September 8, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1531 In 1965, one year after its establishment, Jeffery is married and has four children. central themes: the important role that marinas the town experienced major growth and devel- Mr. Speaker and distinguished colleagues, I play as family-friendly and environmentally- opment, becoming home to more than 500 ask you to join me in saluting Jeffery J. Daar friendly gateways to the water. residents in its first year. A civic center, rec- for his impressive career and dedication to the There are more than 12,000 marinas nation- reational facilities, schools, stores, and res- people of California and to congratulate him wide, which employ over 140,000 people. Ma- taurants quickly followed. This expansion con- on earning the Democratic Volunteer of the rinas provide the public with a safe way to tinued during subsequent decades, and today Year Award. enjoy outdoor activities like sailing, cruising, Crofton is a thriving community with more than f and fishing. 30,000 residents. I’ve spent many enjoyable hours boating Crofton prides itself on the fact that it has A TRIBUTE TO BIG BROTHERS BIG with my family and, as a member of the Con- experienced economic growth while retaining SISTERS OF NORTH ALABAMA gressional Boating Caucus, I am glad to sup- its safe, family-oriented, and close-knit roots. port House Resolution 647. Residents today still enjoy the amenities that HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. f originally attracted them—tree-lined streets, OF ALABAMA RECOGNIZING MR. BILL GARRETT suburban environment and convenience to two IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF EL CAJON, CA major cities. Tuesday, September 7, 2004 Crofton’s 40th anniversary celebration fea- tures children’s activities, concerts, athletic Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. DUNCAN HUNTER OF CALIFORNIA events, banquets, and parades. The events honor an important group of individuals whose IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES began in April and will continue through the hard work and dedication has made a tremen- end of November. Local businesses, sports dous impact on the lives of numerous children Tuesday, September 7, 2004 teams, armed forces, and firemen are all par- throughout North Alabama. Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ticipating in these events. For over twenty years, the Big Brothers Big recognize Mr. Bill Garrett of El Cajon, CA and I hope my colleagues in the House of Rep- Sisters of North Alabama has provided hun- his commitment and accomplishments for his resentatives will join me in commemorating dreds of children with a positive influence and community, his family and his country. He this milestone in Crofton history, as we cele- a strong foundation to help guide them began by preparing himself with the finest brate 40 years of this dynamic Maryland com- through adolescence. Every volunteer does a education by earning a Masters Degree in munity. great deal to improve the quality of life of Public Administration with specialty in per- f these children and to help them develop goals sonnel and labor relations from California and aspirations of their own. For its hard work State University, Fullerton. He also earned a HONORING MR. JEFFERY J. DAAR and continued commitment, Big Brothers Big Masters in Science in Urban Planning from the Sisters of North Alabama is recognized nation- University of Arizona and a Bachelors Degree HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN ally for its performance as one of the best in Political Science from the University of OF CALIFORNIA agencies in the country. Washington. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, this year marks the 100th year Bill has a history of public service that of the national Big Brothers Big Sisters pro- Tuesday, September 7, 2004 began with his commitment to his country gram, and on August 14th, a reunion and cen- when he joined the United States Army. After Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tennial picnic was held in Huntsville. This pic- his military commitment, Bill worked as an ask my colleagues to join in saluting Mr. Jeff- nic was an opportunity for everyone involved urban planning consultant in Arizona and Cali- ery J. Daar, Chair of the Democratic Party of with Big Brothers Big Sisters to come to- fornia before becoming City Manager of the the San Fernando Valley, who is being hon- gether, trade success stories, and relive the City of Corona. In 1996, Bill became the City ored on August 14 by the Sherman Oaks times each volunteer and child has had to- Manager of El Cajon and brought a ‘‘can do’’ Democratic Club. Jeffery is a remarkable man gether. attitude to every department. with many accomplishments in both politics Mr. Speaker, I’ve always believed that our For the past eight years, Bill Garrett has and law. children should have an opportunity to suc- played an integral role in the shaping of El Since founding his own professional law firm ceed and be an active participant in our com- Cajon and the surrounding communities. His 22 years ago, Jeffery has handled cases that munities. I’m pleased that there are a large efforts with the downtown corridor, the expan- are both highly complex and in the public in- number of individuals who are committed to sion of housing rehabilitation and his role in terest. As a specialist in complex litigation, he helping less fortunate children in our area. I assisting first time home buyers are well- represented California municipalities in 5 years rise today to commend each and every person known. His strong belief that the employees of of insurance insolvency court proceedings, re- who is involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters El Cajon are its greatest resource has caused sulting in a legislative amendment to the Cali- and join in their centennial celebration. the city to excel far beyond expectations. His fornia Insurance Code. He has led important f obedience to the dictates of his council and consumer class action cases that have the elected mayor has created a team effort SUPPORTING GOALS OF NATIONAL reached the highest courts in California, and second to none. has authored several influential publications MARINA DAY Bill Garrett is highly respected by his peers covering varied topics from the insurance in- from around the nation but his greatest satis- SPEECH OF dustry to election law. He is a leader in his faction comes from the accolade and respect field. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS from his fellow employees for the City of El Jeffery was born and raised in Los Angeles. OF TEXAS Cajon. He has nurtured, trained, educated, He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and assisted his fellow employees through the Claremont Men’s College and his Juris Doc- good and tough times. He has also shared his Wednesday, July 21, 2004 torate in 1982 from University of California insight and knowledge with the California City Davis. His strong interest in politics was first Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Management Foundation, the International evident during his college years when he support of House Resolution 647, which ex- City Management Association, the San Diego served as President of the Student Democratic presses Congress’s support of the goals of City-County Managers Association and the Coalition, a statewide organization of more National Marina Day. National Association of Housing and Redevel- than 20 college Democratic Clubs. I would also like to recognize Mr. Marshall opment Officials. Jeffery has taken an active part in his com- Funk of Marinas International for his work with In addition, Bill is a vital player as President munity’s school system, serving as an elected Pier 121 Marina on Lake Lewisville, Scott’s of the Cuyamaca College Foundation Board, a member of the managing councils of both Landing Marina and Silver Lake Marina in member and past President of the El Cajon Dearborn Elementary School and Holmes Mid- Grapevine, and Twin Coves Marina in Flower Rotary Club, Secretary of the Grossmont- dle School. He also serves as a Member of Mound, located in my Congressional District. Cuyamaca College District Auxiliary, founding the Board of Directors of The Zacaries Foun- National Marina Day will be celebrated this member of El Cajon Sister Cities Committee dation, a nonprofit education foundation. In ad- year on August 14. This annual celebration and President of the El Cajon Historical Soci- dition, he helps promote our community promotes the United States’ marinas and rec- ety. through his work as a Member of the Los An- ognizes the importance of marinas across the Bill Garrett has allowed his experience to geles Area Chamber of Commerce. country. National Marina Day focuses on two lead him into great service for his community, VerDate Aug 04 2004 06:16 Sep 09, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07SE8.040 E08PT1 E1532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 8, 2004 his country and his family. His great partner in IN REMEMBERANCE OF LORENZO it will remain for posterity. He made the pres- life, Judy Garrett, is a great public servant in CHAVEZ entation himself, along with Senator Hubert her own right and has many accomplishments Humphrey, Vice President Lyndon Johnson, to her credit. The couple live in Fletcher Hills HON. TOM UDALL and other distinguished statesmen, to U.S. in El Cajon. Bill has decided to retire and to OF NEW MEXICO Congress. spend his time with family traveling and doing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lorenzo’s love and compassion for the poor and the underdog manifested itself in legal those things retired people do.
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