![The British Government and the Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1885](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1865 - 1895 A Thesis presented ror the degree ot Town Mnater of Arts Cape of University by ' The I Th~ co~yright of this thesis is held by the Un1vers1ty of C:;pe Town. Reproductionb ~ of the whole• or any part may . e made wr s~udy purposes only, and not for publication. • The copyright of this thesis vests in the author. No quotation from it or information derivedTown from it is to be published without full acknowledgement of the source. The thesis is to be used for private study or non- commercial research purposes only.Cape of Published by the University of Cape Town (UCT) in terms of the non-exclusive license granted to UCT by the author. University The !BE BRITISH GOVERUMENT MID THE . BECHUAUAl.AND PROTECTORATE 1?85 .... 1895 ·FOREWOIID_ gnd BIBLIOGRAPIIY INJ.1toDUCTION RrvAI. E'!JROP.EAN INTEHEGTS IN T'dE Iff!ERIOR AUD i"'IF. ROAD THE NOH.'ll:I . .. • ~· _............._. il----•ro -. l. 1. Early contacts with the Beohuana tribes. 2. European interests in the Interior. a) The Transvaal b) The British Government c) The Cn.pe Colony d) Foreign Powers. 3,. Events oulmina.ti.ng in the deoision to send. out the Warren expedition 'IH.E ESTJ\BLISH.M];l~ OF 'THE BECHU/UI-1/UJMil) PROTEC'l'ORATE 20 1. Warren and the Chiefs .2. Policy of th.e British Government towards the Protectorate CHt\PTER II THE EXTENT OF BRI'lliSR IN'l'.ERFEREHCE IN THE AFU:fRS OF' rl'fi TRIBES UP 'J.lO 1a'sa 30 ..... --- -...... l. General description of the tribes 2. Disputes among the tribes 3. Jurisdiction over Europeans 4. Concessions cn:At~ER III 45 1. suspicion of the Transvaal 2. K.ho.ma · and :r.. obengula - The Disputed Territory 3. The Grobler incident 4. Germany and Lake Ngami CH.trrr.r F::R IV ·TITE EXTEJifSION' OF BRITISR JURISDICTION' Il'.f 't'HE •.• 'Ill ~·· ....... PROTECTORA}i'E 'JUfTER '!888 . ". ·~ ' 61 . ----.-......... 1. Suggestions for extending the scope of administration e. Orders-in-council of 30 June 1890 and 9th May 1891 3. Rea.eiu),..s cf +ne. C.l->aef.s '*"· AttiC..., t".. l<e.., u... dc.r the Order.s-rn- Coun~il CRAFTER V TH BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY MID TRR BECHU.1\NALfu."W PROT.ECTOHATE 1889- 895 81 1. The Granting ot the Charter 2. Concessions 3. ''.rhe Disputed Territory 4. Railway construction 5. Rhodes seeks transfer of Protectorate G. Visit ot Chiefs to Lond.on 7. The "jum,ping of'f" place ·coNCLUSION THE PROTECTORATE AFTER 1895 104 -·-·~~ ............. .,.,.,..,. MRf> FOREWORD Britain for over sixty years. Yet it was only with great re- luctance, and because there seemed no other way to seeura a tree highway to the north, that the Protectorate was assumed in 1885. A minimUUl of administration and ex.pe.nse wus the British Govern­ ment's aim, but never·theless the Protectorate showed an annual .deficit. In 1889, tl1erefore, the country was included within the sphere of operations of tha Eritish South A.fricn Company, - fu'"ld 1 t '\!vas hoped thn t the Company would ultimately relieve the Qovera~ent or its cdministrative responsibilities. Negotiations for the transtor or admin.istration. were begun in 1895 and. the intention becoming known the Bechu.ana chief's Khmns, Sebele, und Batlloen visited Englnnd to protest to the Colon.iul Secretary. .\o a. result la:.t•ga native reserves were marked out for t.he tribes and it tvas agreed tha.t they should rem.ain under the C:rovm. At the aam.e time $·~~ strip to the east along the Transvaal boundary was transferred to the Camp~ny which thus took over the respons1bili.ties and. expense of defence. Then CPJne the Jenneson Raid, in which the Company ~~s so deeply involved) and the Brltish Government gradually resumed the position 1t had held before the question of transfer arose. (11) _ ldUOh ,or the history of the Protector~te during this period is linked with the opening up of Rhod.esia but I 11ave ·only been able to refe;r: l:u--iefl:Y? and in the most gen.ornl · terJJIS:; to events in the north. Nor Jlav,e r attempted to diseu.as tkle ,antecedents or results ot the Jameson )iai.d.1 launched from Protectorate territory, exae:pt .in so far a.a it affected the tribes .. t'he:re is also a greu.t denl ot ·material concerning eonoezslons in th.e Protectorate 8.1'it~ the claims of .r;tve.l crmoessionai:res > wh~tch :r have baa to leave untouched. The spelling ot nattva names presented a dif'i'iculty tor I .found a large :lll.tm;be:r of varieition.s in use .. In the end I adopted the ver.sions m.ost ge11erally used in tlle Government Blua books .. .I Vi()llld lilte to express my thanks t.o the B:igJ1 Commis­ sioner for the U1uted Xingdo;n ror allovdng me .acce.ss to White books and records, also to Mr,. Cov;an ot tlle High Com.- · :missioner's Offiae ~·;'IillO helped .me to find my v;e.y through the labyrinth of old records.stQred there. Profes.sor: Schapei-a for kindly lenrJ.ing me notes and. books dealing wi.th my subject. BIBLIOGRAPHY. , A. ID'lPUBLISHE.D SOURCE'J Correa ondenee between the High Commis.sioncr and the Adm.i- Histr:ato:r ot; B,r sh ~~clluanalaJL, f led 5.n. tne Cape '11o~ ot'fi·Ce of the H1gh Commissioner fdr tbe United Kingdom. The Adm.inist:;,·a.tol.. was also Deputy comm.issioner for the Beohuanaland Proteoto.ra te arid his despatches covered reports from .Assistant Co~n.t11issioners and police officers in the Protec­ torate as well es correspondence with the chief's. Until this year ·these reacrds were completely neglected. and as yet o.nly the most genera.l.olassifioation has been at­ tempted. I understand that they may shortly be handed over to authorities more directly interested in preserving them • .Folfos in the Hi{dl Co~saio}~e=£_' s O:ftictie * Ca;Ee Tov~. After 1890 fol.1os on speola! pr-oblem.s or evonts were compiled and these are also filed. in the High Corn,"D.!ssloner' s Of'tiae ir1 Cnpe Town. B • OFFICIAL SOURCES c 3841 Further Correspondence respecting the .Af:fairs of the Transvaal and Adjacent rrerritories February 1884 c 4036 Do. May 1884 c 4194 Do. August 1884 c 4213 Do. Oct;oher 1884 c 4252 ..Do.. Deaexnber 1884 c 4275 Do. :B'e bruary 1885 c 4310 Do.. February 1885 c 4432 Do. ua.y 1885 c 4588 Dq. August 1885 c 4:643 .Do. February 1886 c 4839 Do. lune 1886 c 4890 Do. Sept. 1886 c 4956 Further Correspond.enee respecting the Affairs of Becllunnaland a.nd Adjacent, Terr1.tor1es February 1687 G 5070 Do. June 1887 a 5237 Do. Sept. 1887 G 5363 Do. April 1888 c 5524 Do. August 1888 c 5918 Do.. February 1890 c 7171 Copies and Extre.ots of Correspondence relating to th.e British south Africa Company in Unsho- nuland and Hntnbelalrmd September 1893 c 7190 Further Corrcsponden.ce relating to Affairs in l!es.h.onaland, :M:atnbelelaJld n.nd the Bechua- naland Proteetora.te Septe.rabGr 1893 c 7195 Po. november 1893 c 7290 Do. Feb .. -E~~eh 1894 c 7154 Correspondence respecting :proposed ruil- 'l:ray extension in the Bach"U.a.."lal~lnd Pro- . teetorate Septerabar 1893 c 7962 Co.rrespondenoe rel1.1.tive to the Visit to ' this Country of the Chief's Khsmu Sebele and Bathoen and. the Futt~e or the Beohua- naland Protectorate Februa~f 1896 c 7932 correapondenoe relative to the Tra.nsfer of Dritinh Eechuanaland to the Cape Colony Feb. 1896 .... (ii) B. OFFICIAL SOTJJ!<ms ( oon1?..) }m.Rerial Blt1;ebooks ( '!£n.t.) S.econd Report of the Seleot Committee on British South Africa H .. 0. 311, 311 ( i), 311 ( i.i) Ju.ly 1897 British Eechuanalend Annual Reports 1888-1895 ' .,it-._~??"#~;.--_<~>;,..e-:'' .• ...... ::-~':'z•i._··-:~ J,......... if~at.-~~·.,:·•a~-;~.,:.-.=r>·~f,... ~--­ ABER:WIATI GNS In the footnotes for the sake of brevity I hev·e normally referred only to t11e Cmd. ~Io •. of a particular Bluebook. Coloni.al Offi<Hl White books African No. 162 African (South) 358 May 1889 Do. 369 March 1889 Do .. 372 Febr-J.ary 1890 Do. 392 De a ember 1890 Do. 403 1891 Do. 414 February 1892 Do. 426 October 1892 Do. 441 July 1893 Do. 454 nacember 1803 Do. 459 1894 Do. 461 February 1895 Do. 484 August 1895 Do. 498 June 1896 IJo. 51.7 April .1898 African (South) 439 Memorandum on the Origins and Opera· ti.ons of the British south Africa Chartered Com:pnny october 1892- Afrioan (South} 5:-J? Report or Concessions Commission 1893 March 1903 African No. 410 Memorandum as to the Jurisdiction and t~inistrative l;)owers of a European state holding Protectorates i.n "".. frJ.ca G. SECONDARY SOURCES G"neral Histories E. A. Walker A Tiistory of South Af'ricu 2nd Edition (1935) G. Me. Theal 11. History of South Africa since rl95 5 vols.. (I-IV 1908 V 1910) £;,arly Histq_rz.2r th~ In_~erior Darrow A Voyage to Cochin Chini'i. Contains ".An account of a. journey to Laetakoo, the Residence of the chief o'f tbe Booshuana Nstion (1806) Burchell Tra-vels in the Interior of Southern Af.ri·oa 2 vO!s. (1822-4) The Matabele Journals of Robert Mo.ftat cd. by J. P.
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