explodes at last into a cards at a rally a year ago. curious blend of Zen-Satori and ex­ Their conviction will be ap- istentialist revolt: the unexpected pealed to the Supreme Court. result of priestly zeal! The pris­ oner is a, single-minded Algerian Catholic Worker, was to be sen­ clerk, Meursault, who in a mo­ tenced for committing, as he said ment of thoughtlessness shot a in his statement to the court, "this man. He felt himself to have crime: I refuse to kill." been partly irresponsible bu't The door opened upon Dorothy failed to realize the importance and Pat Rusk, both prep~ring to of defending himself in terms that go to Mass before setting off. Their (Continued on page 4) mood, in utter contrast to mine, (Continued on page 7) New Front CHRY.STI E In ~~HK,.4 --~~~~ El Malcriado Editor STJtEET · Sends Latest News By PWL l\IALONEY Th• pace of life has been Of California Strike stepped up recently at Chrystie Street. The Fire Department has By BILL ESHER made life difficult by discovering When the rain comes the strike QL:bristmas d?rtttings a variety of violations of the in 'the grapes in Delano, Califor­ Building Code. Many of the vio­ nia, moves onto a kind of new TO all who have written to ta, to ln the field. Fort,. 7ean ml- TO Archbishop Helder Camara, of lations are minor; a few, such as front. The lights burn very late all our readers and writers, to all 1Tatlna' to look for food la too Recife, Brazil, in danger of jail re-wiring and major ceiling re­ in the so-called "Pink House," a we encounter each day, to all who Ionc. Waces are not ~JchtT­ for his championing the cause of pairs, will be costly unless we are dilapidated tract home into which sit down to break bread with us, flve cents an hour, the,. are the destitute, and what more hon­ able to move reasonably soon. The the expanding Farm Workers Un­ to the poor of the world, to th• 1lxt7, .ft.ft)' or forty cent. an orable residence for such a John rain leaks through the roof as it ion, led by Cesar Chavez, has destitute of the world. To all the hour--a Texas discrace, a na­ the Baptist? We hope he ii a is; a heavy snow may be the final spread itself. When I go there it powerless ones of the earth I can tional dis&Tace!" (Quoted ln forerunner of many such bishops blow. is sometimes to find Dolores Hu­ only quote David's canticle to our th• Texas Observer, Sept. 16.) who will suffer in their efforts to Our car, a 1961 Volkswagen bus, erta studying compulsory-arbitra­ Lord-"In Your bands are power Christmas GreetJnp put on Christ and put off the old has been the cause of a few head­ tion law with a burning intensity, and micht; 7oun it la to rive ev­ TO Hugo Blanco, peasant leader man, to use the terminology of aches this month. Because of a her always-present supply of erythinc &Tandeur and strencth." of Peru, rfor the past three years St. Paul. constantly recurring clutch prob­ somewhat ragged children trying Chrbbnu Greetinp waltinf trial in prison, sentenced Chrisbnas Greetings lem, Chris Kearns took the bus to to pester and distract her. It is thia fall by a military tribunal, to the VW dealer for repairs, and it TO Jim Wilson, beginning hit TO Richard Sigh, of Grenada, Dolores who is taking on the huge twenty-five years. On appeal the was stolen from the dealer's park­ three-year sente~ce for refusing to Mississippi, whose leg was broken DiGiorgio Corporation in contract prosecutor demanded the death ing lot. The police recovered it be conseripted. on the first day of school in Sep­ negotiations, without a lawyer on penalty, and the case is being con­ tember. A woman rammed her the next day, but the transmission the scene in Delano, and without TO all other prisoners opposing showed signs of trouble. Each day the Vietnam war, giving up their sidered now. Pray for· him, dear umbrella between his legs and he any special knowledge, other than readers, and write to Presidente it becomes more apparent that the freedom so that man may make a was beaten with clubs by men as the school of experience. More im­ Belacinde Terry, Lima, Peru and bus needs to be replaced. The cost few more steps toward freedom he lay on the ground. To his portant, she is negotiating with to the Conseje Supreme de Justi­ father also who lost hit job as part of continual repairs and the prob­ ihard-nosed professional union of­ from war. ability that it is short-lived leads TO all languishing in prison we cia, Lima, Peru. And to his Em­ of the family's martyrdom in the ficials for jurisdiction. People inence, the Cardinal of Peru. us to request a car or small truck send .the reminder al:So, in St. Am­ civil rights struggle. Operation who don't know Dolores are wor­ Chrisbnas Greetings in decent condition. The car is brose's words, "The &Tace of the Freedom, c/ o Rev. Maurice Mc­ ried that she will make a mistake: TO Francisco Juliao, exile from crackin, 932 Dayton Street, Cin­ used to pick up food and clothing, ask too much, or give too much. Holy Spirit knows no lancuid ac­ and to deliver the paper to the 'tion.n You are most active in your northeast Brazil, living in Mexico cinnati, Ohio, 45214, is helping And it is not the first time that City, who organized the peas.ant post office, so it is a vital necessity. inactivity. these and other families in a simi- people have underestimated this leagues and who wrote in his Let­ lar plight. - - The community has been en­ Christmas Greetings beautiful little woman. ter to Isabella, his daughter: Chrlsbnas Greetings larged with new faces and one old What do the people do when it TO all the striking agricultural "I do not understand why the face. Jack Cook, former teacher raln.s.7 First, there are the workers in Texas and California, world must be divided into TO Vinoba Bha.ve, who fifty years and volunteer worker for the ...cabs": winter provides an equal­ living in destitution while heads Marxists and Christians who ago gave up hl.s home and took up Catholic Peace Fellowship, has llnf process and there is no work of corporations and growers draw disagree on the philosophical pubHc service under Mahatma come to work at Chrystie Street. tor t hem or for the strikers. My fantastic incomes from their sweat; level but agree on the human Gandhi and who since his death Jack does much of the paper work nei1hbors, for example: About to Father Antonio Gonzales, of level. If Marx proclaims has walked the roaas of India from and acts as doorman during the twenty of them-mostly small Texas, who was one of the leaders equality of opportunity for 'all village to vil1a.ge working and pray­ soup line. John Burslem has come children- li ve in an ancient four­ of last year's strike and pilgrimage (from each according to his ing for the building up of village from Canada to stay for a year. room fa1 house, with boles in in Texas, and who cried out, on abilities and to each according communes through non-violence, John is also responsible for the the. walls and the roof bif enough seeing his mother and father in to his needs) (Christ was more the rich g\ving t o the poor and the huge amount of filing and paper to admit the dog11 and cats. When the rally of marchers: radical when he told the rich poor sharing with each other. work that is necessary to publish it rahu they just get wet, that'• "We want these people to cet younc man to leave everything Beginning his seventieth year, ne a newspaper. The third arrival is writes: all, and now moat of their chil­ enoU&'h for their children to and follow Him. From this I a homecoming; Chuck Bazzinetti dren are tick from it.
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