!iALL LIE he ndoverAn«lo»rr rvrrywlir ii 1 v«n> n. f ir s t, la a t H ie m a n ly , ratal.t forwnr.l. sober, patriotic New l i.cli.ml Town—PHILLIPSownsman IlltOOkS T A .1 T ONE YEAR $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, JULY 7, 1933 VOLUME XLV’I NUMBER 38 Tenders Resignation British Veterans LOCAL NEWS NOTES Fire Department Small Number Aided Outing on Sunday Mrs. W. J. Smith of Elm street in spending Busy This Week the summer at Gloucester. from School Board The British Empire Veterans will meet at Mr. and Mrs. John Grecnhow visited in , A f,rc crnckcr thrown into the Colonial ---------------------------- Andover square at 1.30 Sunday afternoon to Pemberton over the week-end. theatre last Monday evening between per- by Welfare Funds . /-,1 , _ board busses for Koseland nark where the j formanccs caused a partition fire which, II. G ilbert rrancke, CHiairm an. D eclares Business In- association is to conduct its first annual Miss Shirley Thomson enjoying her ; fortunately, did Rot make much headway vacation at Newmarket, N. H. Only About Ten Men on Welfare List Able to Work (crests Prevent Him from Keeping in Touch outing. A fine program of sports is being before the local department extinguished it. planned for the occasion. The list includes. Charles Scha'Tner of Beachmont spent th Box 58 was sounded al»out 6.15 for the blaze. but without Jobs — Out-of-Town Bills with School Mutters 100-yard dash for memlxrs, 50-yard dash for week-end with friends in town. The theatre was empty at the time. Chief memlvcrs’ wives, sack race for members, sack Charles Emerson stated that if the fire had Ilildi in Past Month race for members’ wives and the following Mrs. Annie S. Alley of the Andover Book- made much more headway the theatre would II (Gilbert Francke, chairman of the local store is having a week’s vacation. i have had to be closed indefinitely. The eve jehool committee, resigned from the board open races: 100 yard dash, three-legged race, Only alxmt ten men who arc able to work at a special meeting last Monday night be­ Man Arrested for mixed, scooter race for men, obstacle race for Frank Valpey is spending the- season at his i PcLrf(,rmlln« ' w '“ "" »» Local Drum Corps are lx*ing aided by the town at present, these men, potato race for women, peanut race for summer home at Bndgton, Maine. 1 Ont",,‘ the mnm'nw morning nl of the fourth about 1.15 being men who were in general too old to cause '»f pressure of business. Mr. Francke women and needle race for men. Open races was sc tv ing his second term on the committee Stealing Motorcycle damage estimated at about SI ,000 was caused secure work in the mills. Six Andover men will be held for children, lx>ys and girls, six Miss Gladys Grcenhow will be at Holiday when the back part of the home of Cochina Wins Two Prizes have recently Ix’cn added to the state mos­ and was in his fourth year as chairman. The House, Milford, N. H., until August 1. resignation will take effect September 1. and seven years, eight and nine years, ten and Cavallaro on South Main street was visited quito control work, after Dr. Dalv had got in eleven years, twelve and thirteen years and William McCoubrie of Washington avenue by fire. When the firemen arrived the rear of The Legion bugle and drum corps has had touch with the local representatives The The vacancy will be filled until the next Peter Kisonis, 21, of Waterbury, Conn., fourteen and sixteen years. a busy holiday week, taking part in two com­ knows how to steal motorcycles but not to enjoyed the week-end at Old Orchard. the house was enveloped in flames, with the suspension of the Emergency committee has annual election by a candidate selected by a The British and Canadian veterans will owner vainly attempting to extinguish the petitions and another non-competitive par­ meant very little difference to the welfare joint meeting of the school committee and the steer them, and as a result Andover and Miss Alice KUiott of Summer street has ade. Two prizes were awarded to the local Portland, Maine, police presented the Nut­ hook up in a tug of war for the officers’ cup fire with a garden hose. The fire started on account. Two local men who have been work­ Hoard «<f Selectmen, this being the procedure and a five-aside soccer game for a cup to be returned after a two weeks' vacation. the back porch, in some old clothes shortly boys, the first at Winchester last Saturday ing in the Conservation Corps at the local required by law. At the annual election a meg state man with varied charges last Wed­ held one year. The veterans will play the Kenneth Thomson of Porter road is spend­ after the family had retired. Smelling the night when Andover gained second place and state forest have secured positions elsewhere. member will be elected for the unexpired nesday. 'The local police charged him in Dis the other at Somerville on the Fourth when tricl court Wednesday morning with operating ?uxi!ia7 ‘,n ,t.t'nnis There W'UJ* a sack race ing the summer with his aunt at Lee, N. H. smoke Cavallaro awoke his family and then The welfare expenditures for June were term, which ends in March, 1935. tried to su Ik Iuc the flames with the aid of a the local corps captured third. Monday night abnormally large, but this was due mainly Mr. Francke is a consultant on labor rela­ a motorcycle without a license and also with- ! *or s,ng c 'at*,es an(* non-members, •John Hurley, Gregory Christie and James the corps took part in the Lawrence parade to the fact that many out-of-town bills were out a registration. He pleaded guilty on these motorist from Malden, while another motor­ tions, with offices in the Park Square building, Pappas motored to Bradford, Vt., this week. ist rang in Box 31. The porch was completely prior to the Legion celebration at Memorial received during the meeting. The expend!- two counts, and then a Portland officer took stadium. Boston. He stated in his letter of resignation Miss Jeannette Deyermond of High street demolished, and a large hole was burned turc for Soldiers’ Relief was negligible, only him back to the Maine city, from which the Postal Rate Change $63.50 lx*ing paid out in June as compared that his business interests were taking him so motorcycle had been stolen. is enjoying a veation at Shadow Lake, N IL through the wall into the kitchen. Smoke At Winchester the Andover corps was but far afield that he was unable to keep in close damage was also considerable. a tenth of a point behind the justly famed with $246.82 in May and $275.84 in June a touch with school affairs. On motion of Mr. Kisonis was cycling through Shawsheen Brings Confusion Mrs. Annie Marnedy and (laughters of Malden corps. Malden scored 124.3 points year ago. souarc about eight o’clock Tuesday morning, Summer street spent Sunday at Gloucester. Wednesday noon Box 412 called the de­ Monro, the resignation was accepted with partment to a tire in a truck on Main street out of a possible 125 and Andover was close A total of $1956.21 was approved for pay­ regret by the committee. when Officer Arthur Jowett noticed that the behind with 124.2. The other posts were far ment in public welfare last month as com­ motorcycle was zigzagging. He blew his The change in |H>stal rates here in Andover Miss Helen Saunders of High street spent near Punchard avenue. No serious damage Superintendent Henry C. Sanborn reported has brought to the post office little besides the holiday at Den Danskc Landsby, Maine. was done, the truck being able to proceed on behind, with Somerville earning third at pared with $527.64 in May of this year, whistle but Kisonis seemed nore interested in 106.4, Boston’s Y.I). fourth with 109, Cam­ $871.48 in June, 1632, und $1,3383)0 in May, that Miss Sarah Campbell, teacher in the zigzagging than in obeying a policeman's confusion. The new rate is two cents for Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hill and family of its way to Lawrence. The truck is owned by third grade at the Shawsheen school, had first-class letters mailed in the Andover C. E. Giles of Boston. bridge fifth with 99.3 and Stoncham sixth 1932. whistle. Jowett phoned Officer Frank Mc­ Stonehedge road spent the week end at North with 98.7. Andover’s prize amounted to $25. resigned. Phis will necessitate a new appoint­ Bride at the square, and when Kisonis saw postal district to the same district. However, Rye Beach. The complete figures for expenditures and ment. which will probably be for the special trouble ahead he jumped off the motorcycle much mail had to be returned to the senders On the holiday afternoon Bridgewater post balances as of July 3, 1633 are appended. class now conducted in the John Dove build­ and fled. McBride first had to toss the rider­ for additional postage when the recipients Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan and family of Vale Man Finds took first, O’Connell of Jamaica Plain second, These figures do not include bills contracted ing by Mrs.
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