WELCOME TO MOJO-ANIMAL PLANET 2017 The Animal Planet range for 2017 is the best we have Judge for yourself, our latest 2017 figures include a We are rightly proud of our 2017 range and it is ever showcased. Giant Tortoise, Hunting T-Rex and Shire Horse that largely due to a team of people that are passionate surpass both in terms of quality and style most if not all about what they do and how well they can do it. Their A tremendous amount of work over the past year has others available in the market. dedication, hard work and true belief in what we are helped to produce our finest product portfolio to date. trying to achieve is borne out in the product range for Birds and Sealife also feature highly for the coming year Without doubt 2017 sees the finest range of figures we the coming year. Thank you to the Mojo team you don’t with 6 new Sealife models being produced in Portugal. have ever produced and with a quality that matches see, every team member has worked extremely hard and in a lot of instances surpasses the best that are Whilst new additions are always the main feature for over the past year and deserves a mention. currently available. any company we have also revamped many of our older models, in most cases the results surprised even Our aim has always been to achieve the accolade of ourselves. Check out the many items in our catalogue being the finest animal figurine producer in the world marked “New Colour 2017” compare them with and whilst we wouldn’t go as far as to say that at this previous/older versions and make your own decision. time, what we would say is that we are on the right track. SIZES Small Medium Large Extra large XXL Deluxe POS & CONTENTS Accessories 04 10 FARMLAND 12 PREHISTORIC & EXTINCT 34 WOODLAND 48 WILDLIFE 56 SEALIFE 76 FANTASY 84 POS & Accessories 387509 Animal Planet 68cm Wooden Display 387511 Animal Planet 1m Wooden Display 387515 Animal Planet 1m LED Light Up Display 5 387256P Golden Dragon 387212P Brachiosaurus 387191P Single item packaging Unicorn Modular packaging design with an open platformstyle showcases the Animal Planet branding element to best effect whilst preserving the products quality and its tactile nature. Easier to handle in-store, avoiding problematic messy display areas and offering a gift packed option. Animal Planet Displays and in-store POS material will complement the range ensuring a strong shelf presence. 6 387006P 387218P 387069P Giraffe Tinker Mare Arabian Stallion Black New 2015 387096P 387173P 387248P Sheep (Ram) Sunbear Dalmatian 7 387702 Wildlife Playscape 8 387701 Dino Playscape 9 WILDLIFE SERIES 387400 387401 387402 387403 387404 Tiger Lion Hippopotamus Rhinoceros Cape Buffalo 387405 387406 387407 387408 387409 Crocodile Giraffe Elephant Zebra Cheetah 10 DINOSAUR SERIES 387410 387411 387412 387413 387414 Velociraptor Tyrannosaurus Rex Brachiosaurus Parasaurolophus Stegosaurus 387415 387416 387417 387418 387419 Triceratops Smilodon Woolly Mammoth Spinosaurus Ankylosaurus 11 DID YOU KNOW? THE FJORD HORSE, OR NORWEGIAN FJORD HORSE TO GIVE IT ITS CORRECT TITLE, IS ONE OF THE OLDEST AND PUREST HORSE BREEDS IN THE WORLD. NATIVE TO NORWAY THE FJORD HORSE IS BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN FIRST DOMESTICATED SOME 4,000 YEARS AGO AND WAS USED BY THE VIKINGS AS WAR MOUNTS. 387148 Fjord Horse Fjord Pferde NEW COLOUR 2017 387077 387063 Billy Goat NEW Ziegenbock Donkey COLOUR Esel 2017 13 387076 Hanoverian Stallion Bay Hannoveraner Hengst Rotbraun 387071 Hanoverian Stallion Chestnut Hannoveraner Hengst Fuchs 387072 Hanoverian Foal Running Hannoveraner Fohlen Laufend 14 NEW COLOUR 2017 387069 Arabian Stallion Black Araber-Hengst Schwarz 387194 NEW COLOUR Arabian Mare In Foal 2017 Araber Stute Trächtig NEW 387084 387073 COLOUR Arabian Stallion Chestnut 2017 Arabian Foal Eating Araber-Fohlen Fressend Araber-Hengst Fuchs 15 NEW COLOUR 387070 2017 Clydesdale Horse Brown Clydesdale-Pferd braun 387085 Clydesdale Horse Black & White Clydesdale-Pferd Schwarz-weiß NEW COLOUR NEW 2017 COLOUR 2017 387108 387150 Appaloosa Stallion Appaloosa Stallion Chestnut Blanket Appaloosa Hengst Appaloosa Fuchs Braun mit Weißen Absetzern 16 387075 Lipizzaner Stallion Lipizzaner-Stute 387074 Lipizzaner Mare Lipizzaner-Hengst 387149 387109 Andalusian Grey Andalusian Black Andalusier (Grauschimmel) Andalusier (Rappe) 17 387124 387152 Morgan Stallion Chocolate Palomino Morgan Hengst (Palomino schokobraun) Morgan Stallion Bay Morgan Hengst (Brauner) 387121 387151 Quarter Horse Buckskin Quarter Horse Sooty Bay Quarter Horse (Hellbraun Farbe) Quarter Horse (Dunkelbrauner) 18 387218 Tinker Mare Tinker Stute 387219 Tinker Yearling Tinker Jährling NEW COLOUR 2017 NEW COLOUR 2017 387196 Suffolk Punch Foal Suffolk Punch Fohlen 387195 Suffolk Punch Mare Suffolk Punch Stute 19 387231 Shetland Pony 387232 Shetland Foal Shetland Fohlen NEW 2017 387230 Orlov Trotter Orlow Traber 387282 Welsh Pony 20 NEW 2017 387232 Shetland Foal Shetland Fohlen NEW 2017 387281 Freisian Mare 387290 Shire Horse 21 DID YOU KNOW? THE SPANISH BULL IS ONE OF THE FEW DOMESTIC CATTLE THAT ARE KNOWN TO DEFEND THEMSELVES SUCCESSFULLY FROM NOT JUST SMALLER PREDATORS SUCH AS WOLVES BUT LARGER CATS AS WELL. SPANISH BULLS HAVE EVEN DEFEATED LIONS IN ARENA FIGHTS OF THE PAST. 387224 Spanish Bull Spanische Stier NEW NEW COLOUR COLOUR 2017 2017 387202 387199 Highland Calf Highland Cow Highland Kalb Highland Kuh 22 387220 Simmental Cow Simmentaler Fleckvieh NEW COLOUR 2017 387147 387117 387144 Jersey Calf Standing Jersey-Kalb Stehend Jersey Cow Jersey Calf Laying Down Jersey-Kuh Jersey-Kalb Liegend 23 387222 Texas Longhorn Bull Texas Longhorn-Bulle NEW COLOUR 2017 NEW COLOUR 2017 NEW COLOUR 2017 387062 387061 387082 Holstein Cow Holstein Calf Standing Holstein-Kuh Holstein Calf Laying Down Holstein-Kalb Stehend Holstein-Kalb Liegend 24 387083 Hereford Calf Looking Up Hereford-Kalb Aufschauend 387066 Hereford Bull Hereford-Bulle 387067 Hereford Cow Grazing Hereford-Kuh Grasend 387068 Hereford Calf Standing Hereford-Kalb Stehend 25 387081 387059 Black Faced Sheep (Ram) Schwarzköpfiges Schaf (Bock) Black Faced Lamb Standing Schwarzköpfiges Lamm Stehend NEW COLOUR 2017 NEW COLOUR 2017 NEW COLOUR 2017 NEW COLOUR 2017 387060 387058 Black Faced Lamb Laying Down Black faced Sheep (Ewe) Schwarzköpfiges Lamm Liegend Schwarzköpfiges Schaf (Mutterschaf) 26 387054 387056 387055 Pig (Sow) Piglet Feeding Piglet Schwein (Muttersau) Ferkel Fressend Ferkel DID YOU KNOW? PIGS ARE THE SMARTEST DOMESTIC ANIMAL ON THE PLANET, MORE SO THAN CATS AND DOGS. BUT THEY DON’T HAVE SWEAT GLANDS SO THEY ROLL AROUND IN THE MUD TO KEEP COOL. 387080 Pig (Boar) Schwein (Eber) 27 NEW COLOUR 2017 387097 NEW Sheep (Ram) COLOUR Schaf (Bock) 2017 387203 Border Collie 387096 387099 NEW Sheep (Ewe) COLOUR Schaf (Mutterschaf) Lamb Laying Down 2017 Lamm Liegend 387098 NEW COLOUR Lamb Standing 2017 Lamm Stehend 28 NEW COLOUR 2017 387052 387051 387053 Hen Standing Cockerel Hen Eating Henne Stehend Hahn Henne Pickend 387065 387236 387235 Mute Swan Hamster Mouse Höckerschwan Maus 29 NEW 2017 387200 387283 Farm Yard Cat Ginger Tabby Cat Hauskatze NEW 2017 NEW NEW 2017 2017 387292 387262 387263 Budgerigar (Blue) Budgerigar (Green) Parrot 30 NEW 2017 NEW 2017 387260 387261 387198 German Shepherd German Shepherd Puppy Golden Retriever 387205 Golden Retriever Puppy 387249 Golden Retriever Welpe 387248 387263 Dalmatian Puppy Parrot Dalmatian Dalmatiner Welpe Dalmatiner 31 387228 Stegosaurus 387043 Stegosaurus 387233 Spinosaurus 33 DID YOU KNOW? CONTRARY TO HOW LARGE IT WAS PORTRAYED IN THE MOVIE ‘JURASSIC PARK’ THE VELOCIRAPTOR WAS ACTUALLY AROUND THE SIZE OF A TURKEY. IT IS ALSO BELIEVED TO HAVE HAD FEATHERS. 387039 Velociraptor Crouching Velociraptor in Hockstellung 387225 Velociraptor 387079 Velociraptor Standing Velociraptor Stehend 34 387226 Tyrannosaurus Rex 387212 Brachiosaurus 387225 Velociraptor 35 NEW 2017 387273 Tyrannosaurus Rex Hunting (Red) 36 NEW 2017 387293 Tyrannosaurus Rex Hunting (Green) 37 NEW NEW 2017 2017 387258 Tyrannosaurus Rex with Articulated Jaw 387274 Allosaurus 38 DID YOU KNOW? MEASURING SOME 12 METERS LONG AND STANDING 4 METERS HIGH AT THE HIPS, T-REX WAS ONE OF THE LARGEST KNOWN LAND PREDATORS. WITH RUNNING SPEEDS OF UP TO 40KPH (25MPH) AND TEETH SOME 30CM LONG, THIS WOULD HAVE MADE T-REX A FORMIDABLE HUNTER. NEW COLOUR 2017 387041 1:15 Tyrannosaurus Rex 39 387044 Brachiosaurus 387234 Ankylosaurus 40 NEW COLOUR 2017 NEW COLOUR 2017 387045 387229 Parasaurolophus Parasaurolophus NEW COLOUR 2017 387046 Tylosaurus 41 387042 Triceratops 387227 Triceratops 387047 Sarcosuchus 42 NEW COLOUR 2017 NEW COLOUR 2017 387157 Hyaenodon gigas 387048 Smilodon Säbelzahntiger 387192 Juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex Junges 43 387049 Woolly Mammoth 1:20 Scale Wollhaarmammut Maßstab 1:20 387050 Woolly Mammoth Calf Wollhaarmammut-Junges 387158 Quagga Steppenzebra 387161 Thylacine Tasmanicher Tiger/Beutelwolf 44 387050 Woolly Mammoth Calf Wollhaarmammut-Junges 387155 Brontotherium 387156 Entelodont Daeodon 387154 Deinotherium 45 387146 Wolverine 387064 NEW Vielfraß COLOUR Iberian Lynx 2017 Iberischer Lux NEW COLOUR 2017 387143 Mountain Lion Berglöwe 387023 European Elk/Moose Europäischer Elch 47 NEW COLOUR 2017 NEW COLOUR 387026 2017 387025 Wolf Hunting Wolf Gehend Wolf Standing Wolf Stehend 387245 387244 Timber Wolf Howling Timber Wolf Cub Timber Wolf Heulen Timber Wölfling 48 387029 387030 Rabbit Black Rabbit Brown & White 387028 Hase Schwarz Hase Braun-Weiß Red Fox Rotfuchs 387164 387032 387031 Ermine Squirrel Running Squirrel Standing Hermelin Eichhörnchen Laufend Eichhörnchen
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