THE OT.jdfiNS NEWS VOLUME XXIII—No. 49. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. THURSDAY AFTERNOOM—JULY 11, 1912. TEN PACES. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR THE EIPECTED house thief In the Chmrches HER RETIRES ”:sfr:™scHoyiEjiHG HETHDDIHT EPIHCMrAL CHERCH. HAS HAPPEHED 1M»TH r.\»4 WKIU: H4»HeWHAT SOOHCAPTOe FIION BOSIESS HOLT STRIKES THE TREE TNDER Ssrvices next Sunday as imual both IMMAIIBD. morning and svenlng. WHICH HAN HAD DRITEN HI. (N>VBK>aK5rT OBDBMM .iU. HHERIEE HCHATET TRAIMD UIH The subjsct for the svnolng sermon JEHHE HELLIVAN IIEITH BECArHE St 7:20 will bs "Hnlloms d Memories" ▼EKT LITTLE INTEREST HHOWN T mjBiM'UPnOIfH P.ilD. HAN TO DETHfllT. 4»E P4MIR HEALTH. Two AuUMDObllM w*iw temaced iMt The story of a man wBd fannd joy In Harry Me Rober ts, son of Mr. and BT TAXPATBRH. WadMsaday aftaraooo In Prie«. Jaaa reonlling the scenes at his boyhood. Mrs. Charles McRobsrta, who raside .•n lijmiiai nair urin Moah*r w« drtvlnic hU PV>ni onr ba- Special music at both asrvliss. about six mllas east of Grand Ledge, wsa struck and inatantly killed by OP TO WITHIII ONE YEW STOLE TEM ON JONE 26TH CHITREH «>P (VHMT. HGTWE DN STREETS 31YERRS lightning about 3 o'clock Saturday - to hla a«or«* in Pr»e«. Mr. Moaher mla- Rev. W. Ia DeramiBB of Hsatoo. aftensoon. The youag man, who was ONLY )3 MERE PRESENT HAD TRADED BOTH ANIMALS TO Mich., will exchange pnlplW with the W AH IN RCHINBIM FOR HIHHELE employad at the farm of Elnisat Clark, WP. HTILL HATE THE UUHT TO tuiolnit out for him to pnaa. Ha pastor I.ord's day. July 14Ch. two and one-half miles northsaat of OTHER PARTIES. TWENTT-FITE TEARH. EXTEND home credit . .turned on aiMed cranhinR Into the He will preach at Doplatn. 11 a. m.; that city, with his smploysr and s T4» LISTEN TD THE BEPDRT OP I iMck end of Mr. Waltz's car. damsctnv I at St. Johns at 3 p. m.; and take port team of ho rses, had sought shelter be ­ Tin: TRCHTBEN. ------------ ! It irroatir. Mr. Waltz was Just retum- In the C. W. P. M. rally on the par ­ neath some treea. when the bolt Thief Das lirvmrht Hack Is HL Johns Will Devote His Time to Taking Bat All PM^ra Hare Thaa a Tsar la idk from I.juiatnK with 80 Jara In the sonage lawn at Duplaln Friday at 2 struck him down. The horses were auto. FVirtjr of them were aaiaahed i p m.. July 12. Tlie public la Invited (sm'fsrt and Ksgalning His Arreara Hnat Carry Eztia and HoMnd 4Mer ts I'irrnit also killed, but Mr. Clark was only Jadge (’. H. Herrill and C. when the craah came. to he«r him. Health. slightly effected by the shock. The Peetave. .Mr. Moaher'a car was damaaed Cenrl. b(Mly of Mr. McRo^rts was taken to Pall Deffv Re-Elected Hcm- isome. Mr. Waltz was alven 150 and j BAPTIST NltTBH. the home of his i>arents, who with two bers ef the Heard. • more If not enouah to fix hia car. I At the Raptlst Church last Sunday, Jesse Sullivan, one of the pion ­ eer business men of Bt. Johns, has brothers, are left to mourn his sud­ AH auba«-rll>era of The .\ewa. wha The team of horses missing from ' the ordinance of baptism was admin ­ den death. The funeral was held the bam of Ds^nis O't'onnor of Bntb istered to a numb^ of persons to closed out bis stock of clothing and are one rear or more In arreafs. are furnishings and retired from active Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock at the Laat Monday evening the annual have been discovered and Arthur becoane members of the Beagal-RIley requeated to pny up their aubaertp- DRMN COMMISSIONER bualneaa. This move was caused by Delta church. school meeting of DIsL No. 4. Bing ­ tlooa at <mce. Thia request la made Johnson when arraigned In justice Baptist Church. At the Cogsmunlon ham. was held In the main mom of court pleaded guilty to the charge of falling health, which he hopes to Im­ because of an order of the (tovem- 1 I service the hand of fellowship was prove by being out of doors as much the high school building. Although It stealing them. The animals were extended to six. ment which compels us to either atop ' 00IN6 BOSINESS as possible cosu a nice sum of ntoney to take all papers which are not paid up to | ________ stolen on the night of June 26tb as Airs. Clarence Smith's Bible (Tlass FOREIDN” SUBSCRIBERS Mr. Sullivan has bsso well-known care of the needs of the dtotrict. very Johnson was returning from Lansing will bold a class social at the par ­ within one year of this date or p^ L... , ^ n«tl^S IN HPITI OF on the business strssU of St. Johns little Interest to taken by the people one cent a copy for each copy entered HLLLS TWO ORAINS IN Jtriif. »r ■where he had been for several days, sonage. Friday evening next. ARE'INIIITEO TO INRITE who have to pay the abot. When the to the Loree farm adjoining the OCon- during bis asrvloe of thirty-one years. in the mails where the aubecripUon la x||K HOT WEATHER, For six years after coming here he meeting was called to order by Mr. one year or nK»rp In arrears. 1 nor farm. Johnson clalrasd that he HENiai. r. B. I'HCRCH. Bntnson only ten taxpayers were found ths horses In the road and did was employed aa a clerk. 'Then he The News does not wish to atop a : ' The Christlao hTndeavor Society of o|iened a clothing business for himself THE KEADEKn OE THE NEDS present, three more coming In a little not know the owner of them. He the Bengal Tnited Brethren church fttnale paper, but It will l»e ImiMaalbie Drain Commissioner I^iila F. Green In the store building now occupied by D l.NT TO HEAR FRtlH THEH. later. at the present rate chanted for the |enday at the home of D. 8 . Mor- took the horsea to the I^ree farm and will give an Ire cream iMieial on the The minutes of the last annual hitched them to an old bugg>- and Frank Ward. This business he con ­ V paper. for u* to pay one cent, for each rison. the Grubauah number two ez- liarsnnagc lawn Friday, July 19. Kv- ducted for twelve years when he sold meeting were read by Secretary Putt, drove to Lainslng. from there going eryone welcome. copy ni«lle«l to aubecribera who are |(.naloii short drain located in the IJke all old established country after which he read the report abow- to Brighton. He traded one of the Grant M. Hudson. Aas't Supt. of the on** vear in arrears w. will be obliaed northwest fractional ^4 section aia newspapers. The News has a num- ing the amount which the board, 'in- to stop tbetu. While w <■ .ire wllMna Creenbiiah. Tlie drain was t»6*- rods horses in Brighton for an old horse Anti-Saloon I.4eague of Mlchiaran will (ler law iwased by the last legis­ and $10 in money. I..esvlng the old lier of subscribers who were fomisr lo extend u rcaaonal/le binount of jo Im» built with 12 Inch tile speak at Bengal I’nlted Brethren residents of St. Johns, and who now lature. had voted for the C' ling year. horse In the livery bam In Rrighton. church Sunday morning July 21 and credit to our »ul»acrnMTfc. the rovem- section to I..eon> live In different parts of the I’nlted The whole amount needed .;'V:ounts to he took the other one and went to at Bingham I’nlted Brethren In the ev­ Trent haa now stepped In and told us Storkwell for l*»6 ’>0. The tile States; In fact, almost every state In hetw<-en twenty-six art! twenty-seven Detroit. There he traded the horse ening of the 21st. thousand dollars. which utaount 3 .at how tniirh credit we may cive. which H. H Grubauah la to haul to the I’nlon Is represented on our sub ­ Kvery Hutweriber of The News will Qf drain for $17.23. la to for another and $7.5 In money. Then $17.2u«» is to be raised general Johnson, not being satisfied, tried to scription list. 'These former citizens kindly b«»k at the yellow label on furnished by the American Sewer ciirHcii .NtmcE. of St. Johns <;pntlnue to take ;in in ­ tax. h r pai»er. which will te|l him Just ^ (’omiutny of Jackson for sell bis last horse He offered It so Christian Hi-lence meetings will he The terms of Trust •••» C. .M .M-rrill cheaply at a llver>- bam that the own ­ terest in our affairs which Is shown and r. A. INitt having «'xp*r . they w ,-n hie auhrcriptlon expired. The j4jj2.()T. H.K. flnthauah la also to do the held every Wednesday and Sunday by the fact that they continue aa sub ­ nr^iren on the label tells the year concrete work on retaining wall and er became suapictous and ootlOed the evenings at 7:45 p m. at Hsrmonle were re-elected and the n -ting ad­ police. The tmllre arrested him. hut scribers to 'The News, and complain if when the auhaciiptton runs otit. If apron of the drain for $64.90.
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