BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) OFFICE OF TELECOM DISTRICT MANAGER DISTRICT Chhatarpur NOTICE INVITING TENDER No. W-10-508/CABLE MNTC./TENDER/TKG & NIW DISTT/2019-20/13 Dated 16/04/2019 Properly sealed ( Digitally in case of e-tendering & Wax/ Tape sealed in case of manual tendering ) tenders are invited for and on behalf of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited by the Telecom District Manager Chhatarpur from the eligible contractors for the following works:- 1. 1. Name of Works: - Break down Restoration and preventive maintenance of U/G cable network in Tikamgarh & Niwari district of Chhatarpur SSA. 2. Area of contract & Eligible contractors: - Sr. Name of Name of Tender Estimated Cost of Bid Bid Security No. the Zone Number Cost of work document in Rs. (EMD) in District In Lacs (In (Non Rs. Rs.) refundable) 1. Tikamgarh Gwalior W-10-508 5 lacs 1180/- 12500/- & Niwari 3. Period of contract :- Two Years 4. Purchase of Document :- The tender document shall be available for downloading from 23/05/2019, 17.00 Hrs. onwards up to 13/06/2019 at 17.00 Hrs. The tender is invited through e-tendering process, hence physical copy of the tender document would not be available for sale. 5. Download of tender document up to:- Tender document can be downloaded from 17:00 Hrs. dated 23/05/2019 upto 17.00 Hrs. on 13/06/2019 from website https://mpbsnl.procuretiger.com & www.mp.bsnl.co.in 6. Time and date of submission of Bid:- upto 13.30 hrs. on 14/06/2019 7. Time of Bid Opening :- At 15.00 Hrs. on 14/06/2019 The bidders downloading the tender document are required to submit Cost of tender form through Cash (deposited in favour of the Accounts Officer (Cash), BSNL, O/o TDM Chhatarpur & receipt should be submitted) / DD along with their tender bid failing which the tender bid shall be left archived unopened/rejected. The DD shall be drawn from any Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank in favour of "AO (Cash), O/o TDM Chhatarpur ", payable at Chhatarpur. Availability of Tender Document: The tender document shall be available for downloading from 23/05/2019, 17.00 Hrs. onwards up to 13/06/2019 at 17.00 Hrs. The tender is invited through e-tendering process, hence physical copy of the tender document would not be available for sale. The bidding process will be accepted only through E-Tendering platform. Once the bidder has submit his bid through E-Tender, it will be presumed that bidder has understand & accepted all the terms and condition of the tender and no correspondence at later stage will be entertained in this matters. Note : The Tender document shall not be available for download on its submission / closing date. - 1 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER 1. The EMD must be deposited in the form of Cash /DD in favour of A. O. (Cash), BSNL, O/o Telecom District Manager of any Schedule Bank. The EMD Cash Receipt/ DD should be enclosed in the envelope marked as “Bid Security/EMD”. A separate DD for cost of tender form for the tender document down loaded from website, should be placed in Bid Security / EMD envelope. The tender forms without EMD will be rejected. Payment of EMD through cheque will not be accepted. If EMD is not enclosed in envelope marked as BID Security/EMD the tender will not be considered. 2. The tender document & all other documents establishing bidder’s eligibility & qualifications will be enclosed in second envelope marked as “Qualifying Bid” . 3. Schedule of Rates will be filled by the tenderer online only. 4. During the entire evaluation process, if it is observed that the downloaded document is not exactly as per the original Tender Document and /or it is tampered/changed/altered/ modified in anyway, the bid will be rejected. ELIGIBILITY : i. EMD- Bid security & Tender Document Cost in original Cash receipt / DD ii. Tender document(s), in original duly filled in and signed by tenderer or his authorized representative along with seal on each page. All corrections and overwriting must be initialed with date by the tenderer or his authorized representative. Tenderer must submit self signed copies of the following documents with the tender form. iii. The Attested copy of registration of the firm (Registration with Nagar Nigam/Gumasta/ Department of Labour in case of Proprietary firm & in case of Pvt. Ltd. Company/Partnership firm registration with Registrar of firms is required). iv. Authenticated copy of the partnership deed in case of partnership firm or copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association in case of companies. v. Original/Attested “ Power of Attorney” in case a person other than the tenderer has signed the tender document or authorization certificate for signing the tender document from limited company/Govt./ PSU. vi. Attested copy of PAN No. vii. Attested copy of Labour license for any of ongoing works, and if not available at the time of bid submission or there are no ongoing works, enclose a declaration letter mentioning that labour license will be obtain on award of contract within stipulated period. viii. Attested copy of Experience: Bidders should be enlisted in BSNL or MTNL for class A1/A OR having an satisfactory experience of similar work ( similar work as per defined in tender document page no. 20 , section-viii clause no.1 sub clause m(i) ) in DOT/BSNL/MTNL directly OR through PSU’S authorized by DOT in any one financial year during the last three financial year i.e. 2016- 17,17-18,18-19 or current financial year of value not less than 35 % of the estimated cost. Experience certificate issued by not below the rank of STS level / Gazetted officer of PSU/ government organization. Copy of work order will not be acceptable. vii Attested copy of Valid EPF registration. viii Attested copy of GST registration. ix Declaration regarding. (i) Close relatives (Section –IIIA, Annex-I). (ii) Payment insulation undertaking (Section-IIIB, Annexure-II). (iii) Right to accept or reject any or all the bid (Section-IIIB, Annexure-III). (iv) Non black listing of firm (Section-IIIB, Annexure-IV). (v) Bidder should submit undertaking that “He/We/The bidder is READY to work anywhere in MP on the same terms and conditions mentioned in this tender (Section-IIIB, Annex-V). The tender, which is not accompanied by the requisite bid security, and payment insulation undertaking, shall be summarily rejected. Tender will not be accepted/received after expiry date and time. The Telecom District Manager District Chhatarpur reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason what-so-ever. Notes: - (1) The above all documents should be self signed. (2) Original copies of the above documents can be called for verification from the bidder at any time. (3) All the pages of bid document, enclosures and documents attached to the tender must be self signed by the bidder. (4) All the bidders will be give n a chance, to get their doubts or short coming noted by them in bid document clarified during pre-bid meeting on the 30/05/2019 at 12.00 Hrs. in the Chamber of AGM (A&P), O/o TDM, BSNL Bhawan, Panna Road Chhatarpur. No complaint regarding bid document contents will be entertained after opening of the tender. The TDM Chhatarpur reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason or to accept any tender which is not lowest. AGM (A&P) % Telecom District Manager Chhatarpur Ph. No. 07682-246800 Copy to: 1. The GM (NPD-CFA) O/o CGMT Bhopal .
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