WORLD WAR TWO STUDIES ASSOCIATION (formerly American Committee on the History o/the Second World War) Danold S. Detwiler. Chai/7l1all u,p.rtmenl of History SCUlhem lI1inois University Zl C,mondale Mark P. P.rillo. Secretary' alld C.mondale. Illinois 62901-4519 Newsleacr Editor [email protected] Department of History 208 Elsel~lOwer H.II Kansas State University Manhattan. Kansas 66506-1002 elnrles F. Delzell 785-532-0374 \·,ndemill University FAX 785-532-7004 NEWSLETTER [email protected] Terms C'xpiri"g 1005 ISSN 0885-5668 James Ehrrl'lan. Associate Editor and Webmaster Department of History 208 EiseJ~lOWer Hall Kansas State University Manhatt3n. Kansas 66506-1002 Archives: IlIsritule for Military History and 20" Century Studies No. 73 Spring 2005 221 Eisenhower Hall Kans,s State University MaJ~1attan. Kansas 66506-1002 The WWTSA is affiliated with: American Historical Association on.ld H. Spector 400 A Stree~ S.E. George Washington University Washington. D.C. 20003 Contents http://www.theaha.org ri Ziemke Coi\'ersity of Georgi. Comile Inlemarional d'Histoire de la Deuxieme Guerre Mondia!e Institut d'Histoire du Temps Present erms expiring 2006 World War Two Studies Association (CenITe lI.tion.1 de la recherche .scientifique [CNRS]) ,rl Bovd Ecole Normale Superietue de Cachan Ol.:i Dominion University Generallnfonnation 2 61 ••venue du President Wilson 94235 Cachan cede", France ltxandcr Cochran The Newsletter 2 C.r1isle B'mlcks. P•. Institute jor Military History aad Annual Membership Dues 2 2(1' CenOtry Studies, at 0'· K. Flinl Kansas SUlIe Ulliversity whieh supports \'olle Crucis. N.C. U,e WWTSA's website on the [nemel News and Notes at the following address (URL): ch, Lewis Gaddis www.ksu.edu/history/institute/wwtsal Yale University Report on 2005 WWTSA Annual Business Meeting 3 o~·in Higham K,nsas Stale University Postscript to the Meeting Report 5 ichard H. Kolm Martin Blumenson 5 University of North C.rolin. J: Ch.pel Hill Alan F. Wilt 6 I.,n R. Millet Memorial for Sir William Deakin 6 Ohio Stale University Major Release ofNARA Military History Records 9 chert Wolfe :\Ic;r;andria. Virginia "Archives Made Easy" Launched 10 t.rnlS C'xpir;lIg 2007 From the National Archives: CREST 11 I'Ann C.mpbell LS. Coasl Gnard Fow1(!:Jrion Recently Published Articles in English obert D.llek on World War II 13 University ofC.lifomi•. Los Angeles Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation 12nley L. Folk ..!.;exandria. Virginia by Christina Fishback .\·id GI.ntz Carlisle. Pel1t1sylvan13 Recently Published and Reprinted Books in English mestR. May harv.rd University on World War II 19 ;mis Showa Iter Colorado College Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation cm.rd L. Weinberg by Christina Fishback L-!1iversity or North Carolina al Ch.pel Hill General Information Established in 1967 "to promote historical research in the period of \Vorld War II in all its aspects," the World War Two Studies Association, whose original name was the American Committee on the History of the Second World War, is a private organization supported by the dues and donations of its members. It is affiliated with the American Historical Association, with the International Committee for the History of the Second World War, and with corresponding national committees in other countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland. France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, );orway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, and the \~atican, The Newsletter The WWTSA issues a semiannual newsletter, which is assigned Imemarional Standard Serial Number [ISSN] 0885-5668 by the Library of Congress. Back issues of the Newsletter are available from the Institute for :rvlilitary Histo!2-' and 20::: Century Studies, 221 Eisenhower Hall, Kansas State University, ~lanharran. Kamj.?l:. 66506-1002, Please send information for the Newsletter to: Mark Parillo Department of History Kansas State University 221 Eisenhower Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 Membership is open to all who are inte Annual membership dues of$15.00 are pa~ Students with U.S. addresses may, if their crr~~..-::", ~~: $5.00 for up to six years. There is no 5un::~~ :~r rr.er:-'1efi~ that dues be remitted directly to the secr-- _.­ subscription service) in U.S. dollars. the United States, will be sent by s ­ arrangements are made to cover the Spring 2005 ­ 3 News & Notes Report on 2005 WWTSA Annual Charles F. Delzell, and the secretary and Business Meeting newsletter editor who served with him, Prof. Arthur L. Funk (who was elected The 2005 World War Two Studies chairman when I was entrusted with his Association business meeting convened position). Fifteen years later, I was at 12:25 p.m. on Friday, 25 February nominated and elected to succeed him in 2005, in the Middleton Room of the the chairmanship_ I understand from Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, Prof. Mark P. Parillo, the current South Carolina. Association secretary secretary and newsletter editor, that, Mark Parillo called the assembly to thanks to the support being provided for order and chaired the meeting. military history and twentieth-century studies at Kansas State University, he The meeting began with reports from the would be able to accept nomination for association officers. Parillo began by the chairmanship and to serve if elected. noting that WWTSA Chair Donald S. Detwiler was unable to attend but that he "The end of my fifth three-year term as had sent along a memorandum already chairman of our association coincides circulated among the association with that of my third five-year term as an directors and which Professor Detwiler officer of the International Committee wished to have presented to the for the History of the Second World association membership. Copies of the War. During my first two terms, I memorandum were distributed to those participated in the work of the present, the full text ofwhich reads as ICHSWW's executive committee that, follows. under the able leadership of Prof. David Dilks of the British committee, "After fifteen years as secretary and organized symposia with published newsletter editor of the American papers prepared for the quinquennial Committee on the History of the Second ICHSWW meetings held in conjunction World War, followed by fifteen years as with the international historical chairman of the World War Two Studies congresses in 1995 in Montreal and five Association (as our organization was years later in Oslo. As you know, the renamed at the end of 1991), I do not president of the ICHSWW elected in wish to be renominated for an eleventh 2000 has refused to convene the three-year term, beginning in 2006, as an executive committee and thereby officer of our association. prevented members from fulfilling their responsibilities under the statutes of the "I deeply appreciate the cooperation and ICHSWW. The consequent breakdown support that I have enjoyed since I was in the cooperation and comity nurtured first invited, in 1975, to accept within the ICHSWW since its nomination as secretary and newsletter establishment in 1976 has led to the editor by the chairman at that time, Prof. suspension of annual contributions to the 4 - Spring 2005 International Committee by our association's longtenn financial well­ association as well as by its British, being is good. Canadian, and Russian counterparts. This does not mean that we have chosen Speaking as the newsletter editor, to tenninate our relationship with the Parillo announced the welcome news ICHSWW; we have deliberately that the association was able to secure remained at least nominally affiliated, in assistance to replace Jim Ehnnan's the hope that, sooner or later, the contributions. Mr. Ehnnan is working on International Committee may once more a temporary teaching contract that makes serve the purpose for which it was it difficult for him to contribute his founded." bibliographic work as in past issues. He mayor may not resume those activities Reporting as association secretary and after the contract expires, so his future treasurer, Parillo stated that the contributions are uncertain. However, it organization membership remains may be possible to obtain similar steady. He also indicated that no assistance through means to be discussed progress had been made in the present shortly. situation with the International Committee for the History of the Second The meeting chair then read a brief World War but that, as the quinquennial list of announcements. These included a elections for international officers are fonnal statement of gratitude to the this year, there will most likely be association members \vho had rapprochement with the renegade participated in the WWTSA-sponsored international committee. Parillo then panel titled, for "Is World War Two the discussed the association's finances. He New Civil War? Perspectives on the reported that, due in part to clerical and Place of World War Two Studies in the operational overhead support from Academy and Popular Culture." The Kansas State University'S Institute for panel had presented their perspectives as Military History & 20th Century Studies, part of the program of the program of the the association is in better financial Society for l\filitary History annual shape than has been the case in a few meeting. Allan R. Millett of The Ohio years. The association remains able to State Cni\"ersity, Charles Sanders and cover the expenses of printing and .\fark Parillo of Kansas State University, mailing newsletters from membership Jfark Swier of the University of dues. However, he reminded those in Yermom, Janet Valentine of the U.S. attendance that reconciliation with the Army Center for .\filitary History had ICHSWW might involve paying back led a well-attended discussion of the dues for the past four years. But even so, topic which had just been completed the organization remains solvent, and the prior to the meeting.
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