'tile Newark Post \'OLUME xv . NEWARK, DELAWARE, DECEMBER 3, 1924. NUMBER 45 an ery To Continue, CHAMPIONS AGAIN! A RU~~~ DENIED ITwo Newark Youths Op' nion Of Official; Report That Elkton Firm Is Arrested For Stealing. Ex ect More Acreage Sold Is Untrue I ' The report that th(' Newton Tracing Other Thefts I' inal Deci.::;Will Rest With I I lII;l(' hell l ee CompHny of Elkton had I -- ,, 1 b cn p ~ll:chased by the Di a mond l ee John Scarborough and Paul :! ckholde,l's When They '1 ~1I1.d Co a l ompany, of Wih~ington , Mercer Held ~ver For Gen- • • Meet in January ,I­ SllId r epolt bemg pubh. hed 111 TilE erlll Sessions Court n P O~ T last week, is ullfounded. The Yesterda STOCK IS OVER article r esulted frol11 a report g iv n y 'I'1l'1!. th plant of the United Pack­ TIll:; POST last week. T vo young j ewark m n are being Mr. n. H. Mitchell , of the lewton- held undel' $1000 bai l each for the ing' " ' ll ,pa ny here will continue to Mitchell firm, in discussing the mat- January term of General Sessions " II! ra cc next year along present busi- I tel', denied t hat thc sale had been ourt, following their ancst yester- • Il C,S li nes, \va s conl1d ently asse1'ted by made or was co n templ ated. day morning, charged wi th t he theft nil official of the concel'l1 yesterday The r eport that the Diamond Com­ pa ny had purchased the yards of the of a quantity of tobacco and cigar s lllorni nl!'. Sco tt Fertilize r Company in Elkton f rom the 5tol'e and bi lliard roo m of Tl'e farmer-stockholders are said ha' been co nl1rmed. Lawrence H eggemann, on Ea t Main to hl' well sat is fi ed with the results ohlailled undel' extremely un favorable . treet, Monday nig ht. ronrlitions the past ea son, and it is Farm Bureau Meets T hey are John Scarborough and t'xpcetC'd that considerably mOI' e acre­ Paul lIIercer, both well known in and age will be a dded fo r the gl'owing of Here December 18th neal' Newark. IW'·t. year's co rn and toma to crops. Efforts of t he two youths to obtain 'rhe co ml*ny last week paid the Maryland Station Director to bail proved futil e at the hearing in farnH' rs the I1r8t in tallment of $15.00 Address Members Mag istrate Thompson's office yester­ 11H ton fo r thei r crop of vegetables. day m01'l1i ng, a nd they were com­ It wa lea rned yesterday that two The annual meeting of the New mitted to the workhouse at Green­ 11101'C additions to this payment will Ca ·tle Co unty Farm Bureau wi ll be bank. h he held in Wolf Hall, Newark, beginning made when f urther collections are Lew·i · M (~k es A 1TCSt I1mde and t he business affairs of the at 10.30 a. m. Thursday, December 18. Those attending the meeting will Mr. Heggemann repo rted the theft d ~easo n are wound up. The next two ============================ -============== be treated to a lun,c h served by the to Chief Lewis earl y yesterday morn­ parmcnts a re calculated to be small, NEWARK HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL SQUAD hut wi ll boost the tone price paid to Newark Girls' Sewing Club. Miss ing. F lorence Riley of Newark is leader wUhin a few dollars of the season~ ==============:==========================~ The officer said he had seen two of the club and promises a rea l prac­ ope n market price. It is thus evident The young, gl'idiron heroes pie­ ing-Coach Horace Nunn, Powell, Seated, left to right--Chalmers, yo ung men loitering near the store tical demonstration in cooking. that t he stockholders of the United ~red above defeated Laurel High utility; Davi , fullback; Manns, end; Doyle, tackle; Riley, guard; M. after midnight Monday, and on this Packing Company will not have suf­ School on Thanksgiving for their uti 1 it y; Patchell , quartel'back, Arl11 s tro~ , center; W. Armstrong, President Frank Y. Yearsley, of suspicion had search wan'ants issued fercd to any great extent from the al­ fifth straight D. 1. A. A. champion- J aquette, halfback; Myers, utility; gual'd; Captain Doordan, tackle; Marshallton, has appointed a commit­ for the above named men. e legiance to their contracts with the ship. • Rose, halfback; Paul McMurray, Dan McMurray, end. Mascot Harry tee composed of C. P. Dickey of The chief surprised them both be­ h company. Reading frol11 left to right: Stand· utility; Strahorn, manager. Williamson is holding the ball. Stanton, H. C. Milliken of Cooch, and fore they were out of bed, and both En ti1'e Pack Is Sold R. O. Bausman of Newark, in charge confessed to the robbery. Most of the d H. R. Co le, manager of the packing ==============:=1============= ============== of the meeitng. Director F. B. Bom­ loot was recovered in their respective d bed rooms. company, r eported yesterday that the High School Captures FACE CRUSHED WHEN Four New Streets Are berger, Assistant Director of Exten­ .0 sion of the University of Maryland, Mercer and Scarborough plead d following amounts had been canned TREE LIMB STRIKES HIM at the plant during the past season: FI'fth Stral' g ht TI'tle 0 p en T0 Th e Pu bl' IC will be the main speaker on the pro­ guilty to the charge of breakmg and Corn-8000 cases. ______ - Mr. Reamer, manager of the saw· gram. Dr. Bomberger has done ex­ entering before Magistrate Thomp­ Whole tomatoes-15,OOO cases. IG' D .. V· 0 mill belonging to Miss Lindsay, of N h S·d f aT G I tensive work in organizing farmers son. Tomato pulp-10,000 cases. aln eClslve Ictory ver near Newark suffered a severe acci- ort leo own reat y for the marketing of farm products. Both prisoners were frequenters of Of this amount, ever case has been Laurel in Thanksgiving dent about '10.30 o'clock Monday Benefitted by Town's Im-. Dr. Bomberger will discuss some of the Heggemann billiard room, and so ld . Much of the pack was sold for Day Game, 19-7 morning. proveme.nla -- Di.cuased the current problems in the market­ were understood to be on friendly ing of farm products as they are ex- terms with the proprietor. Friends of future delivery before the tomatoes or For the fifth consecutive season, sawWmhll:llel, cUattilnl'mg bdowsp· nr.aangtre~oanCekar atnhde -It Council co rn were in the local yard. As a re- ~riencing them in Maryland. · The the bOiVS 'expl'essed themselves as ult of the short crop, the estimate of Newark High School won the second- struck him a terrific blow full in the 'rhe regrading and resurfacing of address of welcome will be delivered shocked to hear of the escapade. the pack this year fell off from the ary football championship of Dela- face. His nose was badly, crushed Choate, New and Wilbur streets, and by Director C. A. McCue of the Uni­ May T?'ace Other Theft8 versity of Delaware. Actu al number of cases, necessitating ware, )Vhen the local football warriors and one eye gouged and torn. Prospect avenue, all located in the Chief Lewis, in discussing the case an arrangement of deliveries on a rode roughshod over Laurel High The injured man was immediately north and east pal·ts of town, have Mr. R. O. Bausman, Co unty\ Agri­ yesterday, stated that an effort will pro rate basis to the brokers. School in the annual title game at rushed to Newark and was treated at b cultural Agent, will give his annual be made to trace other recent rob­ Only a few hundred cases of pulp the office of Dr. G. Burton Pearson. een completed and the streets opened report covering a modified crop rota­ beries in NewarR to the two young remain on the floor at present, and Milford on Thanksgiving Day. The It is believed that he will recover, fOl' traffic. tion which harmonizes more nearly prisoners. He added that nothing in everything will be sold and delivered final scroe was 19-7. but will be laid up for some days. Town Council, sitting in regular with present economic conditions. He the way of a clue to the Hopkins within tne space of a few dl;\Ys. With this game tucked away, NeW- I • • • monthly se~s ion Monday night, dis- will also present the results of some theft of a week ago had been un­ Stockholde1's To Decide ark has created an enviable record in ORPHEUS CLUB MAY cussed the fIew streets at length. The work which he has been co nducting earthed, howevel·. The final definite decision with re- scholastic sports in this State, a rec- NOT APPEAR HERE councilmen al'e very pleased with the on the grades of grain. This work To date there have been four store gard to the continuance of the plant ord which should stand for some I -- new streets. very emphatically shows the economic robberies on Main street within two hel'e will no doubt be made at the years to come. The remarkable string Neither College Paper or Al)1iesite was used in the construc­ ~a lu e of a more rational system in weeks. The business houses entered regular meeting of the stockholders, of championships started during Music Society Willing To tion, and a firm, unyielding surface the marketing of Delaware grown have been L.
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