/fc*, iA^ /**^SD °' Jf& i^ t.^n ^ Zo * ' i - ¦ } TO DANIEL CCONHELL , ESQ., JLP. Steamboat AccibiST,-^The steamboat Forrest , Sib—Since I last addressed jon,the Grand Captain HaZl eifc, in her upward " trip, struck a snag «Tury at the head against you of Black's I sland , aa d sunk in five feet iave?s£ar»ed a True Bill and other par* water—on e man by the name of M'Clintock jum ped ties charged with lbs commission of those nndefin- overboard and was drowned. The ; boat will bo sblecrimes called *I aedii{on/'J—which means every- raised , and the cargo , which consisted of tobacco ihing that the existing and copperas , will be saved in a damaged state. {fovernfiieni eiooses to ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ allege as being ¦ ¦ ' The Zinesvill e brought op her ^ passengers.—Pitl9- likely to weaken their polities: -LJ r \ y ^S -Wr' . _ ; ; ¦ .¦ ] burg Gag. inflHeoce j and ^ ' " conspiracy," the meaning of which The journeymen tailors of Cincinnati turned out Ihare nererTieardfio well defined as by a Lanca- for higher wageson the 10th. The shoemakers were shire hand-loonrweaver, who upon being asked about to follow. ^ the AND LEEDS GENElAL iiI>?EBTISEB. i meaning of conspiracy, replied, "if yon and any The Wkath bb—The premonitio ns of wint er are body else agree to do, anything that I don't like, I ahead j evident. The weather for £ week or more, eaU thai conspiracy/» TOL. TIL SO, 314. SATUKPAY ^0VEM|ER 18 or lias be«a cold, vret and uncomfortable , and on the , , 1843. ^^^Su^ ^o^T highlaa ds to tbe southeast , and in Cftttardngus In ay former letter I told yon that the Govera- snow Bas fslien t<t the depth of from oae ta fear inent would not allow either yon or the conntry to ledge, and having burst from all those prejudices by NEW WOOLLEN CLOTH A3# TlAlLOES' TRIMMING The Peesidesct .—The 4/&any 4Uas ctmtains inches. Last ' Friday, along the summit levoP of th reap a triumph from an acquittal. And in many which it has been long trammelled , will drink at the reports of a number of county conventions at all of Ohio canaJ ,-soutb of Cleveland, a trav eller inform former articles that I hare written source, and be no longer satisfied with merely ESTABLISHMENT, which Mr. Van Buren was unani mously nominated ns that the snow lay on the ground two or tferee upon the subject, as the democratic candidate for the pr esidency. inches deep~-£it0fa Cam. Adv. I told you that yon would find lapping the skim from the surface. Those super- it impossible to 37, BBJGGATE, LEEDJT, AND MARKET PLACE, DABLIJTGTON . Tbe EtB€?riONs. f-Tlie W. Democrat' says :—°?b» Skow Srosrt '—We have experienc ed this mornf ^g separate your own responsibility from the acts of ficial ideas which floated fantasti cally upon the election news is favourable since an nnusuall ~\1T H. DAVIS respectfullyinvites the attention of the Pubiio to his VALUABLE and EXTENSIVE ova* last. Penn- y severe snow storm, which has dons other parties contending for the same measure, imagination of enthusiasts will no longer satisfy that sylvania cornea oat well, and will maintain the considerable dasaage to fruitv And shade trees in thia Itoweyer Democratic ascendancy ; Conaeeticut increases her vicinity . yonand they might-differ in your courseof craving after knowledge to which vast improve- The depth of th'»4 snow was some five action. I mention that ments of latter years has led. The manner in which majorities of last year , which swept the state with fnohes, and very damp aad heavy. circumstance here for the STOCK OF WOOLLEU CLOTHS, a new broom. But New Jersey—we must have purpose of commenting the English Chartists a The severity of thV storm ' drove the Constitution upon the following para- sow sympathise with you Which he has purchased for Cash , and is determin ed to se'lfor a very small amount of profit. The Goods special notice o? the defeat wZaoh ihe Whigs have 1' graph, which and your persecuted br ethren Back to port last night—a nd the evening boats were appears in yonr address of the 11th of , must put those Irish- are of first-rate Manufacture , and not made for sale only, but will have the good properties of wearing experienced therev 1 In that State -proper ^, aad not kept over until this mornings The Samson is laving fins month, to the people of Ireland, That para- men to the blush who designated me aa a convicted well, and ensuring future orders. men, possesses the elective franchise. A movement to siider Pi. Abino, ntwnseqae Bvteof tbe formidable graph Tuns thus :— libeller, and the Chartist prisoner s as offenders WATERPR OOF has for some time Been going on through the State white caps extending 1 across the lake. The Stock oonsists of DOUBLE-MILL ED TWEE DS, BEAVERS, PILOTS , to abolish this relic of Royalty, entirel y a who had been mildly dealt with by the Whig S S, CASSIMERES , SUPERFINE YORKSHIRE and WEST OF ENGLAND^ au *extend to every The- brig Boston with a full cargo * from the Upper But—attend to me—if there be during the trials KER EY CLOTHS , citizen tire undoubted right to vote as we do in> tbis * the slightest outb reak of violence in any parish , it administrators of the law, or rather by the adminis- WOOLLEN and COTTON CORDS , FUSTIANS, &o. &p. Waiat coatings from ls.6d. upwards , in Lakes, came in during. th * height of the snow storm ' state of New York. The Whigs—naturally and as as did also some schooners. —Jftrtft ifo Com. 17fh willibe my dnty immediately to abandon the Repeal trators of Whig law. Another charge which you endless variety. : a matter of course—oppose that right. Hence- fcba cause, and to instant. fors ake a people who at such a critical have bronght against the Chartist body la, that they M. H. D. takes this opportunity to thank the numerous body of TAILORS , who have patronized him New Orleans defeat which they have met with ' in period as the present, would not follow the ad-rice I Cullingworth , ana begs to Mr. Pox, the British minister afr Wellington, has were Tory Chartists ; since he dissolved Partnership with Mr. assure them that no House in the New Jersey. Such! also-was the proximate cause of been dangerousl bo earnestly jjive them ." whereas yon well knew that Trade shall undersoil him in any one Artic le. their recent defeat in Massachusetts. They had held y (so it is said) 1U< of the bilious the princi pal cause of their hatr ed to the Whigs fever . His health is non ^iroprori ugi Now, Sir, thai won'i do. Depend npon it, it will , possession of that State for a long number of years -; was because they did not destroy Toryism aud for Tbe Workin g Classes are invited to purch ase Fusti ans, Cord s, and Moleskins, at the ab ove Establish- Professor Dwight , of "^ale ,, killed a not. "What, Sir, ** to forsake a people, if there be but when the Royal Charter question came up- ia College m^ ever , while it was in their power to do so. You ment ; they will find it more advantageous to do so, and employ their own Tailors , than encourage Rhode Island they dame out as a party against tho few days since, by a student named 1 Fak -sit. The the slightest outbreak of violence in a single parish. " the " Ready Made Clothes Selling Monopolists " who get rich at the expence of the Working Man , cause was a well knew that not a single Chartist supported the prin ciple of self government , and the. people hurled sudden quarrel , and the student wearing Are yon not perf ectly aware that such an announce- by paying him onb half for a Garmen t tha t other Masters give. them from power at the very aexi election. These facts- aims. Tories from a love of Tory principles ; but that , on Bill Johnso n ment is pre-emin ently calcul ated to caose violence show that a large portion of the Whig party are in , the so-called " hero" of tfco Thou- the contrary, they opposed the Whigs because the favour of equal justice. And<yet they hang by that sand Isles, has been killed by*hfs own son>-m* law, in and outbreak, not in one, but in many parishes 1 Whi gs preferred conciliating Tory prejudices to rel y- which , in justi ce to Mr. H ill, I have set forth his party which are always on the side of hoary abnse , Iowa.' A negr o named Giidfey, was hang by a rejected letter? , as well as the whole of his comment. Sftweigpn $6lohemntfi. * and that tho se who hare the power to purchase ng upon popular support for existence. This, Sir , is against every movement that is made to elevate the mob, by lynch-law, and afterwards -burnt , -A/..few jour deser tion at so cheap a price This pamphlet is the same size as the Lancaste r people and extend their authority. days Bince, at Raymond , Mississippi. Hb-had com- , will not fail to the reck upon which the Melbourn e Administrati on Trials, contains 32 pages, and the price isfourpen c© ; SPAIN.—Thb Attem pted Assassination of Nab- mitted several robberi es. furnish you with an excuse 1 I most cordially join was wrecked. With him, poor easy soul, the ques- and upon it I shall make no further comment in the vaez.—The Times Correspondent writes :— Tbe Times correspondent gives the {following anal ysis :— j CANADA.—The Canadian news is HUiatereslung.
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