1955 CONGRESSIONAl -RECORD- HOUSE 1801 By Mr. KEOGH: By Mr. DAVIDSON: H. R. 4243. A bill for the relief of Bernard H. R. 4234. A bill to suspend for 1 year H. J. Res. 225. Joint resolution to provide Ellbogen; to the Committee on the Judi­ certain duties upon the importation of . for a more effective control of narcotic drugs, ciary. aluminum and aluminum alloys; to. the and for other purposes; to the-Committee on H. R. 4244. A bill for the relief of Vincenzo Committee on Ways and Means• Ways a·nd Means. · · Micich; 'to the . Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. RAY (by request): By Mr. HOLIFIELD: H. R. 4235. A bill to amend . Public Law H. R. 4245; A bill for· the relief of Mrs. 2, 73d Congress, to provide care·for disabled MEMORIALS Esther Rodriguez de Uribe; to the Committee on the Judiciary. veterans having neuropsychiatric ailments; Under clause 4 of rule XXII meqlo­ to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 1 H. R. 4246. A bill for the relief of Morris By Mr. TOLLEFSON: rials were presented and referred as Plevin; to the Committee on the Judic~ary. H. R. 4236. A bill to amend the Social Se­ follows: By.Mr. JARMAN: curity Act to provide a direct Federal pension By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ H. R. 4247. A bill. for the . relief of Mrs. of at least $100 per month to all American lature of the State of Oregon, memorializing Alphonsine Keller; to the Coinmittee on the citizens 65 years of age and over who have the President and the Congress of the United Judiciary. been citizens 10- years or more, to be pro­ Stat~s requesting the appropriation of funds By Mr. KILDAY: rated according to the cost of living as on necessary to enable the Corps of Engineers H. R. 4248. A bill ~or the relief of Miguel January 3; 1953; to the Committee on·ways to complete the preliminary investigations Angel Guzman Nunez; to the Committee on and Means. · and planning for the John Day project, etc.; the Judiciary. By Mr. WHARTON: to the Committee on Appropriations. · By Mr. MciNTIRE: H . R. 4249. A bill for the relief of Orrin J. H. R. 4237. A bill to amend section 503 of Also, . ~emorial of the. Legislature of the State of Oregon, memorializing the Pre.sident Bishop; to the Co~mittee on the Judiciary. the Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act By Mr. MAILLIARD' of 1952 to allow certain veterans to file and the Congress of the United States re- H. R. 4250. A bill for the relief of Leong claims for mustering-out payment prior to . questing that funds be made available to begin the planning and construction of the Man Faye; to the Committee on the Judi­ July 16, 1955; to the Committee on Vetera~s· ·ciary. Affairs. flood control facilities · needed at the Green Peter and Cougar projects, etc.; to the Com­ H. R. 4251. A bill for the relief of Lt. Col. By Mr. COON: mittee on Appropriations. Arthur J. Laib, Jr.; to the Committee on the H. J. Res. 221.' Joint resolution to designate Judiciary. the lake to be formed by the McNary lock By Mr. O'HARA of Illinois (by re- · and dam in the Columbia River, Oreg. and PRIVA~E BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS quest): · Wash., as Lake Aldrich; to the Committee H . R. 4252. A bill for the relief of Asher on Public Works. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Ezrachi; to the Committee "on the Judiciary• By Mr. CRETELLA: . bills and resolutions were introduced and By Mr. POAGE: H. J. Res. 222. Joint resolution authorizing severally referred as follows: H. R. 4253. A bill for the relief of Henry the creation of a Federal Memorial Commis­ By Mr. CARLYLE: M. Lednicky; to the Committee on the Judi- sion to consid,er and formulate plans for the H . R. 4238. A bill for the relief of Spiros ciary. · · construction in th~ city of Wasl:lington, D. C., Kaloniktis; to the Comll).ittee on the Judi- By Mr. REECE of Tennessee: of an appropriate permanent memoriaJ. to · ciary. H . R. 4254. A bill for the relief .of the War­ . the memory _of th~ great Ita,lian naviga~or · H."R. 4239. A bill for the relief of Pavlos rensburg Foundry, Midway, Tenn.; to the . and discoverer of Amer~ca, Christopher Co­ Michael Campourelis; to the Committee oh Committee oJ;l' the Judiciary. · · lumbus; to the Committee on House Admin­ the Judiciary. By Mr. RODINO l . istration. By Mr. COUDERT: . H. R. 4255. ·A bill for the relief of Barnett By Mr. WHITTEN: H. R. 4240. A bill for the relief of Miss · Warner; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. J. Res. 223. Joint resolution to restorp,· Susana Clara Magalona; ·to the Committee By Mr. TUMULTY: to the States. certain rights affected .by re­ on the Judiciary. · ' H. R. 4256. A bill for the relief of Dragutin . cent Supreme Court decisions; to the Com­ By Mr. CRETELLA: .. Krize Kurich; to the Committee on the Judi- mittee . on the Judiciary. H. R. 4241. A bill for the relief of Domenico . ciary. · By Mr. GENTRY: Giordano; to the Committee on the Judi- H. R. 4257. A bill for the relief of Sisters H. J. Res. 224. Joint resolution authorizing ciary. Bianca ·capasso, Caterina Giud,ice. G~usepp~ the President of the United States of Amer­ By Mr. DELANEY: Capone; to ~he Committee on the Judi,ciary. ica to proclaim the period August 21-27, 1955, H. R. 4242. A bill for the relief of Dr. By Mr. WHARTON: as American Law Student Week; to the Com- George Petkov; to the Committee on the H. R. 4258. A bill for the relief of Luigia . mi ttee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. Pelella; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS Of REMARKS Report of Foreign Shipyards ate. I ask unanimous consent that the . tors and Congressmen in Vienna on August report be printed in the RECORD. 27 for the purpose of representing our coun­ try at_ the interparliamentary conference EXTENSION OF REMARKS There being no objection, the report held in that city until September 2. As a OF was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, result, we parted that evening after a final as follows _: conference in Paris, Senator PURTELL taking HON. JOHN W. BRICKER UNITED STATES SENATE, the train to Vienna and Mr. Webster and I OF OHIO COMMITTEE OF INTERSTATE .AND taking another train to Bremen. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES FOREIGN COMMERCE, However, before we parted we mapped out December 30, 1954. our itinerary. Since I had to· be back in Friday, February 18,' 1955 Hon. JOHN W. BRICKER, the States by no later than September 8, Mr. BRICKER. Mr. President, there Chairman, Committee on Interstate 1954, we decided I should spend my entire and Foreign Commerce, United time in Germany; at Bremen, Hamburg, and was appointed last year a subcommittee States Senate, Washington, D. C. Bonn. We also agreed that when I left Ger­ on Interstate and Foreign Commerce for DEAR SENATOR BRICKER: You Will· recall many on or about September 1, 1954, Mr. the purpose of making an inspection in that by letter dated July 29, 1954, you au­ Webster would go on to Rome in order to ma.ny countries of Europe concerning thorized Senator WILLIAM A. PURTELL, our meet Senator PuRTELL when he arrived from shipping, shipyards, and. others matters subcommittee counsel, Mr. Webster, and -me Vienna on or about September 3, 1954. On of concern to the Committee on Inter­ to visit various European countries for the leaving Rome they planned to visit Genoa, state and Foreign Commerce. The Sen­ purpose of inspecting certain foreign ship­ Italy; Rotterdam, Holland; London, England; ator from Maryland [Mr. ·BuTLER] and yards and investigating other matters of Clyde, Scotland; and Dublin, Ireland. If all the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. PuR­ concern to this committee. Accordingly, I went well-as in fact it did-they intended ani writing you in behalf of our group to to return aboard the United States when it TELL] were appointed on the subcom- report on our European trip. sailed from Southampton on September 23, _mittee, and accompanying them wa_,s the On August 20, 1954, we sailed from New 1954. subcommittee counsel, Mr. Webster. York aboard the S. S. United States. Of course, I am very sorry that previous They made-a report to me as chair­ We arrived in LeHavre on August 25 and commitments would not permit me to revisit ma-n of the committee at that time, proceeded directly to Paris. · As you · know, the splendid shipyards in Holland and Italy, · which I th-ink contains very· valuable in­ Senator PURTELL had a previous commit­ or to see for the first time the world-famous formation for the Members of the Sen- . ment to meet various United States Sena- yards on ·the Clyde or· in Belfast. - However, 1802 .CONGRESSIONAL _RECORD- - HOUS_E r_ e_bryary 18. in view of the scope and importance of Ger­ Here, as ln certain other places visited by and a height of 52 meters. The other four man shipbuilding, I am not sorry that I re• ·Senator PuRTELL and Mr. Webster, we ·round · shipways in-Bremen are equipped with large frained from trying to visit yards in other . that the main concern which our :(oreign · luffing and slewing cranes. A large hall has countries. To the contrary, my only regret . competitors _have _ .aP<>ut the cargo-prefer- ~ been er~cted for welding sections.
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