Rural-urban dinner Tuesday The annual Rural - Urban Din­ community groups and at the ber seeing No. 33 on the back of ner, designed to bring St. Johns Farm Bureau > office on West a striped shirt as lie serves as a and rural people together in a Higham Street in St. Johns.# line judge. congenial session of getting bet­ Arthur J. Hoist, a National Hoist was born in -Galesburg, ter acquainted, will be held next Football League game official, 111., and graduated from Knox Tuesday, April 8, at Smith Hall. has been scheduled as the prin­ College. He dld.graduate work at The Clinton County Farm Bu­ cipal speaker, but other forms of the University of Illinois in econ­ reau is again one of the sponsors entertainment are also planned. omics, marketing and salesman­ of the dinner, with the St. Johns The Wilsonalres of St. Johns ship. He served three and a half Jaycees acting as co-sponsors High School, under the direction years in the Army in World War this year. of Eric VanCamp, will provide n and "graduated" as a captain. The dinner will start at 7:15 some musical selections. Rev He was a salesman for ten p.m. at Smith Hall In St. Johns. Hugh Banninga of St. John's Epis­ years, and began his present A family -style swiss steak din­ copal Church will be master of duties as administrator of the ner .will be served by the ladies ceremonies. Forest Park Foundation of of St. Peter's Lutheran Church Peoria, III., in 1957. The founda­ of Riley Township. HOLST WILL SPEAK on the tion is a non-profit corporation Tickets are available' from topic "The Challenge of the Pro." dedicated to financing action pro­ members of the Jaycees and He is a familiar sight in the pro grams aimed at making the com- from Farm Bureau directors, football ranks, ifyou can remem­ (Stoiy continued on Page 3-A) ARTHUR J. HOLST 113th Year, No. 49 St. Johns, Michigan - Wednesday, April 2, 1969 15 Cents County enters DeWitt assessment hassle The board of supervisors has was no action taken—official or :%&&*:%W&:#W:#^^ named a committee to meet with unofficial—on another request by the DeWitt Township Board of Green for the supervisors to re­ Review to discuss possibly block­ quest the State Tax Commission City meeting postponed ing certification of a disputed tax to. make a complete reassess­ assessment roll. ment of DeWitt Township. A public meeting to discuss St. Johns' financial problems was } The'board's action Monday The DeWitt Township tax postponed Monday night and rescheduled for this Thursday - afternoon was unofficial. They assessment roll has been a mat­ evening. Z were meeting as a committee of ter of contention for most .of The meeting will.be held at 8 p.m. in the municipal building" the' whole following a brief of­ 1969. Numerous protests for auditorium., Charts- and drawings to help illustrate the problems — Clinton County News colorphoto by Lowell G. Rlnker ficial meeting at 10 a.m. when assessment increases of from will be presented; • , Xey apprweda r^onin^'requ^ .;, Another-meeting is planned ,for ;/7;3^ptm.£neXt Monday, April i^-.j i But-' durr.ing their informal" by the/boaraW^eVfSWr' 7, in the community-room of •the^enixal..National Bank.across. *Jkspring flower among flowers af ter noon meeting, Chairman .:. One of the prime, points., of from the.municipal building, . ' '-'^ ' ^5^v,It's spring, by golly, and Easter time;, too. , All.dressed up^tn Easter finery is doM-rike'NicoIe.v Walter Nobis, finance chairman contention was o'yer the price 6t K*M*M'M*M.»V-»H' Gerald Shepard and DeWItt's two land. Township Supervisor Nel­ Beauforev-4;..daughter orMrand Mrs Lynne Beaufbre of 7dl'E- Baldwin Street, St.. Johns. Easter : district s u p e r vl s o r s, Roy son has assessed land along the .lilies weren'f'in bloom yet last week when'this picture was taken at Howe's Greenhouse, but Niki Andrews and Gerald Lankford, Looking Glass River at $1,343 were authorized by the board to per acre and land along the Remy* 2 Gratiot youths '"'placed herself against a background of yellow mums and latched onto some colorful daffodils and meet with the DeWitt Township Chandler Drain at $863 per acre, , » geraniums to give spring a royal welcome to Clinton County. Review Board. citing the "good drainage and suti- Also to be included in the dlvisional possibilities of the in collision meetings is county Equalization Looking Glass land. P-W working Director Lorenz Tiedt. The protestors at the board- Two Gratiot County youths died Lawrence hospitals whore they CD test Saturday The unofficial action by the meeting Monday represented the in a two-car smashup on US-27 are recovering. Dr Smith, health out bonding Don't be alarmed when the board generally followed the Citizens for Fair Taxes Com­ last Tuesday evening, hiking to Kanitz was killed outright, and city's five civil defense sirens wishes of a group of persons who mittee, and they objected to those four the number of traffic fatal­ Mailand died several hoiirt: later. sound off this Saturday noon. attended the meeting to protest assessment bases. George Baird ities in Clinton County so far this Also injured In the collision issue details told the board his committee unit head, dies It's only the quarterly test of the assessmentsbyDeWittTown- year. .- were Judie Benjamin, 26, Bonnie i PEWAMO-WESTPHALIA-The ship Supervisor Reginald Nelson. feels the land should be assessed The victims, Richard C. Jo Benjamin, 5, and Catherine the sirens .to make sure they are for agricultural purposes when it P-W School Board is working out in operating order and to give Present were George BairdJ Kanitz, 18; of 481Fillmore, Benjamin, 1, all passengers in Dr Franklin W. Smith, long­ the needs of the school district Stanley Baird, Richard Ross, is still being used for agriculture. Ithaca, and Stephen Mailand, 18, the Klopp car ami all residents residents a reminder of what Stan Baird called the assess­ time St. Johns physician and in preparation for a building bond they sound like. Russell Bauerle and Lloyd Wilt, of 1053.W. Monroe Road, St. of the same address. medical director of the Mid- issue to place before voters this along with their attorney, Tim­ ments "unfair and unequal" and Louis, were in Kanitz'scar which Michigan DistrictHealth Depart­ year. Police Chief Everett Glazier othy Green of St. Johns. said his property would not have was s.truck broadside. ment, died unexpectedly early About 170 junior high students said the sirens will blow for ^ They asked the board of super­ development potential for • State police reported Kanitz's Saturday afternoon at his home will be phased .out,of parochial three rhjnutes starting at" noon visors to contact the De.W,itt probably 10 years. car was going south in the pass­ CLINTON COUNTY at 205 W. State Street. schools in the Pewamo and West­ this Saturday, April < 5, Under Review Board and urge them not Their arguments to the board ing lane of US-27 and was a short He \yas. 53. phalia area this fall, and they'll an emergency situation, several to certify the assessment roll. of supervisors were basically distance north .of Webb Road in Funeral services will be held be coming into the public school aerial bombs would be sounded Green told supervisors that if the same that they have been DeWitt Township when he lost today (Wednesday) at 2 p.m. at system. to note the "all clear," but these the roll is not certified it would voicing in public meetings in control of the vehicle. It skidded Since Jan. 1, 1969 will not be exploded this Satur­ avoid the necessity of numerous St. John's Episcopal Church, with An application to the Michigan DeWitt Township on the question. across the median strip into the Rev Hugh Banninga officiating. day, the chief said. protestors going to the State The supervisors also dis­ northbound lanes. Department of Education pro­ Tax Commission individually. Cremation will follow the ser­ poses additions to Pewamo- The civil defense sirens are cussed at some length Monday Ah auto driven byPhlllipKlopp, vice. The body will be at the Westphalia High School on Clln- located atop Clinton Memorial the rewriting of the county rural 49, of 1617 Autumn Lane, Lan­ Hoag Funeral Home until time tdnla Road and an addition to the Hospital, Hettler Motor Sales, WHILE THE BOARD went along zoning ordinance/bringing up the sing, struck the'Kanitz car broad­ of service. Pewamo Elementary School. Pe­ Federal-Mogul, Sealed Power with this request by naming four possibility of hiring the legal side. Both he and his wife, Mar­ THIS TIME LAST Dr', Smith has been medical wamo Elementary is already and the Clinton .County Court­ of their members to meet with firm of Timothy Green and Paul tha, were severely, injured and YEAH: 6 director of the Mid-Michigan filled to capacity. house. the DeWitt Review Board, there (Story continued on Page 2-A) were taken to Sparrow and St., District Health Department since Sept. 6, 1966, and was the de­ partments first director. He has been on a leave of absence, hdWever,: since last September DR FRANKLIN SMITH I Recollection of d twister While working on his master's degree in public health admini­ and Maude Briggs Smith. He stration at the University of attended Ovid High School* Al­ Michigan. bion College and the University 9 Well-known in the St.
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