ESTABLISHED OVER FIFTY years Newcomb-Macklin co. Picture Frame Makers 45 WEST 27th STREET Sailing from Long Wharf NEW YORK STOCK FRAMES change without notice FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY inall wn to Boston Regular Sizes at Lowest Prices at 7:30 p. m. Due in boson RELIABLE QUALITY-VALUE-SERVICE DANCING R COMPARE! ONE WAY FARE $1.75 EXCURSION ROUND T MAIL ORDERS Receive Careful, Prompt, Individual Attention Boston Tel. Hubbard 9392 GEORGE A. McCoy, Manager Catalog sent to artists and deaJers on request REMBRANDT BEHRENDT COLORS Oil Colors PFEIFFERS' PROVINCETOWN, MASS. Distributors for U. S. J. S. distributing office at TALENS & SON irvington N. J. APELDOORN, HOLLAND ARTISTS' SUPPLIES books John A. matheson Pres. H. F. Hallett, Vice Pres and Cashier I. A. Small, Asst. Cashier W. T. Mayo, Asst. Cashier WILLIAM H. YOUNG THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK INSURANCE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION of Provincetown Capital Stock, Surplus and Profits, $125,457 representing the leading companies of the World Money deposited in our Savings Department placed on interest the first of each month losses Adjusted promptly Checking Accounts Savings Accounts Safe Deposit Boxes Foreign Exchange provincetown massachusetts Travelers’ Checks SEAMEN’S SAVINGS BANK THE exhibition IS OPEN DAILY FROM Provincetown Mass. A. M. to P. M. ADMISSION CENTS. SUNDAYS, FREE FROM to P. M. Money Goes on Interest the First of Each Month Join the Provincetown Art Association Not only because it is an association of artists and lovers of art, but also because it offers its members (and often ita friends), dances, lectures, music recitals, and a won- derful Costume Ball, which latter will come this year EITHER THE ATTENDANT AT THE DESK at Hall in August. Town OR A SALESMAN WILL BE GLAD TO FUR- BILLY MAY NISH ANY INFORMATION CONCERNING HIS BOOK and ART SHOP SALES Photographs of Land and Sea The New Book, “OUR HERITAGE” Life On Cape Cod, Awhile Ago CHIP HILL, PROVINCETOWN patricks News Stand Historical Museum commercial st. THE CONNELL GARAGE AND established BRADFORD STREET the researchclub, inc. PROVINCETOWN BOOK SHOP mayflowerdescendents House Telephone Garage Telephone 306commerical street opendaily admission25 cts. YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN The Provincetown Art Association Incorporated COMPLIMENTS OF CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS THE SWEET SHOPPE Article II. Objects and Purposes. The objects and Wm. F. SILVA. Proprietor purposes of this association shall be to promote and cul- tivate the fine arts, and to that end to establish and PROVINCETOWN, MASS. maintain for the town of Provincetown a permanent collection of paintings and other works of art. Also to Telephone Connection hold exhibitions of paintings and other works of art and to promote the advancement of art by means of social intercourse between artists and those interested in the Co Lo BURCH CO. arts. Fine Groceries and Provisions MEMBERS Meats, Fruits and Vegetables Section 1. Membership in this association shall be divided as follows: S. S. PIERCE’S SPECIALTIES a, Associate members--Dues$2.00 per year. b. Contributing members-Dues $5.00 per year. TeIephone 134 and 237 c. Sustaining members-Dues $10.00 per year. d. Life members--$50.00. e. Patrons--Any person contributing $100.00 or more. Miss Elizabeth Livingston f. Benefactors--Any person contributing $500.00 or mare. FRO-JOY ICE CREAM 409Commercial St. Provincetown, MASS. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED Direct Remarkably Provincetown Art Association Collecting Low Prices Incorporated FOUNDED IN I914 Fifth IN THE OLDEST HOUSE IN PROVINCETOWN, MASSAC H USETTS Modern Exhibition THE SHIP MODEL SHOP Coulton Waugh, Collector June 28 to July 29 Headquarters for Ship Models THE HOOKED RUG SHOP Elizabeth Waugh, Collector Headquarters for Hooked Rugs OPPOSITE THE OLDEST HOUSE Jury of Selection THE OLD CHINA SHOP William L’Engle Anton Van Dereck Elizabeth Waugh Isabella Parmenter Blanche Lazzell Oliver Chaff ee Collectors Howard Gibbs Headquarters for Old Silver and Rare China LITTLE GARDEN SHOP Eugenie Waugh Elizabeth Waugh owners Something for all Garden Lovers OFFICERS LIFE MEMBERS Presidentwilliam H. Young. honorary vicepresident charles W. hawthorne E. ambrose edwin A. grozier Mrs.Anna M. Young Webster, Richard E. Miller, gerrit A. Beneker, Frederick J. Waugh. william H. Young missanne drake donaldsom directorharold Haven brown *John D. adams *Mrs. Emily c. Eaton Asst. directorflorence B. brown Dr. percival J. eaton Mrs. Henry J. winslow acting vicepresident mrs. eugene W. watson Henry J. Winslow *Frederick c. Boynton secretarystephen recording Marsh. *Rev. Henry mottett D. D. Mrs. Caroline Brewster crooker Corresponding secretaryharry N. Campbell. Conrad w. Crooker Mrs. Frances E. De- treasurermrs. Frederick J. Waugh. Miss Sarah 8. Munroe miss charlotte s. cullen Miss Florence Waterbury Frank A. Days, Jr. frank A. Days Mrs. Adele Shrenk Rogers Joseph A. Days Mrs. Frank Little TRUSTEES *Howard F. hopkins Mrs. E. Ambrose Webster Mrs. alice G. grozier leslie N. Brock Dr. percival J. Eaton. *Mr. Charles W. Hawthorne. William H. Emanuel Feldman young Frank E. potter Henry J. winslow Harold Haven Brown, miss *Deceased Ellen ravenscroft Tod Lindenmuth, Karl Knath, William L'Engle. Frank desch coulton waugh THE LITTLE GALLERY COMMITTEES house The Art Association announces the opening of the Little Gallery for Mrs. henry J. winslow chairman exhibition and sale of small paintings. block prints, etchings and sculpture from July 6 to end of season. entertainment The work exhibited will be limited to members of the Art Association. Mrs. Frank Ltttle, Chairman The size of paintings cannot exceed 16x20. Ways and means Mrs. walter landor The work submitted will be passed upon by a jury meeting every Saturday. publicity Work can be submitted day 10 and 6 M. after missgladys brock, chairman any between A. M. P. July 1st.. The usual 20% commission will be charged. It is hoped the members of the Art Association will co-operate in PATRONS making this Little Gallery a success. misselizabeth w. robers deceased Fifth Modern Exhibition Foreword ECENT critiques of American Art reveal a con- troversy over the question, whether an artist’s R work must be unmistabably stamped by the Paintings--Large Gallery country he lives in. Naturally it is not a question that can be solved by each artist individually. The artist has little deliberate choice. the course of his Shelby Shackelford. Zoo Fantasy. art being predetermined mostly by his own make-up. The question is only a matter of critical attitude-- .a. Susan Haymaker. Far East. what to accept and what to reject. It is pertinent in a foreword to this exhibition, be- Blanche Lazzell. Snapdragons. came fanatical believers in “Americana” in American art, are likely to carry over this belief, by ‘‘picture Rosalie M. Carey. Heads. thinking”. from American art to Provincetown art. One critic some time ago expressed his surprise, that 4. Frederick Wight. Reclining Figure. in “the ancient village of Provincetown” in “the heart of New England”, people painted abstract pictures. 5. Dorothy Michelson. Corn Hill. In the mind of the critic one had to live at least near New York to paint abstractly. It as Paris as is 6. Blanche Lazzell. The Green Petunia. perhaps needless to say, that many artists exhibiting regularly in Provincetown, do live mostly in New York -and in other towns and cities. It should also be 7. Rosalie M. Carey. Mabel getting Psycho- known that strictly Provincetown artists, those living analyzed. here all the year around, paint the most abstract compositions in the show. 8. Ellie Roberts. African Village. Of course Provincetown offers interesting paint- ing material, which some artists use with sensitiveness. 9. Rosa Moffett. The Wreck. But it would be doing the whole show justice, if visitors put out of their minds the associations sug- 0. Ellen Ravenscroft. Flowers. gested by ”quaint” and “unique”, words put in their minds by the antique dealer, the teashopkeeper, and 1. Dorothy Michelson. Fisherman. others catering to the summer trade. Not that Pro- vincetown is @ quaint and unique, but it would be 2. Susan Haymaker. Family Vase. asking the artists to be too giddy, to constantly draw upon these iritual sustenance. I. Walter Edward Parsons. Still Life (3). Finally necessary to remind the visitor that although many of the exhibitors are of national significance in American art, the whole ex- 4. Harriet F. Bain. Lilies. I hibitton is necessarily a community show including firstexhibits of young painters as well as themature 5.. Edna Brush Perkins. Washington Sq work of mature artists. 6. Thelma Raybeck Riggs. The Lumb a Raybeck Riggs. Th Lucy L’Engle. “Grotesque”. Blanche Lazzell. The Bronze Jug. Blanche Lazzell. Jugs and Shell. Harold Holmes Wrenn. Old Factory. Anton Refregier. Provincetown. E. Ambrose Webster. Miller Hill. Lucy L’Engle. Dan in Boat. Howard Gibbs. Phantasy. Karl Knaths. Swamp Garden. Karl Knaths. Provincetown Blues. Mark Baum. A Garden. Jane M. Allen. Near My Studio. Blanche Lazzell. Painting. Evelin Bodfish Bourne. “Arrangement”. Ross Moff ett. Clam Diggers’ Fleet. Tod Lindenmuth. Two Men in a Boat. Maud Ainslie. Still Life. Adelaide Lawson. Fishermen. William L’Engle. Figure Composition. E. AmbroseWebster. California. Anton Van Dereck. Relative Design. Howard Gibbs. Head of a Child. Karl Knaths. Clock and Candle. Agnes Weinrich. The Castle. Tod Lindenmuth. Sea Change. Pa Hunt. Amen Corners. Mark Baum. Street, Roofs and Buildings in Constance Bigelow. Flowers. N. Y. C. Blanche Lazzell. Painting (7). Blanche Lazzell. Shell. Charles Kaeselau Painting. Lucy L’Engle. Study in Movement. Jido Fugita. Agnes Weinrich. Apples and Grapes. i Oliver Chaff ee. Easter Egg. Doris L. Lewis. Portrait. ! Blanche Lazzell. Star Phlox. Elsie Ripley Clapp. Maine Farmhouse. Shelby Schackelford. Birds. Anton Van Dereck. Composition. Oliver Chaff ee. “Zoo”. Agnes Weinrich. Still Life. Agnes W Still Life. E, Ambrose Webster. Carmel. elizabeth Bierer. Factories. Shelby Shackelford. Power PlantHarlem River No. Katherine Schachner, Lily. Walter Edward Parsons. Still Life No.2. Anton Refregier.
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