"V! amu&!l?rmm iNew SubscTiBerrto IWBllTetiiPfor; hreV MSntlis " 6MSre WzlML . ? f Receive a Copy of Evening FREE! " On to Manila " Bulletin A Complete History of the Campaign in the Philippines. Vol. VII. No. .1274. "HONOIkULU, H JwTUJifSDAY, .TtfjiY 18, 1899. , Pkioh 5 Cunts. - -- 2 ' - " : : THE DAY'S STOCK REPORT PEACOCK HOTEL THE NfeXT A JEW TELEPHONE-SYSTE- M MEETS A TERRIBLE DEATH VOLCANO PARTY RETURNS ALOHA COFFEE GO. LOSES nONOLULU HAWAIIAN EXCHANOE EXCIIANOO Now that Special Agent SewaU NAME OF STOCK. Soon to Be Introduced la City of Name Employs of California Feed Co. Hakes the Asceit of Manna Loa In jQdge Stanley Renters Decision in has moved oat of the Peacock prtv Bid Aiked Did Asked C mines in Waikiki, people of Hono- Honolulu. ,i Mangled and Torn. Three Days. Favor of the Petitioner. MERCANTILE. lulu natarally expect tho coneum- - C. Drawer k Company. raation of the' bote! plan that' bos SuperlolendtDt Cusldj's Report Adapted At Becomes Caught In Rope of Hoisting Appara- Something About the Cones Eighth acd Edwrd fwrsitts Estate Litters of Adminis- SUGAR. boen laid oat for the place. In an Meeting ol Mutual Telephone Co.'aBoard tus Flj Wheel. Keeps On Turalog last Most Active Without Water for tration Asked for Jonathan Show's .American SuMtCo.,al 8.X interview with J. Q. Bothwoll, ot up J American S Co..J 4 of Directors Yesterdaj Afternoon. Complete Story of Accident. Tvenly Hours Facts and Figures. Accounts M. H. Lunlnj SucJ. Ewa Plantation Co .... Peacock fc Co., this forenoon, (be Jntn Plantation Co.. Hawaiian AjtlcutturalCo ::;: fallowing was learned: Hawaiian -- om ou --o, SugarO) "Yoa.aiay ay tbat we now con Hawaiian .'... aHJ TIjo n Ha- Ilonomu Suear Co iw on a mncb Board ot Directors of tbe David Sherman, young Frank Davey, the photographer, In the case of Albort E. Nichols' Ilonokaa Sumt Co a6H template improvomonts HalVtt Sugar Co.. ....i. larger softo than at first proposed Mutual Tplephono Company met waiian, aged 21. met with a torrible who left in tho last .Hall for tho vs Tho Aloha Coffeo Company, 'Karniku Plantation Co., "5 .Kamalo Sucar Co nt We intend, to moko ont ot tne new yesterday' aftPrnootit',n"naiil6e(l' tfaatb at"laboJ4t 9 o'clock this sceno of Pele'd activity, roturnt d whioh is a suit lo compel the "KaunaloSugarCo.pd up plnoe in overy KlhelllaM.Co..Lt4.as K hotel a first class in. toto tbo report hrrnded in by morning by becoming ontangled' in tho samo boat today, a littlo to perform a certain KlhllP.Co.Ud.,iHipJ vH respect. Mr. Trapbagon has Klkahulu Suear Co. .. Suprointendont Gnssiily. Tbo lar- in the rope of tbo hoisting appara worn ont in the physical condi- agreement mado botween ln par-ti-'- ?, , Koloa Sugar Co, obnruo of all building matters. 1954 is given tu3 at tho California Feed Go1., bIioob Kona sugar jo. as..) "Mr. Peacock is expected back ger part of this report up tion as well as and clothes JudLioStanloy has decided in 1 Kona bugar L.0 .pi up Maunalel Suirar Co.at "t'i)i in tbo Mariposa and the plans will to Mr. Oassidy's visits to tbo main and being wonnd in tbe ooils and but still in lino. Mr. Davey'fl favor of the petitioner, Nichols. Maunalel SuCo.pJ up McBrydaSuCo, 'in not bo fully decided on nutil tbon. telephone houses in the States dar- beaton on tho floor until his face first intention was to go to Ka-pap- ala It grown out of an option held by nalJ "l vl. have secured the premises Nahlko Sugar Co.. a. "Wo ing his recent visit there and a was nothing bnt a soft mass, his ranch first but, finding Mr. Nichols to purchase the land N.siku Su Co.. Di UD aoross the way for stables and the Oahu Sugar Company, l)o )5 summary of wbat improvements right arm tori) asunder, and hU that ho could get no accomiiioda 01 tho deferdaut corporation fur Onomea buKari-o....- .. like. Oar frontage along the in of telephones are now com-piise- d Ookalt Sugar Plan Co, H bonoh will be about 275 feet. the lino body severely bruised. lions at mat place no maio me thn sura of $37,500 Tho laud Su. Co.. LtJ.. as I I io-j- being made and tbe concluding Olaarl. Su Co.LU, pj up "As you kuow wo bavo obtained Tho accident' was witnessed by ascent of Mauua Loa by way of some 500 acre. Olowalu Company. ..... ;k: paragraph is in the shape of a paauhauSu. Plan. Co.. from tbo Government 'what we 0. J. Merrifield, tho foreman of Kailua, Kona, with tbe following It ap'poars by the bill tint plain- Pacific Mill recommendation to tbo company Suit" asked for in tbo matter of wines I secc-n- Hiatal- - Pala Plantation Co. ..it hero that the "Expr;s-- t Board" as the California! Feod 0); Engineor party: Professor Ingallp, Major tiff di. not pay the Pepeekeo Sugar Co .... and the like. 50t) .'. nsod along the Paciflo Ross, an engineer in the employ McCarthy. Stearns Buck, J. bol mout of mentioned widnu six Pioneer Mill G "Work will bpgin very soon aud extensivolya Walalua Agr. Co.. as) loo Ooast and principally in San Fran of George H. Paris; and William lard and H. A. Klucgd logsther moutliB for the first payiueot L'lie WalaluaAgr.Co.piup HH the New Year will see a seaside t'ltj Walanaa Company ...., cico, bo adopted here. FuMoa, one of the nalivo drivers with throe Portuguese guidtm Cnirt di.oi not cfiisiler tl'(i' Walluku Sugar Co..... 400 hotel tbat will rival any to be T. Kjngt niannger of the Feed Tho party took three pack inulm time of payment of second Walmanaln Sugar Co .. 160 I So In a talk with Mr. (Jisaidy tbe J. the elsowhore " I) Walmea Mill Co found following W4s gleauod: " Tbe Company, bad tbo following to aud started out on Suuday, July sum was of the essence of the con MISCELLANEOUS. principle of the 'Express Board' soy: ' 4. It took two days to reach the sum tract, bnt feel that as tho dferi-dru- t Wll4rSlrnnlilo Cn... l One coupon and cents secures mit.of Mauua Loa from which tin ooiup-Mirt-t'e- by tlit Inter-lsla- Sttatn N Co 25 tbat is to bo in force here is what "It wr.s bu.t a short tirao ago otii Hawaiian Electtlc Co . you a splendid historical review or we put in power place, after n good look at the payment of internet f ir the del Hon. Rapid r.& Land Co is known as central onorgy. In that this the bpanish war In the Philippines. otber words, tbo batteries for sign gas engine in tho storohome. As crater of Mokuaweowoo which was ed payment of the priucipnl ui- - . ,i. Mutual Telephone t.o. JH (teaming slightly, tho party start-o- d ty sunuld tne nioe-raeu- j MakihiCotfff Co.L.o j 1 aling nro in tbo main oLbou. A you see; it has boen used for roll ent rcJ in Makaha " Ld.pd up J down his and ing barlby primarily. A four days toraalto tho descent on the within th timn speciliod. Oahu Rv 8c Land Co... man lakes telephone HatScC)., 111....... VKIlV LATENT. immediately central' asks tbo ago wo deoidpl to put on an at- Hilooido to tho scone of llie" ac- Tho Court is of the npiuimi ilmt HonUrewAMiltCo... A nONDS. 'number' you waut. Hanging up tachment for the hoisting of grain tivity. Portuguese, tho animnle tho dffendaut compiny upoj the from the Volcano by woy lnstill-met- Hawaiian (iov 6 per cent toa Lite tbe telepboue disconuncte. and hay. This1 was first tried in and most of tho provisions wero piymont to it of the lirt it Hawaiian (iov. j per cent1 tot " Haw.G PotSaaHperc of Kapnp ila Ranch The flow "At nroaont, tbe Honolulu board tho storehouse, and we found that loft in camp at tbe top. Continu of the money consideration Oahu Ky St Laa l.o i5if that wai supported to be coming ba& a ground and tbn Waikiki it workod most satisfactorily ing tho etury Mr. Davoy spoke uu on the optiou.l iuihI itself at that Note Flpirej of A. M. sestlon Honolulu Exchange toward Ohiiiken bus stopped, bnt, one, a metallic ciro lit. Those two This being true, wo decided to go follows: lime to sell to tho plniuliu" as 1 "Our parly started out bravely ugrted at any time the porf jrm-auc- o HONOLULU EXCHANGE three more have broken out on the do not work in an entirely satis- still further, and lead the rnpo SALES. factory manner. The new system ovor to the main': building for tbe but, when about fivo miles dowu, of the contrct. Iletetn HoarJv too Klhel 9, 100 do 9, to do 9, Waimea side. The flow toward two of tbo party to Yen Sing Tui Co. haB filed idno. will be a ohange tbat ranst noeda purpose of hoisting tbo bay and succumbed an Sjslon 10 Walalua palj tjo. 50 llono-'ka- a tlilo is Btill going and psopio on be welcomed by all subscribers. graiu there. All day yesterday fatigue and other things and re araonded omuplaiut in the Circait i6)i, as do aojj, 50 do iW. side is to camp. Aftor twenty M. M. HAWAIIAN EXCHANGE. the other Bay it running " An order for the new switch tbo hoisting went on without,acoi turned Court naiuht Luuiug.
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