THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1933_ THE LETHBRIDGE HERALD AGE TWO Raid On Hangout WHEAT CONFERENCE I Edmonton»f»»*^B»»v«»~ —Airport «•-.—- — - —Scene of Feverish , DEMANDS B,N. A, ACT + * * * * * * * * * * * 'ArtinilvActivity as Plans Made to Receive Kidnappers Solves CHANGES MAKE SOCIALIZATION Still Seeking Base Of Agreement Wiley Post, Jimmie Mattern Planes Luer Abduction Exporting and Importing Countries Make Preient Calculations Are That Port May.Arrive in PROGRAM OF PARTY POSSIBLE Some Frogrew—Diicourage Acreage, Lower Alberta Capital About Midnight Tonight if Three Women and Two Tariff* Suggested, Flight Continues at Present Rate—Plan Men Taken Into Custody Volition of Senate— Free British North America Act to ghe LONDON, July 20.—CO. P. Cable.) began Its fast week today, to Refuel Both Planes at Once— the federal government greater up the work of numerous comnut- By St. Louis Police Speech Causes Long power 'to control the economic de- —After meeting for two hours to- Service Crew* Standing By velopment, ptlnciplfs for a new ex- night, a special commUtse of rep^ w wh Rt tx ENwrts studving the cofle*. Un . —, -, of light Into the darknesj from sun- OT. tXDUJS, July 30.—(A.P.I— De- Debate ternal regions policy, freedom of v«sentatlve5 «* U>« * ' " and suear situations, issued a dralt EDMONTON. July 20—Wiley Post, partment of Justice ngcnls an- <Si and assembly, soelallred porting nations, the European ex- of reports outlining methods for OWalioma world nier, may reach down Thursday until Frldiy's dawn. porters and the big Importers was All night long there will t>= vvcvtclww nounced today Uie mystery of Hi? BY SAM G. T1OSS health and hospital and medical continuing negotiations for a world I &1monton m'.dn'Bht Thursday. st the ncld, waiting (a receive tl'o kidnapping at August Lucr, Tl-year- (Canadian Press Staff Writer.) snd the four approved _ 1 unable to agree on the draft of an orgwii£atfon to control the produc-' "-"—>Unreporte'd-i sluc•"•"o• <ho- Mic<-H KKhnban - REGINA, JMly SO.-Ninc sections ^sv Included in the amen- agreement for Increasing the con- rovsk, Slbfrij, at 5:« p.m.. Wednes- earv Post, tired-alter six days of old Alton. III., banker, had b«n Included In the aniend- tion and marketing of those pro- most unbroken flight, and MM- solved with ft daylight rnld on the >f the manifesto outlining the nev, cnll'to the British North America aimpUon ol wheat. They mtet again ducts.. day. M.S.T., on the JSqO-roHo hop abductors' hangout near MwHson, -oclal and economic reflime enm- aboUtloL-,,M n o~*f thivijei CanadiarMimrtiftn I tomorrow. ^Ar.adlin-born, to Nome, Alaska, Post was.prwumed rn, worn by days ol almost nn- Act Comparison of the draft* of the oken flight, and exposure and 111 >ged for Canada today wero ap- I sprite -«,ator ol Michlsan and a member to bo In the vicinity of tile north- arvallou when he \vaj fovcctl flown Three women nnd two men were proved with minor changes In some >iiit!ons dealing -Kith —educa - - | offers ol importers and the demands of exporters shows virtual ajree n Siberian wilds. taken Into ousted? at Hie rSpmed •»M3. bj- the first raMonal conven- jon their contents undisclosed, '<* the ""^or^^STollor nwiio ww. ^ ^f^ Sb&^»^ | ^ ^^^ iji jeacnh «JH- Refuel Two Sliip* at Once lair of the kidnappers, on o. 'a tion of the Co-operative Comir.on- were handed over to the V™}™"* ment on the following points: IMt| ho cou •reallli Federation. Study of the re- of the C.C.T. for constdera- 1. Discouragement of wheat-sown Even should they arrive sinnn- a half mile south of Eagle Pa maining four *as under way this areas In importing countries. s tor the i3i]"ously. there need be no delay BEBff^jMUMWg^^^^^^^^^,,^^^™ Nnmas of the prisoners were not Winch ' Vancouver, urged , -1. .nwsiiHiviRecognitioni ^o4f thw.e& principl^....^^we o-f- than were realized." filer's reception were in.-progress or them here, Captain James Bell, J. S. WObDSWORTH. M.r. announced by the officers. afternoon. Jt irport manager, stated Thursday. St. Iy>uta police aided the federal Sections so far approved, some- education be -placed on a national ;ower tariffs as a price for wheat Who is presiding over the C.C.P. basis Instead of under control of j ies outside of the importing Both ships can bo refueled at once organization convention at Rcglna men in the raid. A rluff-out simitar times bringing sharp debate, covered ncrea nd in a period ot about ten mln- to that in which the a^ed banker the lobor code, amendments to trie urovtnclal administration. Steps by countries, ™*Ssz^T&^&$^£scheme be asfced to adhere to it on received from Siberia which indi- this week. delegates to avoirt the Issues were 3. Necessity for measures to In cated that Jimmie Mattcin, Texas ites Mechanics of"tl>e Edmonton said he was held for five days prior unsound, he saicJ. Complexity of the consumption ol wheat that tha basis cJ a flat-rate quota. i world flier, might continue hi;, in- aid'Northcrn Alberta Aero club and to his final release last Sunday v»s creaM FIsht for Tariff Truce o: flying concerns in. the cily have cathcrc/l in readiness for the fliers. said to hR1ie been located on t«e <ltuatlon governing educational ad- \^ lo Mj-, improve th« quality of terrupted flight in time to stage a As soon as post reaches Nome, ministration in Canada aa erisl.ng 1 bread. LONDON, July 30.—(A.P.l—Cot race with Post from Nome to N«» offered their services and stand r-roperty. • p dell Hull, American secretary of York. Should this unprecedcntei rendy to do the necessary work of CJCA. the Journal's station will " Percy M. Fitzgerald, ex-convict, todsv wai pointed out by several xhj ejporUng countries mads state, was described in high United checking over the mechanical eo.ulp. - ehungs Its frequency to S80 kilo- eiegates. fourth demand not mentioned by contesIVUtCJ^ UGH-lvi*t develop. IV 1.--., i—t would be one o ngalnst whom a federal complaint After approving the sections pro- Q,, importers, lor modiflcatton of the most thrilling events In aviation nent ot the speedy r.croplanes, cycles, to guide Post whose machine of kidnapping for ransom has been visv™,«, fight behind the scenes of It is regarded as unlikely that is radio equipped. lodged, and who now Is held in 1»» >ilm^i fo- r establishmen• -•-•— *t o-"f a- —na- 'the general policy for restriction ot the World Economic Oonferencs to history. tional planning commission, social!- wheat imports aside from tariffs. Dangerous Terrain cither Post or Matlern would re- at MurpJiysboro, III., was named «' preserve the general principles of The fliers' course from Npm main long here. Post already has RESISTS KIDNAPPERS, IS a member of the kidnap gang. zaticn of the entire financial struc- ~<her demands not included In the truce on tarlH changes. indlcaicd that, lip will stay iust ture, control of external trade by offer were for cessation of sub- leads over desolate mountain re SERIOUSLY WOUNDED and export board and en- tilized exportation and recognition Strong opposition was said to have gions, almost devoid of human In Icng enough to hive his ship refuel- SOME CHOICE! oeen encountered In British and habitants. Threatening crags ar od, enjoy a shower bath nnd go ^m^anent of producers' and con- that the projected new wheat pro- European gold-stendard countries, PHILADELPHIA, July 20.—<O.P.) sumers' co-operatives yesterday, the duction arid marketing program yawning gorges lie across the pat: through the formality of customs —Frank A. McOlalchy, brother and BUVCKWELli, OWo... July 20.— and American adherence Is expect- There are no localities which, wou' clearance. Blackwell citizens may have their delegates today started their dis- would "render obsolete and Inapplic- Services of tra government radio associate cf John H. McClatcny. cussions on amendments to the able the policy ot regional cereal ed to be continued only with reser- serve for a landing field, in tl millionaire builder and re-al estate choice of 3.2 per cent beer or 2.3 vations allowing for such advances evsnt of an emergency, until th and telegraph and the railway tele- city water. The 2.3 is the san- An British North America. Act. preferences." graphs wsro given Thursday as operator, was shot and seriously Greater Federal Control Speed TJp Committees In tariff schedules as may be neces- Peace River district is reached. wounded resisting efforts o! two vatsr content In grams per gallon drama of sary under the recovery and farm The beacon at Blatchford fie meteoTolcglcal data on the Nome- of water. Professor Frank Scott, Montreal, LONDON, July 20.-iA.P.)-The Edmonton-New York routes was men to kidnap him for ransom. that will move you declared every change Proposed was World Economic Conference, whlcn acte- here will thrust its revolving flng to cheers •KltWn the spirit of the British Iftirs! North America Act. Growth ot the Dominion and its consequent changes, h* said, made Breatercon- trol by the federal administration Export Nations n matters once provincial, Wsnly necesary. Declaring many French Canadians in Quebec province look- ed to the senate in fact had not Reject Offer Of given protection to minority rights. The minority rights now enjoyed would not nor could not be taken Cereal Importers ""Matters of purely Provincial «*"' By Jama W. Barton. M.D. IDORLD'S GRAIN EXHIBITION actor would still be left with the Pledge Themselves to In- >rovinces, declared J. S. y^"; RACTlCALtY ALL SKOT •• labor M.
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