, r Four ufcres of Dependable Service, THE BIGELOW PRESS Printers and ~thographers SOUTH BEND School Publications Direct Advertising Campaigns · ·Catalogues Booklets a~d Brothures Broadsides Art Calendars House Organs Advertising Novelties .. ·The Largest and Finest ·Plant of Its /{ind in Indiana .....'- OFFICIAL FOOTBALL 2 R E V I E W Best .Wishes of Ambassador Hotel Los Angele$, · California ,; A. Frank · and Ben Frank Congratulations to NOTRE.DAME on their SPLENDID Football Team · THE WESTCHESTER co·uNTRY CLUB Rye 1 New York UNIVERSITY NOTRE DAME 1932 EDITION 3 · Washington New York 'fo Heartly Anderson, his Assistants, and Every Member of the Squad · - · Congratulations ! ! I(ENNY BROS.~ Inc. CONTRACTORS· 302-3 Dyckman St., N. Y. C. Francis P. Kenny Thos. W. Kenny l OFFICIAL F .o 0 T B A L L i 4 .R E V I E W THE building of a standard Sq~ash Cou~t Your PersonaL CoLLateraL, needs more than a carpenters skill. Its .. I an expert's job, working with selected S t r. woods. And Bruns wick alone can supply Markets may falter, but why should our the same uniformity of workmanship and spirits sag ... or for that matter, our trousers? · materials on every installation. That's When these troubled times have become a why· there is a Brunswick Guarantee· of faded m~mory, a lot of men will be glad tore­ call that they didn't advertise depression with satisfaction with every Brunswick Squash last year's clothes. Court. Brunswick Billiard Tables and We're making suits and c_oats that present Bowling Alleys are built with the same the collateral of self-respect and hopefulness care and precision that goes into the for men who won't stay licked. construction of Brunswick Squash Courts.· Character and strength of in­ dividuality are still among us! And prices are at their lowest . The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. .@mkmi7~.1Nc. ., ""'I~ I S~%nlhYJ.70iihu General Offices 623-633 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois 106 South Main St., South Bend, Indiana A Building Organization SPALDING Athletic Equipment READY to play the game hard and ex­ pecting to deliver touc~downs of quality,. Has had the benefit of over half a century's experience in equipping the world's · leading economy and speed in construction .. athletes. Spalding makes athletic equipment for practically every sport played. Let us EXTENDS to this year's Fine, hard Fight­ outfit you for your seasonal sports activity. ing Notre Dame football team its sincere BASKETBALL BASEBALL FOOTBALL CONGRATULATIONS! SQUASH GOLF BOXING HANDBALL TENNIS SKATING SWIMMING TRACK . SOCCER Ralph Sollitt & Sons Construction Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS 211 South State Street CHICAGO, ILL. South Bend Chicago u'NIVERSITY NOTRE DAME 1932 EDITION 5 -- -- To the Fighting Irish­ Continued Success! O'Shea Kni~t.ing Mills Makers of Athletic Knitted Wear for every sport. Durable, quality par excellence. Edward B. Dunigan That's why the Fighting Irish use them. Oak Park·, Illinois 2414-24 N. Sacramento Ave. Telephone: Albany 5011 CHICAGO. D. C. O'Shea, President W. C. King, Secretdry BEST TO NOTRE DAME TEAMS A GROUP OF LOYAL FRIENDS OFFICIAL FOOTBALL 6 R E V I E W Congratulations Compliments TO A OF SPLENDID TEAM CROWN STOVE WORKS 4631 West 12th Place Edwards Iron Works CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 2901 So. Main SouTH BEND, INDIANA JUST LIKE A FINE CLUB The location of the New Lawrence is ·Unexcelled ... only 18 minutes from the loop by express serv­ ice. It overlooks the lake ... the elevated, bus and service lines arc but a minute or two away. Surround­ ing it is the famous Uptown shopping district. It is conve­ This beautiful $100,000 swimming pool is an nient to fine schools unusual and delightful feature enjoyed by and churches. Thea­ guests at the New Lawrence. When you tres and other places come home from a particularly hard day . of amusement are what joy to don your bathing suit ... hop right at hand. There into the elevator and in half a minute plunge is a coffee shop in into the cool sparkling depths of this tank . the building. one of Chicag<?'s. finest and largest. NEW LA WR~NCE HOTEL 1-2 and 3-Room Apartments-Hotel Rooms Attractive Monthly Rates-Daily Rates ·$2.50 and Up LAWRENCE AND KENMORE AYES (UPTOWN CHICAGO) - u' N I V E R S I T Y NOTRE DAME t932 EDITION 7 1932 Official Football Review University of Notre Dame Staff Joseph ~· Petritz ---------------------·------------------:------Editor-i~I-Chief Edmund G. Britz ----. -----·---------------------------------Busiuess Mauager Joseph J. Kurth ___________________________________________ :_ ___ Co-Publisher Michael R. Koken ----------------------------------------------Co-Publisher William C. Pierce ----------------------------------------------·Co-Publisher Emmett F. Murphy -----------------'---------------------------Co-Publisher Contributors Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell, C. S.C. Heartly W. Anderson Ed Bang Jesse C. Harper Robert F. Kelley Capt. Paul A. Host Harry MacNamara Arch \Vard Edward Burns ~Varren Brown Jack Ledden Francis \Vallace Ernest Mehl Ted Busing Edward J. Neil Grantland Rice Mark Kelly Pat Flanagan James S. Kearns Lawrence Perry \Villiam Flynn . Feg Murray J. A. McElligott \Verner Laufer \o/ alter Kennedy George Trevor Edmund Stephan Christy . \Valsh Edward Bcnnan Bert McGrane Edmund Moriarity James E. Armstrong Leslie Radditz Jimmy Corcoran Thomas Higgins U 'N IV E R S IT Y N 0 T R E o·A ME 1932 EDITION 9 Table of Contents PAGE Cover Design ---------------------------'------ --------------------------------.:_ __ Arthur N. Becvar Frontispiece (Composite Picture Notre Dame Fighting Face) ___ Courtesy Cleveland 1\lid-\Vcck Review. Dedication -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------11 Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell, C. S. C., President ____ ---------------------------------------------12-13 Jesse C. Harper, Director of Athletics ---------------------------- --------------------------14-15 Coach Hcartly \V. Anderson ------------------------------ . ____ ------ -------------------16-17 Captain Paul A. Host ----------------- _______ .:__ ------------- _________ _: ____ .::_ ______________ 18-19 Patrons ------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------20 Var~ty! ------~--------------------------------------------------------------------~----21 Varsity Coaches ________ -----------------------___ ------------------____ ~--- ___________ 22-2 3 Varsity Roster -------------------------------- ----~----------------------------------- 24-2 5 Capt. Paul Host and Joseph Kurth ----------- ____ ------------- ----------------------- _________ 26 James Harris and Edwin Kosky --------------------------------------------------------------27 J oscph Sheckctski and Michael Koken --------------------------------------------------------2 8 George Mclinkovich and Charles Jaskwhich ------------.---------------------------------------29 Norman-Grccney and. Edward Krause ------------______ .:: ________________ ------------------~-3 0 Emmett ~Iurphy ·and John Robinson --~--------------------------~-- ----------'--------------31 Benjamin Alexander and William Pierce -----------------------------------------------------32 Nicholas Lukats an~ Raymond Brancheau ---------------------------------------------------33 Hugh Devore and Stephan Banas ----------------------------------------------------------- __ 34 Thomas Gorman and Thomas Roach --------------------------------------------------------3 5 Lauric V cjar and James Leonard ____ -------------------------------------~-----------------3 6 Frank LaBornc and Joseph Pivarnik ___ -----------------------------------------------------37 ·Albert Costello and- Dominic Vairo --------'------ -------------------------------------------3 8 Harry Wunsch and Richard Pfefferle _____________ ----------------~--------------------------39 Norbert Raschcr and John Flynn ------ __ _ _____ --------------·- --~~-------------------------40 Albert McGutf and Rocco Schiralli __ --------------------------------------------------------41 Sturla Canale and _Michael Leding -----------___ ----------------·- . ___ ------ _________ _: __________ 42 ·John Tobin and Frederick Barstow ----.,----------------------------------------------------------43 _Intersectional Hamburgcrs_:._By lVilliam Flymz --- -----------------------------------------44-45 lnterhall Football-By James S. Keams ------------------------ _____ .. ___________ :__ ____________ _46-47 Here's News-Frosh Win!-By lVtzller Kennedy -------------- __________________ :._ ___________ 48-49 Men Behind the Team-By Leslie Raddil= ------------------- __ _ -------------------- _______ 50 A Hike to the Right-By Ted Husing ____ --------------------·--------------------------- _______ 51 Ar~y Aftcrmatli-By George Trnw --· --- ---------- -- __ ;_ ____ . ------------- ----- ----~- ___ 52-53 Broadcaster Oil-By W' arrczz Brown --------------------·- --- ------------------------- - _ .. _______ 54 Rockne System-By Ed Baug ------------------ -- ---- _. ___: __ .... ------------·---------·---- -----55 "Win Or Get Out!-By Bert McGrauc ------ --,-- ------------------------------------ ..,.- ________ 56 Rule 7, Section 2, Article 5-By Arcb \Vtzrtl _:._ ____ ------------------------------------------ ____ 57 Listening In To "Hunk" Anderson------ ---- - -----------·-------- '---------------- - -------.53-59 All-America-By Cbrisly \\1' alsb ---------------- __ :._ _________________________________ ------60-61 Brushing Up ·on the Ramblers (Drawing)-By \Vcrucr Laufer ___:_ ___________________________ 62 Oh, For the Life of a Radio Announcer-By P11t Flauagau
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