February 25, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H633 Donalds Johnson (LA) Pfluger McEachin Pressley Speier designed to keep us as safe as possible, Duncan Johnson (OH) Posey McGovern Price (NC) Stanton our staffs as safe as possible, so we get Dunn Johnson (SD) Reed McNerney Quigley Stevens Emmer Jordan Reschenthaler Meeks Raskin Strickland off the floor, and they have to be on Estes Joyce (OH) Rodgers (WA) Meng Rice (NY) Suozzi the floor. Fallon Joyce (PA) Rogers (AL) Mfume Rice (SC) Swalwell This vote that we just had was about Feenstra Katko Rogers (KY) Moore (WI) Ross Takano 1 hour and 5 minutes. Obviously, if you Ferguson Keller Rose Morelle Roybal-Allard Thompson (CA) Fischbach Kelly (MS) Rosendale Moulton Ruiz Thompson (MS) take seven segments at 5 minutes a Fitzgerald Kelly (PA) Rouzer Mrvan Ruppersberger Titus segment, that is 35 minutes. We have Murphy (FL) Rush Fitzpatrick Kim (CA) Roy Tlaib added another 5 minutes for people who Nadler Rutherford Fleischmann Kustoff Salazar Tonko Fortenberry LaHood Napolitano Ryan missed their segment, which would be Scalise Torres (CA) Foxx Lamborn Neal Sa´ nchez 40 minutes. We are starting to average Schweikert Torres (NY) Franklin, C. Latta Neguse Sarbanes Scott, Austin Trahan 20, 25, 30, 35 minutes beyond that 40 Scott LaTurner Sessions Newman Scanlon Norcross Schakowsky Trone minutes. Fulcher Lesko Simpson Gallagher Long O’Halleran Schiff Underwood Therefore, I wanted to announce to Smith (MO) Garbarino Loudermilk Ocasio-Cortez Schneider Vargas Smith (NE) every Member that I will be recom- Garcia (CA) Lucas Omar Schrader Veasey Smith (NJ) mending that we close votes 45 minutes Gimenez Luetkemeyer Pallone Schrier Vela´ zquez Smucker Gohmert Mace Panetta Scott (VA) Wasserman after they start. Bang. Spartz Gonzales, Tony Malliotakis Pappas Scott, David Schultz Now, I will tell my side—which prob- Gonzalez (OH) Mann Stauber Pascrell Sewell Waters ably has this responsibility more than Steel Good (VA) Massie Payne Sherman Watson Coleman the other side because we use proxies Gooden (TX) Mast Stefanik Perlmutter Sherrill Welch Gosar McCarthy Steil Peters Sires Wexton more than you do—that if you hold a Granger McCaul Steube Phillips Slotkin Wild proxy, not only do you have a responsi- Graves (LA) McClain Stewart Pingree Smith (WA) Williams (GA) Stivers bility to yourself to vote in a timely Graves (MO) McClintock Pocan Soto Wilson (FL) fashion, but if you miss the vote, act- Green (TN) McHenry Taylor Porter Spanberger Yarmuth Greene (GA) McKinley Tenney ing in a fiduciary capacity for another Griffith Meijer Thompson (PA) NOT VOTING—13 Member who can’t be here because of Grothman Meuser Tiffany Boebert Fudge LaMalfa health-related issues, and you do not Guest Miller (IL) Timmons Brady Gaetz Vela Turner vote, that will not be a happy situa- Guthrie Miller (WV) Buck Gibbs Young Hagedorn Miller-Meeks Upton Calvert Huffman tion. Harris Moolenaar Valadao Diaz-Balart Kinzinger So I want you to know, I am going to Harshbarger Mooney Van Drew be talking to the Speaker—I have al- Hartzler Moore (AL) Van Duyne b 1325 ready talked to her—that 45 minutes Hern Moore (UT) Wagner ´ Herrell Mullin Walberg Mr. MCNERNEY, Ms. VELAZQUEZ, after that first bell rings I want the Herrera Beutler Murphy (NC) Walorski Messrs. HOYER, GALLEGO, LARSON gavel to come down. And, hopefully, we Hice (GA) Nehls Waltz of Connecticut, VEASEY, JOHNSON of will all recognize when the bell rings Higgins (LA) Newhouse Weber (TX) Georgia, and CARBAJAL changed their Hill Norman Webster (FL) that we will have to vote in the next 45 Hinson Nunes Wenstrup vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ minutes. Now, that cannot be a real Hollingsworth Obernolte Westerman Messrs. FITZGERALD, WALTZ, burden on anybody. Cannot. Hudson Owens Williams (TX) WESTERMAN and MOONEY changed Huizenga Palazzo Wilson (SC) It is simply that we look to see how Issa Palmer Wittman their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ many people have voted—oh, well, Jackson Pence Womack So the motion to adjourn was re- there are 20 people out, so I don’t have Jacobs (NY) Perry Zeldin jected. to worry, and that is after we have The result of the vote was announced NAYS—219 gone by the 40 minutes. as above recorded. Madam Speaker, I am going to send Adams Crist Hoyer MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE Aguilar Crow Jackson Lee out a notice on this as well, and I want Allred Cuellar Jacobs (CA) RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS to confirm with the Speaker, but I Auchincloss Davids (KS) Jayapal Allred (Davids Gosar (Wagner) Moulton know, having talked to the Speaker Axne Davis, Danny K. Jeffries (KS)) Grijalva (Garcı´a (Trahan) numerous times about this issue, that Barraga´ n Dean Johnson (GA) ´ Barragan (Beyer) (IL)) Napolitano she shares my view that if we are going Bass DeFazio Johnson (TX) Bowman (Clark Hastings (Correa) Beatty DeGette Jones (MA)) (Wasserman Nunes (Garcia to run this institution with respect to Bera DeLauro Kahele Buchanan Schultz) (CA)) one another— DON YOUNG didn’t come Beyer DelBene Kaptur (Donalds) Himes Payne ON OUNG Bishop (GA) Delgado Keating on this vote. D Y is the fa- Budd (McHenry) (Courtney) (Wasserman Blumenauer Demings Kelly (IL) Ca´ rdenas mous—call it on time. Kirkpatrick Schultz) Blunt Rochester DeSaulnier Khanna (Gomez) I want every Member to understand, (Stanton) Pingree (Kuster) Bonamici Deutch Kildee Carter (TX) Langevin Porter (Wexton) this is not to penalize anybody. It is, Bourdeaux Dingell Kilmer (Nehls) (Lynch) however, to try to run this institution Bowman Doggett Kim (NJ) Cawthorn Roybal-Allard Boyle, Brendan Doyle, Michael Kind (McHenry) Lawson (FL) (Bass) in a way that Members’ time, which is F. F. Kirkpatrick DeSaulnier (Evans) Ruiz (Aguilar) valuable, is respected, and we simply Lieu (Beyer) Brown Escobar Krishnamoorthi (Matsui) Rush don’t waste it waiting around for one Brownley Eshoo Kuster Deutch (Rice Lofgren (Jeffries) (Underwood) Bush Espaillat Lamb (NY)) Lowenthal Vargas (Correa) or two or five or six other people to Bustos Evans Langevin Frankel, Lois (Beyer) Watson Coleman come. I do not cast aspersions. Some- Butterfield Fletcher Larsen (WA) (Clark (MA)) Meng (Clark (Pallone) times it is hard to get here on time, Carbajal Foster Larson (CT) Gonzalez, (MA)) Wilson (FL) particularly if you have done some- Ca´ rdenas Frankel, Lois Lawrence Vincente Moore (WI) (Hayes) Carson Gallego Lawson (FL) (Gomez) (Beyer) thing and you are in some other place. Cartwright Garamendi Lee (CA) Madam Speaker, I appreciate the f Case Garcı´a (IL) Lee (NV) time. I will be talking to the Speaker. Casten Garcia (TX) Leger Fernandez LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Castor (FL) Golden Levin (CA) I will notify everybody when that is Castro (TX) Gomez Levin (MI) (Mr. HOYER asked and was given going to be implemented. It may be im- Chu Gonzalez, Lieu permission to address the House for 1 plemented as soon as today, and we Cicilline Vicente Lofgren will be sending out a notice. And, by Clark (MA) Gottheimer Lowenthal minute.) Clarke (NY) Green, Al (TX) Luria Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, as you the way, everybody I talked to agrees Cleaver Grijalva Lynch know, as a result of COVID–19 and our with this. Clyburn Haaland Malinowski f Cohen Harder (CA) Maloney, discussions with the Capitol physician, Connolly Hastings Carolyn B. we have organized voting in a way that b 1330 Cooper Hayes Maloney, Sean we have seven different segments at 5- Correa Higgins (NY) Manning minute intervals so that a limited EQUALITY ACT Costa Himes Matsui Courtney Horsford McBath number of Members will vote in every Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, pur- Craig Houlahan McCollum 5-minute segment. That is obviously suant to House Resolution 147, I call up VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:39 Feb 26, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25FE7.002 H25FEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 25, 2021 the bill (H.R. 5) to prohibit discrimina- individuals’ sense of self worth, increasing benefits), healthcare, housing, education, tion on the basis of sex, gender iden- suicide ideation and substance abuse, exacer- credit, and jury service also prohibit sexual tity, and sexual orientation, and for bating family conflict, and contributing to orientation and gender identity discrimina- other purposes, and ask for its imme- second-class status. tion. (8) Both LGBTQ people and women face (15) LGBTQ people often face discrimina- diate consideration. widespread discrimination in employment tion when seeking to rent or purchase hous- The Clerk read the title of the bill. and various services, including by entities ing, as well as in every other aspect of ob- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- that receive Federal financial assistance. taining and maintaining housing. LGBTQ ant to House Resolution 147, the bill is Such discrimination— people in same-sex relationships are often considered read. (A) is particularly troubling and inappro- discriminated against when two names asso- The text of the bill is as follows: priate for programs and services funded ciated with one gender appear on a housing wholly or in part by the Federal Govern- H.R. 5 application, and transgender people often en- ment; counter discrimination when credit checks Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (B) undermines national progress toward or inquiries reveal a former name. resentatives of the United States of America in equal treatment regardless of sex, sexual ori- (16) National surveys, including a study Congress assembled, entation, or gender identity; and commissioned by the Department of Housing SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (C) is inconsistent with the constitutional and Urban Development, show that housing This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Equality principle of equal protection under the Four- discrimination against LGBTQ people is very teenth Amendment to the Constitution of Act’’.
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