INDEX Figures in italics indicate captions. Bax, Arnold 141 tower 57 Behrens, Peter 10, 15 Bournemouth Steps project 167 24H Architecture 37 Benson, William 141 Central Pleasure Gardens 146, 147 Abe, Hitoshi 67 Berlin, Germany 12, 73, 168 Invalid’s Walk (Pine Walk) 125 Abraham, Raimund 176 Aedes gallery 224 Brandlhuber, Arno 23, 23 AHMM (Allford Hall Monaghan Morris) Grosses Schauspielhaus 14, 15 Braque, Georges 161 203, 203 Halensee lake 224 Bremen, Germany Allen, Laura 148, 148 Kunstverein: ‘Berlin: Denmal oder Böttcherstrasse 196 Alps 152, 180 Denkmodell?’ ('Berlin: Monument Martin Kiefert hot-dog kiosk, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Het Schip or Thought Model?’) 224 Philosophenweg 196, 197 social housing 219, 219 Kurfürstendamm 168, 224, 232 Brighton, East Sussex 102, 239 Antwerp, Belgium 99 Lützowplatz: winter gardens for an University of Brighton 82 Archigram 31, 41, 43, 47, 79, 103, 115, 144, apartment block 203 Brinkman, Michiel 219 162, 165, 191, 191, 192, 212, 216 Prenzlauer Berg 112 Brisbane, Australia Archigram pamphlet Technical University of Berlin: Queen Street 199, 236 fifth issue 216, 217, 223 Umlauftank 106, 106 State Library of Queensland: Nielson sixth issue 169 Beuys, Joseph 66 Design Lecture (2010) 82 Architectural Association, London, UK 60, Birch, Eugenius 167 street life and advanced kiosk 119 77, 94, 161, 168, 217 Birmingham, UK 123 University of Queensland 62 School of Architecture 58 Hill Street 116 Bristol, UK 168 Archizoom: No-Stop City 212 remodelled New Street Station 114, ’brownfield’ 125 Arcosanti, Arizona, USA 212 115, 116, 116 Bruck an der Mur, Austria 182 Arizona, USA 224 Selfridges 115, 116 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 103 Art Nouveau 98, 192, 192 Stephenson Street 116 Brussels, Belgium 99 Aslin, CH 59 Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) 130 Expo (1958) Asplund, Erik Gunnar 21, 22, 22, 157, 159 Black, Milton 61 Atomium 161 Australian architecture 130 Black Mountain College, North Carolina Norwegian Pavilion 161, 161 Austro-Hungarian Empire 73, 74 94 Philips Pavilion 161 Blacksburg, Virginia, USA Maison Saint-Cyr, 11 Square Bad Deutsch-Altenburg, Austria: museum Virginia Polytechnic Institute 62 Ambiorix 98 of Roman antiquities 172, 172, 174, 175 Carol M Newman Library Buckminster Fuller, Richard 162 Bad Kreuznach, Germany 149 renovation and addition 63 Buenos Aires, Argentina: Bank of London Baltic Sea 220 Blanc, Patrick 151, 153 and South America, San Nicolás 105, Banham, Reyner 29, 29, 162 Bo Bardi, Lina 184–185, 185, 223, 224 106, 185 Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Bohigas, Oriol 247 Busan, South Korea: Busan Cinema Ecologies 162 Böhm, Domenikus 77 Center 65 Barcelona, Spain Bollinger, Klaus 64–65, 64, 182 BUSarchitektur 67 Civil Registrar of Barcelona 247 Bollinger + Grohmann 64, 180 Igualada Cemetery 15, 15 COPYRIGHTEDBonn, Germany: Villa Godesberg 232 MATERIALCairo, Egypt 140 Institute of Advanced Architecture Boston, Massachusetts: Public Library Cam River 59 of Catalonia (IAAC) 82 33, 33 Cambridge, UK 59 La Mercé church 247 Bourne River 147 University of Cambridge: Churchill Take My Hand, Plaça de la Mercé Bournemouth, Hampshire, UK 57, 127, College 59, 59 247, 247 146, 168, 185 Campbell, Colen 140, 141 Baroque architecture 106, 177, 179, 185 Arts University Bournemouth: Carnuntum Roman encampment, Austria Bartholomew, Stuart 96 Drawing Studio 96, 96, 97, 99, 126, 172 Basel, Switzerland: Hasenrain private 127, 239 Casey, Adam 153 apartment 107 beach 103 Digital Reconstruction of Forgotten Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany 59 Bournemouth and Poole College Landscapes, Invisible Landscape, elemental analysis 58 57–58, 60 Unit 22, Bartlett School of school of architecture 43 Lansdowne Campus and clock Architecture, University College 249 INDEX bind.indd 249 2/15/16 10:08 AM London (UCL) 153 Instant City 35, 163, 165, 175, 212, 216 (Study of Inlucent Materiality) 43 Catalan Freedom Festival (2014) 247 Jungle City 188, 204, 205 The Inhabitable Flesh of Architecture Chalk, Warren 162, 215 Layer City 37, 212, 220, 220, 221 43, 43 Cherwell River 69, 140 Living City 37 Church, Thomas Dolliver 161 ‘lumps’ or ‘mounds’ series 26, 30, 36 Danish architecture 130 classicism 22 Smooth Lump 27, 29 Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany: Classicists 79 Vegetated Lump 27 Mathildenhöhe artists’ colony 72 CoBrA 215 Medina Circle Tower, Tel Aviv, Israel de Klerk, Michel 219, 219 Colletti, Marjan 42–43, 189 39, 40, 41 de Kooning, Willem 162 2&1/2D Drawing representing line Montreal Tower project 169, 170 De Stijl 115 and spline-based blots rather than Pine City 127 Deconstructivists 79 NURBS and surface-based blobs Pine City (1) 126 ‘decorative art’ 75 42, 43 Pine City (2) 127 Delius, Frederick 141 Cologne, Germany: Glass Pavilion, Plug-in City 31, 37, 103, 104, 110, Denari, Neil 165 Deutscher Werkbund Exhibition 21, 21 169, 175, 215–216, 216, 217, 220, Derbyshire, Andrew 60 Constructivism 43, 106 223, 224 Deutsche Bank 64 Cook, Peter 242, 243 A Predilection for Noses 17 Diaz Alonso, Hernan 42, 42, 43, 45 Addhox 224 Santa Monica Mound Hotel 204, 207 Still Flesh 41 Arcadia City 22, 131, 132, 135–137, Sponge Project Dix, Otto 224 143, 151, 167, 220 Gunge 29 Domenig, Günther 26, 27, 176, 176, Arcadia ‘A’ 132, 133, 151 Nests 28, 29 182–183 Arcadia ‘B’ 133 Orifices 29, 30 Düsseldorf, Germany 78 inhabitants 138 Patchwork 29 Arcadia ‘C’ 134, 135 Super Houston 105–106, 233, 233, Eames, Charles and Ray 162 an inhabitant 130 234, 235, 244 East Anglia, UK 125, 149, 220 inhabitants 138, 139 Swiss Cottage Tower 38–39, 39 Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK: pier 167 ‘Sleeklucent’ apartment Urban Mark 224 Ehn, Karl 218, 219 137 Veg House 110, 143–144, 146–147, Eiermann, Egon 77 Arcadia ‘D’ 134 224 Eiffel, Gustave 103 Arcadia ‘Lofts’ 135, 135 Stage 1 143, 143 Elbe River 167 inhabitants 139 Stage 2 143, 143 Elias, Nick: ‘Poohtown’ 153 Arcadia ‘Mesh Marsh and Stage 3 143, 143 Ellwood, Craig 162 Trickling Towers’ 136 Stage 4 143, 144 English Awakening (1960s) 57 inhabitants 139 Stage 5 144, 144 Erskine, Ralph 219 Arcadia ‘Peninsula Apartments’ Stage 6 144, 144 Evergreen Review 162 137 Veg Village 146 Expressionism, Expressionists 21, 21, 26, inhabitants 138 Vertical University 245, 246 27, 79, 196 Chunk City 4 Way Out West - Berlin 224–225, 227, Comfo-Veg Club 106 227–231, 233, 238, 239 Fano, Italy: basilica 11 first drawing 108 Coop Himmelb(l)au 65, 75, 176 Farnsworth, Benjamin 192 second drawing 109 Copenhagen, Denmark 130 Faure, Lorène 125 Drawing: The Motive Force of Kongens Nytorv: kiosks 195, 195 ‘Features: Monte Carlo’ project (1969) 177 Architecture 244 orange kiosk 199, 199 Fehn, Sverre 161, 161 elemental analysis of Walter CRAB (Cook Robotham Architectural Feireiss, Kristin 224 Gropius’s Bauhaus at Dessau, Bureau) 12, 17, 47, 47, 48, 50–53, 66–71, Flitcroft, Henry 141 Germany 58 67, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 84–92, 94–97, 112, Florentine groups 216 Frankfurt Westhafen/Real City, 113, 114, 116, 121, 121–125, 123, 151, 192, Forty, Adrian 171 Germany 37, 110, 110, 167, 168, 193, 200, 200, 201, 203, 236, 236, 242 Foster, Norman 31 168, 212, 227, 227 Crompton, Dennis 216 Foulness Island, near Southend, Essex, Hidden City 35–37, 35 Cruz, Marcos UK 149 Ideas Circus 216 ‘Hypodermis’/Cyborgian Interfaces Fournier, Colin 13, 24, 25, 116, 156, 176, 250 PETER COOK bind.indd 250 2/15/16 10:08 AM 177, 177, 178, 179, 179, 180 European City of Culture (2003) 180 Hodgetts + Fung 62 Frankfurt am Main, Germany 78, 146, General Motors vehicle plant 176 Hoffmann, Josef 75 227, 227 Hauptbrücke 177, 179 Höger, Fritz 171 Alte Brücke 168 Institute of Botany, University of Hollein, Hans 75, 216 apothecary’s shop 75 Graz 182, 183 Honegger, Arthur: Pacific 231 103 Hoechst Chemical Works 10, 15 Kunsthaus 13, 17, 24, 25, 65, 81, 116, Hong Kong: the three-dimensional city kiosks 199 156, 176–177, 177–180, 179–180, 223 Städelschule Kantine 64–66, 64, 65, 182–183, 243 Hopkins, Michael 31 96, 182 Steirischer Herbst 176 Houston, Texas, USA 233 Freud, Sigmund 73 Technical University of Graz 182 Rice University 233, 244 Friedman, Yona 216 Blazing Wing 176 University of Houston, Texas 82 ‘Paris Spatial’ 215, 215 University of Graz, Austria: Institute Hove, East Sussex, UK 239 Frühlicht Expressionist journal 21 of Botany 182, 183 Howell Killick Partridge & Amis 59, 147 Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan: Shonandai Grazer Schule 176, 177 Hunt, Tony 31 Culture Centre 164 Greene, David 23, 23, 162, 215, 216 Hurtado, Eva 102, 117, 117, 118, 119, 120 Functionalism 219 Grimshaw, Nicholas 31 Huth, Eilfried 176 Fung, Hsinming 62, 62 Gropius, Walter 58, 59 Future Systems 115, 116 Guimard, Hector 192 Immendorff, Jörg 66 Futurism 223 India 185 Habsburgs 81 International Style 130 Gary Paige Studio 83 Hadid, Zaha 67, 224 Isherwood, Christopher: Goodbye to Gebhart, David: Guide to Architecture in If only buildings could move? 43 Berlin 224, 225 Los Angeles and Southern California 163 Hamburg, Germany 167, 171 Isozaki, Arata 22, 162–163, 165 Gehry, Frank 86, 165 Chilehaus 171 Ito, Toyo 180, 183 General Motors Technical Center Elbe park 167 (Warren, Michigan) 161 Hamburg Land-Pier 166, 167, 167 Japan 165, 167, 203, 239 German architecture 168 offices 171–172, 171 Johnson-Marshall, Stirrat 60 Giencke, Volker 176, 182, 183 Happisburgh, Norfolk, UK 148, 148 Jones, Wes 62, 63 Glasgow School of Art 58 Happold, Ted 31 Jugendstil 219 Glaskogen nature reserve, Sweden: Hapsburg Empire 183 Dragspelhuset (Accordion House), Harvard University (Cambridge, Kada, Klaus 176 Övre Gla 37, 37 Massachusetts), USA 82 Kahn, Louis 21, 58, 59 ‘Glass Chain’ architects’ chain letter 21 Hasegawa, Itsuko 164, 183 Kaiserlautern, Germany 82 Gold
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