Chiroptera Conservation and Information Network of South Asia - CCINSA (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka)

Chiroptera Conservation and Information Network of South Asia - CCINSA (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka)

Chiroptera Conservation and Information Network of South Asia CCINSA (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka) Zoo Outreach Organization, ZOO Conservation Planning Specialist Group, South Asia DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY Chiroptera Conservation and Information Network of South Asia - CCINSA (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) Layout and Compiled by Latha G. Ravikumar, S. Radhika, G. Arul Jagadish and K. Geetha Edited by R. Marimuthu and B.A. Daniel Sponsored by Chester Zoo; Conservation Planning Specialist Group and IUCN SSC Bat Specialist Group Produced by Zoo Outreach Organization Conservation Planning Specialist Group, South Asia July 2021 (Fifteenth electronic publication) Zoo Outreach Organization and CPSG, South Asia 12, Thiruvannamalai Nagar, Saravanampatti Coimbatore 641035, Tamil Nadu, India Phone: +91 9385339862 & 9385339863 Email: [email protected] & CCINSA Office bearers and advisors: Scientific Chair Sripathi Kandula, Reader, Madurai Kamaraj University Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Convenor Sally Walker, Founder/Director, Zoo Outreach Organization Email: [email protected] Immediate past scientific Chair (1999-2004) Marimuthu G., Professor and Head, Madurai Kamaraj University Email: [email protected], [email protected] Red list Advisor Sanjay Molur, Executive Director, Zoo Outreach Organization Email: [email protected] External Advisors Paul Racey, Co-Chair, IUCN SSC Bat Specialist Group, Email: [email protected] Rodrigo Medellin, Professor, UNAM, Mexico, Email: [email protected] Antony Hutson, Red List Authority Focal Point, Email: [email protected] Shahroukh Mistry, Professor, Butte College, USA , Email: [email protected] Thomas Kunz, Professor and Director, Boston University, USA, Email: [email protected] Merlin Tuttle, Founder & President Emeritus, Bat Conservation International, Email: [email protected] OOBBJJEECCTTIIVVEESS OOFF CCCCIINNSSAA • Encourage and promote the study of bats (Volant [flying] mammals) of South Asia, by organizing and running a network of all specialists, providing them useful services. • Maintain a checklist and database – as complete and correct as possible – of bats of South Asia providing local, national and regional information to be shared with important national and international agencies and organizations. • Catalyse, organize, conduct and follow-up conservation assessment and other workshops and training exercises for bat specialists of South Asia and public education projects as appropriate, nationally or regionally. • Follow up such workshops with recommendations to local, state, national and regional wildlife authorities for protection of threatened species of bats and promotion of further studies of Data Deficient species (ongoing but much needs to be done). • Undertake a set of specific “tasks” utilizing the information from the 1997 BCPP Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (C.A.M.P.) workshop and the 2000 Chiroptera CAMP workshop to further enhance our knowledge of bat status in South Asia. • Research and disseminate information about funding sources for field surveys. • Bring out a newsletter of current bat conservation, research, education news (several issues have been brought out and can be found on our website • Prepare a Directory of bat specialists of South Asia for distribution to all network members. • Prepare educational materials on bats at different levels on for conveying to policy makers, politicians, and the public – all ages and languages. • Involve researchers in public education on bats by providing printed material and guidelines. CCOONNTTEENNTTSS Objectives 4 Members list Alphabetical name list 6 Country-wise name list 9 Biodata of CCINSA members Afghanistan 12 Bangladesh 14 Bhutan 20 India 23 Nepal 68 Pakistan 79 Sri Lanka 85 Members from other Region 92 External advisors 95 List of projects: completed and ongoing projects by CCINSA members 98 List of Publications 107 Member’s email ID 128 List of Institutions and Organisations involved in the network 133 CCINSA membership form 137 NOTE Many members did not get back to us with updated information. Please check your entry and if it has mistakes, please send corrections to <[email protected]>. This is the only way we can keep the Directory up to date. No printed versions are available with us. NETWORK SPONSORED BY CHESTER ZOO, CONSERVATION PLANNING SPECIALIST GROUP AND IUCN SSC BAT SPECIALIST GROUP CCINSA Network thanks its donors and sponsors of the network and its various activities. Alphabetical name list ofAlphabetical name list of CCINSA membersCCINSA members Chiroptera Conservation and Information Network of South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka))) AAllpphhaabbeettiiccaall nnaammee lliisstt ooff CCCCIINNSSAA mmeemmbbeerrss A Dhandapany, P.S. Karki, L. Acharya, P.R. Digana, P.M.C.B. Karthik, T. Adhikari, H. Dookia, S. Karuppudurai, T. Adhikari, N. Dorji, D. Kataria, P.S. Akhtar, N. Dovih, D.P. Khadka, A. Alam, S.M.I. Dutta, H. Khan, A. Ali, A. Dutta, S. Khan, M.M.H. Aneesh, K.S. Khan, Md. Asif E Anika, J.S. Khan, Md. Ayaz Elangovan, V. Aparna, S. Khan, Md. Israr Archana, B. G Khan, Md. Niaz Ariyarathna, S.C. Gaikwad, C.M. Khan, S.A. Aryal, A. Ganesh, T. Khanal, S. Aryal, K.C. Ganeshan, M.P.A. Khanal, Y. Asela, M.D.C. Ganjure, R.M. Khatiwada, A.P. Aul, B. Garu, U. Khatri, M.B Aziz, M.A. Ghimire, B.C. Koju, N.P. Ghimire, R. Koli, G.H. B Ghimire, S. Koli, V.K. Bagley, F. Ghosh, M.K. Korad, V.S. Balasingh, J. Goonatilake, M. Krishna, M. Bansode, A.G. Govindan. V.P. Kumar, A.S. Baral, H.S. Kumar, D. Baral, N. H Kumar, K.N. Barolia, S.K. Habibi, K. Kumara, K.M.S.A.S. Baruah, C. Hasanuzzaman, K. Kumarasamy, P. Basistha, S.K. Hassan, M.M. Kunz, T.H. Basnet, K.B. Honnappa, V. Kupwade, V.A. Bates, P.J.J. Hussain, S. Kusuminda, T.G.T. Bhandarkar, S.V. Hutson, A.M. Bhardwaj, C.S. L I Bhat, H.R. Lhendup, U Idnan, M. Bhattacharyya, T.P. Lily, D. Immanuel, J.K. Bhatti, R.Z. Limbu, T. Irulan, A. Bista, M. Isaac, S.S. M Biswas, J. Islam, F.M.S. Madala, M.F. Bohra, D.L. Islam, K.M.F. Madhavan, A. C Islam, N. Mahalia, D. Chakma, S. Islam, S. Mahfuz, S.M.K. Chakraborty, S. Iyer, L.S. Mahmood, S. Chakravarthy, A.K. Majumdar, K. J Chakravarty, R.A. Malikyar, G.M. Javid, A. Chaudhary, B.P. Mallik, A.K. Jayasuriya, A.L. Chaudhary, G. Manandhar, P.P. Jeyapraba, L. Chavhan, P.R. Manimozhi, A. Joshi, D.S. Chowdhury, M.A.W. Marimuthu, G. Joy, T.K. Marimuthu, R. D K Maruthupandian, J. Dahal, S. Kabir, K.A. Masood, J. Daniel, B.A. Kafle, G. Mathai, J. David, P. Kalaichelvan, T. Mathur, P. Debata, S. Kandula, S. Mathur, S.L. Dendup, T. Kantwa, S.M. Mathur, V. Devkar, R.V. Kaphle, R. Meenakshi, B. Raghuram, H. Sitoula, B.K. Mishra, R. Rahman, M.H. Sophia, E. Mistry, S. Raj, D.A. Sreepada, K.S. Mohan, K.C. Raja, N.A. Srinivasulu, B. Molur, P. Rajan, K.E. Srinivasulu, C. Molur, S. Rajchal, R. Subbulakshmi, C. Moore, A. Raman, R. Subedi, R. Muni, M. Raman, S. Subedi, T.R. Muthuandavan, L. Ramanathan, P. Sudhakaran, M.R. Ramanujam, K. Sunny, R. N Ramesh, T. Swamidoss, D.P. Nadeem, M.S. Ranabhat, N.B. Nagulu, V. T Randeniya, P.V. Nair, N.G. Tak, J.R. Ratnayake-Perera, D. Nakarmi, A.P. Talmale, S.S. Reginald, L.J. Nameer, P.O. Thabah, A. Reza, A.H.M.A Nathan, P.T. Thakur, S.S. Rout, M. Nathar, K. Thapa, A. Ruback, P.A. Neupane, H. Thapa, S.B. Nighat, S. S Tharmarajan, R. Noble, A. Sadasivan, K. Thilakarathna, W.K.N. Noureen, S. Saha, S.S. Thiyagesan, K. Sahoo, S.K. Tiple, A.D. P Saikia, U.K. Tshewang, G Padmanabhan, P. Sakthi, V.S. Tuttle, M. Palei, H.S. Salim, M. Paliwal, G.T. V Samarawickrama, V.A.M.P.K. Panneerselvam, V. Vanitharani, J. Sampath, D.C. Panwar, K. Vanlalnghaka, C. Sarker, G.C. Parasharya, B.M. Vantipalli, V. Sarker, S.U. Parves, N. Varu, S.N. Sathasivam, K. Patel, P.K. Vattakaven, J. Selvarathinam, T. Paul, R. Verma, B.K. Senacha, K.R. Paul, S.K. Vidyaratne, V.K.M. Seneviratne, S.S. Pendharkar, A.P. Senewirathne, S.H.S. W Perera, G.N.D. Senthilkumar, K. Wadatkar, J.S. Perera, S.J. Shahbaz, M. Walker, S. Perumalsamy, K. Shaikat, A.H. Walsh, A. Phukan, D. Shailesh, P.D. Wangchuk, T. Phuntsho Sharma, B.B. Wangdi, S. Phuyal, S.P. Sharma, M. Wangyal, J.T. Picot, M. Sharma, S.K. Weerarathna, P.D. Pieris, M.W.V. Shekhawat, D.S. Wenju, R. Pillai, K.G.M. Shihan, T.R. Wijesinghe, T.P.R.S. Pokharel, K.P. Shrestha, A. Wimalarathna, A.C.J. Pope, B. Shrestha, G. Porob, P.C. Y Shrestha, T. Prabhukhanolkar, R.D. Yapa, W.B. Shrestha, T.K. Pradhan, M.S. Yardi, K.D. Shrotriya, S. Prakash, A.A. Sial, N. Z Prasanna, N. Sigdel, P. Zafar, S. Priya, Y.S. Siliwal, M. Purohit, A.K. Singaravelan, N. Pushparani, A.E. Singh, A. R Singh, P. Racey, P. Sinha, S.K. Radha, V.N. Sinha, Y.P. Country-wise name list Afghanistan Bhandarkar, S.V Lily, D. Habibi, K. Bhardwaj, C.S. Madala, M.F. Malikyar, G.M. Bhat, H.R. Madhavan, A. Bhattacharyya, T.P. Mahalia, D. Bangladesh Biswas, J. Majumdar, K. Alam, S.M.I. Bohra, D.L. Mallik, A.K. Aziz, M.A. Chakraborty, S. Manimozhi, A. Chakma, S. Chakravarthy, A.K. Marimuthu, G. Chowdhury, M.A.W. Chakravarty, R.A. Marimuthu, R. Dutta, S. Chavhan, P.R. Maruthupandian, J. Hasanuzzaman, K. Daniel, B.A. Mathai, J. Islam, F.M.S. David, P. Mathur, P. Islam, K.M.F Debata, S.

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