SUNDAY, JUNE 06, 2021 Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist You Are What You Eat holy scriptures are read in the Church,” priest prays on behalf and as part of the Most of us remember from our child- teaches the Church. The relationship community, in the plural person: “Let us hood using this phrase in fun. However, between God’s Word and the Eucharist give thanks…We come to you with praise this expression describes well our ex- have been strengthened by the develop- and thanksgiving…” Through the deacon perience of Holy Communion. When we ment of a 3-year cycle of scripture read- and other ministers, we encounter Je- consume earthly food, it is absorbed ings to be used for Sunday Mass. The sus Christ who came to serve. into our system, digested, converted Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass, into energy or waste; our food becomes the books that contains the Mass scrip- 4) Christ is Present in the Church at part of us. Yet when we receive Holy ture readings, sums it up in this way: “In Prayer Communion, we become united with Je- the hearing of God’s word the Church is While Christ is truly present at Mass in sus Christ so much that we truly become built up and grows…past works in the the Word proclaimed, the Eucharistic what we receive. Jesus became human history of salvation are presented anew bread and wine, and in the ministry of the so that we might become divine, and in as mysterious realities.” priest, the Constitution on the Sacred the Eucharist, we truly gain a share in Liturgy of Vatican II affirmed that Christ God’s own life. 2) Christ is Present in is present “when the Church prays and the Bread and Wine sings, for he promised: ‘Where two or Really and Truly Present We believe that through the power of the three are gathered together in my name, We believe that Jesus Christ – God’s own Holy Spirit and the prayer of the Church, there I am in the midst of them.’” Mass Son – is really and truly present in the bread and wine are changed into the is not a “spectator sport”, in which the consecrated bread and wine. But it also Body and Blood of Christ. In the Litur- priest performs and the people mere- points beyond our earthly experience gy of the Eucharist, the priest, praying ly watch. The celebration of the Mass towards a union with Christ that is im- with and for the people, makes the sac- - Word and Eucharist - requires the par- possible to explain this side of heaven. rifice of the cross real again by taking ticipation of all the faithful because we All sacraments are outward signs of an the bread and wine, asking God to bless are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a invisible grace, the working of God in our it, then breaking the bread and sharing holy nation, God’s own people.” Through lives. This holy meal is truly a Commu- it. Just as the apostles ate and drank at texts in the language of the people, mu- nion with God. the Last Supper, we all eat and drink to sic accessible to the assembly, and a be nourished to continue Christ’s sav- fuller understanding of what we do, we Take and Drink ing work in the world. The Eucharistic are all called to engage fully each and ev- Catholics believe that we encounter God Prayer is the center and heart of the ery Sunday in this most holy liturgy. above all in sacramental signs. In Holy whole Mass, and in it, the Church gives Communion, we share in God’s own life thanks to God for saving us from sin and Things to think about: through the sacrament of Jesus’ own death. • Am I really present to the presence Body and Blood. Even though we receive of Christ in the Eucharist? the “whole Christ” – body, blood, soul, 3) Christ is Present in the priest • What keeps me from being truly and and divinity – when we receive Commu- Among the many ways Christ is present really present to God at Mass? nion under the form of bread alone, re- at Mass is in the ministry of the ordained • Do I experience Jesus’ presence in ceiving Communion also from the chal- priest who leads the assembly in the cel- the community, in the Word pro- ice is a more complete participation in ebration. Praying with and in the name of claimed, in the ministry of the priest the Eucharist. In the sign of consecrated the community gathered, the priest acts and others? How can I better en- wine, we see Jesus’ blood outpoured for in the person of Christ, the Head of the counter Jesus in these ways? us and are challenged to drink the com- Church (in persona Christi capitis eccle- • What are some ways I can be the mon cup with our brothers and sisters in siae) in the celebration of the Eucharist. presence of Christ to others? Christ. Each Mass is an action of the whole Church: included in every Eucharistic How Christ is Present in the Mass Prayer are prayers for the Church, for 1) Christ is Present in the Word of God the pope, and for the local bishop. And, “It is truly Christ who speaks when the throughout the Eucharistic Prayer, the 2 From the Pastor’s Desk CLERGY & STAFF Fr. Bedel Priests Fr. Jason Bedel Fr. Maria Raju Pasala Pastor Parochial Vicar 513.697.3101 513.697.3102 Beloved in Christ, Deacons Please see this bulletin for information about the historic Paul Blessing Mike Muse Marian Pilgrimage commemorating the Bicentennial of the Deacon Deacon Archdiocese of Cincinnati, which is happening now, and will be [email protected] [email protected] at St. Margaret of York this Monday night and Tuesday morning. 513.504.8442 Please bring the family to participate. Visit mary2021.org Mike Huffman Deacon Jeff Perkins [email protected] Deacon Every parish in the Archdiocese is required to host a speaker 513.313.1121 [email protected] for the Mission Cooperative Plan (MCP) once a year. Next 513.226.6665 weekend, our very own Fr. Pasala will share with us some of Ray Kroger Deacon the opportunities in the Archdiocese of Hyderabad in India, [email protected] his home diocese, which is also a mission diocese. Thanks in 513.677.2878 advance for your generous witness! 90% of what we raise will go to the missionary efforts of the Archdiocese of Hyderabad. Parish Staff Per the policy, 10% will go to mission groups who were not able Michael Ott Melissa Capella to participate in the MCP. Director, Administration Coordinator of & Finance Religious Education [email protected] [email protected] We were recently at a meeting for priests regarding Beacons 513.697.3103 513.697.3105 of Light, the planning campaign for the third century of the Archdiocese. Please stay tuned for important information and Kathy McGaughy Birgitt Hacker go to catholicaoc.org and click on “Beacons of Light.” Here is a Office Manager Pastoral Associate of [email protected] Adult Faith Formation little. I like to start with the good news: 513.697.3108 & Ministries • Seven men were ordained priests for the Archdiocese of [email protected] Cincinnati last month. Jacilyn Jackson 513.697.3114 • Seven more will be ordained next year. Administrative Assistant [email protected] Michelle Manczyk • God may be calling your son to serve the Archdiocese as 513.697.3109 Communications a priest. Coordinator Tony Arnold [email protected] Other statistics: Pastoral Associate 513.697.3111 of Liturgical Music • There are 210 parishes in the Archdiocese. [email protected] • We have 149 diocesan priests. 513.697.3107 • 100 of our diocesan priests are pastors. • 19 of those pastors are 70 years of age or older. • 9 of those pastors are 75 years of age or older. • 38 priests are likely to retire by 2025. • About half of current pastors could retire in 10 years. School Office Staff Kristin Penley Allison Holland Principal Office Manager Thanks for your prayers. Be assured of my daily prayers for 513.697.3123 [email protected] you. 513.697.3122 Megan Phelan God bless, Advancement Director Stacy Brandel [email protected] Administrative Assistant Fr. Bedel 513.697.3125 [email protected] 513.697.3121 3 Public Mass Times Monday & Thursday 8:15 am | 6:00 pm Tuesday & Friday: 8:15 am Wednesday: 6:45 am* | 8:15am (*Extraordinary Form) Friday: 8:15 am Saturday: 8:15 am | 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 am** | 10:00 am*** 12:00 pm | 5:30 pm (**No Music, ***Mass is Livestream) 33 Days, 36 Stops Along the Way Live Stream Mass Catholics unable to attend Sunday Mass can tune in and watch online live-streams STOP TWENTY FOUR from St. Margaret of York. St. Margaret of York Live Mass from June 7, 2021 St. Margaret of York 6:00pm | Mass Sunday Mass 6:30pm | Living Rosary (outside) 10:00am EST 7:00pm | Veneration of Fatima Statue 7:30pm | Marian Concert with Marian Meditation Youtube: (Veneration of Fatima Statue continues after concert) bit.ly/SMOY-Youtube *Notice of Filming and Photography June 8, 2021 In order to offer Mass online, we will be live streaming during the 10:00am Sunday Mass. This means there is a possibility your image 8:15am | Mass and Pilgrim Blessing and likeness may appear on camera. 9:30am | Pilgrims Depart 4 Presale Orders & Tickets Please make all checks payable to St.
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