THE WESTFIELD THE LEADSNC AMD HOST WIDELY CIKLULATEO WEEKLY MEWgPAPE* IM UNION COUNTY Enter.*... Swi.giMHjjiMwM.tu, Watts , NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY/DECEMBEft 29, 1049 Blood Typing Council Speaker Week of Prayer nincil Asked To Set Set to Begin Begins Sunday in 19441 Sees H.ff lip New Parking Lot Here Jan. 18 Local Churches Plans Progress Registrations Now ThrecDay Union Police lieutenant Named, Five New Adult School Started For New Services Planned Year Marked by Town ImprovCMMBi* Fireaten Appointed at Biuy Semiou Local Donor Plan For Jan. 4, 5, 6 Record Inetdence of Polio Hen John Franks, E»«t Broad street merchant, in a letter to the mayor lists Courses The Westneld - Mountainside The Universal Week of Prayer, As 1M7 became known at "the year of the big. maw/' M : nd Town Council Tuesday night, urged prompt action to consider Blood Donor Service, Inc., has Bet beginning Sunday, will be observed will go down on WertlsM'a book as "the year of tha wew Mg* t " te establishment of a centrally located public parking lot, Mr. Franks Spring Term Offers Wednesday, Jan. 18, as the date in Westfield by ita various church' yneit groundwork, begun at the November, 1>«1 electiea, *H lggewted that the vacant land in the rear of the stores between for the first blood typing under the es. Under the sponsorship of the completed. In Jsmiery, a mtllian dollar school budget wa ' lm street and Mountain avenue could be secured and that funds from 10 New Subject* group's voluntary registration pro- Westfield Council of Churches, un- and the Board of Education voted to ofer 40-yte* ton* irking metera could be used for gram. Volunteers who have ap- ion services will be held at 8 p. m. the new high school. After revi- iproving the property for park- The Westfteld Adult School will pointments for that date will have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday sion of tha budget, WestMdere ally. tg use. (Mr. Franks' letter, in offer 10 new courses for the spring their blood typed in the council evenings, Jan. 4, 6 nnd 6 in the found, that their taxsi; would rise 10—3 Local Contests i» ill, appeara on page 17.) New Council fill chamber in the Municipal Building, semester, according to an an- parish house chapel of the Pres- 33.9 points, or over If, when tax Here. 121 Prospect street Sgt. George S. Wragg was pro- nouncement by the instruction com- byterian Church, 140 Mountain bills arrived in June. May Begin Schaal >ted to lieutenant in the West- Organize Monday mittee today. Officials of the service empha- avenue. Fall. These feature additions to th By March It was believed that ild Police Department, effective sized the necessity for volunteer! Or. hut* Wihm The theme of the Week of Pray actual, construction mtafct get un- Red Cross I n. 1. Sgt. Wragg, who lives at regular continuation of present to telephone the Blood Donor Serv- Is "A Living Witness for a Lost der way in the fall, a*d in April Goal in Local |i5 Edgar road, was born June Four CouiicUraen courses will include the following: Ice office at We, 2-0131 any week World." Rev, Merle S. Irwin, as- the board cleared tha fray for the Boro Council How to Remember, taught by Dr. 1906. He joined the departm- To Be Sworn In day between 9:30 a. m. and 4 p. m., Mission Leader ' sociate minister of the Presbyte- school. After almost an eight- get of *104m ent Apr. 1, 1931, was appointed Bruno Furst; Dynamics in Inter- and make an appointment before rian Church, will speak Wednes. month interval, plant were re- 17—* Local national Relations, Dr. Frederick their blood can be typed. day evening on "The Pact and gintenance officer Mar, 28, 1938 Westfleld's new council will or- ceived and approved Ul December Election. nd was promoted to sergeant Feb. Ingvnldstad; Film Forum Discus- Great Interest is being shown in Faith Behind Our Witness" and and it was announce* that thc ganize at the traditional New sion on Labor-Management Rela- Guest Speaker Rev. Dr. J. L. MeCorison Jr.; min- Extensive Music 1941. Year's Day meeting Monday morn- the new blood service, sponsored board would «ak for tida on the Are Formulated tions, James A. Jaffec; Driver Ed- jointly by the Red Cross and the ister of the First Congregational high school conitructtt* Jan. 13, [The simplified police ordinance, ing at 10 o'clock in the Municipal ucation Course, Joseph W. Free- Church and president of the Coun- Weetflell Boy, M»•»*l • kssed on first reading at the last Building. Mayor Charlei P, Westneld Medical Association. Peo- , Wilson to Address 1950. Holds Key U *Rletwtf man; Comparative Religion, Dr. ple who have ever tried to pro- cil of Churches, will conduct the etlng of the Town Council, was BaiIey who wU, Uln the Becond Floyd Shacklock; Chinese Lltera- - Church Council service, "Witnessing Through Other signs of prograsi In the pendenea •alt. llcially adopted without objec cure a blood donor In an emer year of his second two year term, ture, guest Chinese lecturers; Tall- j gency, or who have had to pay for Sharing" will be the message on town were the Iniprovejnent of the 8«—Mapes Draws first at on. The new measure consoli- parking lot on the norft side of the will review accomplishments of the oring, Miss S. Catherine Sheaffer; | a professional donor, the leaders Dr. Jesse R. Wilson, well-known Thursday evening given by Rev. Ballet. Btes the old ordinance and a num- past year and discuss plans for mission leader and world traveler, John E. Carrlngton, minister of railroad station and the purchase Golf for Beginners, Alex Antonio; | report, appreciate the great, Im- of a new ambulance and an aerial laYWetUWa. of amendments. 1950, in his annual message and Fresh Water Bait and Fly Cast- portance of this completely free will be the speaker at the next St. Luke's AME Zlon Church. Rev. public meeting of the Westneld flic truck. New Monthly late*, f The council also approved the announce official appointments. ing, Edward W. Janata and Ad- and voluntary service. Dr. Robert M. Skinner, minister of Council of Churches to be held at the host church, will preside, Rev. tral Effective April I ppointnient of five additional pro- vanced Handweaving, Mrs. A. A. All residents of i Westfield and In the record sumsjtcr drought Four councllmen will be sworn the First Baptist Church, Tuesday Milton P. Achey of the Mountain- 378 Dogs Given " tionary firemen, made necessary in for two year terms, Donald R. Speth. j Mountainside between the ages of when WestneMcri wen urged to evening at 8 p. in. Rev. Dr. J. L, side Union Chapel, will speak on conserve aa much water as pos- Shoti. r the reduction in the work week Belcher < of the first ward,Robert Next week the Leader will be-1 21 and 60, who are in reasonably 50 hours, effective Sunday. The MeCorison Jr., minister of the First "Witnessing to a Double Quest" sible, poliomyelitis Mnick 17* res- 31—Cauncil Mar Bay Haw I F. Gumbert of the second, Harvey gin a series of two articles which i Rood health are being urged to reg. Conirrejjntional Church nnd presi- fe are: Walter Heinger of 237 Friday evening and Rev. Fred E. idents and proved fatal to three. Truck. • -\ P. Daycock of the' third and Sidney will describe in detail the above I Ister as potential donors. No dent of the council, will preside. irginia street, Lawrence Palmer Miles, minister of the First Meth- The cases of the traditional Ger- Lions to Hold AMMMI L. Mapes of the fourth* 10 courses, in addition to listing blood will be collected until actual- There will be special musical num- odist Church, will lead the devo- 303 W. South avenue, George man mtaslei in the spring and . Egg Hunt. Mr, Belcher, who will begin his the courses continued from the fall ly needed, and then only from reg- bers. tions. reitfeller of 820 Summit avenue, summer were also high. Drive for ... first term on the council, will suc- semester. istrants who can conveniently con- 1 tchard Allen of 1803 Boynton Young people home from college Politically, the Republican par- Begins Here, ceed Return J. Meigs, who has Registration night for the sec- tribute at that time. With a large g pp g Music will be under the direc- enue and Joseph Vallo of 111 d i hlh ty remained dominant, as usual, in WH8 Students to I served since- 1941 and is the vet- ond semester will be Monday, Jan. number of registrants, it is felt for the- holidays and Benior hlgh( tion of William Francis Vollmer, azel avenue. Woitfteld at both the April pri- nual Musk reaU«tl eran member of the governing 16, with classes beginning two that someone will always bo able school, students nre especially in- organist and director of music- of At the meeting Dec. 12, two new weeks later on Jan. 30 and con- nnd willing to help out with the vited, BS well as mission and serv- thc Presbyterian Church. mary and the November general body. Mr. Belcher, who lives at J elections. 7—Board Clears Way."Far ptains, Joseph Haferbicr and 550 Prospect street ii treasurer of tinuing until Apr. 3. The spring type of blood required when the ice-mindorl members of local The Universal Week of Prayer churches and the community, Behool. • .f Windsor Rosecrans, were appoint- the American Telegraph £ Tele- semester opens two weeks later need atfses.
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