THE HISTORY OF GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES USE IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER USSR. Valentina Svalova Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Geothermal Council of Russia, Moscow, Russia Key words: history, volcanoes, geysers, hot springs, Kam- natural way. Very likely that wild animals led ancient people chatka. to hot springs. For a long time the warriors treated their wounds in mineral geothermes. ABSTRACT. 1. A BRIDGE FROM THE ANCIENT GREECE TO Usage of geothermal energy in Russia and the former ANTIQUE TOWNS OF CRIMEA. USSR goes back to deep antiquity. And always the reality was in neighbourhood with legends. It is considered that curative properties of under- History of hot and mineral springs is traced from Cri- ground springs were known to people of the Stone Age. The mean antique towns through Kiev Russia, Moscow State and mineral springs of Epidauros in the Ancient Greece could be Russian Empire to our days. considered as the most ancient known spa (6 century B.C.) in Wave of ancient civilization arised in Mediterranean the world. Even now it is possible to see there the plates with near volcanoes and hot springs, rolled through all territory of diagnosis and descriptions of the illness treatment caurses. Russia and reached Kamchatka where met another culture and Famouse sanctuary of God-Healer Asklepius is placed in 9 magic land of geysers and volcanoes. km from port Epidauros. Another wave of civilization from ancient Greece It is impossible now to elucidate a question of Ask- rolled through Western Europe, crossed Atlantic Ocean with lepius transformation from the Hero at the beginning of 5 the first American settlers and met American Indians' culture. century B.C. to the God at the end of the same century. The Finally two waves of civilization reached Pacific Greeks honoured him as creator of medicine. Gomer glorified Ocean from different sides at the regions of high thermal him as wonderful physician. Asklepius not only treated sick activity and met each other in Bering strait. As Christopher people but also resurrected the deads. According to legend Columb descovered America from Eastern coast as Vitus Asklepius had his healing ability due to Apollon, centaur Bering reached America from western coast. Hyron and Aphyna. The Goddess presented him an ampule Peoples of fairy land Kamchatka have as fantastic leg- with medusa Gorgona's blood taken from the left side of her ends as American Indians and ancient Greeks. body. This blood had power to raise from the deads. Aphyna kept another ampule with medusa's blood taken from the right INTRODUCTION. side of the body that gave her power to destroy life and begin the wars. The influence of this legend is traced to Russian falk The history of the thermal and mineral water investi- tales about dead water. gations is connected very close with practical use of the The significance of the God Asklepius and his sanctu- Earth's deep heat and goes back to far antiquity. ary had been increasing. The pilgrims arriving at Epidauros At leaste in near 355 year B.C. the Greek philosopher had to clear themselves by water from sacred spring and then Platon writing about legendary Atlantida mentioned that the to make a sacrifice. Later they spent a night not far from hot springs gushed out in the centre of the atlants' main town. sanctuary where the God healed them during sleeping. Some- Hence the manifestations of the Earth's heat were known to times they got momentary and miraculous curing. people more than 3,5 thousand years. In the beginning of 4 century B.C. the theatre was First of all the geothermal waters attracted the people's built on the slope of rock near sanctuary. Solemn celebrations attention in volcanic regions. Visible displays of deep heat devoted to Asklepius had been held there every 4 years. activity inspired the writers and poets. For instance the greate Historians suppose that the founder of medical science Italian poet Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) used the data about Hyppokrat (460-370 years B.C.) lived and worked at the same hot springs of Italy when writing the "Hell" - first part of the place. "Divine Comedy". Soffioni of Tuscany with steam tempera- For ages the nautical ways linked Mediterranean with ture near 450 oC at the day surface maybe gave him reason to Black Sea coast. In 6-5 centuries B.C. the Greeks founded call Tuscany the town of fire ("Hell", Song 10). The lake of towns Kerkinida, Chersonese, Feodosiya and Panticapaeum at hot mineral water Buliname situated in Italy not far from town the place of present Yevpatoriya, Sevastopol, Feodosiya and Viterbo and famouse by its curative properties from Roman Kerch. Empire time also is mentioned in his immortal creation. Dante Crimean south coast is famous by its spas and health wrote that the sinners drained the hot steam to their dwellings. resorts with mineral springs and medical muds. Earth fire power manifestations - volcanoes, geysers, Chersonese was founded in 421 year B.C. Archaeo- earthquakes - always excited people's feeling of beauty and logical excavations began there in 1827 year discovered ther- fear. Interest to the Earth's geothermal energy arised very long mae, theatre ruins, mint. In opinion of some investigators the ago. For ages people began to use natural resources. It is founders of this town-state were representatives of democratic difficult to answer when, where and which people first party forced to leave their native town Pont Gerakleya by descovered the medicinal properties of hydrotherms, as it is conquering oligarchy party. A famous Chersonesean oath tells impossible to ascertain who invented the plough and wheel about patriotism of citizens. The text of the oath was cut on for the first time. Evidently this discovery came to people by 713 Svalova the marble plate in 3 century B.C. found during town excava- springs from 2nd Millenium B.C. to our time. These dragons tions. were set up there as deities-guards of underground water. The town had good lay-out. The streets crossed at According to legend Georgian duke Vakhtang Gorga- right angles. There were beautiful templs at the squares. Stone sali (4 century A.D.) hunted in the forests of Kura river valley gutters were laid along the streets. Public buildings and the and wounded partridge. When he founded it the partridge lay houses of rich people were decorated by columns and mosaic already boiled in hot water. Later the thermae were built near floors. Such an outstanding piece of Chersonesean art and hot springs and their fame spread very far from Georgia. And skill was mosaic floor from the bath room of rich citizen. In then duke Gorgasali founded town Tbilisi there. "Tbili" means the center of composition there are two women. There is a warm in Georgian. So far the ancient water catching galleries washing cup between bathers. Two birds are represented in are remained in the region of hot springs in Old Tbilisi. And mozaic picture. now it is possible to visit the baths with hot spring water Near town walls the region of handicraftsmen was (Fig.1). situated. Archaeologists found there the remains of ceramic Almost all hot springs are surrounded by legends and production. Different handicrafts rospered in Chersonese: traditions. So according to Turkmen legend herdsman Arch- metal-working skill, jeweller's art, weaving. Metal medical man was turned out of his aul as bearer of all illnesses and instruments found during excavations tell about medicine ailments. Looking for shelter the herdsman found a warm development in the town. Also we know about physicians spring. He drank water and bathed. And he went out from there from inscriptions on the stones. All antique world was spring water absolutely healthy. Since that time the glory of full of such inscriptions which are the unique reliable way of Archman spring medicinal properties had been overgrowing information. During 150 years of excavations there were by new legends, real facts and events. Now the spa is built found more than 500 Greek and Latin inscriptions on the sto- near Archman's hot spring in 130 km from Ashkhabad. nes. Stone archives as if sound-track the most interesting Here is the other legend. The 15th century. Cruel pages of history. Here is the epitaph on the stele of 4-3 cen- Turkish ruler Uzun-pasha had power in Akkerman (Belgorod- tury B.C. found in Chersonese: Dnestrovsky now). And he put the beauty Ukrainian Parask- Father, physician Evkles from Tenedos, oveya into damp dungeon. Once when Uzun-pasha wanted to Set up this tomb to his son Leschanorid. come into dungeon the doors opened, the shackles fell down Since 1 century A.D. Crimea was under influence of and the girl ran to Dnestr liman. But janizaries overtook her. powerful Roman Empire. The Romans moving to different And when they took up their curved yataghans above her head directions and conquering new lands had been building eve- the miracle happened. Suddenly girl began to rise and dissap- rywhere fortresses, harbours and roads. Such fortress and road peared in air. Janizaries turned into stones. And the crystal- were built in Kharaks near present famous health resort clear water spring tore away from the earth in place where her Miskhor. As everywhere the Romans built there thermae, the footprints were... The centuries passed but the spring lives. remains of which were found by archaeologists. Also they set For ages people of different countries and nationalities up sanctuary and laid ceramic water tubes. The thermae were gave the names of hot springs to the places and villages.
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