December 3, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2061 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO MAYOR WILLIAM was also the first elected official in the area to ASIAN CARP PREVENTION AND ROBERT HOLCOMB support Tom Bradley, the first African Amer- CONTROL ACT ican to run for California governor. HON. JOE BACA As a family man, Bob shared 64 years with SPEECH OF OF CALIFORNIA his wife and partner Penny. They had four IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children—Jay, who passed away in 1977, as HON. CANDICE S. MILLER Friday, December 3, 2010 well as daughter Terri Lee Holcomb-Halstead, OF MICHIGAN and sons William Holcomb and Robert Hol- Mr. BACA. Madam Speaker, I join today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES comb. with my colleague JERRY LEWIS to pay tribute Wednesday, December 1, 2010 to an outstanding leader, family man and civil On a personal note, I always appreciated servant, former San Bernardino Mayor William Bob’s friendship and his support of local ath- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Madam Speaker, Robert Holcomb. Mayor Holcomb passed letic teams. I remember one specific incident I rise today in support of S. 1421, The Asian away at the age of 88 on November 29, 2010. during his tenure as mayor, when our softball Carp Prevention and Control Act. Bob Holcomb was born on March 1, 1922 in field was too wet to play on due to rain. Bob This bill bans the importation of bighead San Bernardino, California, and dedicated his had seen how hard our team had worked to carp, more commonly known as ‘‘Asian carp.’’ life to his home town. He was a passionate get where it was, and wanted to make sure These fish have voracious appetites and can advocate for the city, and is well remembered that the game was played—so he brought in grow to weigh more than 100 pounds while as the champion who preserved the local helicopters to dry the fields, and the game eating everything in their path. Making them water supply. went off without a hitch. That story exemplifies yet more dangerous is that when agitated by The Holcomb family has deep roots in San the type of man that Bob was. sounds such as boat engines, these fish leap Bernardino County. William F. Holcomb, Bob’s Madam Speaker, Congressman LEWIS and I out of the water and have been known to great-grandfather, was a pioneer who discov- ask our colleagues to join us in remembering harm boat passengers, resulting in broken ered gold in the 19th century and led a gold a superb citizen and great community leader. bones or worse. rush in the San Bernardino Mountains. His fa- My wife Barbara and I, and JERRY and his wife ther, Grant Holcomb, served as the city mayor The real nightmare, however, Madam Arlene, will greatly miss the man who will al- from 1925 thru 1927. Speaker, is the impending devastation these Bob Holcomb graduated from San ways be known as Mayor Holcomb, and we fish can potentially wreak over the Great Bernardino High School, and later received a extend our sincere condolences to Penny and Lakes fishery. Asian carp eat up to 40 percent law degree from the Hastings College of Law his extended family. of their body weight every day, and would like- at the University of California-Berkeley. He in- ly out-compete native species in this $7 billion terrupted his studies during World War II to f fishery. This would result in the decimation of serve in the U.S. Army Air Corps. As a co- recreational and commercial fishing in the CONDEMNING NORTH KOREA FOR pilot, he flew bombing missions from England Great Lakes, which is currently known world- ATTACK AGAINST SOUTH KOREA to Germany. wide for its plentiful perch, walleye, whitefish, A practicing lawyer for 14 years, Bob began salmon, and much more. his political career by winning the fight to SPEECH OF While I’m happy to vote today in favor of S. maintain San Bernardino’s water independ- 1421 to prevent more Asian carp from being ence. The giant Metropolitan Water District of HON. RICK LARSEN imported into the country it will do nothing to Los Angeles made a concerted effort to take OF WASHINGTON stop the carp already here from entering the control of the extensive groundwater basin Great Lakes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES under San Bernardino. Holcomb led the cam- The fact of the matter is that the Federal paign against the plan, and voters ultimately Tuesday, November 30, 2010 Government’s response to Asian carp has decided to retain the San Bernardino Munic- been woefully inadequate. What is really nec- ipal Water District, which protects the local Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I essary is an ecological separation of the Great water supply to this day. rise today to condemn North Korea’s Lakes from the Chicago Waterway System, As a result of his leadership, Holcomb was unprovoked artillery attack against the Repub- which is the waterway by which bighead carp appointed as a city water commissioner, and lic of Korea. We stand with our treaty ally dur- are making their way toward the Great Lakes. served in that role until his first election as ing this challenging time. Bighead carp DNA has already been found in Mayor in 1970. The artillery attack against Yeonpyeong is Lake Michigan, and this separation must occur Considered one of the most dynamic may- before it’s too late and the fish get into the or’s in the city’s history, Bob Holcomb is cred- part of a recent pattern of aggressive and vio- lent behavior by the North. Earlier this year, a lake and take hold. I urge the President to ited with luring both the Little League Western move faster to address this threat as well as Headquarters and a California State University North Korean submarine attacked the South Korean ship Cheonan, killing 46 sailors. passage of more comprehensive legislation campus to San Bernardino. His administration that would do more to prevent this dangerous saw the founding of the Norman Feldheym li- I commend the Administration for standing invasive species from entering the Great brary and a new City Hall. He was instru- side by side with South Korea. South Korea is Lakes. mental in the creation of the regional transpor- a strong trading partner and ally in the Asia- The bills I sincerely wish we were voting on tation agency, Omnitrans. Pacific region. South Korea, and all countries today, H.R. 4472: Close All Routes and Pre- Over three decades, Bob continued the fam- around the world, must know that the U.S. vent Asian Carp Today Act of 2010 and H.R. ily tradition of public service with a career as stands with its friends. Mayor from 1971 until 1985, and another term 5625 Permanent Prevention of Asian Carp Act from 1989 through 1993. With 18 years, Bob Our nation has been steadfast in our sup- of 2010, both sponsored by my colleague from is the city’s longest-serving mayor. port of our Korean allies for over 60 years. We Michigan, DAVE CAMP, and of which I am a He was recognized for both his international will not waver now. proud co-sponsor, which would enact a much interests and a passion for civil rights. He It is time for all nations interested in a stable stronger attack against the Asian carp which helped create a sister-city partnership with and denuclearized Korean peninsula to de- poses an imminent threat to our magnificent Tachikawa, Japan that has lasted for 51 nounce the recent aggression by North Korea Great Lakes. years. And he was a strong supporter of de- and work for continued peace and prosperity I urge passage of the Asian Carp Preven- segregation of San Bernardino schools. He in the region. tion and Control Act. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:35 Dec 04, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03DE8.001 E03DEPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with REMARKS E2062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 3, 2010 TRIBUTE TO MERLE REED POST I also ask that you join me in honoring its Madam Speaker, on rollcall No. 598 on H. 124 membership for their service to their commu- Res. 1638, on Motion to Suspend the Rules nity and its veterans, and for their commitment and Agree, supporting the goals and ideals of HON. JIM COSTA to the ideals of the American Legion. National GEAR UP Day, I am not recorded because I was absent because I was giving OF CALIFORNIA f birth to my baby daughter. Had I been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE DEFICIT present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Friday, December 3, 2010 Madam Speaker, on rollcall No. 599 on H. Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to HON. GWEN MOORE Res. 1598, on Motion to Suspend the Rules pay tribute to the American Legion Merle OF WISCONSIN and Agree, expressing support for the des- Reed Post 124 of Delano, California on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ignation of the month of October as National occasion of the 90th anniversary of their char- Friday, December 3, 2010 Work and Family Month, I am not recorded ter. In honor of this momentous occasion, the because I was absent because I was giving Post will celebrate at the Past Commanders Ms.
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