THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DECEMBER, 1969 Runner PUBLISHED BY THEDEPA RTMENT OF HIGHWAYS VOLUME 6, NUMBER 4 DEPARTMENT OF FERRY DOCKS? The Department is many things to many people. On the coast it not only builds and maintains roads but numerous ferry docks through the Dock Design office . This gallery of facilities, to­ gether with the COVER PHOTO of the Kelsey Bay terminal for the Queen of Prince Rupert, is a sample. Top left is the newly modified Texada Island dock at Bl ubber Bay with the equally new Texada Queen loading. A waiting­ shelter, washrooms, and a parking area were also provided. Top right is the Campbell River end of the Quadra Island ferry run recently modified to take the new Quadra Queen II and, middle left, the other end at Quathiaski Cove. Right is the Powell River landing for Comox Queen and, bottom left, the Little River terminal at the Comox side. both modified recently to handle the larger Queen of the Islands during the slimmer. Bottom right is the new He r­ iot Bay terminal on Quadra Island for the new Cortes Island service where the Quadra Queen I will be used . Two new ferries, Texada Queen and Quadra Queen II went into service this year. 2 THE ROAD RUNNER Volume 6 December, 1969 Number 4 >(- >(- Published Quarterly by the British Columbia Department of Highways Victoria, British Columbia Ray Baines, Executive Editor Arthur J. Schindel, Editor >(- >(- Associate Field Editors A. R. Limacher Victoria Bill Ingram Victoria Al Walisser Bridge District Jim Winton North Vancouver With Christmas near I would like again to extend to S. J. Tognela Burnside all employ ees of the Department, particularly those who J. W. Morris Nanaimo run the ferries and operate maintenance equ ipm ent during M. Butler Courtenay the holidays, my personal wish for a M erry Chr istmas David Price British Columbia Ferries Division and Happy N ew Y ear. Th e end of the year this time George Cooper Patrol , North Vancouver brings us to the end of the Sixties. Th ere is a greater Ellis Meads Dock District solemnity about a change of decades because we tend Lloyd Burgess New Westminster to think of our lives and our careers in multiples of ten . Don Osborne Chilliwack As well as these usual seasonal greetings, ther efore, may Jim Ferrier Kamloops I wish everyone in the Department the best of everything Edie Smith Williams Lake for the new decade. WESLEY D. BL ACK, Minister. Murray Ramsay Salmon Arm M. J. Newlands ReveIstoke Al Desimone .. Vernon Fred Evans Kelowna J. W. Zaporozan . Penticton Jim Chenoweth Merritt Dave Roberts Lillooet Dorothy Wilkins Grand Forks R. E. McKeown ...__...Rossland S. J. Dixey Ne1son Fred Angrignon New Denver Irene Labelle Creston N. K. Molander Cranbrook Sam Caravetta Fernie John Edgar Golden Steve Sviatko Smithers J. C. Bartsch ._. Pouce Coupe Homer Good Fort SI. John Don Hutton Terrace E. A. Beaumont Prince George H . T . Mi ard, Deput y Minister, left, ma de a presentation on Shirley Hrechka Prince George behalf of Headquarters staff to D . D . (Dudley ) God frey prior to Jack Doddridge Prin ce George his departure from Victoria to assume the position of Regional High way En gineer in North Vancou ver. M r. Godfrey who, in C. R. Stephen son Quesnel his limited leisure tim e is active in ma ny outdoor acti vities such George Harper Vanderhoof as ski-ing and m ountain climb ing, has held the position of Chief H. R. Walker Burns Lake Engineer in the Department since 1963. He has served in var­ ious parts of the Province as District Engineer, Divisional En gi­ W. R. Ball Prince Rupert neer, and R egional High way En gineer. Also a bird watcher, he was present ed with a set of binoculars by Headquarters staff. 3 LITHOGRAPHED IN CA NADA BY A . SUTTON. QUEEN'S PRINTER . V ICTORIA, BR ITI SH C O L U M B I A. 10-7 CLUB PAUL A. TON DE­ B. W. (BE RT) JAMESS MIT H ­ VOLD, retired Fort St. WOLF, Regional Of­ MeG REGOR ret ired fice Ma nager in Karn­ fro m his duties as Joh n District Super­ loops, lef t the Depart­ Engineering Assistant intendent, was wished men t on October 24, recently after nine well by frie nds, local 1969, fo r holidays an d years' service. Born in contractors, and De­ reti reme nt leave prior Scotland, Jim worked partment personnel to his retirement De­ 14 years in coal mines cember 31st after more than 23 years' before emigrating to Canada in 1934 and when about 150 peo­ service. Mr. Wolf joined the Depart­ to Dease Lake, British Co lumbia. in 1935. ple gathered earlier this year at a surprise ment of Public Works in 1946 after ser­ There he made his living trapping and party for him. Since Mr. Tondevold vice in the Ca nadian Army during World mining un til 1960. He then joined the began work with the Department in 1956, War II. He started as a Stockman in Construction Branch at work on the he has been a Construction Superintend­ Kam loops and rose through various pro­ Stewart-Cassiar Road and remained there motions to Regional Office Manager in during his service, except for three years ent on various highway and bridge pro­ 1956 . At a ban quet in his honour, .. down south" in Chetwynd. Jim plans jects, a Toll Bridge Superintendent, and, October 23rd, representatives from Head­ to take a trip to Aus tra lia during the finally, a District Superintendent. He quarters were A. E. Rhodes, Comptroller winter and return to the Cassiar country spent seven years in the Fort St. John of Expenditure; M. G. Elston, Senior next summer, where he may look for Planning Engineer; D. F. Martin, Senior some gold caches hidden in the early District and, during this time, he left an Maintenance Engineer; A. R. Lirnacher, days. impression on the whole area, including Assistant to Executive; S. Price, Assis­ QQQ Fort Nelson, Cassiar, the motor-trans­ tant to Comptroller of Expenditure. Pre­ ED ARNSTON, a long-time employee port industry, pipe-line contractors, and sentations were made from the Depart­ ment and from his local office staff. in the Mechanical Branch and Shop Fore­ others doing work on Crown land; he man in the Fort St. John District, re­ supervised construction on all roads and signed this year so that he can become bridges connected with the W. A. C. a full-time farmer. Friends and associ­ Bennett Dam. He reconstructed 50 miles ates bid farewell with gifts of tools and garden furniture. of the Hudson Hope Road to paving MEL LANGLAND, standards, including two major bridges Bridgeman 2, recent­ ly retired after 21 (his pet project), and constructed or re­ years of service with W. JACK WHIBLEY retired after 10 constructed hundreds of miles of district the Rossland bridge years with the Department. Jack was roads and numerous bridges in the dis­ crew. He was pre ­ one of the few old-timers who stuck at trict. Pat has left Fort St. John, but not sented with a meri­ labouring. A gathering was held for him and Mrs . Whibley, with many best the Department. He has spent the past torious service scroll by District Superintendent R. E. Me­ wishes from everyone. summer supervising construction projects Keown. Q Q Q in Region 4 and it is hoped he will do this on. future construction projects. September 30th marked the end of 24 years' service with the Department for L. RAY HIRTLE, of the Grand Forks JOHN M. BOT­ road crew. During this time he worked TERILL, Clinton as Labourer, temporary Bridge Elimina­ Foreman, retires at tion Foreman, and Maintenance Fore­ the end of December man. He plans to make a trip to Sas­ katchewan to visit his twin sister. After after 40 years with the ROD MORRISON, that he is not likely to find time hanging Department. A fare­ Headquarters Bridge heavy on his hands as he is an active well gathering was member of the Masonic Lodge, a grand­ Foreman 3, Vancou­ held November 14th, father to four lively youngsters, and he ver , retired October including both District and Regional has many interesting hobbies. Upon his Ist. He joined the retirement, Ray received the meritorious Highway staff along with many others Department in 1955, service award for 24 years of service. from the Clinton area. Gifts were pre­ and has worked on sented to both John and his wife. such bridges as the Brilliant Bridge, the Mica Creek bridges, ANDY DAVIS. Ferryman on the Cedarvale ferry, retired April 18, 1969, the North Thompson bridges, and more after 14 years' service with the Depart­ recently completed West Twin Creek ment. Andy will make South Hazelton and McBride Bridges. Before 1955, CHARLES HENRY SLATER retired his retirement home. Rod worked as a structural steelworker, from the Department of Highways, Mer­ QQQ beginning his trade on the Pattullo and ritt Maintenance Branch, on September CHRIS PEDERSEN, Labourer on the 30, 1969, after more than 21 years of Lions Gate Bridges, back in the '30s. Telkwa road crew, retired after 13 years He is married and is "Grandpa" to two service. He was presented with a wallet with the Department. Chris was pre­ girls . His immediate plans are to take containing money and a service scroll sented with a gift by Road Maintenance a trip back to Scotland. signed by the Minister. Foreman Vern Flockhart. 4 NEW FACES IN NEW PLACES WEDDINGS PROMOTIONS KEN R. WI LKINS R.
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