of The Magician Pulilished By The Senior Journalisw Class I THE MAG IC IA.t\ r~- --· BARBERTON CENTRAL·Hlt;H $CHOOL PROF. U. L. LIGHT Mr: H; A. PIEFFER Supt. of Principal of Barberton Public S.chools Barberton High School THE MAGICIAN FACULTY Name Degree College Supt. U. L. Light Ph. B. University of Chicago Prin. H. A. Pieffer B. S. Dennison University Vera Adamson B. A. Michigan University Janet E. Baughman B. A. Flora Stone Mather College Carol M. Bell, B. S. in Ed. University of Illinois Elizabeth Bliler B. A. Flora Stone Mather College G. W. Bowen S. of M. Pennsylvania State School for Music Supervisors L. L. Bowman B. A. Hiram College Mary D. Boyd B. A. Heidelberg College Alta M. Brillhart B. A. Wooster College Marion I. Canright B. S. Dennison University H. L. Davidson B. A. Otterbein College Dorothy J. Drayton B. A. Ohio Wesleyan University G. R. Easterling B. A. Ohio University L. L. Everett B. S. Muskingum College K. W. Harter B. A. Heidleberg College Agnes D. Heuser B. A. Wittenberg College E. L. Hunt B. S. Dennison University Richard S. Hutchings B. A. Wittenberg College Ethel M. Kisling B. A. Muskingum College J. S. McAnlis B. S. Wooster College L. J. Measell B. A. Miami University Joanne B. Menke B. S. Ohio State University Karl M. Mollenberg B. S. in Ed. Ohio Northern University L. L.B. Ohio State Univeri;ity M.A. Wittenberg College John F. Moore B. S. University of Vfrginia J. R. Price B. A. Wittenberg College R. L. Reed Oberlin College Helen Thomas B. S. in Ed. Miami University Esther H. Tur:(ler Ohio State University Bernice Van H:;ning B. S. in Ed. Kent State College H. H. Whiteman M. E. Akron University Ann Williams H; F1. Ohio University H. P. Wisehp.rt B. S. Ohio State University ----~!-IE--- MAGICIAN·------·------------- MAGICL~N STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ASSOCIATE EDITOR THE MAGICIAN THE MAGICIAN "The Magician," the voice of Barberton High School, is published bi-weekly by the journalism class and printed by t he advanced print­ ing classes. It is only through the splendid cooperation of the Barberton merchants that " The Magician" is made possible for five cents. The aim . of the "The M9gician" is to promote school spirit, keep alive traditions, and develop a f eeling of cooperation and good will between the home and the school. The members of the journalism staff in the upper picture are: First row, left to right-Donald Aldrich, sports editor; Alfred Weis­ berger, business manager; Cyril Barnet, news editor; Moray Hille, headline writer; Eleanor Carlisle, scrapbook; Elizabeth Werner, repor­ ter; Josephine Platner, reporter. Second row-Gretchen Stine, feature editor ; Virginia Finley, news editor; and Miss Ethel Kisling, instructor. Third row-Clifford Wallet, business manager; Mildred Wooldridge, exchange editor; Mary Gorance, reporter; Antonette Hanzel, reporter; and Louis Grc­ benak, art editor. Lower left picture-Henry B. Kacher, editor-in-chief, Lower right picture-Marga1·et Jean Uhl, associate editor. L~" r .L•J 888· T H E M A G I r; I A N OFFICERS Pim SID ENT STUART MOSS VICE-PRESIDENT CLIFFORD WALLET . SECRETARY CYRIL BARNETT TllEASURER HELEN DAVIS . FACULTY ADVISORS LE GRAND MEASF.LL BERNICJ!i VAN IIYNING MOTTO "The Will to Do, the Soul to Dare" The motto of this class will forever stay with the members of t he class. A long, hard struggle verifies this motto. One hundred and fourteen boys and girli; had the will to. do and the soul to dare. C LA S S C 0 L 0 R S The. class colors are brown and burnt orange. CLASS FLOWERS The flowers of the ClasR of June, ninteen hundred amt thirty-one arc yellow tea i·oscs and orchid .sweet peas. CLASS TOAST H ere's to the Class of .June ':31. May it never be forgotten through the yea1·s to come. May we cherish the delights of our happiness :forever. 'T' l-' ~ M .A G I f: I A l'' BEI--IOLD! ALL YE FROSH AND LOWLY PLEBES! ii 7 THE MAGIGIAN MAGICIAN Class R.oll Of June 3 I Class t-;ickname Hobby VERA DARIN DONALD ALDRICH " Darlin ~" Music "Dutch" Dog Catching STANLEY DAVIDSON EDGAR ALEXANDER "Stan" Boxing Bootlegging "Ed" HELEN DAVIS PAUL ANDERSON "Stinky" Reading "Andy" Eating CYRIL BARNETT MARY DELEGRANGE "Cy" Driving "Speed" You'd be surprised KATHERINE BARTEL HATTIE DIRHAM "Bart" Picking Violets "Dip" Victor MARGARET BAXENDALE NADINE EASTERLING "Baxie" Mb.iature Golf " Dene" R.,ading ANGELINE BEGG ARLENE ENGLE "Howdy" Sw:mming "Red" Dancing ROBERT BERLESKY FLORENCE FASSNACHT "Bob" Driving "Flo" Ro'ler-skating WILLIAM BERNARD JOSEPHINE FERRIS "Bill" Drivine- "Jo" Riding WILLIAM Bl ERLY VIRGINIA FINLEY " Bill" Drivine- " Gi'l1nie" Singing JOSEPH BODNAR MARGUERITE FORD "Joe" Violins "Peg". Tennis OLGA BOMBACK MOLLY FRANK "Oggie" Painting "Mui" Reading SAMUEL BONNER PAUL GALITZKY "Sam" Baseball "Paul" Courting P"lJLlNE BOUSCHER M~RGARET GERCA K "Bouchie" Boys ••Peggy" D ~ nc i n c HAROLD BRISTON DELMOND GETZ "l'Jc'cv" Sleeping "Del" Wrestling ELWOOD BUFFINGTON MARY GORANCE "Buff" Sports "Marv" Reading PAUL BURKE 'PH''5 A. GREP 'N ~ '<' "Burkv" p l,.vi.,g- Ball "C. de B." Th,. t Profile BEATRICE CAHALL EA.RL HACKNEY "Bea" p, ; ~. t;n' Up "Hatchet" n,._ncing EVELYN CAMPBELL ) ,1'fTONETTE HANZEL " Dick ~1" p; ... '...:-'="' (' .• .,,.£1.,wers "Tony" n '."l" ncing . r- \ IL CANTLEBERRY WOODROW ~ · ":. WSF. "Gan."'" 'lr... ,.,stling "Woodie" Fr>olin' 'round ELEANOR CARLISLE .roE HCIM "Sis" J :. .., ~ nd T-nis ''Baker n,..w-" ,.._ ... ;Tming JENNIE CHIRICH WILSON HELLER "Chi" Dancing "Wils" R.,.~~1 <: -<>: Violins FRANK CIMPERMAN MARTIN HEMKER "Ci...,~ " A II Sp of' ts "Mart,, S w-~ mmi...,~ IS" BELLE CONSTA~"l"INF. DONALD HETR'Cv . "Issy" Running "Don" Slee~in rr · CLARENCE CO:X MORAY HILLF. ' "Coxy" 'Baseball "Moray" c:. ...... ;mming LAUNETTA COX JnHN HORNACEK "l...-••" C..2onoeing "Johnn'e" Firrhtj.,.,. ~0WARD CRABTRFt:: ARLENE JRISS-f ,. "Crabl.•. " Singing "Tiny" .<;•~ .. tching r ~RMAINE DALY HENRY B. K",..H"'.R Driving "J:>,..,, t ,u K-"riD~ Co""Y / 0 THE MAGICIAN ANNA SHAMROV MARTIN SERYAK "Sham" Dancing "Mart" - Kidding EDITH SHIPLEY FRANK KAMENAR "Ham" Getting Bawled Out "Hank" Girla ANNE KING ALICE KEPLER "Kingie" Dancing "Jean" Collecting Stamps MICHAEL KROSNICK MILDRED SHREINER "Mike" Courting "Midge" Dating RAYMOND KUNGLE MAURICE SILVERMAN "Ray" Hunting "Moe" . Flyi.ng ANDREW LECON MARGARET SMELLER "Andy" Baseball "Mag" . Hiking BELLE LEVIN JOHN SMITH "Bellie" Swimming "Johnnie" Dating CATHERINE LIEBERTH ROY SMITH "Dot" Basketball "Smitty" "Irish Eyes" DORA LING GERALD SNYDER "Dumb Dora" Driving "Gerry" Reading ELIZABETH LUSTIG MAX SPARBER "Ley" Gassing "Schmelling" School Work HELEN MATTHEWS GRETCHEN STINE "Red" Drivi,ng "Gretch" Composing MARGARET MAURER ADAM TOMCIK "Mag" Dancing "Nite-Hawk" Sports STEPHANIA MA TOZEL· FRANK TONYA "Stef" Ta1~ing "'Guy" Sleeping RUTH MCCORKLE JAMES TROWBRIDGE " Corkie" Dancing "Jim" Eating FLORENCE MEYERS JEAN UHL "Flo" Dancing ''Jeannie" ' Da'tlcing STUART MOSS EDWARD VOYK "Stu" . Sports "Ed" Getting A's MARY MUNKACSY DOROTHY WALLACE "Dimples" Singing "Fat" Ge.Uing 'Thin GEORGE NAUMOV CLIFF08,D WALLET . "Geoq~ie" ' . Chemistry "P·nuta" Doing Others D~ rt ARCHIE OTTO HELEN WEAVER "Archie" Mesaing "Hudda" Writing ·Notes AUGUST PATIRCHEVICH LOUIS WEIGA!l!D - ~at" Working "Fat" ' -.,, Gin ARDELLA PILGER "' Vl.CTOR WEIGAND "Del" Dancing "Vic" " · r£ating JOSEPHINE PLATNER .,.. ELIZABETH WERNER · "Jo" Talking "Betty" Kiddin' Miss T~omaa DOROTHY POULTON FRANCIS WERNER . "Dot" Rol.ler-skating "Fran" • · """s-inging CATHERINE REDER MADALYN WILSON " Kitty" Swimming "Mannie" · Reaifing ETHEL RENNIE DOROTHY WILLIAMS "Nellie" Reading "Dot" Readin q ANDREW REP AR MILDRED WOOLDRIDGE "Andy" Reading "Mim" Swimming MARY RICHTER MADELINE-WRIGHT "Mary" _ Tennis "Mad" Swi.naming ROBERT SCOARSE JOHN YURCHIAK Sleeping "Johnny" Ba•eball JI 'T' l-f R M A G I C I A ""-' History of June '31 Class By Jean Uhl In the fall of 1927, more than president; Ciiffor<l Wallet, vice three lHrndred students entered presid~nt; Cyril Barnet, secretary; B.arberton High School as Fresh­ and Helen Davis, treasurer. The men B's. After the first few hec­ f irst big event of the first semes­ tic weeks, we held our first class ter was the selection of class colors meeting. Under the guidance of and clas;; blazers. After several Mr. M easell and Miss Baughman, weeks of arguing and fighting, we elected Victor Weigand as our brown and burnt orange were cho­ first president; Stuart Moss, vice sen as our colors. Our blazers president; Robert Berle~ky, secre­ were " different," too, in that they tary; and Mildred Shrerner, trea­ were of an entirely different style sur.er. · These officers led our and design from those of :any c:ass through that trying first other class. year. In the Senior B year, out' September of 1928 fou.nd us ·class managed the Recreation claEsed as Sophomores. This year Club dances and the big Alumni w2 again elected Victor Weigand dance held Friday, October 10. a:; class president. Robert Be~­ 1930, was the high light of the lesky was chosen as vice pres1- season. ch:nt; Miidred Shreiner, secretary; The Senior prom! That was the t ncl .Stua1t Moss, treasurer. Dur­ biggest social affair of our high ing this year Miss Baughman, one school career. The prom was held or" our class advisors resigned on the night of January HJ, and frnm this position and Miss Van to carry out the idea of the blus· I-Iyning was chosen to .fill the. va­ tery, winter weather, the gym was cancy. Mr. Mease]! still fulf1lled the scen e of a "winter carr.ival." his poi:.t and these two teach er s All d ccoraiio 1~s were in w hit e and have been our advisors since that silver and with that background.
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