c s'O. 21 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1914. Price Three Cents. WILL TRY TO GET P. V. DeGRAW DIES $1 A YEAR SALARY THE BANNER AGAIN LOVELY NAMED AT WASHINGTON EOR CUSTODIAN Joel Parker Council No. 69, Jr. O. After an illness of six months, When the reports of committees U. A. M., is planning on sending an- Peter Vorhees DeGraw, former Fourth FOR MAYOR Assistant Postmaster General, died MAKE SUITE were reached in the regular order o-f" other large delegation to the next business at the regular meeting of. Past Councilors Association meeting, early last Saturday morning at hi tho Board of Education Thursday •which Is to held In Milltown on Tues- Democrats Decide to Endorse Him— home, 210 Maryland avenue northeast, Enfarse Mayor Dey and Councilman- Washington D. C. His wife and son evening a report was in order from day, Sept. 8th. At a meeting of this C. W. Stuart Will Run for Coun- at-Large Stratton for Re-Election the finance committee on the hill sub- kind held in Jamesburg some time were at the bedside at the time of his mitted by the present city treasurer- ago this council won a banner for cilman-at-Large—R. M. Mack for death. Mr. DeGraw had been sinking —Dr. Albright Named for Council- for three hundred and eighty dollars having the largest delegation present. for two weeks. A hemorrhage ear- City Clerk—Committeemen File man in Second Ward and fred Isely for his services as custodian of A short time later, at the last meet- ly In tho evening of Friday wa school moneys for the past two years. ing which was held in Spotswood, Petitions. followed by unconsciousness, during in Third—M. E. Magee for Clerk. In making his report the chairman, they lost the banner to some other which the end came. Death was du Mr. Grace, stated that he had inves- council. This time the local laddies to a complication of diseases. tigated this matter carefully and The Democrats are beginning to Peter Voorhees BoGraw was born are preparing to compete for the wake up In this city, and have made The Republican Club held a meet- reached the conclusion that the pres- banner again and they are reasona- at Princeton, N. J., sixty years ago, lag in the rooms of the Business ent custodian was the custodian of up a slate which they believe wll After receiving a common school ed ble confident of securing It too. lead the party to victory this fall. It Men's Association last Monday even- school moneys all right and proper However, the thing that the local ucatlon, he became a telegrapher for Ing and selected a number of candi- and that the committee recommended required considerable persuasion to tho Camden and Amboy railroad a council is devoting Its best efforts to get some citizens to run as candi- dates for the coming election. There that the Board of Education still con- is in preparation for the celebration this city, the ofllco b(»lng situated on were quito a number present, being alder him as the custodian. They dates, but finally a number have de- the, old steamboat wharf. At tha of the centenlal of the Star Spangled cided to make tho canvass. The out- mostly tho old guard that may be would further recommend that, Banner and their own twenty-fourth time, Mr. DeGraw resided with his counted on to attend meetings of this salary be one dollar per year. jjfTran- look nt present is that the ticket parents on Main street In one of thn anniversary, both of which, fall In tho will bo made up as follows: klad. Uon to the effect that the recyfnmenda- next month. Committees are work- Mayor—Thomas Lively. that was torn down to innko /Thorns' Bolectud ns candidates may of the finance committee in this ing energetically for this observances Councllrnan-at-Large—Charles W. room for the new roaclwny. fun Hummed up as follows): respect be endorBod was made and of anniversaries and from present in- Stuart. In 1874 die took oni> of the eight For Mayor—William S. Dey. carried. Under the remarks, Mr. dications there will be a big timo Councilman—Second Ward, 15. J. leased keys operating on tho drat For Councllman-at-large—Collln J. Grace stated that Ihe. had seen the due. It has been sepcially request- O'Connor or Frank Cordon; Third leased wire between New York and Stratton. city fathers about this matter and ed that all of the members of tho Ward, Michael J. Stanton. Washington for tho Now York AHSO- For City Clerk—William J. EU wards. had ascertained from them that in uniformed guards will bo present at City Clerk—Richard M. Mack. clatod Press, and In 1875 went t<- For Councilman, second ward—Dr. making the salary of tho treasurer the meeting to-night (Friday), as Commltteoman,—Third Ward, John Washington UH a member of the rop- J. C. Albright. they had taken Into consideration the business of importance Is to be Connors and George CUindrum have ortorlal stuff of tho Associated Press For Councilman, third ward—Fred- matter of his also taking care of the- transacted and plans for this cole-: otitlons out. Fourth Ward—C. L. Ho wns in turn Washington manager erick Isley. school moneys and had provided com- bratlon will also be brought up. of the Wentern Association, southern For Executive Committeeman, sec- pensation therefor, and that they did o • manager, and assistant general man- ond ward—J. Frank Fulton. An active campaign will bo made not approve of this extra bill. They ager of the Southern Associated Press For Executive Committeeman, third ^thought he was well paid as It was. to regain control of the city govern- until 1897. ward—Andrew Seaman. Handsome Prizes ment, and It Is believed by united ef- Another important question that After a short period In commercial When Mayor Dey was nominal fort success can bo obtained. was decided was that of the vaccina- work in Philadelphia toe again- took he'stated that he would be only "too Tor Athletic Events o tion of the pupils In the school. The- up his former 'work, and was appoint- glad to step back and let someone question was brought up by Mr. ed press representative In Washing- else lhavo the nomination If there Davis, who stated that a gentleman Prizes for athletic events at picnic Grace Has Filed His ton for the Louisiana Purchase Ex- were any others that desired to taka had asked him to ascertain the feel- of the Sacred Heart Parish on Labor position. It. He felt that he had done all the Ings of the board upon this question- Day at Stevensdale grounds will soon etition for Assembly In 1905, Mr. DeGraw was appoint- good that he could, but the members as regards the coming year. It seems be on exhibition In certain store win- ed by President Taft to tho position present wouldn't hear of anything that this gentleman had children who dows. Watch for them. Charles T. Grace, Democratic can- of Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen- ike that. Several of those present were not vaccinated last year for one The baseball game will be between didate for Assembly, has filed hi8 iral, which he held up to the Wilson bad something to say regarding the reason or another, such as the near- the Y. M. C. A. and the Neptunes, petition with the County Clerk. The Administration. mayor's ability as chief executlvo ness of examinations, etc. Mr. Grace- and some good spirited playing ia petition had the signature of about Mr. DeGraw had charge of the in- of the city and he was finally given expressed an opinion that ha did not prophesied. All should witness this 450 men of all walks and professions, stallation of tho parcel post, which a unanimous vote as a declaration of see any adequate reason why the contest. including Congressman Thomas J. went into effect on January 1, 1913, choice by the party. State laws should not be lived up to>- Among the athletic events will be Scully, Senator Wm. E. Ramsey, Sur- and supervision of the delivery sys- Councilman-at-large Stratton was strlctly. It was the state that pro- half-mile run, 100 yd. dash for rogate D. AV. Clayton, Assemblyman em throughout the country. Mr. he only one spoken of for the posi- vided these laws and he did not feel Juniors, 100 yd. dash for seniors and George L. Burton, Freeholders Alfred DeGraw was one of the organizers of ion which he now holds, and he that there should be any exceptions. obstacle race. The prizes will be as T. Kerr and Theodore Cohn, County he now celebrated Gridiron Club, of made a few remarks on the subject He stated that although he did not follows; Solicitor John A. Coan; Guy C. iVashlngton. of his becoming R candidate for re- approve of the vaccination of children Half-mile run—Combination pearl Weaver, Alderman-at-Large, John He was a cousin of Frank E. De- election. He said that although the and had taken an active stand against handle pen and pocket knife. Second Kutcher, 4th Ward Alderman, Rich- 3raw of this city. duties of his office were by no means the enforcement of these laws last prize, Eveready safety razor. ard F. White, City Collector and -0 easy to fulfill he had filled them to year, still when the majority of the 100 yd. dash—Seniors—Chevalier James J.
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