ARLIS -.JK 146 .V54 1972 .u.s. Departme• CHECK FOR j N\~p Forest Service Agr -T- IN Fot..'b&~ . Leslie A. Viereck .·.·.:.·.·:·:: : ,. / ..·· /: / ·· .. ·· .. .. / / ··•.. /:· I / ')·... / _./ ··•· ... / ··. ·. / ...... .. .. ' / /: / .. ' ·:· ' -~; :1 'H :B:·:. H "-;~.;.;.·:·>.•.,••• 'J ••• ·.············~:.•. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·X:-:·:··-·.·.:.:;;;:·:·.·.·.·.·.·.·~·.·.··········-.{:"'·>~·~r· \•;;::.;>~:·~:·"i::·:·:·:·»!!;•;-;o;·!'~:.:-".. 'X.: ... ·.::lt;... ... X''Xol•... ~·...... l1ltl>lf~: 1\t::.~=.L:::- i<:(:_<:··:: :-:·· L.;.i.. • ..... ·:.'.·.·.'.'.:· ·:· : .. · .·.·; . .... ··;.: .. ·:.:.:: ' ~ . ... .· :: ·. ·::; ........ ALASKA TRE AND SHRUBS by Leslie A. Viereck, Principal Plant Ecologist Institute of Northern Forestry Pacific Northwest Forest and-Range E;xperiment Station U.S.D.A. Forest SerVice, College, Alaska and I' ·~- Elbert L. Little, Jr., Chief Dendrologist i '::!- ~ Division of Timber Management Research 0 U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Washington, D.C. 0 0 ~ 0'­ "l"' {'() ~ Agriculture Handbook No. 410 Forest Service United States Department of Agriculture ARLIS Washington, D.C. 1972 Alaska Resources Library & Information Services ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Services ife Serviae """"'',..,."..... "'oad Anchorage, Alaska 9-9-503 Library of Congress Catalog Card;Number: 70-176230 Cover: The scratchboard cover design by William Berry is a typical white spruce-paper birch stand in interior Alaska in early winter. The shrub layer is alder and willow. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 001-00<Hl1344-1 CONTENTS Page List of species ~--------------------------------------------- 1v Introduction ------------------------------------------------ 1 Previous work ------------------------------------------ 2 Preparation of this handbook ----------------------------- 3 Plan --------------------------------------------------- 4 How to use this handbook -------------------------------- 5 )lcknowledgTJnents ----------~---------------------------- 5 Statistical summary -----"------------------------------------- 6 Growth forms -------------------------------~----------- 6 )llaska trees --------------~-----~----------------------- 8 Geographic distribution ----~~---------------------------- 9 Local and rare species ------------------------------------ 10 Vegetation of )llaska _________________ ..\______________________ 11 Coastal forests --------------------------~--------------- 13 1. Coastal spruce-hemlock forests --------------------- 14 Interior forests ---------~--.:______________________________ 15 2. Closed spruce-hardwood forests --------------------- 15 3. Open, low growing spruce forests ------------------- 18 4. Treeless bogs ---------.--...::._________________________ 19 5. Shrub thickets _________ ::.:.:._________________________ 20 Tundra ------------------------------------------------- 21 6. Moist tundra ------------------------------------- 21 7. Wet tundra --------------------------------------- 22 8. )llpine tundra ------------------------------------ 22 Vegetation map ----------------------------------------- 23 Keys for identification________________________________________ 24 Key to )llaska trees based mainly on leaves ________________ 25 Winter key to deciduous trees of )llaska -------------------- 28 Key to genera of )llaska shrubs ---------------------------- 30 Winter key to )llaska shrubs ------------------------------ 34 Alaska trees and shrubs -------------------------------------- 43 Key to )llaska willows ----------------------------------- 78 Vegetative Key to )llaska willows ------------------------- 82 Selected references ------------------------------------------ 254 Index of common and scientific names ------------------------- 260 iii LIST OF SPECIES 1 Page Yew :family (Taxaceae) 1. Pacific yew, Tamus brevifolia Nutt. (LS-ST, C, R) 44 Pine :family (Pinaceae) 2. lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta Dougl. (ST-LT, C) ________ 45 3. tamarack, Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch (ST-MT, I) ___ 48 4. black spruce, Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. (ST-MT, I) ____ 51 5. *whitespruce,Piceaglauca (Moench) Voss (MT-LT,I-c) __ 52 6. *Sitka spruce,.Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. (LT, C) ______ 54 7. *western hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. (LT, C) ------------------------------------------- 58 8. *mountain hemlock, Tsuga mertensianu, (Bong.) Carr. (ST-LT, C) --------------------------------------- 59 9. Pacific silver fir, .Abies arnabilis (Dougl.) Forbes (MT-LT, C,R) ---------------------------------------------- 61 10. subalpine fir, .Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. (ST-LT, C,R) ---------------------------------------------- 62 Cypress :family (Cupressaceae) 11. *western redcedar, Thuja plicata. Donn (LT, C) __________ 64 12. *Alaska-cedar, Ohamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Spach (MT-LT, C) --------------------------------------- 66 13. common juniper, Juniperus communis L. · (PS-SS, I-C) ____ 68 14. creeping juniper, Juniperus horizontalis Moench (PS, I) ___ 69 Willow :family (Salic~eae) 15. *balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L. (MT-LT, I-c) ___ 72 16. *black cottonwood, Populu8 trichbcarpa Torr. & Gray (LT, C) ------------------------------------------ 74 17. *quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides Michx. (SM-MT, I) __ 76 18. netlea:f willow, Salix reticulata L. (PS, I-C) ______________ 86 19. Setchell willow, Salix setchelliana Ball (PS, I-c) __________ 87 20. polar willow, Salix polaris Wahlenb. ssp. pseudopolaris (Flod.) Hult. (PS, I-c) ---------------------------- 88 21. skeletonlea:f willow, Salix phlebophylla Anderss. (PS, I) ___ 89 22. least willow, Salix rotundifolia Trautv. (PS, 1-C) ________ 90 23. arctic willow, Salix arctica Pall. (PS, I-C) _______________ 91 1 Size is indicated by letters: LT, large tree; MT, medium tree; ST, small tree; LS, large shrub; MS, medium shrub; SS, small shrub; PS, prostrate shrub. General distribution is given as I, interior, and C, coastal, with small letter where restricted, and R, rare. The 10 tree species producing nearly all the commercial timber are indicated by an asterisk (*). Explanation under Statistical Summary, page 6. iv Page 24. Alaska bog willow, Salix fusoesoens Anderss. (PS, I-C) ---- 92 25. ovallea:f willow, Salix ovalifolia Trautv. and Salix stolonifera Cov. (PS, i-C) ------------------------------------- 94 26. graylea:f willow, Salix glauoa L. (MS-ST, I-C) ------------ 95 27. barren-ground willow, Salix braohyoarpa Nutt. ssp. nipho- olada (Rydb.) Argus (SS-J\II:S, I) ------------------- 97 28. halberd willow, Salix hastata L. (MS, I) ------------------ 98 29. low blueberry willow, Salix myrtillifolia Anderss. (SS, I) --- 99 30. tall blueberry willow, Salix novae-angliae Anderss. (LS, I) -------------------------------------------- 101 31. Barclay willow, Salix barolayi Anderss. (MS-LS, I-C) ____ 102 32. Hooker willow, Salix hookeriana Cov. (LS-ST, C, R) 106 33. undergreen willow, Salix oommutata Bebb (MS, I-C) _____ 106 34. Chamisso willow, Salix ohamissonis Anderss. (PS, I) ______ 108 35. park willow, Salix montioola Bebb. (MS-LS, I-c) ________ 108 36. Richardson willow, Salix lanata L. ssp. riohardsonii (Hook.) A. Skwortz. (MS-LS, I-C) ------------------------- 110 37. Barratt willow, Salix barrattiana Hook. (SS, I) __________ 110 38. :feltlea:f willow, Salix alawensis (Anderss.) Cov. (LS-ST, I-C) ---------------------------------------------- i12 39. silver willow, Salix candida Fluegge (MS, I, R) ___________ 115 40. Bebb willow, Salix bebbiana Sarg. (LS-ST, I-C) _________ 116 41. diamondlea:f willow, Salix planifolia Pursh ssp. pulohra (Cham.) Argus (PS-LS, I-C) ______________________ 118 42. Scouler willow, Salix soouleriana Barratt (LS-MT, I-C) ___ 120 43. Sitka willow, Salix sitohensis Sanson (LS-ST, I-C) ______ 122 44. littletree willow, Salix arbusouloides Anderss. (LS-ST, I--c) -------------------------------------- 123 45. sandbar willow, Salix interior Rowlee (LS, I) ____________ 126 46. Pacific willow, Salix lasiandra Benth. (LS-ST, I--c) ________ 126 Bayberry :family (Myricaceae) 4'7. sweetgale, ·llfyrioa gale L. (SS-MS, I-C) __________________ 128 Birch :family (Betulaceae) 48. dwarf arctic birch, Betula nana L. (SS-MS, I-C) __________ 130 49. resin birch, Betula glandulosa Michx. (SS-MS, I--c) _______ 130 50. *paper birch, Betula papyrifera Marsh. (ST-LT, I-C) _____ 134 51. American green alder, Alntts orispa (Ait.) Pursh (MS-LS,I) -----------------~---------------------- 140 52. Sitka alder, Alnus sinuata (Reg.) Rydb. (LS-ST, I-C) ____ 142 53. red alder, Alnus rubra Bong. (ST-MT, C) ________________ 144 v Page 54. thinlea£ alder, Alnus tenuifolia Nutt. (LS-ST, I-C) ______ 146 Mistletoe £amily (Loranthaceae) 55. hemlock dwarf-mistletoe, Arceuthobium tsugense (Rosend.) G. N. Jones (Parasite, C) --------------------------- 146 Gooseberry £amily ( Grossulariaceae) 56. swamp gooseberry, Ribeslacustre (Pers.) Poir. (MS, I-C) __ 150 57. stink currant, Ribes bracteosum Dougl. (MS-LS, C) ______ 150 58. northern black currant, Ribes hudsonianum Richards. (PS- MS,I-C) ------------------------------------------ 152 59. skunk currant, Ribes glandulosum Grauer (SS-MS, I) _____ 154 60. trailing black currant, Ribes laxiflorum Pursh (PS-MS, C) 155 61. American red currant, Ribes triste Pall. (P.S-MS, I-C) 156 Rose £amily (Rosaceae) 62. Pacific ninebark, Physocarpus capitatus (Pursh) Kuntze (MS-LS, C) --------------------------------------- 158 63. Beauverd spirea, Spiraea beauverdiana Schneid. (SS, I-C) __ 159 64. Douglas spirea, Spiraea douglasii Hook.
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