To the Palouse Prairie Field Guide

To the Palouse Prairie Field Guide

Palouse Prairie Field Guide index to scientific names 4 Achillea millefolium (yarrow) (white, n) 20 Drymocallis convallaria (tall cinquefoil) (white, n) 76 Mertensia longiflora (long­flowered bluebells) (blue, n) 38 Agoseris grandiflora (large­flowered agoseris) (yellow, n) 84 Erigeron corymbosus (foothills daisy) (blue, n) 66 Olsynium douglasii (grass widows) (pupler, n) 50 Allium acuminatum (Hooker's onion) (pink, n) 24 Eriogonum heracleoides (Wyeth buckwheat) (cream, n) 84 Penstemon attenuatus (taper­leaf penstemon) (blue, n) 20 Amelachier alnifolia (serviceberry) (white, n) 42 Eriophyllum lanatum (Oregon sunshine) (yellow, n) 24 Penstemon confertus (yellow penstemon) (cream, n) 2 Antennaria luzuloides (woodrush pussytoes) (white, n) 30 Erythronium grandiflorum (glacier lily) (yellow, n) 16 Penstemon deustus (hot rock penstemon) (white, n) 48 Antennaria rosea (rosy pussytoes) (pink, n) 88 Festuca idahoensis (Idaho fescue) (green, n) 12 Perideridia gairdneri (Gairdner's yampah) (white, n) 52 Apocynum androsaemifolium (spreading dogbane) (pink, n) 80 Frasera albicaulis (shiny frasera) (blue, n) 6 Philadelphus lewisii (Lewis' mockorange, syringa) (white, n) 44 Arnica sororia (twin arnica) (yellow, n) 32 Fritillaria pudica (yellow bell) (yellow, n) 56 Phlox speciosa (showy phlox) (pink, n) 50 Asclepias speciosa (showy milkweed) (pink, n) 36 Gaillardia aristata (blanketflower) (yellow, n) 96 Pisum sativum (pea) (white, ag) 8 Astragalus arrectus (Palouse milkvetch) (white, n) 10 Galium boreale (northern bedstraw) (white, n) 90 Poa secunda (Sandberg bluegrass) (green, n) 36 Balsamorhiza sagittata (arrowleaf balsamroot) (yellow, n) 80 Gentiana affinis (prairie gentian) (blue, n) 34 Potentilla gracilis (slender cinquefoil) (yellow, n) 26 Berberis repens (creeping Oregan grape) (yellow, n) 66 Geranium viscosissimum (sticky geranium) (purple, n) 102 Potentilla recta (sulfur cinquefoil) (cream, weed) 64 Besseya rubra (red besseya) (red, n) 58 Geum triflorum (prairie smoke) (pink, n) 18 Prunus virginiana (chokecherry) (white, n) 96 Brassica napus (canola) (yellow, ag) 40 Helianthella uniflora (little sunflower) (yellow, n) 86 Pseudoroegneria spicata (bluebunch wheatgrass) (green, n) 98 Bryonia alba (white bryony) (white, weed) 14 Heraclium maximum (cow parsnip) (white, n) 38 Pyrrocoma carthamoides (Columbia goldenweed) (yellow, n) 8 Calochortus elegans (elegant sego lily) (white, n) 98 Hesperis matronalis (Dame's­rocket) (pink, weed) 44 Pyrrocoma liatriformis (Palouse goldenweed) (yellow, n) 72 Calochortus nitidus (broad­fruit mariposa) (purple, n) 26 Heuchera cylindrica (lava alumroot) (cream, n) 30 Ranunculus glaberrimus (sagebrush buttercup) (yellow, n) 76 Camassia quamash (common camas) (blue, n) 104 Hieracium aurantiacum (orange hawkweed) (orange, weed) 102 Rosa canina (dog rose) (pink, weed) 60 Castilleja hispida (harsh paintbrush) (red, n) 104 Hieracium caespitosum (yellow hawkweed) (yellow, weed) 58 Rosa nutkana (Nootka rose) (pink, n) 28 Castilleja lutescens (stiff yellow paintbrush) (yellow, n) 46 Hieracium scouleri (western hawkweed) (yel, n) 102 Rosa rubiginosa (sweetbriar rose) (pink, weed) 62 Castilleja miniata (scarlet paintbrush) (red, n) 92 Hordeum vulgare (barley) (inc, ag) 60 Rosa woodsii (Woods' rose) (pink, n) 104 Centaurea cyanus (bachelor's buttons) (blue, weed) 74 Hydrophyllum capitatum (ballhead waterleaf) (purple, n) 46 Senecio integerrimus (western groundsel) (yellow, n) 106 Chondrilla juncea (rush skeletonweed) (yellow, weed) 62 Ipomopsis aggregata (scarlet gilia) (red, n) 54 Sidalcea oregana (Oregon checkermallow) (pink, n) 94 Cicer arietinum (garbanzo bean) (white, ag) 68 Iris missouriensis (western iris) (purple, n) 14 Silene douglasii (Douglas' catchfly) (white, n) 2 Cirsium brevifolium (Palouse thistle) (white, n) 88 Koeleria macrantha (prairie junegrass) (, n) 16 Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly) (white, n) 52 Clarkia pulchella (elkhorns clarkia) (pink, n) 94 Lens culinaris (lentil) (blue, ag) 40 Solidago missouriensis (Missouri goldenrod) (yellow, n) 10 Claytonia perfoliata (miner's lettuce) (white, n) 106 Leucanthemum vulgare (oxeye daisy) (white, weed) 54 Symphoricarpos albus (common snowberry) (pink, n) 12 Claytonia lanceolata (spring beauty) (white, n) 78 Linum lewisii (Lewis flax) (blue, n) 86 Symphyotrichum spathulatum (western aster) (blue, n) 64 Clematis hirsutissima (sugar bowls) (purple, n) 22 Lithophragma glabrum (bulbous prairie star) (white, n) 6 Toxicoscordion venenosum (death camas) (white, n) 82 Collinsia parviflora (blue­eyed Mary) (blue, n) 22 Lithophragma parviflorum (smallflower prairie star) (white, n) 82 Triteleia grandiflora (large­flowered triteleia) (blue, n) 48 Collomia grandiflora (grand collomia) (salmon, n) 28 Lithospermum ruderale (Columbia puccoon) (yellow, n) 92 Triticum aestivium (wheat) (inc, ag) 56 Collomia linearis (narrow­leafed collomia) (pink, n) 32 Lomatium dissectum (fernleaf lomatium) (yellow, n) 100 Ventenata dubia (ventenata) (inc, weed) 100 Conium maculatum (poison­hemlock) (white, weed) 34 Lomatium triternatum (nine­leaf lomatium) (yellow, n) 4 Veratrum californicum (California false hellebore) (white, n) 18 Crateagus douglasii (Douglas hawthorn) (white, n) 70 Lupinus arbustus (spurred lupine) (purple, n) 74 Viola adunca (long­spurred violet) (purple, n) 78 Delphinium nuttallianum (low larkspur) (blue, n) 70 Lupinus leucophyllus (velvet lupine) (purple, n) 42 Wyethia amplexicaulis (mule's ears) (yellow, n) 72 Dodecatheon pulchellum (darkthroat shooting star) (purple, n) 68 Lupinus sericeus (silky lupine) (purple, n) index prepared by Palouse Prairie Foundation Palouse Prairie Field Guide index to common names 38 agoseris, large­flowered (Agoseris grandiflora) (yellow, n) 80 frasera, (shiny, white­stem) (Frasera albicaulis) (blue, n) 16 penstemon, (hot rock, lava) (Penstemon deustus) (white, n) 26 alumroot, (lava, roundleaf) (Heuchera cylindrica) (cream, n) 32 fritillary, yellow (Fritillaria pudica) (yellow, n) 84 penstemon, (taper­leaf, sulphur) (Penstemon attenuatus) (blue, n) 44 arnica, (twin, foothills) (Arnica sororia) (yellow, n) 94 garbanzo (Cicer arietinum) (white, ag) 24 penstemon, yellow (Penstemon confertus) (cream, n) 86 aster, western mountain (Symphyotrichum spathulatum) (blue, n) 80 gentian, prairie (Gentiana affinis) (blue, n) 98 phlox (Hesperis matronalis) (pink, weed) 104 bachelor's buttons (Centaurea cyanus) (blue, weed) 66 geranium, sticky purple (Geranium viscosissimum) (purple, n) 56 phlox, showy (Phlox speciosa) (pink, n) 36 balsamroot, arrowleaf (Balsamorhiza sagittata) (yellow, n) 62 gilia, scarlet (Ipomopsis aggregata) (red, n) 52 pink fairies (Clarkia pulchella) (pink, n) 92 barley (Hordeum vulgare) (inc, ag) 30 glacier lily (Erythronium grandiflorum) (yellow, n) 100 poison­hemlock (Conium maculatum) (white, weed) 24 beard­tongue, yellow (Penstemon confertus) (cream, n) 40 goldenrod, Missouri (Solidago missouriensis) (yellow, n) 58 prairie smoke (Geum triflorum) (pink, n) 10 bedstraw, northern (Galium boreale) (white, n) 38 goldenweed, (Columbia, large­flowered) 22 prairie star, (bulbous, slender) (Lithophragma glabrum) (white, n) 64 besseya, red (Besseya rubra) (red, n) (Pyrrocoma carthamoides) (yellow, n) 22 prairie star, smallflower (Lithophragma parviflorum) (white, n) 32 biscuitroot, fernleaf (Lomatium dissectum) (yellow, n) 44 goldenweed, Palouse (Pyrrocoma liatriformis) (yellow, n) 28 puccoon, Columbia (Lithospermum ruderale) (yellow, n) 34 biscuitroot, nine­leaf (Lomatium triternatum) (yellow, n) 66 grass widows, Douglas (Olsynium douglasii) (purple, n) 48 pussytoes, rosy (Antennaria rosea) (pink, n) 36 blanketflower, Indian (Gaillardia aristata) (yellow, n) 66 grass, purple­eyed (Olsynium douglasii) (purple, n) 2 pussytoes, woodrush (Antennaria luzuloides) (white, n) 76 bluebells, long­flowered (Mertensia longiflora) (blue, n) 28 gromwell, western (Lithospermum ruderale) (yellow, n) 96 rapeseed (Brassica napus) (yellow, ag) 82 blue­eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora) (blue, n) 46 groundsel, western (Senecio integerrimus) (yellow, n) 102 rose, dog (Rosa canina) (pink, weed) 90 bluegrass, Sandberg (Poa secunda) (green, n) 46 hairy Albert (Hieracium scouleri) (yellow, n) 58 rose, Nootka (Rosa nutkana) (pink, n) 82 brodiaea, Douglas' (Triteleia grandiflora) (blue, n) 104 hawkweed, orange (Hieracium aurantiacum) (orange, weed) 102 rose, sweetbriar (Rosa rubiginosa) (pink, weed) 98 bryony, white (Bryonia alba) (white, weed) 46 hawkweed, western (Hieracium scouleri) (yellow, n) 60 rose, Woods' (Rosa woodsii) (pink, n) 24 buckwheat, (Wyeth, parsnip flowered) 104 hawkweed, yellow (Hieracium caespitosum) (yellow, weed) 8 sego lily, elegant (Calochortus elegans) (white, n) (Eriogonum heracleoides) (cream, n) 18 hawthorn, (Douglas, black) (Crateagus douglasii) (white, n) 20 serviceberry, Saskatoon (Amelachier alnifolia) (white, n) 30 buttercup, sagebrush (Ranunculus glaberrimus) (yellow, n) 4 hellebore, California false (Veratrum californicum) (white, n) 72 shooting star, darkthroat (Dodecatheon pulchellum) (purple, n) 76 camas, common (Camassia quamash) (blue, n) 98 hops, wild (Bryonia alba) (white, weed) 14 silene, Douglas' (Silene douglasii) (white, n) 6 camas, death (Toxicoscordion venenosum) (white, n) 68 iris, (western, Rocky Mountain) (Iris missouriensis) (purple, n) 16 silene, Spalding's (Silene spaldingii) (white, n) 14 campion, Douglas' (Silene douglasii) (white, n) 88 junegrass, prairie (Koeleria macrantha) (green, n) 106 skeletonweed, rush (Chondrilla juncea) (yellow, weed) 96 canola (Brassica

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