Vol. 03 Issue No. 2 FEBRUARY 2015 ST. THOMAS ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL - DUBAI for private circulation only P.O. Box : 2563, Dubai - UAE Tel : 04-337 1122, Fax : 04-335 2252 Email : [email protected] www.stthomascathedraldubai.org GREAT the more important matters of life, our life with Christ. We can then lead a life of pu- rity, holiness and peace with Our Lord. It LENT isa time basically to be in touch with Our Creator. It is a time to know Christ. What does it mean to know Christ? Fr. Lany Chacko Asst. Vicar Saint Paul tells us in Philippians 3:10, “that I may know Him and the power of His res- urrection, and the fellowship ofHis suffer- This year, Great Lent begins on Monday, ings, being conformed to His death.” This Feb 16. The importance of this Fast is much is what knowing Christ means. Someone evident from the name itself. This is ob- may say,‘resurrection,suffering and death, served to actively participate in the Resur- is this what knowing Christ is all about? rection of Christ through a life of passion Saint Paul makes it clear here that to know and suffering. The Church prescribes the Christ, we must share in His sufferings, be forty days of fast in 6 weeks which ends on conformed to His death andthen we can fortieth Friday before the Passion Week. realize the power of His Resurrection and But the Fast gets completed only with the His victory over death. This is the journey Easter and therefore it is also called fifty of Lent that we wishto travel through to- days Lent. The Monday, the beginning of day. the Great Lent, there is a special service called the service of reconciliation (Shubu- During the Great Lent the Orthodox Church kono) and the purpose of which is that the focuses on three basic disciplines;fasting, faithful enter into the season of Fasting prayer and almsgiving.The true meaning having reconciled with all. This means that of fasting is not in the type of food we eat the Fast is holy and being holy it would be- during Lent. This is only physical, but more come proper only if it is approached with importantly is our spirits. How do they preparation. benefit from fasting? Do we fast from our sins? Do we make the extra effort to resist Lent is a season of soul-searching and re- sin and Satan? What is unique about our pentance. It is a season for reflection and fast? Remember not only Christians fast, taking stock. Lent originated in the very but so do Buddhists and Muslims, some earliest days of the Church as a prepara- people fast for political reasons also. But tory time for Easter, when the faithful re- what makes our fast unique? One author dedicated themselves and when converts states that “Adam broke the fast in Para- were instructed in the faith and prepared dise by eating of the forbidden fruit and for baptism. By observing the forty days this is how man’s original sin is revealed to of Lent, the individual Christian imitates us. Christ, the new Adam, begins by fasting. Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for Adam was tempted and he succumbed to forty days. temptation; Christ was tempted and He Lent is a time of the year filled with overcame temptation. So fasting is not spirituality, prayers, liturgies, fasting, just a mere obligation or custom but it is prostrations,repentance, charity, solemn connected with the very mystery of life hymns, and prayers for the sick. It is the and death, of salvation.”Along with fast- storehouse of spirituality for the whole ing Prayer is the second discipline which year.Lent gives us time to contemplate we should increase during the Great Lent. on matters of the spirit, to concentrate on Together with fasting, prayer clears one’s 2 mind from confusing thoughts and wrong hat every failure to love inthought, word behavior. Prayer is a conversation with or deed is a betrayal of all human beings; God.Sincere prayer assists one not only to but it also showsthat the Church, the new express his/her inner thoughts to Him, but man fashioned in Christ, is founded upon also to hear what He tells us to do. andunited by divine forgiveness and com- passion.Therefore, the first breakthrough The Lenten season as we have said is also this fortress of sin is forgiveness: the return deeply associated with the life of repent- to unity, solidarity,love. To forgive is to put ance and purity. Repentance comes from between me and my ‘enemy’ the radiant the Greek word ‘Metanoia.’‘Meta’ means forgivenessof God Himself. The Shubu- change and‘nous’ means mind.So, ‘Meta- konoreminds usthat the starting point of noia’ is the changing of one’s mind.This is the Christian life is God’s forgiveness of us, what Saint Paul speaks about in Romans andthat if we are to progress in the spir- 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, itual life we too must learn to “forgivefrom but be transformed by therenewing of the heart” (cf. Matthew 18:35). your mind.” Lent provides each person an annual op- During the Great Fastthe OrthodoxChris- portunity for self-examination and im- tian is directed back to the “basics” of the proving the standards of faith and morals Christian life-notonly to increased prayer, in his Christian life. To sum up, we should fasting, and almsgiving, but also to in- observe the Great Lent meaningfully as creasedattention to healing broken re- our Lord Jesus Christ exhorts in the Lenten lationships. On the eve of the Fast, a rite season “Love one Another”. Do not let this ofmutual forgiveness (Shubukono) is cel- Lent go past without something changing ebrated in Orthodox churches, in which in your life for the better. May the blessing all thefaithful bow down and ask forgive- of the Great Lent be with you all. ness of one another. This rite illustratest- a-e-¦c k`m `mkp-c³ h«-tÈ-cn amÀ Znh-¶m-kn-tbmkv a√-∏-≈n-bn¬ h´-t»-cn¬ tPmk-^n- 1908 s^{_p-hcn 14 \v ]gb skan-\m- t‚-bpw, Gen-bm-Ω-bp-tS-bpw, ]p{X- cn-bn¬ IqSnb ae-¶c At m-kn-tb- \mbn 1858 HIvtSm-_¿ 31˛\p P\n-®p. j≥ Ct±-lsØ ae-¶-c-sa-{Xm-t∏m-en- {]mY-anI hnZym-`ymkw a√-∏-≈n-bn-epw, Øm-bpsS ]n≥Km-an-bmbn sXc-s™- sslkv°qƒ hnZym-`ymkw tIm´bw SpØp. kn.-Fw.Fkv. sslkv°q-fnepw 1908 sabv 31 \v sbcp-i-te-an¬ h®v ]cn- \SØn. hnZym¿∞n Bbn-cn-°p-tºmƒ ip≤ A_v-Zp≈m ]m{Xn-b¿°nkv Xs∂ 1876 HIvtSm-_¿ 12 \v ]t{Xmkv Knh¿§nkv am¿Zn-h-∂m-kn-tbmkv F∂ {XnXob≥ ]m{Xn-b¿°nkv _mhm \ma-t[-b-Øn¬ sa{Xm-t∏m-en-Ø-bmbn siΩm-i-]´w \¬In. ]cp-ae am¿ {Kn- A`n-tjIw sNbvXp. tKm-dn-tbmkv Xncp-ta-\n-bn¬ \n∂v 1879 1909 Pqsse 12 \v ]pen-t°m-´n¬ am¿ HIvtSm-_¿ 16˛\p ]q¿Æ-si-Ωm-i-]- Znh-∂m-kn-tbmkv Imew sNbvI-bm¬ ´hpw, 1880 P\p-hcn 18 \v I»n-im-]- ae-¶c sa{Xm-t∏m-en-Ø-bmbn h´-t»- ´hpw kzoI-cn-®p. 1903 \hw-_¿ 2 \v cn¬ am¿Zn-h∂mkn-tbmkv Ah-tcm-[n- ]cp-ae skan-\m-cn-bn¬ h®v ]pen-t°m- °-s∏-´p. ´n¬ tPmk^v am¿ Znh-∂m-kn-tbmkv 1912 sk]v‰w-_¿ 15 \v ae-¶-c-k-`-bn¬ sa{Xm-t∏m-enØ At±-l-Øn\v dºm≥ \S∂ ImtXm-en°m ÿm]-\-Øn\v ÿm\w \¬In. kp[n-c-am-b-t\-XrXzw hln-®p. 3 1934 hsc ae-¶c saXm-t∏m-en-Ø-bmbn h-\, ]cn-ip≤ ]cp-a-e-Xn-cp-ta-\n-bpsS `cWw \S-Ønb am¿ Znh-∂m-kn-tbmkv h’e injy-\m-bn-cp∂p ]cn-ip≤ h´- 1934 s^{_p-hcn 23 \v Imew-sN-bvXp. t»-cn¬ Xncp-ta-\n, ae-¶c sa{Xm-t∏m- Im¬\q-‰m≠v k`-bpsS Aa-cØv tXP- en-Ø, thZ-im-kv{X-]-WvUn-X≥, k`m- t msS \ne-sIm≠ {]Xn-`-bm-bn-cp-∂p. `-cW \n]p-W≥, k`m-kzm-X-{¥-Øns‚ ""ae-¶c k`m `mkp-c≥'' F∂ A]c Imh¬ `S≥, a¬∏m≥, D÷z-e-hm-‹n, \ma-t[-b-Øn¬ Adn-b-s∏´ ]. h´-t»- Fgp-Øp-Im-c≥ XpS-ßnb \ne-I-fn¬ cn¬ am¿ Znh-∂m-kn-tbmkv sa{Xm-t∏m- ]. ]nXmhv {]kn-≤-\mbn. At±-l- en-Ø. am¿tØm-am-«olm ÿm]n® Øns‚ thZ-imkv{X ]mWvUn-Xz- ImtXm-en-t°‰v t]¿jy-bn¬ \n∂pw Øns‚ DZm-Ø-amb sXfn-hmWv ""atXm- ae-¶-c-bn-te°v am‰n ÿm]n-°p-hm-\pw, ]-tZ-i-km-c-߃'' F∂ ]pkvX-Iw. ae-¶-c-k-`sb kzbw io¿j-I-Xz-ap≈ ]cp-ip-≤-\mb h´-t»-cn¬ am¿ Znh-∂m- k`-bm-°n-Xo¿°p-hm\pw ]cn-ip≤ kn-tbmkv Xncp-ta-\n-bpsS a≤y-ÿ-X- Xncp-ta\n sNbvX tkh-\-ß-fmWv bn¬ \ap°pw k¿∆-i-‡-t\mSv At±-l-Øns‚ G‰hpw henb kw`m- {]m¿∞n-°mw. A`n. HkvXmØntbmkv Xncpta\n ssZhw I\n-™-\p-{K-ln®v ae-¶c kns‚ ]Sn-hm-Xn-°¬ h®v I¿Øm- k`m-am-Xm-hn\v \¬Inb hc-Zm-\-amWv hn¬ \n∂v {]m]n® hn.
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