..-.,., ~ -.----­ . ~' -- .- -... ~- • MBER OF COMMERCE SEMI-ANNUAL "DOLLAR DAYS" PLANNED NEXT MONTH -'-r upport Your Fa"orite Baby THENE KPOST In ontest CAR Local Agriculturalists Visit New U. S. Marshal LOANS ON We Need Votes! How About It? TOWN WIDE TO Farms In Lancaster County - ~ WHEAT ARE EVENT TO HERE IN TOURIST PARTY Control Of POSSIBLE FEATURE RROW Rainfall Is Denlonstrated Inforlnation BARGAINS The scientific control of rainfall on Given Fanners the farm was the basis of a 105-mile tour of southern Lancaster County, Yesterday August 2·3 Pa., Monday by a group of New Announced CasUe County farmers, agricultural Delaware farmers, providing they experts, bankers, civic leaders, and are eligible under the rules of the As Dates For fertilizer supply men. Agricultural Adjustment Adminis- Conducted by officials of the Soil tration, may obtain loans on their -- Conservation Service, U. S. Depart- 1938 wheat crops. Sales Affair nnd dates of operation ment of Agriculture, Newark and This fact was revealed by R O. Plans for Newark's third semi- Janes to be operated in Lancaster projects cooperating, the Stelzer, state executive officer for annual "Dollar Days," which were cit i e sand tow n s tour consisted of visits to six Penn- the AAA and extension economist announced several weeks ago, are the state, starting to- sylvania farms in four townships, at the University of Delaware, at a rapidly taking shape, with Meyer been announced by where erosion control measures al- meeting of state, county, and com- Pilnick, who has alterated arrange- Charles L. Terry, ready in use were demonstrated. munity agricultural conservation ments for a vacation trip in order commissioner. All of the farms visited are a part program committeemen, interested to cooperate, again serving as chair- the lane in Newark has of the Octoraro watershed. farmers, and state and county ex- man of the committee in charge. !rom Academy Street George L. Schuster N. E. Garber, project manager; tension workers, which was held The two-day sales event, revived between Elkton Asst. Dean, School of Agriculture V!. ~ . Muth, assistant soil conserva- yesterday in Dover. last August following a lapse of sev- Road. University of Delaware hOIllSt, and James Little, associate Attt!nding the meeting were W. G. Photo by RUme r eral years, will be staged on the sec- the operati on of the project engineer, of the Lancaster Finn, director of the east central GERALDINE PHILLIPS I EDITH MORRISON ond and third of next month. annual motor vehicle office, served as guides for the tour. J. LeSlie Fcml region for the AAA, and William Slxteen-month-old daughter of Mr More than sixty local merchants has been selected TELEPHONE Leaders PartiCipate Evans, member of the AAA insur- One-year-old foster-daughter of and Mrs John Morrison, 16 E Cleve- and busi ness houses participated in will be conducted Members of the party were: Frank J L. FORD ance division, who outlined the de- Mrs. John W. James, 9 Choate St. land Ave. the event last year, and hopes are 31 , inclusive. Hufnal, Senior, and Junior, near tails for the loan program. --- held for a similiarly large and repre- a"~Ir.lro l'is'i o n s ~rs::~ O~e~:; DIRECTORY Newark; Elwood Russell. Chestnut • It wa~n;;!n~::":u~:~~:bt~e AAA HIOgh-Credit Period Ends At ~~~\t~~~~ing~·o~~ai~~operating in the must suspend ~iIl; JO~~k Mayer, Sr" and Vincent APPOINTED of 1938 provides that loans shall be Mr. Pilnick, who was unable to of abneeyn motor vehicles adyeCr'M HtonhRoad, neaS" Newark, made available to cooperators when 10 0' I k S d N° h take an active part in the February e-xamined and Elktonan . Ro. dItC . ensth, nfear tate Line, the farm price of wheat on June 15 atur ay Ig t event due to his health, released ll L T C OC ....c ooperalu o of aJl motorists arger ype Others i~ 't ~~ p :rt; r~:~e~~~ps. TO POST is less than 52 per cent of the parity ~~~I~~7:';~te:r~~:e~~~~:s~:sIZ; tr~;~~ ~~ci.nspec - Featured In Snyder, state coordinator and proj- ~!~:' i~~i:a7:~ ;h~r~~~~ti~~~a~~~; night. ect , manager; F . L. Bull, assistant than the normal year's domestic Babies' Friends Urged To Cast In addition to the chairman, mem- 214.Page B 00k proJe~t manager; Allan McClellan, Local Denlocrat consumption and exports. The June II N Cl I L I bel'S of the committee are: George ~sso~l~te Ns~t c o~se:vatiO~ist , and report indicated that the 1938 crop Ba ots OW; 1a mel'S ea{ s F. J ackson, president of the Chamb- sT. Ewing: Lane A cdmpleUy revised telephone di-' v:~Oni~t, eOf e~'h~un;:w~~~ c~~~~~~ Appointed New will be large enough to bring the er of Commerce; Herman Handloff, Orv is; Lane No.3, rectory for Wilmington and vicinity George M. WorriJow, county agri- loan provisions of the act into oper- This Saturday at 10 P . M. marks Barrett who have been monopoliz- ~cretar~ o~ the c~m~e~ced ' grotup ; , Lane No. 4, Court- is being distributed by the Diamond cultural agent: George H. Jackson, U. So Marsllall ation thIS year the end of the FIrst Period and HIgh mg top pOSItIOns for the past two A e~~~lam F~t~h'er ' a~d Ch~;~cs o~; and Lane No. 5, Ebe State Telephone Company today and president of the Newark Chamber The act states that loans will be Credits m The Newark Post Popu- weeks had to be satistled WIth sec- R U ~ , . tomorrow, it was announced by J of Commerce; J ames H Hollmgs- J Leslie Ford of near Glasgow made. to any person, partnershIp, lar Baby Contest Ballot boxes at ond, thIrd and fifth, respecllvely u e ge .UM'_'""",·linn lanes WI ll be m Edward Murphy, district manager worth, E. ~ . Hollmgsworth Com- Pencader Hund;ed was a omted aSSOCIatIon , or co:p.oratlon produc- Rhodes Drug Store and at the camp- ThIS set up looks like the lull before Sponsored By Chamber .------ Wl lmmgton from ~ a The book mtroduces a newly ~e- pany; Weldm C Waples, Newark U, S. marshall fo; the dl~~ict of mg wbeat 0.1' acqulflng wheat ~nder algn headquarters m the office of a storm In a :ace like thIS w.lth Sta ed under the dIrection of the .---·---IIb m, daylight savI?g tIme, vel oped easy-to-read t~pe st~le WIth Lumber Company; J E. Dougherty, Delaware b PreSident Roosevelt on rental provIsIons In hiS capacity as the Post WIll remam open untIl the contestants so close, anythmg Chamgber of Commerce, all merch- of Delaware outSIde WII- subSCribers' numbers listed m three treasurer, Farmers Trust Company, Jul 8 acc~rdm to an announce- landowner, la.ndlord, or tenant, upon that late hour nn Saturday lllgh~ m can happen, and pr?bably on Satur- ants and busmess houses are being 8 a m to 6 pm , columns m~tead of four. .Th~ Issue R M. MorriS, trust offIcer, Newark me~t ';'ade recen~1 whose farm, m accordance WIth the order to enable parents, relatIves day lllght, everythmg" WIll h appe~ , asked to coo erate In an effort to contams hstmgs for :Wllnungton, Trust Company; George L ~ehu ste r , Mr Ford who s~cceeds Austin D. prOVISions of the 1938 ACP program and frI ends of the baby contestants Watch for the ne~t, Honor Roll! aSSlm' oros Pective purcbasers of four or more m Holly Oak, Delaware CIty, Hockes- asslstan: dean, school of agrIculture, Smith of Dover has receIved notitl- as ~ mend ~d, the total acreage of to secure every pOSSIble merchant It WIll be posted - P.ho~es Dr\1 ~ enume Da~ ams, Mr. Pilnick's under the same sm, Newark, New Castle, ~Iddl~- Ulllverslty of Delaware; Dr. R 0 catIon' of the a' ointment and will SO Il depletin~ crops for 1938 has not "Baby Coupon" and .P ost subscrIpt- Store wmdow about mldlllght Sat, ~ommltteeme: hllve been instructed Inspected by appoint- town, Smyrna, and nearby pomts m Bausm an, assIstant agrIcultural eco- take the oath o~Poffi ce before Judge ex.ceeded ~Oo per cent o~ the total Ion and turn them m at the HIgh urday. to Impress merchants Wlth tbe lm- owner's locat IOn. Pennsylvallla, Maryland and New n.ormst, experIment stallon, Ulllver- J . P Nlelds of the DIstrict Court, sOII-depletmg acreage adjustment. Credit rate. VerIly, today, to- In the meantIme, get busy and portance and possibilities of tbe charge for the lllspec- Jersey frequently called by tele- slty of Delaware, and Charles H. th 1 tt 't f thO eek He WIll Acceptable Wheat . morrow and Saturday are the days help your favorIte baby. Ask, for affair . Adjustments and re- phone users here. Rutledge, edI tor, The Newark Post. as:u~e e~~~;s ~n t~~ 70110Wing day. The wheat upon whicb loans will affordmg, Newark folks the greatest "Baby Coupons" when makmg pur- Ext~nsive newspaper advertising, be made at the safety 214-Page Book Types Demonstrated Mr Ford stated Tuesday night be made must be of acceptab~e opportulll.ty to help ~?e lr favont~ _ _ _- - ...... distinctive ei:1blemE, special price ~a raRe . ~ DiverSIOn ditches, strip-cropping, that he does not llltend to replace quality and must .be produced III ?ables clun? up the Honor , Roll cards, store banners for cooperators, by ' ..h" Forty men are dellv~rlllg -;''''Oud crop rotatIon, terracing, and retire- Col S. B Duncan as inside marshal, 1938.
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