Minit-Ed See pages 17-21 Signs of the times: automobiles are bigger, newer and faster. Gone is the memwy of the fuel shortage when it was feared Americans would have to use public transportation or, heavens forbid! walk. Forgotten are the efforts to curb speed, random motoring and auto sales. In one of our few moments Commercial Tffeaiicr ol conservatism, we made old cars run longer. We kept them in the garage more. We observed the 55-mile limit. and SOI T H -B K H (,K \ K I N IIW Now we wonder if it really ever hap­ l^ is M at 81 Ridge Rd.. l.yadfcrt. NJ pened. VOL. S3 n o . w THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1985 Sftoad-Olass Postage Paid at Rulkniord. V J r m ““* M .M Pabliitird Wr«+i> Police appointm ents Mayor-Commissioner Ronald C.I.D . Bureau He was appointed to Patrol Division and was promoted Bogle and Police Chief William the department by Commissioner to sergeant on August 3. 1982 by Jarvis announce the following pro­ Peter J. Russo June 20. 1980 He Commissioner Ronald Bogle Sgt motions and appointments in the was awarded an Exceptional Duty Kelly resides with his wife Zelda Lyndhurst Police Department, Medal by the Bergen County Police made March 29, 1985 and two of their children. Steven. Chiefs Association on April 26. 1983 21. and Marie. 19 Their eldest son, He resides with his wife Colleen and Edward, is m arried and resides in Carl R Castlegrant, promoted to two daughters, Marta, 10 and his own home Sergeant. He was appointed Samantha. 6 years old by Joseph Sarnoski has been pro­ Commissioner Peter J Russo on moted to sergeant He was ap­ August 7, 1969 He resides with his Sergeant Henry Kelly has been pointed by Commissioner William wife Megda, and two children. Carl appointed Sergeant of Detectives in F Smith on February 2. 1977 Sgt Christopher, 7 and Michele. 5 A the C.I.D . Bureau having been ap­ Sarnoski was awarded a Life Saving veteran of the Armed Services, he pointed to the department by Com­ Medal on April 26. 1983 by the earned his B.S. degree in Criminal missioner Horace R Bogle. J r.. on Bergen County Police Chief Asso- Justice from William Paterson Col­ November 1. 1966 lege in 1980 'ciation He resides with his wife. He was appointed a detective on Michele and four children. Jason. 7. Patrolman Paul L Crupi has April 2. 1979 by Commissioner Joseph 6, Michele. 4 and Joshua. 8 been appointed detective in the Russo, but later returned to the months old Lyndhurst m an indicted An indictment of Harry Auf According to the prosecutor's re her car he went upstairs and re­ Tamarack Council bestowed religious Cubs who earned their medals are: finger. 39. of Kingsland Ave . Lyn­ port, Mrs Auffinger separated turned with the revolver awards on Cub Scouts of Queen of Peace, Pack 120 - John Applegate, William dhurst. has been handed up by the from her husband and moved to After shooting his wife Auffinger North Arlington, Pack 120, Sacred Heart, Auchterlonie, John Barnett, Matthew Bergen County Grand Jury for at­ Bloomfield some time ago She re­ telephoned police They responded Lyndhurst; Pack 96, and Jefferson School, Boylan, Frank Gionni, Adolfo Gomez, Rich­ tempted murder March 3 of his turned after complaining of back by ringing his house Auffinger tele wife. Virginia. 53 Lyndhurst; Pack 88 in ceremony at QP ard Navickas, Steven Silva, Andrew Stew­ trouble phoned headquarters again and said Church, with Richard Conklin, chairman of art. Auffinger, a quality control man­ he would come out of the house Catholic Committee on Scouting; Deacon ager of Basic Concept Ltd , Gar But on March 3 she said she was from the front door He did so and Pack 96 - Anthony Ricigliano, Louis field, heard the indictment while a John Downey of Archdiocese of Newark; Ricigliano, Edward Sinnett. moving out again Auffinger pro­ was arrested. Rev. Michael Corsco, Chaplain of Pack 120 prisoner in Bergen County Jail duced a 38 calibre revolver but Pack 88 - Keith Beeh, Brian Kost, Joseph where he had been held in $250,000 Mrs Auffinger only laughed She* Taken to Hackensack Medical QP; Rev. Mr. Daniel Weitner, First Presby- McGovern, Kenneth Paglio, John Polatz. bail. teriaa Church of North Arlington; Vincent then cooked a pasta dinner after Center. M rs Auffinger was found In addition, the mother’s of the candidates Auffinger is accused of shooting which she said she was leaving Coftibella, Committee on Scouting Troop 97, suffering from shots in the back of received Mother’s Pins as a remembrance his wife three times, allegedly be­ When she asked her husband to her neck, her left cheek and her Ml. Carmel, Lyndhurst; William Mackey, of this fine achievement by their sons. cause she persisted in a plan to move the car of his father, who right hand After treatment in the cubmaster of Pack 120, participating. move out of their home lived with them, out of the way of intensive care unit she recovered Diner to expand. iVew m ayor experiences it all SacredH eart installs Squelch minors March meeting was called to President Dabal wished the incom­ order by President Leocadia Dabal ing officers a successful year By Amy Divine Sunday morning she was cleaning regard for the Township of Lyn- Lyndhurst Diner is not being with the usual opening exercise In­ M ayor Ronald Bogle had a taste up another mess. "ittiurst and its residents.'' It re­ sold. Instead plans are being made Birthday and Anniversary cele­ stallation was conducted by Rev of the pleasures and the responsi­ She said she had a rash on her ferred to the purchase by the Asso­ to expand the Riverside Ave res­ brants were reogmzed Three new William R eilly. Pastor of Sacred bilities of the' office of mayor as he arm as the result of contact with the ciation, located at the comer of taurant members were welcome to the club Heart Church were Donald presided at his first Commission sewage and has to visit a Stuyvesant and Valley Brook Ave- John Sakellaris, one of the Speedy Recovery is wished our ill Campbell. President. Josephine meeting last Tuesday night. dermatologist as a result. “ Who is ,gyes, of the vacant house at 315 owner-partners, declared at least 50 members. Ferinde 1st. Vice President. Cather­ Stuyvesant and its demolition by the Hto first duty was to extend con­ going to pay for my doctor visits?” more seats w ill be added. Trip Director Catherine re­ ine Patterson 2nd Vice President she asked. bank gratulations and present plaques to Like other businesses in the area minded the members to make their Gertrude Adams., Recording two girls from Germany who have Public Works Commissioner The bank purchased the vacant the diner has suffered because the reservations and payments for the Secty , Mary Cassidy, Correspond­ been guests of a Lyndhurst family Evelyn Pezzolla told Heaney that a house which had been occupied by DeJessa Bridge at Kingsland and following trips: June 7 at Neil’s ing Secity . Loretta DeGarcia since last September while they cutoff would prevent such an occur­ the late John Woods and which lies Riverside Aves. has b^en closed for New Yorker dinner and show. June Treasurer. Ruth Godecke. Finan­ studied at St. P e te r’s Prep School in rence and Heaney said that the right next to the bank’s parking lot, over two years. Now the reopening 16 - 20 Wildwood Crest, September 2 Jersey City. town has refused to install a cutoff and in the words of the petition. is targeted for the end of April The - 6 Raleigh Hotel. October 16 - 31 cial Secty Trustees: 3 years Past “ Demolished a 70-year-old house President Leocadia Dabal. 2 years. The girls, Helga Becker and In­ and she was not going to pay the span connects Lyndhurst with Hawaii. For details and reserva­ with architectural qualities that can Charles Messiana, 1 year Ernest grid Breitegger, both 18, each from cost of one. She said this was an Nutley and Belleville and accom­ tions call 939-0762 never be replaced. They have Becklund Outgoing President a town in West Germany with a emergency and that she would go to modates thousands of vehicles daily Before the installation President health agencies in Trenton if the stripped the property of every tree, Dabal was presented with a gift population of about 400, attend the — when it is operating Dabal extended her thanks to her some over 70 years old, and from the members with a standing matter were not remedied at once. The diner has to be ready when officers, chairmen and those who same high school, Clara Fey Gym­ diminished it to bare earth. They ovation for her two years of loyalty nasium, Schleiden and were sur­ Pezzolla said the condition was the bridge reopening becomes a re­ have volunteered their services at have left a residential property na­ and devoted service as president due to the deterioration of ancient ality and the expansion plans are the meetings, also to members who prised when notified they were ac­ ked, with no approval for any alter­ and a bouquet for her twO ears of sewer lines and that the very next the diner’s way of meeting the chal­ made donations and those con­ cepted to study in the United States. native use." loyalty and devoted service as pres­ day a T V survey was to be made to lenge, Sakellaris said. tributing so much toward making They have been the guests of While the house was unoccupied ident and a bouquet of flowers from find weak spots in the line at Lake Recently reports flooded that the the club such a tremendous success Anthony and Lois Celentano of Lyn­ for months, with unsafe front steps her husband Avenue.
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