Heredityl2 (1994) 126—131 Received 1 June 1993 Genetical Society of Great Britain Genetic control of plastidic L-glutamate dehydrogenase isozymes in the genus apsella (Brassicaceae) HERBERT HURKA* & SABINE DURING University of Osnabruck, Faculty of Biology/Chemistry, Botany, Barbarastr. 11, D-49069 Osnabrück, Germany Leafextracts of three Capsella species (Brassicaceae), two diploids and one tetraploid, have been analysed for isozymes of L-glutamate dehydrogenase on polyacrylamide gels. A plastidic GDH (EC consisted of at least seven bands. Progeny analyses and crossing experiments revealed that within the two diploid species two genetic loci code for this pattern. One of the loci, Gdhl, appeared to be monomorphic. The other locus Gdh2, is polymorphic and segregates for three alleles determining allozymes in accordance with Mendelian inheritance. Estimates of out- crossing rates based on segregation at the Gdh2 locus support the view that one of the diploid species is highly inbred whereas the other is an obligate outbreeder. In the tetraploid species, both loci are apparently duplicated so that four instead of two genes determine the polypeptide structure of plastidic GDH. These loci share the same alleles with the diploid species and no additional allozymes have been detected. Keywords:Capsella,GDH, gene duplication, isozyme loci, polymorphism, subcellular location. Introduction reveals a seven or even more banded pattern (Srivastava & Singh, 1987 for reference). Its subcellular Glutamatedehydrogenase, GDH, EC, has location and the underlying genetics have not been been found in almost all types of organisms. In higher clearly resolved. Two genes are thought to be respon- plants, organ and tissue specificity as well as subcellular sible for the polypeptide structure of GDH. This, how- location have been studied, indicating that GDH is ever, has to be further substantiated as genetic analyses present in different plant tissues and that it occurs in are almost lacking. mitochondria, plastids and the cytosol (Stewart et a!., This paper provides evidence that in the genus Cap- 1980; Srivastava & Singh, 1987 for reference). The se/la(Brassicaceae) an overall GDH zymogram from enzyme GDH catalyses the reversible conversion of leaf extract is of different subcellular origin, plastidic 2-oxoglutarate and L-glutamate. There are three forms and extraplastidic. The zymograms of both GDH frac- of GDH with different coenzyme specificity (NAD ÷ - tions were multiple banded. Two genetic loci in the GDH,EC; NAD(P)-GDH, EC; diploid Capsella species code for the plastidic patterns. NADP-GDH, E.C. The NAD -linked One locus appeared to be monomorphic whereas the GDH has been described in general as the mitochon- other locus is polymorphic and segregates for three drial form and the NADP -linked as the chloroplast determining allozymes. In the tetraploid species, both enzyme. However, both enzymes can use both genes are duplicated. coenzymes, NAD +andNADP. Therefore, coenzyme specificity as such cannot be used as a marker for sub- Materials and methods cellular localization. In higher plants the GDH is a homohexameric P/ant material enzyme (Stewart et al., 1980; Loulakis & Roubelakis- Angelakis, 1990, 1991; Bhadula & Shargool, 1991). Investigations were carried out on the plants raised Electrophoresis on polyacrylamid gels (PAGE) often from seeds collected individually in the wild covering a wide geographical area (samples from Finland, *Correspondence Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland GENETICS OF GDH IN CAPSELLA 127 and the U.S.A.). All plants were grown in the green- chloroplast fraction (Winter et al., 1982). Protein was house. Leaves of single plants were harvested and estimated by the method of Bradford (1976). stored at —80°C.Plant material included the two diploid species (2 n =2x=16)Capsella grandiflora (Fauché & Chaub.) Boissier and Capsella rubella Results Reuter and the tetraploid species (2n =4x=32) Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medicus. Subcellu/ar localization of GDH Differential centrifugation separated the crude extract NativePAGE from Capsella leaves into a plastidic and an extraplastic Allsteps were performed at 4°C. Extracts were pre- fraction. The chloroplast-containing fraction was pared from 1 g leaves of single plants. The leaves were identified by marker enzymes. Neither the mitochon- homogenized in 0.5—1 ml ice-cold extraction buffer drial nor the cytosolic marker enzyme could be containing 0.16 M Tris-HCI; pH 8.0; 0.107 M glycin. detected in this specific fraction, only NADP-GAPDH The extract was filtered through four layers of mull and activity was recorded (Table 1). From the comparison centrifuged for 20 mm at 39,000 g. The supernatant of the electrophoretic pattern of the crude extract with was stored at —80°C.Then 60 dul extract of each that of the chloroplast fraction, it was evident that the sample was loaded on a native 5.5 per cent PA gel with most cathodic banding pattern was of chloroplast gel buffer 0.375 M Tris-HC1, pH 8.8, and electrode origin. buffer 0.125 M Tris-borate, pH 8.9. Electrophoresis was performed at 75 V for 5—6 h. The gels were equili- Geneticsof the plastidic GDH in Capsella rubella brated in 100 ml staining solution containing 0.015 M Tris-HC1, pH 8.5, 53 mM L-glutamate, 0.8 mM Allindividuals assayed (more than 400) displayed a NAD, 0.3 mM NBT. After 30 mm, 0.08 mM PMS seven-banded plastidic GDH pattern. The fastest (most was added and the gels were stained over-night in the anodal) band always appeared in the same position on dark (Dowerg, 1990). The gels have been preserved the gel. This is the reference band with Rf =100(inter- and routinely photographed. nal standard). The slowest (most cathodal) band was found at two positions, at Rf= 52 and RI =64 (Fig. 1). Progeny analyses revealed the true breeding nature Subce/lularfractionation of these seven-banded patterns clearly indicating that Allsteps were performed at 4°C. The crude extract two genes rather than two different alleles of one gene was prepared as described by Walker (1980) with some are involved (Table 2). One gene (Gdhl) is fixed in all modifications for Capsella: 10 g leaves were extracted individuals at position Rf 100 which refers to allele 1, in 300 ml ice-cold buffer A (330 mM sorbitol, 25 mM thus giving the genotype Gd/il—li. The other gene MES, pH 6.5, 5 mM MgCl2, 5 per cent PVP, 0.2 per cent (Gdh2) is polymorphic, allele 1 at position Rf= 52 and BSA). The leaves were dissolved in an Ultra Turrax T allele 2 at position RI =64.Genotypes coding for the 25 (3 x 5 s). The extract was filtered through eight only two observed GDH patterns in Capsella rubella layers mull and one layer miracloth and centrifuged in are, therefore, Gd/il—li Gdh2—1l and Gd/il—il a swing-out rotor at 7500 g for 1 mm. The pellets were Gdh2—22 (Fig. 1, Table 2). No heterozygotes were resuspended in 10—15 ml buffer B (330 mM sorbitol, detected so far. 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.8, 4 mM EDTA, 2 mM MgCl2, 2 mM MnC12, 0.2 per cent BSA) and underlayered with 10 ml 40 per cent Percoll in buffer B. This gradient was centrifuged for 2 mm at 4000 g. The Table I Enzyme activities of marker enzymes specific for chloroplast pellet was resuspended and washed again the cytosol (a), mitochondria (b), and chioroplast (c) with 10—15 ml buffer B for 2 mm at 2500 g. The measured in leaf extracts of Capsella rubella enzyme activity of the crude extract and of the chloro- plast fraction were tested with marker enzymes. The Activity (units/mg of protein) cytosolic marker enzyme was UDP-glucose pyrophos- Crude extract Chioroplast fraction phorylase (UDPGLc-PPiase), EC (Bergmeyer, 1979). Fumarase, EC, was the mitochondrial (a)UDPGLc-PPiase0.069 0 marker enzyme (Hill & Bradshaw, 1983) and NADP- (b)Fumarase 0.046 0 glyceraldehyd-3-phosphatedehydrogenase (NADP- (c)NADP-GAPDH0.033 0.024 GAPDH), EC, was used to identify the 128 H. HURKA & S. DURING Locus Allele 0Rf 2 1 52 52 2 2 64 64 2 3•76 76 88 88 100 100 Gdh 1—11 Gdh 1—11 Gdh 1—11 Gdh 1—11 Gdh 1—11 Gdh 1—11 0,l 01I d Gdh 2—li Gdh 2—22 Gdh 2—33 Gdh 2—12 Gdh 2—13 Gdh 2—23 Gdh lA—il Gdh lA—il Gdh iA—il Gdh iA—li Gdh iA—li Gdh lA—li TetraIoid" Gdh 18—li Gclh 18—11 Gdh 18—li Gdh 18-11 Gdh 18—11 Gdh 18—11 Gdh 2A—1l Gdh 2A—22 Gdh 2A—33 Gdh 2A—ii Gdh 2A—i1 Gdh 2A—22 Gdh 28—11 Gdh 28—22 Gdh 2B—33 Gdh 28—22 Gdh 2B—33 Gdh 2B-33 Fig. 1 GDH zymograms (schematic diagrams) for diploid and tetraploid Japsella species arid their genetic interpretations. Table 2 Progeny analyses for the plastidic GDH complex in Table 3 Inheritance of Gdh2 genotypes in Capsella Capsella rubella grandiflora. Gdhl is fixed for the same allele giving the genotype Gd/il-Il for all plants Parent genotypes N Progeny genotypes N F1 genotypes GdhJ-IlGdh2-11 6 GdhI-IIGdh2-11 58 GdhJ-llGdh2-22 3 GdhI-JIGdIi2-22 25 Crossings Observed Expected Gdh2-I2xGdh2-12 Gdh2-IJ 5 4 Genetics of plastidic GDH in Capsella grandif/ora Gdh2-12 8 8 Gdh2-22 3 4 Allindividuals analysed (more than 700) had a multi- Gdh2-lIxGdh2-I3 Gdh2-Jl 8 8.5 ple banded plastidic GDH pattern with seven bands Gdh2-13 9 8.5 being the minimum number.
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