1 MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAITS Morphological and Physiological Traits Note: Levy and Feldman {797} studied the inheritance of more than 20 morphological and biochemical traits in crosses of four T. dicoccoides lines and T. durum. Similarly, Kuspira et al. {744} studied 12 qualitative characters in T. monococcum. The symbols applied to the characters examined in these studies are not being reserved and listed in the Catalogue. However, both studies should serve as bases for future work. 1.Gross Morphology: Spike characteristics Major hexaploid wheat types are categorized into groups with respect to three major gene pairs; viz. Q, C and S1 {1038}. 1. Common wheat Q c S1 v: vulgare group. 2. Club wheat Q C S1 v: compactum group. 3. Shot wheat Q c s1 v: sphaerococcum group. 4. Spelt wheat q c S1 v: spelta group (including vavilovi). The majority of hexaploid wheat stocks are already, or can be readily, classified into these groups. Diploid wheat is assumed to be q. Durum and carthlicum groups have the genotype Q {1049}. 1.1. Squarehead/spelt Q{881}. [k{1550}]. 5AL{1293}. v: Common wheats. CS. ma: Complete linkage with cDNA clone PtAq22{0127}. q{881}. [K{1550}]. v: Macha wheats; spelt wheats; vavilovi wheats. s: CS*8/White Spring Spelt 5A{1048}. ma: Cent - Xrsq805(Empb)-5A - 4.6 cM - Q - 4.3 cM - Xpsr370-5A{419}; Q was physically mapped in 5AL, fraction length 0.87, bracketed by deletions 5AL-7 and 5AL-23{446}; Q - 9.3 cM - Xpsr370-5A{9903}. The speltoid phenotype of at least some spelts may be caused by genes at other loci {0140}. Fine mapping of the 20cM region possessing Q and delimited by deletions 5AL -7 and -23 is reported in {0324}. 1.2. Club/Compact spike C{1517}. [Cd{047}]. 2D{1192}.2DL{1192,1517}. i: S-615*11/Elgin{1500}. s: CS*6/Poso 2D{1304}; CS*5/Red Egyptian 2D{1304}. v: Club wheats. QTL: Six QTLs for spike compactness were detected in Courtot/Chinese Spring but only 4 on chromosome arms 1AL, 2BS, 2DS and 4AS were consistent for at least two years{0114} . Two additional QTLs for spike compactness were detected in Courtot/Chinese Spring {10080} on chromosome arms 5DL (QCp.icf-5D) and 6DL (QCp.icf-6D. Markers Xcfd26-5D and Xcfd38-6D explained 13.6% and 12.2% of the variance in spike compactness, respectively{10080}. Although gene C may be present in some forms of group macha {1447} and spelta {0623}, it is not universally present. Tsunewaki {1500} found that compact spike in one form was controlled by polygenes. 1.3. Sphaerococcum The naturally-occurring sphaerococcum gene in chromosome 3D and various mutant alleles conferring a similar phenotype form a homoeologous series. The sphaerococcoid alleles are either recessive or incompletely dominant. All three mapped loci are closely linked to the respective centromeres {0030}. The "a" alleles are allocated to Chinese Spring or "normal" wheats. 2 MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAITS s2. Partially dominant{1286}. [sp2{1286}]. v: Sphaerococcoid wheats. "Sphaerococcum simulator"{1286}. Sphaerococcum-like tetraploid wheats were reported{122,475,1282,1286}, but comparisons between them, or with s2, were not made. Whereas Schmidt & Johnson{1281} reported a single recessive controlling the sphaerococcum character in tetraploid wheat, Joppa{621} using the same stock found that two recessive genes were necessary to produce this phenotype. S-A1{0029}. 3A{0056}. v: CS{0029}. S-A1a{0029}. v: CS{0029}; common wheats{0029}. S-A1b{0029}. [S3{0056}]. v: MS 1453{0056}. ma: Xgwm2-3A(S) - 5.1 cM - S-A1 - 6.6 cM - Xgwm720-3A(L){0030}. S-B1{0029}. 3B{0030}. v: CS{0029}. S-B1a{0029}. v: CS{0029}; common wheats{0029}. S-B1b{0029}. [S2{0030}]. v: MSK 2452{0056}; MSK 2454{0056}. ma: Xgwm685- 3B(S) - 4.2 cM - S-B1 - 0.5 cM - Xgwm566/Xgwm845/cent{0030}. S-D1{0029}. 3D{1292,0030}.3DS{1193,1194}.3DL{692}. v: CS{0029}. S-D1a{0029}. v: CS{0029}; common wheats{0029}. S-D1b{0029}. [s1, sp1{1286}]. i: S-615*11/T. sphaerococcum var. rotundatum{1500}. s: CS*7/T. sphaerococcum rubiginosum 3D{1304}. v: Sphaerococcum wheats{0029}. S-D1c{0029}. [S1{0056}]. v: MS 3287{0056}. ma: Xgdm72-3D(S) - 8.0 cM - S-D1 - 2.9 cM - Xgwm456-3D/cent{0030}. 1.4. Branched spike Synonyms: branched head, four-rowed spike, supernumerary spikelet, tetrastichon spikelet. bh{665}. 2AS{665,9907}. tv: PI 349056{665}. A chromosome 2B gene of minor effect was identified{9907} and an inhibitor was associated with chromosome 2D{9907}. In a monosomic analysis of the hexaploid line LYB with supernumerary spikelets, Peng et al. {9908} located recessive genes in chromosome 2A and 4A that promote the development of supernumerary spikelets and a gene in chromosome 2D that prevents their expression. 1.5. Elongated glume Elongated glume is the phenotype associated with the polonicum group of tetraploid wheats. Expression in hexaploid wheat is much reduced compared with tetraploids. Matsumura {911} reported linkage of gene P and a gene for red coleoptiles implicating chromosomes 7A or 7B. A different gene was subsequently located in chromosome 7B {9990}. P1. [P{911},Eg{922},P-Apol1{0254},P-Apet1{0254}]. 7AL{922,1547}.7A or 7B (based on linkage of 0.2 with a gene for red coleoptile){922}. i: Saratovskaya29*8//Novsibirskaya 67*2/T. polonicum{922}. itv: P-LD222 = LD222*11/T. turgidum var polonicum{1546,1547}. tv: T. polonicum{0254}; T. petropavlovskyi{0254}. ma: Xgwm260 - 7A(S) - 2.3 cM - P1 - 5.6 cM - Xgwm1083-7A(L){0254}; Xgwm890 -7A - 2.1 cM - P1{0254}; Xgwm260-7AS - 2.3 cM - P1pol - 5.6 cM - Xgwm1083-7AL {0254}; Xgwm890- 7AS - 2.1 cM - P1pet {0254}. Note: The loci determining elongated glumes in T. turanicum and T. durum conv. falcatum are not homoeologous to the P loci in the centromeric region of the group 7 chromosomes{0254}. P2{9990}. 7BL{9990}. ti: LD222*7/T. ispahanicum{9990}. tv: T. ispahanicum{9990}. According to {0254} the loci of T. polonicum, T. petropavlovsky and T. isphanicum are allelic ('homoeoallelic') whereas other workers had claimed genes in the first two forms were 3 MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAITS not allelic. Wang et al {0254} however concluded that loci bearing alleles for elongated glumes in T. turanicum and T. durum conv. falcatum were not part of the above series. 1.6. Ear length QEl.ocs-5A.1{0068}. 5AL{0068}. v: CS(T. spelta 5A)/CS(Cappelle-Desprez 5A) RI mapping population{9903}. ma: Associated with Xbcd9-5A{0068}. 2.Accumulation of Abscisic Acid A QTL was mapped on 5AL between Xpsr575-5A {proximal} and Xpsr426-5A {distal} {1180}. 3.Alkylresocinols Content in Grain Ar1{0281}. High alkylresocinols content is dominant {0281}. 5AL{0281}. tv: Langdon{0281}. ar1{0281}. tv: Ardente{0281}; This cultivar has a low content compared to all tested durum and common wheats{0281}. 4.Aluminium Tolerance Alt1{234}. v: ET3 = Carazinho/4*Egret{234}. alt1{234}. v: ES3 = Carazinho/4*Egret{234}. Alt2{848}. [AltBH{1213}]. 4DL{848}. su: T. turgidum cv. Langdon 4D(4B){848}. v: BH1146{1213,0115}; IAC-24{0115}; IAC-60{0115}; 13 induced mutants of Anahuac{0115}. ma: Alt2 was mapped to a 4 cM interval flanked by Xpsr914-4D and Xpsr1051-4D{848}; on a consensus 4B-4D map of T. aestivum; Alt2 - 1.1 cM - Xbcd1230- 4D{1213}; Alt2 cosegregated with Xbcd1230-4D and fell within the interval Xgdm125-4D - 4.8cM - Alt2 -1.1cM - Xpsr914-4D{0248}. 5.Anthocyanin Pigmentation 5.1. Purple anthers. A single, dominant factor was reported {1326}. Pan1{921}. 7DS{921}. v: Ilyitchevka{921}; Mironovskaya 808{921}; Novosibirskaya 67{921}; Pyrothrix 28{921}; Saratovskaya 210{921}; Strela{921}; Ukrainka{921}. tv: T. polonicum{921}. Pan2. 7AS{9959}. tv: T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides acc. MG4343{9959}. ma: Pan2 - 9.2 cM - Rc1 - 12.2 cM - Xutv1267-7A (proximal){9959}. 5.2. Purple/Red auricles. Purple leaf base For review see {1641}. Melz and Thiele {983} described a "purple leaf base" phenotype where anthocyanin pigmentation extended to the leaf base as well as auricles. Purple leaf base was expressed only when pigmentation occurred in the coleoptiles. Ra1. [Ra{1645}]. 1D Gulyeeva{474}.(cited in{983}).2D{1645}. v: Kenya 58{1645}. Ra2{983}. 4B{983}. Ra3{983}. 6B{983}. 4 MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAITS An5{983}. 5R{983}. 5.3. Red/purple coleoptiles. There is an orthologous gene series on the short arms of homoeologous group 7. The 'a' alleles confer red coleoptiles. Rc-A1a{0250}. [Rc1, R{401}]. 7A{769,1293}.7AS{0250}. s: CS*6/Hope 7A{1293}. v: Hope Rc-B1{1293}. tv: T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides acc. MG4343{9959}. ma: Pan2 - 9.2cM - Rc1 - 12.2cM - Xutv1267-7A(proximal){9959}; Rc-A1(distal) - 11.9cM - Xgwm913- 7A{0250}. Rc-B1a. [Rc2, R2{401}]. 7B{742}.7BS{401,769,0250}. s: CS*6/Hope 7B{769}. v: Hope Rc-A1. ma: Xgwm263-7B - 26.1cM - Rc-B1 - 11.0cM - Xgwm1184-7B{0250}. Rc-D1a{0250}. [Rc3]. 7D{596}.7DS{1241,1444,0250}. v: Mironovskaya 808{1444}; Tetra Canthatch/Ae. squarrosa var. strangulata RL 5271, RL 5404{1240}; Tetra Canthatch/Ae. squarrosa var. meyeri RL 5289, RL 5406{1240}; Sears' T. dicoccoides /Ae. squarrosa = Sears' Synthetic{596}. ma: Rc-D1 (distal) - 3 cM - Xpsr108-7D{180}; Xgwm44-7D - 6.4cM - Rc-D1 - 13.7cM - Xgwm111-7D{0250}. Tahir & Tsunewaki{1453} reported that T. spelta var. duhamelianum carries genes promoting pigmentation on chromosomes 7A and 7D and genes suppressing pigmentation on 2A, 2B, 2D, 3B and 6A. Sutka{1444} reported a fourth factor in chromosome 6B and suppressors in 2A, 2B, 2D, 4B and 6A.
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