Eddington House Nursery Tel: 07837 589478 [email protected] AV List 24Th June 2019

Eddington House Nursery Tel: 07837 589478 Info@Eddingtonhousenursery.Co.Uk AV List 24Th June 2019

Eddington House Nursery Tel: 07837 589478 [email protected] AV List 24th June 2019 Page: 1 Variety Available Size Form Qty. Price Variety Available Size Form Qty. Price Abelia gra. 'Edward Goucher' 3L Plant 9 12.75 Abelia gra. 'Francis Mason' 3L Plant 8 12.75 Abelia grandiflora 'Kelidoscope' 3L Plant 2 13.25 Abelia grandiflora 'Lucky Lots' 3L Plant 10 13.25 Abelia gra. 'Radiance' 3L Plant 9 13.25 Abelia grandiflora 'Sherwood' 3L Plant 3 12.75 Abelia grand. 'Sparkling Silver' 3L Plant 9 12.75 Abelia 'Sunshine Daydream' 3L Plant 8 12.75 Acacia bailyana 3L Plant 7 14.25 Acacia boormanii 3L Plant 5 14.25 Acacia mearnsii 3L Plant 8 14.25 Acacia pravissma 3L Plant 7 14.25 Acacia rhetinodes 3L Plant 4 14.25 Acaena mic. Kupferteppich'' 0.5L Plant 56 5.00 Acanthus spinosus 0.5L Plant 23 6.00 Acer campestre 'Evenly Red' 5L Plant 2 37.50 Acer campestre 'William Caldwell' 12L Plant 1 57.50 Achillea 'Red Velvet' 1.4L Plant 40 6.50 Achillea 'Teracotta' 0.5L Plant 11 4.50 Achillea 'Teracotta' 1.4L Plant 50 6.50 Actaea pachypoda 'Misty Blue' 0.5L Plant 15 6.75 Actaea racemosa 1.4L Plant 19 7.50 Actaea simplex 'Brunette' 3L Plant 11 10.50 Adiantum pedatum 0.5L Plant 16 6.50 Adiantum venustum 1.4L Plant 4 7.50 Aeonium arb. var. rubrolineatum 0.5L Plant 7 5.25 Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' 0.5L Plant 33 6.50 Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' 3L Plant 3 10.50 Aeonium bethencourtianum f. varie.. 0.5L Plant 37 6.50 Aeonium 'Blushing Beauty' 0.5L Plant 37 5.75 Aeonium 'Bronze Medal' 0.5L Plant 40 5.75 Aeonium 'Cornish Tribute' 0.5L Plant 39 5.75 Aeonium decorum 0.5L Plant 9 5.75 Aeonium dip. 'Mountian Rose' 0.5L Plant 12 5.25 Aeonium 'Fire Cracker' 0.5L Plant 26 5.75 Aeonium goochiae 'Ballerina' 0.5L Plant 12 5.75 Aeonium 'Kiwi' 0.5L Plant 55 6.50 Aeonium x loartei 0.5L Plant 24 5.75 Aeonium 'Logan Rock' 0.5L Plant 52 5.75 Aeonium 'Logan Rock' 1.4L Plant 14 9.50 Aeonium 'Phoenix Flame' 0.5L Plant 10 8.00 Aeonium 'Phoenix Flame' 7cm Plant 20 8.00 Aeonium 'Red Edge' 0.5L Plant 11 5.75 Aeonium saundersii 0.5L Plant 10 5.75 Aeonium sedifolium 0.5L Plant 38 5.75 Aeonium simsii x 'Zwartkop' 0.5L Plant 29 6.00 Aeonium simsii x 'Zwartkop' 1.4L Plant 16 7.00 Aeonium 'Suncup' 0.5L Plant 40 11.50 Aeonium 'Tip Top' 0.5L Plant 61 5.50 Aeonium 'Torchbearer' 0.5L Plant 10 5.75 Aeonium viscatum 0.5L Plant 12 5.75 Aeonium volkerii 0.5L Plant 12 5.75 Aeonium x barbatum 0.5L Plant 6 5.75 Agapanthus 'Blue Ice' 1.4L Plant 32 9.00 Agapanthus 'Bressingham Blue' 3L Plant 2 9.50 Agapanthus 'Charlotte' 1.4L Plant 20 9.00 Agapanthus 'Double Diamond' 1.4L Plant 51 8.50 Agapanthus 'Enigma' 3L Plant 7 9.50 Agapanthus 'Glacier Stream' 1.4L Plant 3 7.50 Agapanthus 'Graskop' 2L Plant 34 8.00 Page: 2 Variety Available Size Form Qty. Price Variety Available Size Form Qty. Price Agapanthus 'Inkspots' 3L Plant 8 9.50 Agapanthus 'Jacaranda' 3L Plant 3 9.50 Agapanthus 'Lavender Haze' 1.4L Plant 19 7.50 Agapanthus 'Lavender Haze' 3L Plant 5 9.50 Agapanthus 'Lapis Lazuli' 1.4L Plant 65 9.00 Agapanthus 'Little Dutch Lady' 1.4L Plant 36 7.50 Agapanthus 'Little Dutch White' 0.5L Plant 46 7.00 Agapanthus 'Little Dutch White' 1.4L Plant 5 7.50 Agapanthus 'Moonlight Star' 0.5L Plant 24 7.00 Agapanthus 'Navy Blue' 1.4L Plant 37 8.00 Agapanthus 'Navy Blue' 3L Plant 11 9.50 Agapanthus 'Queen Mum' 1.4L Plant 6 9.50 Agapanthus 'Sandringham' 3L Plant 7 9.50 Agapanthus 'Silver Moon' 1.4L Plant 26 9.50 Agapanthus 'Snow Cloud' 1.4L Plant 51 8.50 Agapanthus 'Strawberry Ice' 1.4L Plant 31 8.50 Agapanthus 'Sweet Surprise' 2L Plant 1 8.00 Agapanthus 'Taw Valley' 1.4L Plant 9 7.00 Agapanthus 'Taw Valley' 3L Plant 14 9.50 Agapanthus 'Twister' 0.5L Plant 47 7.50 Agapanthus 'Twister' 1.4L Plant 12 8.00 Agapanthus 'White Heaven' 1.4L Plant 28 8.50 Agapanthus 'Windsor Grey' 2L Plant 44 9.50 Agastache 'Blue Fortune' 0.5L Plant 40 4.50 Agastache foeniculum 'Black Adder' 0.5L Plant 56 5.50 Agave americana 0.5L Plant 12 5.00 Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' 0.5L Plant 22 5.00 Albizia julibrissin f.rosea 4L Plant 6 11.50 Alchemilla mollis 0.5L Plant 27 4.50 Alchemilla mollis 0.5L Plant 29 4.50 Allium christophii 0.5L Plant 36 5.00 Aloe aristata 0.5L Plant 7 5.50 Aloe aristata 7cm Plant 53 5.00 Aloe 'Cleopatre' 0.5L Plant 58 7.25 Aloe vera 7cm Plant 45 4.75 Alstromeria 'Husky' (Inca Series) 0.5L Plant 45 6.25 Alstroemeria 'Indian Summer' 1.4L Plant 65 11.50 Alstroemeria 'Indian Summer' 3L Plant 1 15.50 Alstromeria 'Sundance' (Inca ser.) 0.5L Plant 45 6.25 Alstromeria 'Vito' (Inca Series) 0.5L Plant 43 6.25 Amaryllis belladonna 1.4L Plant 39 6.50 Amarine belladiva 'Anastasia' 1L Plant 11 6.50 Amarine belladiva 'Smilla' 1L Plant 7 6.50 Amsonia 'Blue Ice' 0.5L Plant 23 5.75 Amsonia hubrichtii 0.5L Plant 43 4.50 Anemone 'Dreaming Swan' 1.4L Plant 3 8.50 Anemone hybrida 'Whirlwind' 3L Plant 1 8.50 Anemone 'Queen Charlotte' 1.4L Plant 3 7.50 Anemone 'Ruffled Swan' 1.4L Plant 40 9.50 Anisodontea 'El Royo' 1.4L Plant 6 8.00 Anisodontea 'Large Margenta' 3L Plant 3 9.50 Anisodontea 'Lady in Pink' 0.5L Plant 49 5.00 Anthemis 'Sauce Hollandaise' 0.5L Plant 24 5.00 Anthriscus sylvestris 'Ravenswing' 0.5L Plant 24 5.50 Anthemis tinctoria 'EC Buxton' 1.4L Plant 45 7.50 Antirrhinum majus 'Oh Thats Cute' 0.5L Plant 47 5.25 Aquilegia 'Black Barlow' 0.5L Plant 12 4.00 Aquilegia vulgaris 'Alba' 0.5L Plant 12 5.00 Aquilegia 'Blue Barlow' 0.5L Plant 19 5.00 Aquilegia vul. 'Ruby Port' 0.5L Plant 20 5.00 Armeria maritima 'Rubrifolia' 0.5L Plant 71 4.50 Artemisia ludoviciana Silver Queen 0.5L Plant 24 5.00 Artemisia ludoviciana Silver Queen 1.4L Plant 10 6.00 Artemisia schmidtiana 'Nana' 0.5L Plant 32 5.50 Aruncus aesculifolius 0.5L Plant 13 4.50 Aruncus 'Horatio' 3L Plant 24 9.50 Asplenium scolopendrium 0.5L Plant 14 5.50 Asplenium scol. 'Angustatum' 0.5L Plant 1 5.50 Aster ager. 'Harry Schmidt' 0.5L Plant 9 5.25 Aster ager. 'Harry Schmidt' 0.5L Plant 48 5.25 Page: 3 Variety Available Size Form Qty. Price Variety Available Size Form Qty. Price Astelia banksii 1.4L Plant 36 9.50 Astelia banksii 3L Plant 2 9.50 Aster dumosus 'Apollo' 1.4L Plant 18 6.50 Aster x frikartii 'Monch' 0.5L Plant 48 5.00 Aster x frikartii 'Monch' 1.4L Plant 28 7.50 Aster n.-a. 'Rosa Sieger' 3L Plant 3 8.50 Aster n.-a. 'Vibrant Dome' 3L Plant 2 8.50 Aster novi-belgi 'Fellowship' 1.4L Plant 25 6.00 Aster pyrenaeus 'Lutetia' 0.5L Plant 20 5.25 Aster pyrenaeus 'Lutetia' 0.5L Plant 48 5.25 Astelia 'Red Devil' 1.4L Plant 3 7.50 Astilbe 'Bressingham Beauty' 1L Plant 3 6.50 Astilbe chin. var. taq. 'Superba' 1L Plant 10 6.50 Astilbe 'Mighty Chocolate Cherry' 1L Plant 8 7.00 Astilbe 'Weisse Gloria' 1L Plant 11 6.50 Astrantia major 'Hadspen Blood' 1.4L Plant 78 9.50 Astrantia major 'Moulin Rouge' 1.4L Plant 30 7.50 Astrantia major 'Roma' 1.4L Plant 19 7.50 Astrantia major 'Roma' 2L Plant 6 9.50 Astrantia major 'Star of Billion' 1.4L Plant 23 7.00 Astrantia 'Ruby Star' 1.4L Plant 3 8.00 Astrantia 'Star of Fire' 0.5L Plant 20 5.50 Astrantia 'Star of Fire' 1.4L Plant 66 8.50 Astrantia 'Superstar' 1.4L Plant 26 7.50 Athyrium filix-femina 0.5L Plant 13 5.50 Athyrium nip. 'Burgundy Lace' 0.5L Plant 39 5.50 Athyrium nip. 'Burgundy Lace' 1.4L Plant 8 8.00 Athyrium niponicum 'Red Beauty' 3L Plant 2 8.75 Athyrium nipponicum 'Ursulas Red' 1.4L Plant 1 8.00 Beschorneria septentrionalis 3L Plant 20 12.50 Bletilla striata 'Albostriata' 0.5L Plant 7 7.00 Bletilla str. 'Kuchibeni' 0.5L Plant 24 6.75 Calamagrostis acu. 'Karl Foerster' 3L Plant 1 8.50 Calamagrostis brachytricha 1.4L Plant 15 6.00 Callicarpa bodinieri 'Profusion' 3L Plant 10 13.25 Camassia leichtlinii 'Alba' 3L Plant 13 8.25 Camassia quamash 3L Plant 15 8.25 Camellia 'Blood of China' 3L Plant 1 14.50 Camellia 'Golden Anniversary' 3L Plant 3 19.25 Camellia 'Silver Anniversary' 3L Plant 5 19.25 Campanula 'Elizabeth Oliver' 0.5L Plant 79 4.50 Campanula gar. 'Dickson's Gold' 0.5L Plant 78 4.50 Campanula glomerata 'Caroline' 1.4L Plant 16 7.50 Campanula lactiflora 'Alba' 1.4L Plant 5 6.50 Campanula port. 'Mrs Resholt' 0.5L Plant 81 4.00 Campanula 'Samantha' 0.5L Plant 78 4.50 Canna 'Angelique' 3L 10 10.50 Canna 'Durban' 3L Plant 22 11.50 Canna 'Madame Angele Martin' 3L 10 11.50 Canna 'Pretoria' 3L Plant 3 10.50 Caryopteris 'Dark Knight' 1.4L Plant 26 7.50 Catananche caerulea 'Alba' 0.5L Plant 16 5.00 Catananche caerulea 'Major' 0.5L Plant 29 5.00 Ceanothus 'Blue Mound' 3L Plant 5 12.75 Ceanothus 'Concha' 3L Plant 1 12.75 Ceanothus 'Madagascar' 3L Plant 2 9.50 Ceanothus 'Skylark' 3L Plant 7 12.75 Centaurea montana 'Purple Heart' 1.4L Plant 51 7.50 Ceratostigma griffthii 3L Plant 12 9.50 Cerastium tomentosum 0.5L Plant 16 4.50 Ceratostigma willmottianum 1.4L Plant 43 8.00 Ceratostigma will.

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