University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 3-29-1985 Central Florida Future, Vol. 17 No. 26, March 29, 1985 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 17 No. 26, March 29, 1985" (1985). Central Florida Future. 572. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/572 The hillarious. zany and naughty April Fools' supple­ -· ment. Confetti will return next week March 29, 1985 Volume 17 Number 26 University of Central Florida/Orlando · ,,. .. Presidential race 'gets ~oving Gill/Darner ·Gr~en/Payas by Tim Ball by Tim Bcill FUTURE STAFF WRITER FUTURE STAFF WRITER Summary: The ticket of Gill/Darner is run­ Summary: The ticket of Green/Payas is ning under the motto "to make student · running with a platform of "ac· • government student oriented.'' They are complishments and not promises." They are pushing for a more efficient Add/Drop pushing for a Council of Presidents, a Stu· system, lower book prices, and. a Student dent Union, and utilizing the new Kiosk Union. · Both have experience in student govern· Both have experience in student govern· ment. ment. Green is currently Attorney · General for • Gill is currently the Student Government student government and serves on several Lobby Annex Director and was a member of university-wide committees. the fifteenth and sixteenth student senates. Payas is currently the Executive Advisor He is also a member of the Orientation Team: to President J olm Sowinski. He ·was also a Darner is currently the Student Govern­ member of the fifteenth and sixteenth stu· ment Special Projects Coordinator. She was dent senates. He also served on several"com­ also a member of the sixteenth student mittees during his stay in the senate senate. She has served ..on the University Traffic and Parking Committee and is also a Question and answer with The Future member of the Orientation Team. What is the biggest problem with Student Government? Student government has been Question and answer with The Future forced to bring itself up to a level of working What is the biggest problem with Student properly. We plan to put student governent Goyernment? There's not one big problem. another step forward. We need to reach out to We do feel communication and stagnation are more students. · two issues that need to be corrected. How do y~u intend to solve it? We want to How do you intend to solve it? We propose set up a Council of Presidents. That way, the • to have a director of marketing, rather than a university will have a cohesive organization public relations director. The primary pur­ John Gill Andrea Darner . to facilitate information and coordinate cam­ pose of the position would be to work on com­ pus wide. events and services. munication between student government and What do think is the biggest problem UCF the student body and the community. faces? There's a lack of student participation. What do think is the biggest problem UCF. ·THE UCF There is also a definite problem with parking. faces? Apathy is probably the biggest pro­ STUDENT and of c9urse, the bookstore blem at this university. Book prices are also a ELECTIONS How do you intend to solve it? Again, problem. We'd like to either get the ---------------- ---· through a wider range of programs that reach SEE GREEN PAGE 9 Bush stresses grass roots by Tim Ball bachev. The Vice President remar~ed on the - FUTURE STAFF WRITER "dramatic contrast" he found between the U.S.S.R. and Grenada, where he flew next. Speaking of the U.S. action in Grenada, Bush Vice President George Bush, having just r~turn­ commented on the "tremendous sense of relief the ed from a two week trip around the world, spoke to Grenadans feel, now that their Marxist nightmare several hundred enthusiastic members of the has been lifted." Florida Republican Party at the Wyndham Hotel .Bush continued, saying that "Grenada is a last week. classic study of what the callous Marxist Praising the work of the "great Republican ideologists will do to brutalize others, once the team" in Florida, Bush declared, "Florida is going restraints of the qemocratic institution are remov­ to be a Republican state from now on." ed.'' Speaking of the upcoming Florida gubernatorial Bush used his comments about Grenada as a race in 1986, Bush emphasized how "essential it is stepping stone toward the Nicaraguan issue. that we (Republicans) get that governor's seat and Defending the President's plans for added support hold it." of Nicaraguan rebels; Bush admonished "There are Bush also praised President Reagan for being still some people who don·t understand ... there is a "the most essential reason for the Republicans' na­ Marxist-Leninist regime in Nicaragua. tional gains in the electorate.'' He continued by "They (the Nicaraguan government) say they're saying that "Reagan's basic decency" is the cause rnmmunist, yet, some people in this country don't of the ''respect America receives abroad.'' believe it." The Vice President displayed a After thanking several top members of the Nicaragtian postage stamp to make his point. The .Jennifer Machtel/Future Florida GOP for their dedication, Bush mentioned stamp portrayed Karl Marx, author of the Com­ Vice President George Bush spoke to the his recent journey to the Soviet Union, where he munist Manifesto. "These are commemorative Florida republicans at Jhe Wyndam ·Hotel. met with the new Secretary-General, Mikhail Gor- SEE BUSH PAGE 4 • ' jors and all squads. Over 350 volunteers will be In addition, any studel')t ap· research into migratory Tryouts for drum major will at the phones in the course of plying for a Summer routes via remote tag be held Monday, April 8 at 4 the month. Headquarters will Guaranteed Student Loan recoveries and populations of p.m. Applicants must be the President's Board must submit the completed immature sea turtles in the demonstra.te conducting, Room. loan application to the Finan· Indian River lagoon system. salute, and field maneuvers The money will be used for cial Aid Office by May 1. The program, which is 0 UCF ALUMNI SCHOLAR· and hold an interview with various projects around cam· Anyone with questions sponsored by the Orlando SHIP the directors. One year pus~ including athletic funds, should contact the Strident Reptile Club, is open to Twenty-two full and partial membership in the marching scholarships and grants, and Financial Aid Office. anyone who is interested in scholarships totalling over band is required and drum building projects. This year's the conservation of sea $25,000 will be awarded this major experience is preferred. goal is to raise over $100,000. turtles. Admission is free· to year by the OCF Alumni Majorette, flag, rifle and club members and $3 for the Association. dance applicants will audition 0 FINANCIAL AID general public. For further in­ Included are a wards to Saturday, April 13 from 9 REMINDER formation, call the Orlando UCF students, to area com· a.m. to 1 p.m. All appli~nts The Financial Aid Office Reptile Club at 298-6313. • munity college students who must learn a short routine on has some reminders for plan to attend UCF next fall, the day of tryouts. In addi­ students receiving or wishing 0 SAVE THE MANATEE and to minority students. tion, majorettes should to receive financial aid. 0 SEA TURTLE PROGRAM Alpha Phi Omega wil be .. At least 10 Alumni Fellows prepare a solo routine. Ex­ For priority consideration, UCF biology professor Dr. sponsoring a fundraiser for Awards of $800 apiece will be perience in jazz dancing is re· students requesting aid for Llewellyn M. Ehrhart will the Save the Manatee pro­ awarded to curre-ntly enrolled quired for dance .applicants. the 1985-86 academic year speak at the Orlando Science gram from March 25-29. UCF students. A minimum of All tryouts will be held in should have completed ap· Center (formerly the John Tables will be set up in one scholarship will be award· the music rehearsal hall at plications processed by the Young Science Center) April front of the library and in the ed at each class level, in· UCF. Applicants should wear Financial Aid Office by April 12 at 7:30 p.m., on the pro· student center from 10 a.m. to eluding one to a senior for use proper attire. Anyone unable 1. Applications completed blems besettjng the ·sea 3 p.m. for anyone wishing to· • in graduate-level studies. to audition on this date who after April 1 are awarded on turtles that nest on east cen­ make a donation or get more The top student in the wishes to tryout should call the basis of availability of tral Florida beaches. information about the plight junior class will receive the Jerry Gardener at 275 ~ 2865. funds. Applications processed He will also discuss of Florida's Manatees. annual $1000 Millican after this date will not be con­ Scholarship for their senior 0 UCF PHONATHON sidered for the Florida Stu­ year. In addition, six scholar· Knightline '85, the annual dent Assistance Grant. • ships will be awarded to alumni phonathon, will be go­ FSAG recipients who are 1tJte Future students from the six com· ing on throughout the month · planning to attend summer Advertising Confetti/Features munity colleges in Central of April.
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